Let's play a game! It's called, who's the REAL racist.

Oh I remember Carter very well. You keep pretending you are the only person who remembers. I remember the fuel ration stamps, the high interest rates, and the terrible condition of our military like it was yesterday.

You leftist are something else.

Carter could deliver one hellava malaise speech. Of course, he should be thanked. That speech helped usher in the best president of my lifetime.

Carter was the only U.S. President to accomplish peace of substance in the Middle East.

While not a perfect President- he accomplished something no President before or after accomplished.

There was no peace in the Middle East under Carter. Are you joking? He withdrew support of the Shaw and backed Saddam's overthrow of the Iraqi government in a coup. He kicked off the war between Iraq and Iran to help the Saudi family. Even sold chemical weapons to Saddam. Carter was a miserable failure.

All you are doing is demonstrating your ignorance of history.

Really. Look who is talking. Everything I posted is fact and when I get back to my office I am going to splatter your worthless opinion all over this page. You are a total fucking moron.

Ah I must have hurt your little feelings, since you have reverted to 12 year old mode again......LOL....

That you have right, dcm. Goldwater was not racist. That is not why he opposed the CRA. He opposed it because he did not comprehend what is the Constitution.

The civil rights act was a flagrant violation of the 10th amendment, you're the one who doesn't understand the Constitution, Jake
That you have right, dcm. Goldwater was not racist. That is not why he opposed the CRA. He opposed it because he did not comprehend what is the Constitution.

The civil rights act was a flagrant violation of the 10th amendment, you're the one who doesn't understand the Constitution, Jake
Looks like the Federal Government had to stop states from abusing its citizens

Why we need a strong federal government
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It changed before 1964. It changed under Roosevelt. You really don't know the history of our country besides for talking points.

The black vote started to change under Roosevelt, but didn't completely transition until after 1964.

The white voted shifted after 1964.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citations.

What you do is cherry pick shit and ignore everything else.

LOL how very ironic. Since you so desperately want to ignore the facts.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citation

When I get to a computer instead of my phone I'll post some good stuff. Sorry but I work for a living and I don't live in my mom's basement.

So glad you finally got a job and got out of that basement.

Meanwhile I will continue to post facts- and you will post what you post......

Here you go dumb fucks....welcome to a real education:

LBJ on Civil Rights prior to realizing that the southern strategy was a losing one and adopting the Tammany Hall strategy that was working for the Democratic Political Machines in the northern big cities.

Time to suck on this for a while you lying, cherry-picking liberal douchebags

This civil rights program about which you have heard so much is a farce and a sham; an effort to set up a police state in the guise of liberty. I am opposed to that program. I fought it in the Congress. It is the province of the state to run its own elections. I am opposed to the anti-lynching bill because the federal government has no business enacting a law against one kind of murder than another... If a man can tell you who you must hire, he can tell you who not to employ. I have met this head on.

In response to the 1956 Desegregation ruling in Brown: In 1956, LBJ killed the civil rights bill in congress to secure his position within the party and stated he was "strongly and irrevocably opposed to forced integration of the races“. Due to the hostility the BROWN cases had build up in the South, he decreased thepromotion of desegregated schools, to prevent bitterness in the South.

There is your hero LBJ. Revisionist want to claim that he was the guiding hand of Civil Rights and that is total leftist bullshit. The fact was that he reluctantly turned to embrace it only after it was politically expedient for his to do so.

I have forgone posting all of his actual racist remarks but if one needs further proof you can see the nature of the racism in his conversation. Leftist say that this was just a sign of the times but you will find that Eisenhower and Truman were much more progressive in their support of civil rights than Johnson was right up until it would have cost the Democrats too much not to make the change.

Good luck on your continued education....you need it.
Carter could deliver one hellava malaise speech. Of course, he should be thanked. That speech helped usher in the best president of my lifetime.

Carter was the only U.S. President to accomplish peace of substance in the Middle East.

While not a perfect President- he accomplished something no President before or after accomplished.

There was no peace in the Middle East under Carter. Are you joking? He withdrew support of the Shaw and backed Saddam's overthrow of the Iraqi government in a coup. He kicked off the war between Iraq and Iran to help the Saudi family. Even sold chemical weapons to Saddam. Carter was a miserable failure.

All you are doing is demonstrating your ignorance of history.

Really. Look who is talking. Everything I posted is fact and when I get back to my office I am going to splatter your worthless opinion all over this page. You are a total fucking moron.

Ah I must have hurt your little feelings, since you have reverted to 12 year old mode again......LOL....



  • Jaw day.jpg
    Jaw day.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 44
That you have right, dcm. Goldwater was not racist. That is not why he opposed the CRA. He opposed it because he did not comprehend what is the Constitution.

The civil rights act was a flagrant violation of the 10th amendment, you're the one who doesn't understand the Constitution, Jake

That's what George Wallace thought.

Of course the Supreme Court disagreed with you and Wallace.
The black vote started to change under Roosevelt, but didn't completely transition until after 1964.

The white voted shifted after 1964.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citations.

What you do is cherry pick shit and ignore everything else.

LOL how very ironic. Since you so desperately want to ignore the facts.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citation

When I get to a computer instead of my phone I'll post some good stuff. Sorry but I work for a living and I don't live in my mom's basement.

So glad you finally got a job and got out of that basement.

Meanwhile I will continue to post facts- and you will post what you post......

Time to suck on this for a while you lying, cherry-picking liberal douchebags.

You do seem to be obsessed with sucking and douchebags.

But just like Wallace- you hate liberals.
What you do is cherry pick shit and ignore everything else.

LOL how very ironic. Since you so desperately want to ignore the facts.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citation

When I get to a computer instead of my phone I'll post some good stuff. Sorry but I work for a living and I don't live in my mom's basement.

So glad you finally got a job and got out of that basement.

Meanwhile I will continue to post facts- and you will post what you post......

Time to suck on this for a while you lying, cherry-picking liberal douchebags.

You do seem to be obsessed with sucking and douchebags.

But just like Wallace- you hate liberals.

That is what I thought you piece of shit lying liberal. You can't stand the facts. You asked for proof and I posted it and you've got zero, nada, zilch. Just your fucking talking points. I called it from the get go and you have proven my point. You are a moron who doesn't know jack shit about history. You are a cherry-picking fucker who probably found this shit before I even posted it but is unwilling to admit it until I post the undeniable proof and now you refuse to acknowledge it and instead act like the little cry baby I knew you were.

Welcome to Liberalism the height of intellectual bankruptcy.
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.

Hillary Clinton- born 1947- grandmother of 1
Donald Trump- born 1946- grandfather of 6

Once again the Trumpsters show their 'great respect' for women.

yeah I know, white men are the only ones not deserving of respect. Gottja.
LOL how very ironic. Since you so desperately want to ignore the facts.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citation

When I get to a computer instead of my phone I'll post some good stuff. Sorry but I work for a living and I don't live in my mom's basement.

So glad you finally got a job and got out of that basement.

Meanwhile I will continue to post facts- and you will post what you post......

Time to suck on this for a while you lying, cherry-picking liberal douchebags.

You do seem to be obsessed with sucking and douchebags.

But just like Wallace- you hate liberals.

That is what I thought you piece of shit lying liberal. You can't stand the facts. You asked for proof and I posted it and you've got zero, nada, zilch. Just your fucking talking points. I called it from the get go and you have proven my point. You are a moron who doesn't know jack shit about history. You are a cherry-picking fucker who probably found this shit before I even posted it but is unwilling to admit it until I post the undeniable proof and now you refuse to acknowledge it and instead act like the little cry baby I knew you were.

Welcome to Liberalism the height of intellectual bankruptcy.


  • Vagisil.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 46
There is your hero LBJ. Revisionist want to claim that he was the guiding hand of Civil Rights and that is total leftist bullshit. The fact was that he reluctantly turned to embrace it only after it was politically expedient for his to do so..

Not revisionists- historians 'want to claim' he was the guiding hand of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill- and that is of course completely accurate- and just like Wallace- you find that to be 'leftist bullshit'

The fact is that no one did more to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Bill than LBJ

The Civil Rights Era - NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom | Exhibitions - Library of Congress

In June 1963, President John Kennedy asked Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill, induced by massive resistance to desegregation and the murder of Medgar Evers. After Kennedy’s assassination in November, President Lyndon Johnson pressed hard, with the support of Roy Wilkins and Clarence Mitchell, to secure the bill’s passage the following year. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It banned discrimination in employment and created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to enforce compliance. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.

“After the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Johnson would make civil rights the
centerpiece of his new administration. And what the tapes indicate is the extent to which
LBJ devoted considerable time and energy to this cause between November of 1963 and
July of 1964
Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.

Hillary Clinton- born 1947- grandmother of 1
Donald Trump- born 1946- grandfather of 6

Once again the Trumpsters show their 'great respect' for women.

yeah I know, white men are the only ones not deserving of respect. Gottja.

Yeah I know, you think kicking puppies is great fun. Gottja.
That you have right, dcm. Goldwater was not racist. That is not why he opposed the CRA. He opposed it because he did not comprehend what is the Constitution.

The civil rights act was a flagrant violation of the 10th amendment, you're the one who doesn't understand the Constitution, Jake
Only in the minds of libertarian dooshes was the CRA illegal.
  • Eisenhower's letter to LBJ on the 1957 Civil Right Act after LBJ killed it in Congress to save his party..
Except the 1957 Civil Rights Act was passed by LBJ in Congress- and Eisenhower signed it- and fyi- that is not Eisenhower's letter.

The bill passed the House with a vote of 285 to 126 (Republicans 167–19 for, Democrats 118–107 for)[4] and the Senate 72 to 18 (Republicans 43–0 for, Democrats 29–18 for).[5] President Eisenhower signed it on September 9, 1957.
LOL how very ironic. Since you so desperately want to ignore the facts.

It really is funny that all you post is talking points- while I provide actual quotes and citation

When I get to a computer instead of my phone I'll post some good stuff. Sorry but I work for a living and I don't live in my mom's basement.

So glad you finally got a job and got out of that basement.

Meanwhile I will continue to post facts- and you will post what you post......

Time to suck on this for a while you lying, cherry-picking liberal douchebags.

You do seem to be obsessed with sucking and douchebags.

But just like Wallace- you hate liberals.

That is what I thought you piece of shit lying liberal. You can't stand the facts. You asked for proof and I posted it and you've got zero, nada, zilch. Just your fucking talking points. I called it from the get go and you have proven my point. You are a moron who doesn't know jack shit about history. You are a cherry-picking fucker who probably found this shit before I even posted it but is unwilling to admit it until I post the undeniable proof and now you refuse to acknowledge it and instead act like the little cry baby I knew you were.

Welcome to Liberalism the height of intellectual bankruptcy.
You are the bankrupt one, dave. This argument of yours has been tried and tried again and it always fails. So I am not going to argue with you.

The Pubs did nt have the votes they needed to have a strong CR bill and LBJ at that time could not provide enough dem votes to make that strong bill happen.

All of that changed by 1964. LBJ had the votes, the Southern Republican in the Senate and the House voted against the bill totally while a few Dems from the South vote for it.

The bill passed because of Democratic leadership and votes supported by the minority Pubs.
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Hillary has proven that she is a fraud and doesnt care for Black People, hasnt anyone ever taken notice that we never see Hillary Clinton in the same pic as Michelle,,or a photo of Hillary hugging and kissing Michelle O?

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't want to be in any pictures with younger people that will make her look even more like the old dried up grandma she is.

Hillary Clinton- born 1947- grandmother of 1
Donald Trump- born 1946- grandfather of 6

Once again the Trumpsters show their 'great respect' for women.
I a
yeah I know, white men are the only ones not deserving of respect. Gottja.
I am sad that you are race sick. Really, you are deserving of respect, just not control.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 - the Civil Rights Digital Library
crdl.usg.edu › EventsUniversity System of Georgia
Apr 24, 2016 - On September 9, 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Originally proposed by Attorney General Herbert Brownell, the Act marked the first occasion since Reconstruction that the federal government undertook significant legislative action to protect civil rights.

This was basically a weak voting rights bill.
There is your hero LBJ. Revisionist want to claim that he was the guiding hand of Civil Rights and that is total leftist bullshit. The fact was that he reluctantly turned to embrace it only after it was politically expedient for his to do so..

Not revisionists- historians 'want to claim' he was the guiding hand of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill- and that is of course completely accurate- and just like Wallace- you find that to be 'leftist bullshit'

The fact is that no one did more to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Bill than LBJ

The Civil Rights Era - NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom | Exhibitions - Library of Congress

In June 1963, President John Kennedy asked Congress for a comprehensive civil rights bill, induced by massive resistance to desegregation and the murder of Medgar Evers. After Kennedy’s assassination in November, President Lyndon Johnson pressed hard, with the support of Roy Wilkins and Clarence Mitchell, to secure the bill’s passage the following year. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It banned discrimination in employment and created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to enforce compliance. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.

“After the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Johnson would make civil rights the
centerpiece of his new administration. And what the tapes indicate is the extent to which
LBJ devoted considerable time and energy to this cause between November of 1963 and
July of 1964

I love how you want to use liberal propaganda pieces created after the fact as proof for the way you think.

The fact is that the 1964 Legislation was a continuation of the process that Republicans had been running with the 1957 and 1960 Civil Right Acts.

As proof: Time magazine even largely credited Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.) for pushing the sweeping legislation through, putting him on the cover after final passage.

Johnson even credited Dirksen:

Johnson told Dirksen: “The attorney general said that you were very helpful and did an excellent job and that I ought to tell you that I admire you … and I told him that I had already done that for some time … . You’re worthy of the Land of Lincoln. And a man from Illinois is going to pass the bill, and I’ll see that you get proper attention and credit.”

Horace Cooper was quoted in an article for The Blaze that at the time the 1964 bill was debated “it was clear [that] distinguished leaders of the Democratic Party were the opponents … we didn’t have 24-hour news then, but people who were paying attention knew who opposed it.”

Johnson played his role in 1964, but he is not the one who should get all the credit as he was the major roadblock from the years of 1956 until 1964. By doing so, you betray the herculean efforts of other people both well known and not so famous who worked tirelessly in that fight.

Don't be an intellectually bankrupt liberal. Just admit that this was a fight that forced the Democrats to capitulate and capitulate LBJ did.
The 1964 act was different in kind, not just degree.

It had teeth. And the GOP should be credited for following the Dems' lead in 1964.

Dave's revision is taught in college as a counter point that the professors then demolish with the whole truth.

DaveC is simply not truthy, is he?
I have forgone posting all of his actual racist remarks but if one needs further proof you can see the nature of the racism in his conversation. Leftist say that this was just a sign of the times but you will find that Eisenhower and Truman were much more progressive in their support of civil rights than Johnson was right up until it would have cost the Democrats too much not to make the change..

I give cred to both Eisenhower and Truman for their accomplishments- but once again- Johnson is the one that had the most impact.
Note- you haven't provided even the slightest bit of evidence to support your claims that Johnson's only reason for supporting the 1964 Civil Rights act was because it would have 'cost too much'- when in actuality- Johnson (accurately)predicted passage would cost the Democrats the South.

Summer 2004: Civil Rights Act

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