Zone1 Let's Talk About Socialist Talking Points Against Capitalism


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
Recently listened to a Bernie Sander talk at Oxford on youtube (Shared below). Bernie speaks well against Capitalism using conjecture, hyperbole, and sensationalism.
And I don't want debate point for point from his speech, but will ask a few questions.

From the socialist view point, how much money is too much money for one person to take home annually?
From the socialist view point, what is a fair "living wage"?
From the socialist view point, can you define what the lifestyle one should be able have; home, car(s), luxury items, familiy size?
From the socialist view point, for a business/corporation, what would be the determining factors for when profit is too much profit?

Recently listened to a Bernie Sander talk at Oxford on youtube (Shared below). Bernie speaks well against Capitalism using conjecture, hyperbole, and sensationalism.
And I don't want debate point for point from his speech, but will ask a few questions.

From the socialist view point, how much money is too much money for one person to take home annually?
From the socialist view point, what is a fair "living wage"?
From the socialist view point, can you define what the lifestyle one should be able have; home, car(s), luxury items, familiy size?
From the socialist view point, for a business/corporation, what would be the determining factors for when profit is too much profit?

Socialism is jealousy. Bernie has praised Cuba several times. He is pissed because he can't have all the money other people have.
Recently listened to a Bernie Sander talk at Oxford on youtube (Shared below). Bernie speaks well against Capitalism using conjecture, hyperbole, and sensationalism.
And I don't want debate point for point from his speech, but will ask a few questions.

From the socialist view point, how much money is too much money for one person to take home annually?
From the socialist view point, what is a fair "living wage"?
From the socialist view point, can you define what the lifestyle one should be able have; home, car(s), luxury items, familiy size?
From the socialist view point, for a business/corporation, what would be the determining factors for when profit is too much profit?

Bankroll Sanders is a millionaire .
Recently listened to a Bernie Sander talk at Oxford on youtube (Shared below). Bernie speaks well against Capitalism using conjecture, hyperbole, and sensationalism.
And I don't want debate point for point from his speech, but will ask a few questions.

From the socialist view point, how much money is too much money for one person to take home annually?
From the socialist view point, what is a fair "living wage"?
From the socialist view point, can you define what the lifestyle one should be able have; home, car(s), luxury items, familiy size?
From the socialist view point, for a business/corporation, what would be the determining factors for when profit is too much profit?

Liberal Democrat Leftists are Socialists and also for social issues, far left WOKE. Is WOKE compatible with Socialism? The Democrat Left are pushing for transgender biological males to be able to compete against biological female women in college and professionally where big money liberals play their sports. And, that's why the transgendered male athlete competing with women, money. Big money and wealth driven status. Thus, I say the two are not compatible and quite bipolar and possibly schizophrenic.
Recently listened to a Bernie Sander talk at Oxford on youtube (Shared below). Bernie speaks well against Capitalism using conjecture, hyperbole, and sensationalism.
And I don't want debate point for point from his speech, but will ask a few questions.

From the socialist view point, how much money is too much money for one person to take home annually?
From the socialist view point, what is a fair "living wage"?
From the socialist view point, can you define what the lifestyle one should be able have; home, car(s), luxury items, familiy size?
From the socialist view point, for a business/corporation, what would be the determining factors for when profit is too much profit?

From a socialist POV it's whatever the government decides. You have no say in any of that.
Socialism is jealousy. Bernie has praised Cuba several times. He is pissed because he can't have all the money other people have.
A Socialist is anyone who thinks he deserves a bigger piece of pie with half effert. Bernie, he's a Communist, a Socialist with a Mister Potato Head.
Care to answer any of my questions?
Why should I answer those strawman questions? I don't consider myself a Socialist and I don't know many people who do. I don't known very many free market capitalists either. Most economies are mixed economies. People on both sides of the isle can find reason to limit the acquisition of wealth. Protections against monopolies for instance. Capitalism doesn't work without competition and if a person or corporation came to dominate a particular sector it would be in society's and capitalism's best interests to break up that monopoly.

Questions about how much individuals or corporations should be allowed to earn or what is a living wage can be broken down to an even more fundamental questions. What is the purpose of the economy? What is capitalism's role in the economy. And what should the governments role be?
Why should I answer those strawman questions? I don't consider myself a Socialist and I don't know many people who do. I don't known very many free market capitalists either. Most economies are mixed economies. People on both sides of the isle can find reason to limit the acquisition of wealth. Protections against monopolies for instance. Capitalism doesn't work without competition and if a person or corporation came to dominate a particular sector it would be in society's and capitalism's best interests to break up that monopoly.

Questions about how much individuals or corporations should be allowed to earn or what is a living wage can be broken down to an even more fundamental questions. What is the purpose of the economy? What is capitalism's role in the economy. And what should the governments role be?
Do you know the meaning of a strawman? I proposed a question. The strawman is the one that counters the argument by not addressing the actual argument and proposing an unrelated outcome. If you're not going to answer any of my questions, why even comment?
Do you know the meaning of a strawman? I proposed a question. The strawman is the one that counters the argument by not addressing the actual argument and proposing an unrelated outcome. If you're not going to answer any of my questions, why even comment?
I commented on another posters post. You're the one who asked me to answer your questions but I'm not a Socialist.

I think the obvious answer to what is a living wage is a wage people feel they can live off of.
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I think the obvious answer to what is a living wage is a wage people feel they can live off.
Okay, that's fair.
Is it a fair to assume that from one person to another that what they feel (or the amount) will be different?
Okay, that's fair.
Is it a fair to assume that from one person to another that what they feel (or the amount) will be different?
I don't think people think of it in terms of a specific amount. I think as individuals we think about it terms of do I have enough to keep a roof over my head? Go to the doctor? Buy my groceries? Provide for my children? Save for retirement? Afford a little vacation here and there?
I don't think people think of it in terms of a specific amount. I think as individuals we think about it terms of do I have enough to keep a roof over my head? Go to the doctor? Buy my groceries? Provide for my children? Save for retirement? Afford a little vacation here and there?
That's fair. Let's focus on housing and the economic logistics. I believe it to be a fair assumption that from one individual to another that the expectation of what that roof is covering is different from one person to the next. Can a person have too much roof over their head? Or in other words is a person's desire to have a bigger house than the person next to them wrong?
That's fair. Let's focus on housing and the economic logistics. I believe it to be a fair assumption that from one individual to another that the expectation of what that roof is covering is different from one person to the next. Can a person have too much roof over their head? Or in other words is a person's desire to have a bigger house than the person next to them wrong?
Again I don't see that being the fair and honest perspective most people are looking at in regards to housing. What I see are people watching the wealthy and investment class buy up any available housing while keeping inventory of affordable working and middle classes houses low, effectively driving up home prices and turning people into permanent renters who have no hope of ever owning a home. People don't care about the size of their neighbors roofs, they care about the soaring cost of rent. They care about private investment firms buying up houses as investment vehicles while working class Americans struggle to buy their first home despite working full time jobs.

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