Let's Play 'Name That Hillary Clinton Accomplishment'!

As Secretary of State, Hillary championed the use of diplomacy over the use of military force to resolve conflicts

Something her Republican predecessors were unable to accomplish

you mean like in libya?

and how has that method worked out for the syrian people?
- Named after Sir Edmund Hillary..... NOT!
--- The problem was that Mrs. Clinton was born before the guy ever climbed Mt. Everest. (Just like Obama said his birth was inspired by Selma - NOT!)

- Helped Russia buy 1/5th of the US's Uranium - TRUE!

- Landed under sniper fire to visit the troops... NOT!

- Actually tried to sell the Russians several Aleutian Islands and their mineral rights but was stopped when the story got out - TRUE!

- Her State Department / Hillary helped edit the CIA's initial report on Benghazi, modifying it 13 times and removing all references to 'terrorism' while helping to concoct the lie about a video...TRUE.

- Said 9/11/01 'scarred her' because Chelsea was taking a stroll on the streets of New York very, very close to the World Trade Center, and she almost died. ...NOT!

- Was FIRED from the Watergate legal team because of 'unethical behavior'....TRUE!

- Claims her family was 'dead-broke' when they left the WH....NOT!
--- We wish we could all be that 'dead broke'! They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s billions funding your vacations, private airfare and security, food, housing, and all, a measly few millions could be a rough adjustment, huh?

- She claims to have been instrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process....NOT!
--- Except those who actually were at the negotiating table say Hillary was nowhere to be seen

- She claims she's JUST LIKE 'YOU'....NOT!
--- Yeah, because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, and makes about $200K for every speaking engagement. Being like any of us WOULD be an 'accomplishment' for Hillary....but she would loathe herself because she would have to be one of the 'unwashed common people'...who she associates with extremely well. As her husband said, 'I feel your pain'...except I do it while enjoying my millions of dollars and enjoying my lavish, elitist life style'.
As Secretary of State, Hillary championed the use of diplomacy over the use of military force to resolve conflicts

Something her Republican predecessors were unable to accomplish
As in Libya and Syria, right??

And how did that work out????

I didn't see any boots on the ground did you?
What kind of an accomplishment would an invasion be?
As Secretary of State, Hillary championed the use of diplomacy over the use of military force to resolve conflicts

Something her Republican predecessors were unable to accomplish

you mean like in libya?

and how has that method worked out for the syrian people?

Hillary also championed having our allies take the burden of resolving these conflicts and not having the US be the worlds policeman
As Secretary of State, Hillary championed the use of diplomacy over the use of military force to resolve conflicts

Something her Republican predecessors were unable to accomplish
As in Libya and Syria, right??

And how did that work out????

I didn't see any boots on the ground did you?
What kind of an accomplishment would an invasion be?
Sure, there are boots on the ground there now...

Ever heard of ISIS????
Apparently being Secretary of State or a US Senator or Yale Law grad or first female anything aren't accomplishments sooo.... She is rich. Or is making an enormous amount of money not an accomplishment anymore either? Pretty silly thread. Maybe don't get so carried away with zingers and one liners from campaigns. Sure, it gets a few laughs, but not much substance behind it.

they arent accomplishments when you failed at them Einstein. look around the world; tell me where hillary's time as Sec of State made a difference?
we have republican congress critters on record saying she was a better secretary of state than kerry is....

Do you need a war or a treaty with iran, for a secretary of state to be good?
As Secretary of State, Hillary championed the use of diplomacy over the use of military force to resolve conflicts

Something her Republican predecessors were unable to accomplish
As in Libya and Syria, right??

And how did that work out????

I didn't see any boots on the ground did you?
What kind of an accomplishment would an invasion be?

Seriously RW so who is guiding our fighter pilots to attack the ISIS?
The problem with Republicans is they need a war before they consider something an accomplishment

Diplomacy is for pussies
Apparently being Secretary of State or a US Senator or Yale Law grad or first female anything aren't accomplishments sooo.... She is rich. Or is making an enormous amount of money not an accomplishment anymore either? Pretty silly thread. Maybe don't get so carried away with zingers and one liners from campaigns. Sure, it gets a few laughs, but not much substance behind it.

they arent accomplishments when you failed at them Einstein. look around the world; tell me where hillary's time as Sec of State made a difference?
we have republican congress critters on record saying she was a better secretary of state than kerry is....

Do you need a war or a treaty with iran, for a secretary of state to be good?
A case of the claps is also "better" than a case of AIDS, right???
Apparently being Secretary of State or a US Senator or Yale Law grad or first female anything aren't accomplishments sooo.... She is rich. Or is making an enormous amount of money not an accomplishment anymore either? Pretty silly thread. Maybe don't get so carried away with zingers and one liners from campaigns. Sure, it gets a few laughs, but not much substance behind it.

they arent accomplishments when you failed at them Einstein. look around the world; tell me where hillary's time as Sec of State made a difference?
we have republican congress critters on record saying she was a better secretary of state than kerry is....

Do you need a war or a treaty with iran, for a secretary of state to be good?

yawn; AS I PREVIOUSLY SAID; the world is on fire across the planet, in places where it wasnt at the height of the Iraq War under bush. is the world a better place since her time in office?

iraq sure was when condi left; and those other conflicts didnt exist
In the last debate Carly Fiorina said the best way to stump a Democrat was to ask them to name a Hillary Clinton Accomplishment.... Not only was this pretty darn funny, but it was pretty accurate, too:

Hillary, Name Your #1 Accomplishment - 'Buy My Book' (aka, "Show Me The Money!")
- Blitzer Asks Her To Name Her #1 Accomplishment . Hillary Can’t Name One, either, but does say “If anybody is interested — you know there is a long list of what I have done and I’m very proud of it. You can read my book ‘Hard Choices’.”

(20 May 15) Halperin Finds Iowa Democrats Can’t Name Hillary Accomplishments as Secretary of State
- For his With All Due Respect show on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin sat down with a focus group of Iowa Democratic voters to discuss Hillary Clinton‘s prospects for the 2016 presidential election. While the group fawned over the former First Lady’s personality and politics (one called her a “bad mama jama”), they were stumped when Halperin asked them to name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State.

20 May 15) Iowa Dems can’t name a Hillary accomplishment either
- During the 2008 election, a local Democratic official got stuck for an answer during a Hardball interview when asked to name Barack Obama’s accomplishments. Seven years later, a roomful of Iowa Democrats gets stumped by Mark Halperin when asking the same question about Hillary Clinton and her years at the White House. One respondent, clearly embarrassed, laughs and asks Halperin, “You want to give me a minute?” She then adds, “Give me two minutes.”

(21 June 15) On 'The View,' Co-Host Rosie Perez Struggles Badly to List Hillary's
- On Thursday's edition of The View on ABC, co-host Rosie Perez took offense at Jeb Bush for suggesting Hillary Clinton had no accomplishments in the Senate or as Secretary of State…then struggled to list any.

State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ...- - State Department Press Secretary Jen Psaki was flummoxed when asked to name even one of Hillary’s accomplishments: 'I am certain that those who were here at the time, who worked hard on that effort, could point out one,' Psaki replied through a forced smile. 'I’m sure there are a range of things that were put into place that I’m not even aware of,' she offered moments later. A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki’s gaffe was shown on TV.


so funny.... you're whining about Hillary but would vote for someone who doesn't even know who the world leadersd are.

and wackadoodle..... top 100 attorney in the country, first lady, senator from ny, secretary of state far more respected than anyone since colin powell.

if that weren't the case, you all wouldn't be whinging continually.

the rightwingnut delusions and derangement are getting old and boring and, interestingly, only work on other deluded and deranged rightwingnuts.
With all due respect, Jillian...the question wasn't what "jobs" Hillary Clinton has held...it's what she's accomplished while holding one of those jobs. The fact that so many of her supporters can't come up with a single accomplishment for her is rather telling. It paints her as someone who is more sizzle than steak!
The problem with Republicans is they need a war before they consider something an accomplishment

Diplomacy is for pussies

are you proud obama and hillary made Libya ALL ON THEIR OWN a safe haven for Al Qaeda AND ISIS; and a center for brutal human smugglers, without putting any troops on the ground???
Trump business failures.

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Are you proud the obama/hillary State Department drew a "red line" in syria and allowed them to cross it?
Trump business failures.

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the thread is about hillary

who is deflecting now idiot?
so funny.... you're whining about Hillary but would vote for someone who doesn't even know who the world leadersd are.

and wackadoodle..... top 100 attorney in the country, first lady, senator from ny, secretary of state far more respected than anyone since colin powell.

if that weren't the case, you all wouldn't be whinging continually.

the rightwingnut delusions and derangement are getting old and boring and, interestingly, only work on other deluded and deranged rightwingnuts.

So "respected" that she is under investigation by the FBI for exposing classified intelligence to foreign powers..

Stick to eating bon-bons and watching Law & Order reruns...
Apparently being Secretary of State or a US Senator or Yale Law grad or first female anything aren't accomplishments sooo.... She is rich. Or is making an enormous amount of money not an accomplishment anymore either? Pretty silly thread. Maybe don't get so carried away with zingers and one liners from campaigns. Sure, it gets a few laughs, but not much substance behind it.

they arent accomplishments when you failed at them Einstein. look around the world; tell me where hillary's time as Sec of State made a difference?
we have republican congress critters on record saying she was a better secretary of state than kerry is....

Do you need a war or a treaty with iran, for a secretary of state to be good?

yawn; AS I PREVIOUSLY SAID; the world is on fire across the planet, in places where it wasnt at the height of the Iraq War under bush. is the world a better place since her time in office?

iraq sure was when condi left; and those other conflicts didnt exist

We didn't need to be in Iraq in the first place and much of what has happened in the Middle East is a direct result of it.
are you proud hillary presented russian leaders with a plastic "reset button", with a mis-translated message on it?

how DID that reset go? what did obama's own people say about who is our biggest enemy now?

isnt it the same country Romney said it was?

idiots and hypocrites
Trump business failures.

1. Trump Airlines
2. Trump Vodka
3. Trump Casinos
4. Trump The Game
5. Trump Magazine
6. Trump Steaks
7. Go.Trump.com
8. Trump University
9. Trump Mortgage
10. Trumps marriages
11. Trumps hair
12. Trumps Bankruptcies
13. The New Jersey Generals
14. Trump Tower Tampa

the thread is about hillary

who is deflecting now idiot?

You didn't want to talk about Republican accomplishments as a comparison. Too bad.

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