Let's play a game! It's called, who's the REAL racist.

You are full of crap as his political career is well documented as he was instrumental in stopping civil rights legislation for over a decade before realizing he could use it to boost the party. In 1948, he called Truman's civil rights proposal a farce and a sham and stated that he will vote against the so called poll tax repeal bill and that he would vote against the anti-lynching bill.

He again stood against the 1957 civil rights bill under Eisenhower.

His great society program has been both the greatest contributor of the breakdown in black families, the largest contributor to increased national expenditures, created inner-city slums, and has been the fuel that has kept the Democratic Party alive.

Your argument is not based in reality but in liberal talking points. You are just to damned stupid to see reality.

LBJ cancelled Kennedy's Executive Orders to scale down our involvement in Vietnam and instead sent over 50,000 men to their death in a war where he also made sure that the enemy could not be attacked in Hanoi to win the war.

You leftist scream about Bush lied and people died while celebrating a man who killed 50,000 men and wounded over 300,000. Over 9 million men had to pay a direct price for this war mongering piece of shit, racist, manipulative scumbag.
Johnson was a politician. He was Senate leader during the time you mention and kept his position through the goodwill of important senators like Russell of GA, Byrd of VA, and other diehard racists.
But his actions as president and even before that belie the idea he was a racist. He insisted on dinners he attended being desegregated and employed a black secretary for years. And took her with him to events.
You have a very simplistic, superficial understanding of Johnson, who was enormously complex. But then again this is the internet age and you probably do most of your "research" on Wiki.

He was a manipulative piece of shit Democrat who cared about nothing but his own political power.
There is no question he was a manipulative and obnoxious piece of shit. He once kicked Hubert Humphrey because Humphrey wasnt doing what he wanted fast enouigh.
But his record on civil rights was very strong.

Yes, he strongly opposed it until he was President and saw that he would lose political power if he didn't support it like the Republicans were doing at the time. In Congress, he fought against it and as Vice-President he tried to advise Kennedy against it.

For his first two years, JFK wanted no part of Civil Rights...he just wanted it to go away
It was not until his third year in office that events in the south pushed JFK to where he had to do something

LBJ could have easily killed the Civil Rights bill once he became President. He could have declared his public support and then worked behind the scenes to make sure it never passed. But instead, LBJ used every power he had to make sure it passed...it was his finest hour


Without LBJ the 1964 Civil Rights Act would not have passed.
Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.
Yeah Im a big liberal all right.
It is a slander on Johnson to say he was a racist.
What is the last biography of him you read?

You don't need a biography. He was a member of Congress with a lengthy history of racism.
You don't need facts. Character assassination is enough. Go read a biography and come back when you know something.

Nobody needs a politically slanted biography or movie as it is not the truth. His record while in Congress is all you need. It is fact without your liberal revisionist slant.

Keep defending your racist democrats and their political tricks that re-enslaved the blacks.

Johnson was a man born in Texas in the beginning of the 20th century. O f course he used the word n1gger. Everyone from that period and place used the word.
But Johnson started his career teaching poor Mexicans in school and had an affinity for groups who suffered from discrimination.
Your arguments are facile and without substance.

My favorite story about LBJ(and I think I have this right) was about when he was a teacher- and found out that the janitor was illiterate, and either came early or stayed late every day to teach this minority janitor how to read and write.

LBJ was no saint. But he considered the passage of 1964 Civil Rights Act his finest accomplishment.
How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry
It's not bigotry to say "All Muslims will be barred"? Yes, of course it is.
That is not what he said. You of course left out one crucial phrase.

Doesnt make any difference. It is bigotry.

No it's not, it's being prudent and protecting America
Bigotry is prudent? I don't think so.
So don't 'think so' asshole!
It's not 'bigotry' to want to make sure people coming into the country aren't terrorists.
Or doesn't it matter to you that the next time a fucking muslim terrorist decides to murder your family?
It's not bigotry to say "All Muslims will be barred"? Yes, of course it is.
That is not what he said. You of course left out one crucial phrase.

Doesnt make any difference. It is bigotry.

No it's not, it's being prudent and protecting America
Bigotry is prudent? I don't think so.
So don't 'think so' asshole!
It's not 'bigotry' to want to make sure people coming into the country aren't terrorists.
Or doesn't it matter to you that the next time a fucking muslim terrorist decides to murder your family?
Rabbi is an open borders anti American jobs scumbag. Better to hire an illegal & save 2 bucks than employ an American
How stupid are you?

What I said has nothing to do with not wanting non-white people in America. I was stating the fact that Democrats used to be able to win national elections extremely easily in a overwhelmingly white America and now they lose the white vote convincingly every election because the Democratic Party today is for racists and retards.

Democrats destroyed white families by pushing white women to forgo having children until they are heavily involved in their careers and don't have time for more than one kid. Democrats destroyed white families by emasculating white men with trillions of dollars of propaganda and forcing white adults to support ever more welfare dependent non-whites who continue to have 3 or 4 kids while they are living on welfare. Democrats are directly responsible for the decline in white birth rates in every way imaginable and they will pay for it sooner or later.

BTW, European nationalists say the same thing about non-whites in Europe but those racist non-white right wingers insist there are no natives of Europe.

You said a lot of really stupid shit .. still doing it.

"Democrats are responsible for declining white births". :lol: Nothing short of absolutely moronic.

Regardless of your incredible ignorance for why the Republican Party is so rejected and on the path to becoming the Whigs, suffice it to say that America is evolving .. as it was always going to do .. and in the evolution, republicans and all they stand for is being rejected.

Many republicans have warned of this coming evolution, yet most republicans did nothing to alter their racist behavior.

So, stop fucking whining. Republicans put themselves in this position and were too fucking dumb to do anything about it even when they saw it coming.
"Stupid shit" is anything that disagrees with, and directly conflicts with your pathetically juvenile, fascist and racist worldview.

Without demographics changing Democrats wouldn't have a prayer of being elected dog catcher in fucking Berkeley California using their "progressive" BS platform, much less the presidency.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back and no one will even know the Democrat party ever existed 3 generations from now.

:0) WOW

Exactly how do you propose republicans will "change the demographics back?" I bet you think this country is for white people only, huh? :0) You clowns are still fighting the Civil War .. and still losing. :0)

Since 1932 there have been 13 US presidents .. 7 democrats, 6 republicans. .. I feel like I should write the implications of that in crayon for you. It means that democrats were getting elected as president long before demographics changed. They didn't need make it change when they were winning just as society was. In fact, they were winning by wider margins then they are now. You're fucking stupid.

If you clowns actually had brains, you would have recognized the evolution of the American population long ago .. AND would have known that your infantile racist thoughts would put you in the very position you find yourself in today. But you're stupid .. so you want to blame democrats for your pitiful plight. :lol:

How sad .. woe is you. :lol:

Here .. take this with you :lol:

Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.
You said a lot of really stupid shit .. still doing it.

"Democrats are responsible for declining white births". :lol: Nothing short of absolutely moronic.

Regardless of your incredible ignorance for why the Republican Party is so rejected and on the path to becoming the Whigs, suffice it to say that America is evolving .. as it was always going to do .. and in the evolution, republicans and all they stand for is being rejected.

Many republicans have warned of this coming evolution, yet most republicans did nothing to alter their racist behavior.

So, stop fucking whining. Republicans put themselves in this position and were too fucking dumb to do anything about it even when they saw it coming.
"Stupid shit" is anything that disagrees with, and directly conflicts with your pathetically juvenile, fascist and racist worldview.

Without demographics changing Democrats wouldn't have a prayer of being elected dog catcher in fucking Berkeley California using their "progressive" BS platform, much less the presidency.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back and no one will even know the Democrat party ever existed 3 generations from now.

:0) WOW

Exactly how do you propose republicans will "change the demographics back?" I bet you think this country is for white people only, huh? :0) You clowns are still fighting the Civil War .. and still losing. :0)

Since 1932 there have been 13 US presidents .. 7 democrats, 6 republicans. .. I feel like I should write the implications of that in crayon for you. It means that democrats were getting elected as president long before demographics changed. They didn't need make it change when they were winning just as society was. In fact, they were winning by wider margins then they are now. You're fucking stupid.

If you clowns actually had brains, you would have recognized the evolution of the American population long ago .. AND would have known that your infantile racist thoughts would put you in the very position you find yourself in today. But you're stupid .. so you want to blame democrats for your pitiful plight. :lol:

How sad .. woe is you. :lol:

Here .. take this with you :lol:

Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


GOP’s Favorability Rating Edges Lower


The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump
Articles: The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump

‘Browning Of America’ Is Tearing The GOP Apart
'Browning Of America' Is Tearing The GOP Apart

Crawl away you ignorant clown. :0)
I'll have them niggas voting democrat for the next hundred years.
They're super predators.


No Muslims allowed till we get to the bottom of what's going on.
I'll deport the illegals & build a wall.

Which set of statements constitutes racism?
Both of them. Although "Muslim" is technically not a race so it is merely bigotry.
what was the question? Was the word bigotry in there?
"Stupid shit" is anything that disagrees with, and directly conflicts with your pathetically juvenile, fascist and racist worldview.

Without demographics changing Democrats wouldn't have a prayer of being elected dog catcher in fucking Berkeley California using their "progressive" BS platform, much less the presidency.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back and no one will even know the Democrat party ever existed 3 generations from now.

:0) WOW

Exactly how do you propose republicans will "change the demographics back?" I bet you think this country is for white people only, huh? :0) You clowns are still fighting the Civil War .. and still losing. :0)

Since 1932 there have been 13 US presidents .. 7 democrats, 6 republicans. .. I feel like I should write the implications of that in crayon for you. It means that democrats were getting elected as president long before demographics changed. They didn't need make it change when they were winning just as society was. In fact, they were winning by wider margins then they are now. You're fucking stupid.

If you clowns actually had brains, you would have recognized the evolution of the American population long ago .. AND would have known that your infantile racist thoughts would put you in the very position you find yourself in today. But you're stupid .. so you want to blame democrats for your pitiful plight. :lol:

How sad .. woe is you. :lol:

Here .. take this with you :lol:

Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


GOP’s Favorability Rating Edges Lower


The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump
Articles: The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump

‘Browning Of America’ Is Tearing The GOP Apart
'Browning Of America' Is Tearing The GOP Apart

Crawl away you ignorant clown. :0)

The above most certainly explains why republicans hold the power of Congress and currently enjoy the most state governorship ;)
[QUOTE="Syriusly, post:

Without LBJ the 1964 Civil Rights Act would not have passed.[/QUOTE]
Is that why the Democrats opposed it and majority of Republicans supported it?
"Stupid shit" is anything that disagrees with, and directly conflicts with your pathetically juvenile, fascist and racist worldview.

Without demographics changing Democrats wouldn't have a prayer of being elected dog catcher in fucking Berkeley California using their "progressive" BS platform, much less the presidency.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back and no one will even know the Democrat party ever existed 3 generations from now.

:0) WOW

Exactly how do you propose republicans will "change the demographics back?" I bet you think this country is for white people only, huh? :0) You clowns are still fighting the Civil War .. and still losing. :0)

Since 1932 there have been 13 US presidents .. 7 democrats, 6 republicans. .. I feel like I should write the implications of that in crayon for you. It means that democrats were getting elected as president long before demographics changed. They didn't need make it change when they were winning just as society was. In fact, they were winning by wider margins then they are now. You're fucking stupid.

If you clowns actually had brains, you would have recognized the evolution of the American population long ago .. AND would have known that your infantile racist thoughts would put you in the very position you find yourself in today. But you're stupid .. so you want to blame democrats for your pitiful plight. :lol:

How sad .. woe is you. :lol:

Here .. take this with you :lol:

Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


GOP’s Favorability Rating Edges Lower


The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump
Articles: The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump

‘Browning Of America’ Is Tearing The GOP Apart
'Browning Of America' Is Tearing The GOP Apart

Crawl away you ignorant clown. :0)
Trump is making the GOP relevant again you moron.

The low approval ratings are a result of both Trump supporters and Democrats hating the Republican Party while Democrats are mindlessly in love with their party despite not liking Hillary very much.

If Trump was the cause or a contributor for the low approval of the GOP then he wouldn't even be in sniping distance of Hillary in ANY national poll.

Even if Republicans never win another national election again Trump will turn the Republican Party into the right wing equivalent of the 60s radicals and we still will be able to forcible change this country indefinitely until the demographics give us political power again. It is our time to "rage against the machine" and "stick it to the man" with civil(and uncivil) disobedience and riots.
:0) WOW

Exactly how do you propose republicans will "change the demographics back?" I bet you think this country is for white people only, huh? :0) You clowns are still fighting the Civil War .. and still losing. :0)

Since 1932 there have been 13 US presidents .. 7 democrats, 6 republicans. .. I feel like I should write the implications of that in crayon for you. It means that democrats were getting elected as president long before demographics changed. They didn't need make it change when they were winning just as society was. In fact, they were winning by wider margins then they are now. You're fucking stupid.

If you clowns actually had brains, you would have recognized the evolution of the American population long ago .. AND would have known that your infantile racist thoughts would put you in the very position you find yourself in today. But you're stupid .. so you want to blame democrats for your pitiful plight. :lol:

How sad .. woe is you. :lol:

Here .. take this with you :lol:

Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


GOP’s Favorability Rating Edges Lower


The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump
Articles: The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump

‘Browning Of America’ Is Tearing The GOP Apart
'Browning Of America' Is Tearing The GOP Apart

Crawl away you ignorant clown. :0)

The above most certainly explains why republicans hold the power of Congress and currently enjoy the most state governorship ;)
"But, but, that is just because gerrymandering...."
Johnson was a man born in Texas in the beginning of the 20th century. O f course he used the word n1gger. Everyone from that period and place used the word.
But Johnson started his career teaching poor Mexicans in school and had an affinity for groups who suffered from discrimination.
Your arguments are facile and without substance.

You are full of crap as his political career is well documented as he was instrumental in stopping civil rights legislation for over a decade before realizing he could use it to boost the party. In 1948, he called Truman's civil rights proposal a farce and a sham and stated that he will vote against the so called poll tax repeal bill and that he would vote against the anti-lynching bill.

He again stood against the 1957 civil rights bill under Eisenhower.

His great society program has been both the greatest contributor of the breakdown in black families, the largest contributor to increased national expenditures, created inner-city slums, and has been the fuel that has kept the Democratic Party alive.

Your argument is not based in reality but in liberal talking points. You are just to damned stupid to see reality.

LBJ cancelled Kennedy's Executive Orders to scale down our involvement in Vietnam and instead sent over 50,000 men to their death in a war where he also made sure that the enemy could not be attacked in Hanoi to win the war.

You leftist scream about Bush lied and people died while celebrating a man who killed 50,000 men and wounded over 300,000. Over 9 million men had to pay a direct price for this war mongering piece of shit, racist, manipulative scumbag.
Johnson was a politician. He was Senate leader during the time you mention and kept his position through the goodwill of important senators like Russell of GA, Byrd of VA, and other diehard racists.
But his actions as president and even before that belie the idea he was a racist. He insisted on dinners he attended being desegregated and employed a black secretary for years. And took her with him to events.
You have a very simplistic, superficial understanding of Johnson, who was enormously complex. But then again this is the internet age and you probably do most of your "research" on Wiki.

He was a manipulative piece of shit Democrat who cared about nothing but his own political power.
There is no question he was a manipulative and obnoxious piece of shit. He once kicked Hubert Humphrey because Humphrey wasnt doing what he wanted fast enouigh.
But his record on civil rights was very strong.

Yes, he strongly opposed it until he was President and saw that he would lose political power if he didn't support it like the Republicans were doing at the time. In Congress, he fought against it and as Vice-President he tried to advise Kennedy against it.
thats about 180 degrees fro the truth. Kennedy pushed it and Johnson was onboard. He had to shame the Republicans into supporting in. Go read Caro's book before you sound stupid again.
It's not bigotry to say "All Muslims will be barred"? Yes, of course it is.
That is not what he said. You of course left out one crucial phrase.

Doesnt make any difference. It is bigotry.

No it's not, it's being prudent and protecting America
Bigotry is prudent? I don't think so.
So don't 'think so' asshole!
It's not 'bigotry' to want to make sure people coming into the country aren't terrorists.
Or doesn't it matter to you that the next time a fucking muslim terrorist decides to murder your family?
Not every terrorist is a Muslim. Not every Muslim is a terrorist.
/end discussion.
I'll have them niggas voting democrat for the next hundred years.
They're super predators.


No Muslims allowed till we get to the bottom of what's going on.
I'll deport the illegals & build a wall.

Which set of statements constitutes racism?
Both of them. Although "Muslim" is technically not a race so it is merely bigotry.
Vetting for own security is bigotry? Not vetting is idiotic and dangerous!
[QUOTE="Syriusly, post:

Without LBJ the 1964 Civil Rights Act would not have passed.
Is that why the Democrats opposed it and majority of Republicans supported it?[/QUOTE]
Democrats didnt oppose it. Only the Southern Dems did. The Dems up North were horrified by segregation.
That is not what he said. You of course left out one crucial phrase.

Doesnt make any difference. It is bigotry.

No it's not, it's being prudent and protecting America
Bigotry is prudent? I don't think so.
So don't 'think so' asshole!
It's not 'bigotry' to want to make sure people coming into the country aren't terrorists.
Or doesn't it matter to you that the next time a fucking muslim terrorist decides to murder your family?
Not every terrorist is a Muslim. Not every Muslim is a terrorist.
/end discussion.
No, that is not the end of discussion. Radical Muslims are often terrorists so people coming from Muslim countries should be vetted. Then we have a handle on who has terrorist ties and who is not dangerous to the American people.
:0) WOW

Exactly how do you propose republicans will "change the demographics back?" I bet you think this country is for white people only, huh? :0) You clowns are still fighting the Civil War .. and still losing. :0)

Since 1932 there have been 13 US presidents .. 7 democrats, 6 republicans. .. I feel like I should write the implications of that in crayon for you. It means that democrats were getting elected as president long before demographics changed. They didn't need make it change when they were winning just as society was. In fact, they were winning by wider margins then they are now. You're fucking stupid.

If you clowns actually had brains, you would have recognized the evolution of the American population long ago .. AND would have known that your infantile racist thoughts would put you in the very position you find yourself in today. But you're stupid .. so you want to blame democrats for your pitiful plight. :lol:

How sad .. woe is you. :lol:

Here .. take this with you :lol:

Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


GOP’s Favorability Rating Edges Lower


The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump
Articles: The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump

‘Browning Of America’ Is Tearing The GOP Apart
'Browning Of America' Is Tearing The GOP Apart

Crawl away you ignorant clown. :0)

The above most certainly explains why republicans hold the power of Congress and currently enjoy the most state governorship ;)

Obamacare is why they do .. easily predictable.

Yet, Obama is still the president and has been for two terms .. but how about I step back from your intra-party squabbles and allow you to duke this out with these guys. :0)

Former Republican: 6 Reasons the GOP Is Doomed
The formerly Grand Old Party needs to change to survive. But all we're seeing are botox solutions.
Former Republican: 6 Reasons the GOP Is Doomed

Forbes: Rest In Peace To The Republican Party
Rest In Peace To The Republican Party
Can you be any more stupid?

I already told you that Democrats used to win more easily than they do today in a nearly all white America, that was my fucking point. Democrats don't win the same kinds of voters that presidents like Roosevelt won easily because today's Democratic Party is a fucking joke solely relying on demographics to win elections they have absolutely no business winning.

Democrats should be disqualified from running in American elections based on their positions being nothing but treasonous.

Republicans will never win far right racist minorities and Democrats will eventually split or dissolve because of non-white Nazis like you forming your own party anyway.

:0) What a whiny little wuss you are. "Democrats should be disqualified" because racist assholes like you don't like them. :lol: If it wasn't for rhe makeup of the American population, republicans would be winning all the elections. :lol: Ignorant

What fucking difference does it make that democrats aren't getting the same voters they had 50 years ago? .. They're still winning. At one point, nearly all African-Americans were republicans, thus, republicans aren't getting the same voters they had either .. The difference is that republicans are dwindling and can't win a national election .. thus, can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court.

How about this Susie.. I'll leave you to your sorry ass whining about democrats .. and I'll just keep doing whatever the fuck I want.
Democrats believe America can't have functioning borders to defend its sovereignty. Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment is outdated. Democrats believe in segregation via "safe spaces". Democrats believe Islam is a peaceful religion while they never stop attacking Christians for being against homosexual relations. Democrats believe in city ordinances overuling federal law("city rights")

Every single belief Democrats currently have is fundamentally against this nation as it was founded, and only those with no understanding of the founding of this nation vote for them.

All Republicans have to do to end your treasonous party is continue to punch back unapologetically until the pedestal comes crashing down and all you inbred retards are exposed for the crackheads you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


GOP’s Favorability Rating Edges Lower


The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump
Articles: The Republican Party Died Long Before Trump

‘Browning Of America’ Is Tearing The GOP Apart
'Browning Of America' Is Tearing The GOP Apart

Crawl away you ignorant clown. :0)

The above most certainly explains why republicans hold the power of Congress and currently enjoy the most state governorship ;)

Obamacare is why they do .. easily predictable.

Yet, Obama is still the president and has been for two terms .. but how about I step back from your intra-party squabbles and allow you to duke this out with these guys. :0)

Former Republican: 6 Reasons the GOP Is Doomed
The formerly Grand Old Party needs to change to survive. But all we're seeing are botox solutions.
Former Republican: 6 Reasons the GOP Is Doomed

Forbes: Rest In Peace To The Republican Party
Rest In Peace To The Republican Party

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

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