Let's raise the minimum wage! It's good for business, it's good for America!

How do you feel about your Congressperson voting in favor of the minimum wage?

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This has been a hot button issue this campaign season, with the Democrat morons salivating at the mouth at the votes they hope to buy with promises of a minimum wage increase. Is there actually support among the people for this, though?
I want at least 40 dollars an hour...
Yea make it $40 bucks an hour and price caps on everything.

Cigs $2 dollars a carton

Gas 26 cents a gallon

Case of bud light $3 bucks

8 ball of cocaine $6 bucks

Blow jobs one dolla
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Ok and all the left over money goes to me, I can spend it better then the government and you.

I don't want or need your money. You don't get it do you? The rich people set all the standards and they are the ones that want , nay, NEED money, for the black military budget , and supporting civilian contractors to build or fight for things we didn't really need or ask for, and tax us in the process to do IT. What a world we live in.
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Ok and all the left over money goes to me, I can spend it better then the government and you.

I don't want or need your money. You don't get it do you? The rich people set all the standards and they are the ones that want , nay, NEED money, for the black military budget , and supporting civilian contractors to build or fight for things we didn't really need or ask for, and tax us in the process to do IT. What a world we live in.

So why would you have a maximum salary?

What's the point?


And see I would be the perfect guy to receive that extra money, instead of paying $1,000 for a hammer I would just go to the local flea market and buy one for $3 bucks.

Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Ok and all the left over money goes to me, I can spend it better then the government and you.

I don't want or need your money. You don't get it do you? The rich people set all the standards and they are the ones that want , nay, NEED money, for the black military budget , and supporting civilian contractors to build or fight for things we didn't really need or ask for, and tax us in the process to do IT. What a world we live in.

So why would you have a maximum salary?

What's the point?


And see I would be the perfect guy to receive that extra money, instead of paying $1,000 for a hammer I would just go to the local flea market and buy one for $3 bucks.

I want what I deserve, I don't think anyone deserves a special extra pay rate MORE because they have a special status arbitrarily. Sports stars, Actors, CEOs, I don't care anymore. I work just as hard, too. Cut the Maximum wage.
Is there another possibility? A limit on maxim income? Let's go the other way here. CEO's or actors or sports stars, all get a cap on their income limit based on percentage of average American worker income. Period.

Ok and all the left over money goes to me, I can spend it better then the government and you.

I don't want or need your money. You don't get it do you? The rich people set all the standards and they are the ones that want , nay, NEED money, for the black military budget , and supporting civilian contractors to build or fight for things we didn't really need or ask for, and tax us in the process to do IT. What a world we live in.

So why would you have a maximum salary?

What's the point?


And see I would be the perfect guy to receive that extra money, instead of paying $1,000 for a hammer I would just go to the local flea market and buy one for $3 bucks.

I want what I deserve, I don't think anyone deserves a special extra pay rate MORE because they have a special status arbitrarily. Sports stars, Actors, CEOs, I don't care anymore. I work just as hard, too. Cut the Maximum wage.

Nobody gets paid by how hard they work. People get paid by how much money they bring in to their employer.

The more money you bring in to your employer, the more money you are worth or will get paid. If you are a waitress, you bring in some money to your employer. If you are a famous singer, you bring in a lot of money to your employer. The famous singer will get paid much more than you as a waitress.
My employer gets to manipulate my worth, Vis a Vis momentary income I make. I don't get to evaluate His worth, it's a one way street here. There are more workers than employers, reminds me of the French revolution. Push the lower class the so called Fifth estate, the 99% and heads will roll. Don't push it.
My employer gets to manipulate my worth, Vis a Vis momentary income I make. I don't get to evaluate His worth, it's a one way street here. There are more workers than employers, reminds me of the French revolution. Push the lower class the so called Fifth estate, the 99% and heads will roll. Don't push it.

Actually, you do get to evaluate his worth. You do it every day. Is it worth it to you to stay working there?

Also, you should be evaluating your own worth. If it's a one way street, then you're doing it wrong. Perhaps you need to actually research your market value to determine whether you are being under paid.
And yet again Norman; How would raising the minimum wage make it illegal for the poor to work?
And yet again Norman; How would raising the minimum wage make it illegal for the poor to work?

Are you asking how making it illegal to work makes it illegal to work?

You know the law makes it illegal to work if you earn less than X amount an hour. That's kind of the definition of minimum wage...
And yet again Norman; How would raising the minimum wage make it illegal for the poor to work?

Are you asking how making it illegal to work makes it illegal to work?

You know the law makes it illegal to work if you earn less than X amount an hour. That's kind of the definition of minimum wage...

Are you asking how making it illegal to work makes it illegal to work?

You know the law makes it illegal to work if you earn less than X amount an hour. That's kind of the definition of minimum wage...

No, the law makes it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.
Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.
Gee, wonder how angry greedy white Republican dude's gonna vote on this one? :laugh:
Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.

Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.

Shouldn't it be raised to equal the rise in costs? Business has but forgot to pass it on to their employees.
A fast-food manager is talking to his crew, six or seven people standing around him with brooms, spatulas etc.

He says:

"I have good news, and I have bad news.

"The good news is, the new Minimum Wage law says I have to pay you more.

"The bad news is, I can't afford that, so two of you are fired."
If we do this, we need to immediately give everyone else a substantial raise as well.
The people who get screwed when a sudden high minimum wage is enacted, are people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 an hour.
If they do not also receive a large raise, inflation will have a big impact.
Of course if you do this, you'll be right back where you started.

Let's cut through the crap here and be honest. Burger flippers and many other no-skill low-skill entry jobs are NOT worth $15 bucks an hour !

These jobs were NEVER intended to be so-called "living wage" jobs.
The idea here is to enter the workforce, at a lower wage, then through your own choices, and hard work, you work your way up to jobs that pay more.
Let's be honest. If the only jobs these people can get is burger flippers is your argument that they don't deserve to be paid enough to afford rent and utilities?

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