Let's Review What Racism Actually Is

How the fuck was anyone exposed to modern science?

That has to be the most stupidest statement in awhile..
It's probably only stupid to stupid people. Isolated societies throughout the world who aren't exposed to modern society and science are still believers in the supernatural.
Do you still believe in witch doctors. Isn't your god a witch doctor too?
I'm certainly in denial of the 6000 year old earth, while 49% of Americans aren't.
You have a very bigoted view of what Christian believe. I have never believed the earth is 6,000 years old. The Bible nowhere says that. Adam was created about 6,000 years ago though. Jews know this too. Your hatred and bigotry makes you ignorant.
It's probably only stupid to stupid people. Isolated societies throughout the world who aren't exposed to modern society and science are still believers in the supernatural.
Do you still believe in witch doctors. Isn't your god a witch doctor too?
You are one ignorant fool Asia and Europe were separated for a long time yet they both developed, why didn't the porch monkeys in Africa ?
If there are no races, then there can be no racism. Leftists cant have it both ways.

And, for the record, I do pre-judge blacks that I see. I EXPECT certain negative behavior until they show me that isn't their behavior. I expect them to be thin-skinned and looking for excuses to be offended -- until they show me that's not who they are. I expect them to be loud, vulgar, wih zero control over their emotions -- until they show me that's not who they are. I expect them to be thieves and shopplifters -- until they show me thats not who they are.

They are the only group I pre-judge negatively
Is your logo/meme a reflection of you, or what you think of the Democrat Party?
You have a very bigoted view of what Christian believe. I have never believed the earth is 6,000 years old. The Bible nowhere says that. Adam was created about 6,000 years ago though. Jews know this too. Your hatred and bigotry makes you ignorant.
The bible actually does infer the 6000 year old earth and something like nearly half of Americans stick by it. The begots prove it for them. If you don't believe it then you're in the minority of American Christians. This a parallel to answer the question asked by this topic.

Are you claiming to be an enlightened Christian? You won't make it as a spokesperson for the Christian religion. And enlightened leaders of Christian churches are just so far mostly ignored when they come out of their closets and believe evolution over creation. Are you even aware yet?
Is it poor English, or are you this stupid. Witch doctors exist. How can you ask if someone "believes in them."
So you believe in real witch doctors with supernatural powers?
If so then you're caught believing in primitive superstitious beliefs.
And if you don't believe in them having supernatural powers then you'r trying to evade the facts on religious beliefs.

Pove any of your supernatural nonsense and I know a man who will give you a million bucks!
You are one ignorant fool Asia and Europe were separated for a long time yet they both developed, why didn't the porch monkeys in Africa ?
There's your own proof of you being a racist.
It's American and many are very proud of being racists.

Trump has brought it out of the closets of the American south where it's been moldering away since the 60's, along with your pointy hats and your bedsheets with eye holes.
There's your own proof of you being a racist.
It's American and many are very proud of being racists.

Trump has brought it out of the closets of the American south where it's been moldering away since the 60's, along with your pointy hats and your bedsheets with eye holes.
Try to deflect and call me a racist is what true racist do.

Once again you ignorant fool, how come europe, Asia and tribes like the Aztecs evolved but not porch monkeys in Africa?
Yeah, but why does my quote look different to what I actually said?
Well, you can quote someone and then modify what they say magically through the wizardry of cyber space... I always highlight the changes with different colored text... I mean no harm and I don't choose to do it very often...
Mostly I respect individual Muslims I've known. Mostly good people. Strongly disagree with the religion, but like the people as individuals

Agreed. I was just curious what you thought since they sort of have a bad reputation.
The single most prolific and hateful racist in this entire forum defines racism in such a way that it cannot possibly apply to him because of his skin color.

Can we say desperate, folks?
The single most prolific and hateful racist in this entire forum defines racism in such a way that it cannot possibly apply to him because of his skin color.

Can we say desperate, folks?

Does his username begin with an I by any chance?
When you're free of religions and racism, you will stop recognizing any differences in people. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and believers of any of the thousands of different gods, all fit in the same bag and they're distinct from atheists who simply don't believe in any god.

I'm certainly in denial of the 6000 year old earth, while 49% of Americans aren't.

However, that nonsense belief has already been thrown out by the leaders of the biggest Christiand churches in the world.

It's an evolving thing and it far past time for the 3rd. revised edition of their bibles. Killing one's children and slavery is out of date now. And to the topic, it encourages racism in Christians.
Almost NO ONE believes the earth is only 6000 yrs old.

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