Let's not forget the real reason for gun rights

Yup. Ask the Dakota protesters how non-violent protesting is going. How many of the lunatics at the bird sanctuary in Oregon were hospitalized by rubber bullets? Caught hypothermia from thugs blasting them with freezing water?

Liberals, drop your gun control bullshit and arm up. A powerful minority in the country just voted in a man to the Presidency in the hopes that he'll come after you and yours. Know your rights and use them.

Did you get a gun?
Already had 2. I've barely used either in years. I'm thinking it's time to start practicing again.

Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

No.....AK-47s are status symbols in gun free France...and the criminals in gun free Australia have turned Melbourne into the city of the gun....and British criminals get guns easily....as do the criminals in Mexico...

The only people who can't get guns easily.in these countries......the law abiding tax payers....
Yup. Ask the Dakota protesters how non-violent protesting is going. How many of the lunatics at the bird sanctuary in Oregon were hospitalized by rubber bullets? Caught hypothermia from thugs blasting them with freezing water?

Liberals, drop your gun control bullshit and arm up. A powerful minority in the country just voted in a man to the Presidency in the hopes that he'll come after you and yours. Know your rights and use them.

Did you get a gun?
Already had 2. I've barely used either in years. I'm thinking it's time to start practicing again.

Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......
Two is to keep ourselves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

Lol. I find this funny. You're as perfidious as they come Jake. You seem to think guns are for protecting you from people whose opinions you disagree with. What are you going to do? Kill them? When have they come beating down your door wanting to force their social and cultural taboos on you?

Why do you lie about the purpose of the Second Amendment, Jake?
I uncover snakes in the woods like you, Etherion. You fool no one. You fascists of the alt right will not take American back to the sixties. One of the purposes of the 2dA is to protect all Americans from extremism of the far right and the far left.

Who wants to go back to the 60s...the democrats were lynching blacks, blowing up black churches and enforcing jim crow laws...the Republicans want to finally end democrat racism against minorities...and we have a chance to do that now...
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.

Jake, I thought taking up arms against the government was sedition???? Isn't that what you were saying until Nov 9?
The far right and alt right are absolutely chaffed they can't intimidate anyone anymore.

They are such a buncha snowflakes and cuchs.
Uhhh, you DO realize, don't you, that the wailing and caterwauling is coming from the left side of things that lost in this last election and are absolutely in a panic that they are out of power? It's not the right that's rioting.
You do realize that you guys got stupid in Trump's rallies hurt some people, were told stop, hurt some more people, and then got the snot kicked out of you by the lefties for months.

You are simply mad the 2dA is there to protect all Americans from foes foreign and domestic.

No...those were people in the pay of bob craemer and scott foval who admitted on video that they worked directly for the democrat national committee....on video...they hired people to create violence at Trump rallies...
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.
No one is coming after you because no one gives a shit about your historical ignorant opinions. .Martin Luther King Jr. did more for the Civil rights movement by non-violent protest. If the Black Community had armed itself past a certain point the racist leaders in this country aka. Democrats would have used it as an excuse to crush them.
Something many of you people still need to realize is that the government we need to protect ourselves from is about 50/50 DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS. Not one or the other. One big machine. Wolves disguised as elephants or donkeys (or asses, if you will).

Hells yeah.
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.
No one is coming after you because no one gives a shit about your historical ignorant opinions. .Martin Luther King Jr. did more for the Civil rights movement by non-violent protest. If the Black Community had armed itself past a certain point the racist leaders in this country aka. Democrats would have used it as an excuse to crush them.

not all of them. The black folks that is. See, back in the day they did arm up and shoot it out and they were indeed crushed. But your average Joe black dude was not likely to be unarmed. See there was a reason the sister humpers in white sheets only went after them at night or when the victim was alone.
No American has the right to use violence to force others to share their opinion.

We the People through our government and 2dA rights are protected against those who would try to violently impose on others their political, social, and cultural opinions.
Agreed. Our Second Amendment rights also allow us to protect ourselves from an oppressive government seeking to use violence to force their opinion upon us.
Did you get a gun?
Already had 2. I've barely used either in years. I'm thinking it's time to start practicing again.

Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......

Well, I am not a 60 year old, 5'4" woman with bad hips and arthritis. I'm a healthy man capable of fighting with my fists -- guns are not a practical solution for self defense. Guns trick you into thinking it's a good solution and give you a false sense of security.
Already had 2. I've barely used either in years. I'm thinking it's time to start practicing again.

Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......

Well, I am not a 60 year old, 5'4" woman with bad hips and arthritis. I'm a healthy man capable of fighting with my fists -- guns are not a practical solution for self defense. Guns trick you into thinking it's a good solution and give you a false sense of security.
You bring your fists to a gun fight and see who leaves alive.
Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......

Well, I am not a 60 year old, 5'4" woman with bad hips and arthritis. I'm a healthy man capable of fighting with my fists -- guns are not a practical solution for self defense. Guns trick you into thinking it's a good solution and give you a false sense of security.
You bring your fists to a gun fight and see who leaves alive.
Exactly. One day it may be that the only thing that can stop you people is a gun. Democrats need to drop the gun control BS and arm up.
Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......

Well, I am not a 60 year old, 5'4" woman with bad hips and arthritis. I'm a healthy man capable of fighting with my fists -- guns are not a practical solution for self defense. Guns trick you into thinking it's a good solution and give you a false sense of security.
You bring your fists to a gun fight and see who leaves alive.

All of these arguments like "bring a knife to a gun fight, bring your fists to a gun fight" make the assumption that you even have time to get your gun from a securely stored location. This simply isn't realistic and you guys know that. It is far more likely that you'll find yourself in a situation forced to defend yourself without notice and without access to your gun than you will find yourself in a situation where your attacker gives you a heads up and says "Hey, I'm gonna attack you and rob you. I'm gonna count to 10, to give you time to go get your gun, so you can come back armed so we can have an equal fight. Ready? 1....2...."
So you would troll rather than argue on the OP? OK.

Why do you not support our 2dA rights, Soggy.

Dude, the OP that the 2nd amendment was put in place to you and your fellow alt lefters from the alt right is retarded.
Thank you for finally addressing the OP instead of just flaming, kiddo. :lol:

The 2dA is to protect us from enemies domestic and foreign. The alt right is domestic and dangerous, so the other 85% of America has its eyes of the Alt Right.

OK, please lit the alt-right folks that you say your so afraid of.

I'll wait.

Christ, never mind... go get your Play Doh and coloring book and head off to your safe space Snowflake.
Damn Jake you really are slow.

Without guns, the elites and statists would get away with every thing.

Did it ever occur to you that without guns, the USA would not exist? Would any revolutionary movement exist without guns? Of course not...you silly doufus.

Of course, without guns your heroes Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc........would likely have not gained power and murdered millions. I suppose they would have found other ways to murder people...right?
They gained power on waves of extreme nationalism and xenophobia. History tends to repeat itself. That's why Democrats need to drop the anti-gun bullshit and prepare themselves.

Yeah, by all means attack the heartland under your rainbow flags.

A bunch of gun fearing libs gonna do soooooooooooo much damage.

One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.
No one is coming after you because no one gives a shit about your historical ignorant opinions. .Martin Luther King Jr. did more for the Civil rights movement by non-violent protest. If the Black Community had armed itself past a certain point the racist leaders in this country aka. Democrats would have used it as an excuse to crush them.

MLK tried to get a concealed carry permit but the democrats in his state refused to let him get one....
Already had 2. I've barely used either in years. I'm thinking it's time to start practicing again.

Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......

Well, I am not a 60 year old, 5'4" woman with bad hips and arthritis. I'm a healthy man capable of fighting with my fists -- guns are not a practical solution for self defense. Guns trick you into thinking it's a good solution and give you a false sense of security.

You really have no idea what you are talking about...please do some research into gun self defense...how often they are used, how often they are fired in a self defense encounter......you will learn a lot. Guns are the most effective method of physical self defense....which is why governments disarm their citizens so often.
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.

The point I always get stuck on is that resorting to a gun to do your protection for you seems....almost counter-productive and impractical. It's such a powerful last resort with the possibility of actually killing another human being in a fight of defense. Seems more practical, even though it would require more effort, to take some street-level self defense classes and take up some fighting/UFC/boxing training. What if your gun isn't easily accessible in an emergency situation? You better goddamn know how to defend yourself without a weapon. Know what I'm saying?

Boy...you aren't very bright....tell the 60 year old, 5' 4" woman with bad hips and arthritis to learn Brazilian jujutsu or Krav Maga......

Have you ever studied actual self defense with guns...in the real world....? You should really study this before you post.......

Well, I am not a 60 year old, 5'4" woman with bad hips and arthritis. I'm a healthy man capable of fighting with my fists -- guns are not a practical solution for self defense. Guns trick you into thinking it's a good solution and give you a false sense of security.
You bring your fists to a gun fight and see who leaves alive.

All of these arguments like "bring a knife to a gun fight, bring your fists to a gun fight" make the assumption that you even have time to get your gun from a securely stored location. This simply isn't realistic and you guys know that. It is far more likely that you'll find yourself in a situation forced to defend yourself without notice and without access to your gun than you will find yourself in a situation where your attacker gives you a heads up and says "Hey, I'm gonna attack you and rob you. I'm gonna count to 10, to give you time to go get your gun, so you can come back armed so we can have an equal fight. Ready? 1....2...."

Do you understand what concealed and open carry are? Do you ever study actual cases of gun self defense?

Are you actually an adult? I have to think you are a teenager or something , for the responses you have given.....there is nothing wrong with that....but you really need to do more research....

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