Let’s Talk About Black Women’s Daily ‘Indignities’

what a crock. The most welfare dependent loud mouthed failure of a demographic is suffering indignities?


har de fucking har

Child, what fuckin planet do you live on, welfare dependent....black women rank high on employment, rank high on have some type of secondary education and are the biggest demographics in consumer spending.....look it up or better still, get the fuck over your white ass......Google, disability....WHITE WELFARE REEKS OF IT!! Welfare eventually ends, disability and crooked doctors, a lifetime of welfare....motherfucka, please..and the costliest
really? how many keeds you have?
how many baby daddies?

40% of blacks on welfare
50% of baby daddy in jail
you tell me who gets the welfare
really? how many keeds you have?
how many baby daddies?

40% of blacks on welfare
50% of baby daddy in jail
you tell me who gets the welfare
They're called the WORKING POOR... women making low wages on the job, able to qualify for welfare subsidies.....as far as nigga's in jail....who gives a fuck? Listen, come to the south someday and do your study.....especially in Texas, Kentucky, W.Virginia.....welfare white mf's to the core. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you on FACTS.....If the white man still believes he's supporting some black bitch on welfare, wants Trump to help him feel good, do what the fuck you do best, whine to your white Nazi daddy.
really? how many keeds you have?
how many baby daddies?

40% of blacks on welfare
50% of baby daddy in jail
you tell me who gets the welfare
Just for the record, these town halls, who's up there crying about wanting their cheap Obamacare? Its you white mf's, dear!!
really? how many keeds you have?
how many baby daddies?

40% of blacks on welfare
50% of baby daddy in jail
you tell me who gets the welfare
White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled
  • One in five of white people surveyed said they had a long-term illness
  • But just one in 10 people from ethnic minority backgrounds said the same
  • Charities believe ethnic minorities are less likely to report their disabilities
  • People from ethnic minorities are also less likely to receive benefits
By Steve Doughty for the Daily Mail

Read more: White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled | Daily Mail Online
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White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled
  • One in five of white people surveyed said they had a long-term illness
  • But just one in 10 people from ethnic minority backgrounds said the same
  • Charities believe ethnic minorities are less likely to report their disabilities
  • People from ethnic minorities are also less likely to receive benefits
Lol. ...."Squeezefairy/Shitspeeders is having a temper tantrum.

His meth supplier must have gone out of business and left Appalachia, and Daisy Mae ran off with a Black dude.
I guess being smacked around by black men could be considered an indignity to black women, along with being abandoned by them after being dumb enough to get knocked up by 'em.
The worst indignity a sheboon suffers is conceptualizing the fact that even the male boon considers them disgusting.
really? how many keeds you have?
how many baby daddies?

40% of blacks on welfare
50% of baby daddy in jail
you tell me who gets the welfare
Since you're not a black woman on welfare (and probably don't know any), it's pretty ignorant to pretend you know anything about daily indignities or anything else to do with their lives.
The worst indignity a sheboon suffers is conceptualizing the fact that even the male boon considers them disgusting.

The light of Christ is sure shining in this post, huh?:cuckoo:

Certainly. It's a sin to "lay with beasts".

First of all, I said nothing about sex. Second of all, to call someone of another race a "beast" is certainly not what Christ taught. They are human beings. That you can claim Gen. Colin Powell is a beast while some toothless, uneducated redneck is not, is laughable.

And lastly, you do know that Christ likely looked more black than white, right?

The worst indignity a sheboon suffers is conceptualizing the fact that even the male boon considers them disgusting.

The light of Christ is sure shining in this post, huh?:cuckoo:

Certainly. It's a sin to "lay with beasts".
Hey, why did your thread on the Firey Cross disappear before I could finish typing a post on it?

I was wondering that too. It didn't seem to be moved. Just deleted.
No doubt black females have huge chips on their shoulders. They'll find anything to complain about.
Come to think about it, most woman complain.
i find it best to just ignore them.
Many of my posts that are too White just get "misplaced". Hmmm. that fact alone should be very telling.

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