Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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My only agenda is equality. I'll ask you the same question.
Tell me, what is the worst thing that has happened as a direct result of ‘racism’ by non whites?
Im all for equality man. Actual equality. Something regressives dont understand the meaning of.
That is irrelevant to the actual meaning of "racism"
Stop paying so much attention to racists and hacks.
Im all for equality man. Actual equality. Something regressives dont understand the meaning of.
That is irrelevant to the actual meaning of "racism"
Stop paying so much attention to racists and hacks.
You didn't answer my question.
Tell me, what is the worst thing that has happened as a direct result of ‘racism’ by non whites?
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The incremental erasure/deletion of free speech/free thought is pretty much the holy grail of the cultural Marxist.

It is often believed that this is always achieved by way of government power. This is both foolish and naive.

Social justice warriors rely more on collective peer pressure. They rely on collective public shaming of any dialogue or thoughts that do not conform to their own foundation for moral code and worldview, whatever that may be.

They do this for the sole purpose of engineering an environment where people are compelled to self-censor.

Do not placate them. Carry yourself respecfully, of course. But not placate them.
OH REALLY now. You haven't been paying attention to the US culture wars. Here's a battle from that war. Scratch the surface AND RACISM comes out. Because they have the POWER to control what happens in THEIR campus spaces. Except the school says the "multicultural spaces" belong to EVERYONE.

Hope I dont have to point out "non white" racism here.

All you have to do to see how racist the black girl is being is substitute the word “black” for every instance she says “white” (and with such contempt).
Any casualities? That's a joke. The point is when white folks endure any kind of racism its a minor inconvenience. Black folks, not so much.

"Whites have no culture"
"This is our space"
"Your not centering yourself in regards to multiculturalism"
"That's what you'd expect from cis-gender male".

Look -- I get it. Get a little bit of power and let the college radicalize your victimhood and WAIL AWAY at whites for intruding on "your space". It would BE CUTE if COLLEGE agreed that OUTSIDER BLACK ACTIVISTS can come into that space and DECLARE it segregated. But the College didn't back that up. It would even be cute if the College wasn't racially radicalizing -- but they are.

CRT is really the new RE-SEGREGATION. Why do you want segregation? Because of Equity. How is segregation equity? Because it's SEPARATE BUT EQUAL.

Is that fuzzy thinking or what? It leads BACK to the OLD days of bad racial policy. Where SKIN COLOR matters more than character or good intentions. Where people are INHERENTLY good or evil based on skin color from the DAY OF THEIR BIRTH.
"Whites have no culture"
"This is our space"
"Your not centering yourself in regards to multiculturalism"
"That's what you'd expect from cis-gender male".

Look -- I get it. Get a little bit of power and let the college radicalize your victimhood and WAIL AWAY at whites for intruding on "your space". It would BE CUTE if COLLEGE agreed that OUTSIDER BLACK ACTIVISTS can come into that space and DECLARE it segregated. But the College didn't back that up. It would even be cute if the College wasn't racially radicalizing -- but they are.

CRT is really the new RE-SEGREGATION. Why do you want segregation? Because of Equity. How is segregation equity? Because it's SEPARATE BUT EQUAL.

Is that fuzzy thinking or what? It leads BACK to the OLD days of bad racial policy. Where SKIN COLOR matters more than character or good intentions. Where people are INHERENTLY good or evil based on skin color from the DAY OF THEIR BIRTH.
I am actually not the guy to ask these questions to. My story is very unique. I have never heard of anyone with a story that is similar to mine. I have been writing my story for a while now. Without going too much into detail, I had an Epiphany, and discovered things about myself. Everything made sense after that. My personal view is I would like nothing more than to be around people of my culture. So for me and only me I kind of support segregation. I know it's not a good idea, but being around people of my culture touches my soul, it makes me complete. I hope this answers your question.

As far as this CRT stuff goes, all I would really like is for actual American history was taught in schools. It wasn't taught when I was in school, but I found the truth. Kids today may do the same thing. I know that actual history will show white people in a bad light, but it's not about you. Its about the past. All of those people are dead. This is what happened. It was horrible and we don't want this kind of thing to happen again.
All you have to do to see how racist the black girl is being is substitute the word “black” for every instance she says “white” (and with such contempt).

This is what equity is. Instead of ADVANCING race relations, the new direction is "give them a taste of their own medicine. Use the same control and power tactics that WERE the toolbox of WHITE racism. Use the same methods to make people feel unwanted and inferior. They determine who has the right to speech by scoring intersectionality points based on race/sex/gender/disability/economic status. They restrict criticism of anything that has to do with THEIR values/culture. They punish people for disagreeing with them. They USE derogatory terms like the skinheads and pedigreed white racists do.

IOWords -- THey've ACHEIVED the power and control thru BRUTAL civil rights battles. And NOW with power/control in every IMPORTANT INSTITUTION -- colleges/corporations/government/media/sport/arts/public schools ====== It IS "systemic minority power" that is theirs to use. I can more easily DEFEND "systemic minority POWER" in this current society -- then I can even FIND the "systemic institutional racism" as a major impediment in ANY of those institutions I listed above.

They SQUANDER that power and control to ADOPT the techniques of the white racists who persecuted them. Rather than USE that power and control to FURTHER achieve REAL equity socially and economically for their own communities.

That waste of "racial reconciliation" that BOUGHT them the power and control and EQUALITY -- can only bring back re-segregation and polarization. And the "activists" FEAR racial reconciliation because it would make THEM irrelevant. That's the special magical spell that POLITICS exploits to REMIND them that ALL OF THE ADVANCES that have been made are fragile and the only thing that PRESERVES that power is voting correctly.

But they are wrong on that. The only thing that PROTECTS THE GAINS MADE in race reconciliation -- is USING THOSE gains to fix the inequalities WITHIN their own races. Not wasting them on retribution, redistribution, marxist inspired "re-imagining" of capitalism and reparations.

The targets of their retribution are tough enough to muddle thru. Just like the derogatory senseless racial flame throwing on the OLD race forum made nobody wiser or richer. But if the re-segregation and polarization INCREASES due to their misguided actions, they will vaporize the power and control that folks of ALL COLORS fought hard for in past 80 years.
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Everything made sense after that. My personal view is I would like nothing more than to be around people of my culture. So for me and only me I kind of support segregation. I know it's not a good idea, but being around people of my culture touches my soul, it makes me complete. I hope this answers your question.

Great story. Well told. See my post above. We are becoming indignant about those "1st world problems".. Those problems that less developed and less unified countries/regions WISH they had instead of ACTUAL tribal wars and strife, corruption, food shortages.

And its far time to take advantages of what freedoms and power that minorities have achieved in the past 60 or 80 years. Segregation IS attractive -- especially to minorities communities. You HAVE THAT CHOICE. But this COUNTRY needs tighter identification and unity as Americans or we eventually round the corner BACK to tribalism.

I was a big fan of multiculturism back when THAT was the mantra. I think that connection is REQUIRED for this county to function correctly. Because multiculturism was healthy and fun. Until the woking dead arrived and starting screaming that a Thai person couldn't OWN a taco food truck. Or I couldn't go to the Gilroy Garlic festival dressed in festive Mexican garb because of "cultural appropriation". (Dare I mention re-naming sports teams) :auiqs.jpg:

So all that woke sensitivity has got to go. It puts us on a path to something WORSE than just preferring social associations "in-group",
Great story. Well told. See my post above. We are becoming indignant about those "1st world problems".. Those problems that less developed and less unified countries/regions WISH they had instead of ACTUAL tribal wars and strife, corruption, food shortages.

And its far time to take advantages of what freedoms and power that minorities have achieved in the past 60 or 80 years. Segregation IS attractive -- especially to minorities communities. You HAVE THAT CHOICE. But this COUNTRY needs tighter identification and unity as Americans or we eventually round the corner BACK to tribalism.

I was a big fan of multiculturism back when THAT was the mantra. I think that connection is REQUIRED for this county to function correctly. Because multiculturism was healthy and fun. Until the woking dead arrived and starting screaming that a Thai person couldn't OWN a taco food truck. Or I couldn't go to the Gilroy Garlic festival dressed in festive Mexican garb because of "cultural appropriation". (Dare I mention re-naming sports teams) :auiqs.jpg:

So all that woke sensitivity has got to go. It puts us on a path to something WORSE than just preferring social associations "in-group",
In my travels I have met many blacks and hispanics who hate white people. It doesn't matter who they are they hate them. The reason they hate them is because of what white people are responsible for. The 1960's wasn't that long ago. As you know the 60's was a brutal time for race relations. A lot of minorities can't allow themselves to trust white people. They have a point. When white people act hateful toward black people it only reinforces this. Unfortunately white people are the heavies. They need to show black people that they are accepted as equals. I recently viewed a video of a man with an abused dog. It took patience before the dog would even respond. It's a lot like that.

As far as renaming sports teams the only one I objected to was the Redskins. The reason being that term came from when whites scalped indians. Redskins (the red color of scalped Indians) were dead Indians. Not cool in my opinion.
When I was in high school I was interviewed by our local paper. My high schools name was the 'Little Indians.' I was asked if it upset me. I told them no because what it meant to me is giving 100%. The fighting spirit of the little Indian. Apparently my opinion didn't matter much as they were forced to change it to the Green Nights. Stupid name.
Let's recognize the Mike doesn't give a damn about those children or pastor brooks. I contacted Rev. Brooks and showed him how Mike is using the death of a child in his community. Furthermore, there are more people than Brooks working in that community and there is a lot more going on than children getting shot. You and others have fallen for a race baited lie that tells you that blacks don't care about black on black killings. Thats made up by white racists and do not try posting me some stuff said by a token black in order to try telling me I'm wrong.

I know people from Chicago and I know people have been advocating for decades and never get what they need. And the reality here is that black children grow up and die early because of things like hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. And that's a much larger problem that whites like you guys ignore because that is white on black murder.

And don't try telling me its not so because I have posted numerous medical studies showing that is the case.
Let's recognize the Mike doesn't give a damn about those children or pastor brooks. I contacted Rev. Brooks and showed him how Mike is using the death of a child in his community. Furthermore, there are more people than Brooks working in that community and there is a lot more going on than children getting shot. You and others have fallen for a race baited lie that tells you that blacks don't care about black on black killings. Thats made up by white racists and do not try posting me some stuff said by a token black in order to try telling me I'm wrong.

I know people from Chicago and I know people have been advocating for decades and never get what they need. And the reality here is that black children grow up and die early because of things like hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. And that's a much larger problem that whites like you guys ignore because that is white on black murder.

And don't try telling me its not so because I have posted numerous medical studies showing that is the case.
Why is it so hard for you to believe that white people actually care about innocent children?
So let's compare.

Are whites here making racist comments? Yes.
Do they express a belief in the superiority of whites Yes.

As for your list, it is based on YOUR OPINION and not reality.

Nobody black is whining here. You have been consistently shown the facts of not only past racism but current racism by whites.

Since other groups have received reparations for past damages, why is it whining now that blacks are? Furthermore, you have been shown what racism has robbed from blacks DURING THIS CENTURY.

Race is not about politics to anyone black. People tend to support a party whose policies best fit their lives. Most blacks are not wealthy, so most blacks won't support a party that fights on the behalf of the wealthy. Furthermore states rights made apartheid in America possible. Jim Crow was not ended because states decided to end segregation and we were not given complete voting rights because states decided to do so. You really need to drop these dumb racist canards flacaltenn.

There is no plantation and if you're going to allow that word to be used then you should accept being called a racist for using it. There are black republicans who are well respected by blacks. Michael Steele comes to mind as an example. The ones who get thrown under the bus are the ones helping whites maintain racism such as Candace Owens, Larry Elder or Clarence Thomas.

You can't see the problem with these people because they say what you personally believe, but these are the blacks keeping this nation racially divided. These are the blacks making bank off racism. They are the race hustlers, but your racial "bias" has you believing in a fake plantation and that these no good scumbags are the ones working to unite the races

Everything you posted was racially "biased" bunk, based on right wing extremist opinion and not reality. So if you and others can believe and repeat this manure, then you should be called what you are without the whining and crying. You want civil conversation?

Start changing your beliefs.
Very few people make claims of whites being superior. Most comments that you call racist aren’t racist, they just don’t agree with your opinions. You have called me a racist many times. I am not and you have never shown where I have even suggested anything racist. As far as whining, you are the number one whiner on this forum. Why are you still complaining about things you are no longer denied?
When they know what's being said is true, you see these infantile tantrums. I beat them every time and they just line for the butt kickings. I know what these chumps are going to say before they say it. I figured them out long ago and proved it by making a thread where I sad what they wanted to hear about blacks and they all came rushing in to pat me on the back and tell me how great it was for me to finally see the light. I had become the USMB most favored negro.

Because that's all this place is. An echo chamber for racist whites to run their mouths about ANYONE not white. And so the race debate gets moved to zone 1 one under the guise of wanting civil discussion but the only thing thats really censored is the word racist and white supremacist. Whites can tell us we're on plantations and reservations and thats civil, but call them a racist for making racist comments and the whining sets records.

We blacks have to be on plantations because we reject blacks who are not working in our best interest. But whites here throw white democrats under the bus all the time. So is it that you guys are renters at the trailer park and the white liberal is an independent thinker who does not believe that being racist is a right of whiteness?

We do not have to accept your handpicked black tokens. We have the right to throw them under the bus, the train, the tank, or the semi if what they present is harmful to the black community. So until republicans can accept blacks with spines and you can face what whites have sown in this country like most democrats have done, stop trying to lie about the democrats. The republican party in 2022 is the racist party.

And stop using one sentence King said about his dream of the end of white racism. Stop using Malcolm X's comments. If Malcolm X was alive today you would hate him. And you would not like Dr. King either.

Now, if you want civil discussion, understand that if you right wingers can be mad about something that was proven by courts to be untrue more than 60 times, then non whites here have every right to be pissed about what 246 years of documentation shows us that has actually happened and continues to happen. And if you have a problem with that, TOUGH.
You recently said using the word plantation was racist. You do not have any authority on who can or cannot use the words of King or Malcolm X.
Non whites lack the power to be racist. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, this country belongs to white people. No power no racism. What I do and did today is ignore them. Give it a try. It’s quite liberating.
What power do white posters on these forums have?
This is what equity is. Instead of ADVANCING race relations, the new direction is "give them a taste of their own medicine. Use the same control and power tactics that WERE the toolbox of WHITE racism. Use the same methods to make people feel unwanted and inferior. They determine who has the right to speech by scoring intersectionality points based on race/sex/gender/disability/economic status. They restrict criticism of anything that has to do with THEIR values/culture. They punish people for disagreeing with them. They USE derogatory terms like the skinheads and pedigreed white racists do.

IOWords -- THey've ACHEIVED the power and control thru BRUTAL civil rights battles. And NOW with power/control in every IMPORTANT INSTITUTION -- colleges/corporations/government/media/sport/arts/public schools ====== It IS "systemic minority power" that is theirs to use. I can more easily DEFEND "systemic minority POWER" in this current society -- then I can even FIND the "systemic institutional racism" as a major impediment in ANY of those institutions I listed above.

They SQUANDER that power and control to ADOPT the techniques of the white racists who persecuted them. Rather than USE that power and control to FURTHER achieve REAL equity socially and economically for their own communities.

That waste of "racial reconciliation" that BOUGHT them the power and control and EQUALITY -- can only bring back re-segregation and polarization. And the "activists" FEAR racial reconciliation because it would make THEM irrelevant. That's the special magical spell that POLITICS exploits to REMIND them that ALL OF THE ADVANCES that have been made are fragile and the only thing that PRESERVES that power is voting correctly.

But they are wrong on that. The only thing that PROTECTS THE GAINS MADE in race reconciliation -- is USING THOSE gains to fix the inequalities WITHIN their own races. Not wasting them on retribution, redistribution, marxist inspired "re-imagining" of capitalism and reparations.

The targets of their retribution are tough enough to muddle thru. Just like the derogatory senseless racial flame throwing on the OLD race forum made nobody wiser or richer. But if the re-segregation and polarization INCREASES due to their misguided actions, they will vaporize the power and control that folks of ALL COLORS fought hard for in past 80 years.
Flacaltenn, this is bs. First off, there has been no racial reconciliation. Second, the only people talking about revenge are white racially "biased" people on the right. All along there has been a section of the white community with zero-sum thinking. You are part of that group and Lisa definitely is a member.

Nobody fears racial reconciliation but people like you and lisa. - All this white grievance crap has been is whites scared of losing their preferential status. What you believe and have posted is a bunch of psychosis-riddled mumbo jumbo created only by whites who are racially "biased" and a few mentally retarded people of color who know their gravy train ends if there is real reconciliation because whites will no longer line up to pay money to hear them say what the racially "biased" want to hear about blacks, won't be able to get those fat grant checks from right-wing foundations and won't be able to sell any more of their books downing blacks to make money.

People like Candace Owens will go out of business.

As usual, you've got it all wrong and it is because your problems with race are serious. Racial reconciliation will not be done by your rules We have tried that and every freakin time whites like you rework the system to maintain their preference while denying equality to others. Stop reading that right-wing crap about equity, because they have it all wrong. End the white paternalism because you are incapable of speaking to what people of color want. We tell you and yet you do not listen and then you come up with a load of horse crap like this.

Whites like you are so arrogant that you believe everyone thinks like you. You make your comments without thinking and your position comes from being the privileged white male that has never faced racism. You have a simple minded understanding of racism because you've never faced it. This simple minded understanding has you posting foolishness like you did in the quoted passages.

Consider how things would be if we took the revenge your psychosis allows you to believe. When you think about these 246 years as a black person, it makes no sense to fight for all this time to end a system of oppression and then restart the same oppression because you are in charge. Logically, what would be the outcome of this so-called revenge? A nation of whites fighting against us as we fought, a country of unrest, mistrust, and hatred just like we have now, with the same constant division among the citizens of this nation. Yeah, that’s what we black folks want. To reverse the violence and hate so that we can say we won. Just think about how stupid that sounds, and yet people believe this because of idiots like Coulter, Prager, Savage, Cernovich, and others who have consistently baited white racial fears based upon lunacy. These people were unknown, and now they are rich. So just exactly who are the people lining their pockets by using racism?

The people YOU listen to are the ones who don't want reconciliatiion. The people YOU listen to want to keep us divided so they stay relevant. The people YOU listen to are scared of equality, equity, diversity and multiculturalism because THEY are the ones scared of losing jobs. And so are you, lisa and a bunch of other far rghts in this frum.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti-white racism. … Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs … There is a certain class of white race- “problem solvers” who don’t want America to get well.”
Blacks have indeed talked about revenge. I can’t tell you how many times someone on this forum has said “about time you found out what it feels like” (or words to that effect) when I point out the anti-white bias being advanced by the radical left.

And for the record, nothing I have said is racist. All I ever have done is point out examples of preferential treatment given to blacks in today’s “woke” society.
Very few people make claims of whites being superior. Most comments that you call racist aren’t racist, they just don’t agree with your opinions. You have called me a racist many times. I am not and you have never shown where I have even suggested anything racist. As far as whining, you are the number one whiner on this forum. Why are you still complaining about things you are no longer denied?
Same here. But he’s on my case more than yours, constantly calling me out by name and referring to me as a racist. I am targeted specifically because I am a member of a different persecuted minority, and my minority has been very successful despite all the prejudice.
"Whites have no culture"
"This is our space"
"Your not centering yourself in regards to multiculturalism"
"That's what you'd expect from cis-gender male".

Look -- I get it. Get a little bit of power and let the college radicalize your victimhood and WAIL AWAY at whites for intruding on "your space". It would BE CUTE if COLLEGE agreed that OUTSIDER BLACK ACTIVISTS can come into that space and DECLARE it segregated. But the College didn't back that up. It would even be cute if the College wasn't racially radicalizing -- but they are.

CRT is really the new RE-SEGREGATION. Why do you want segregation? Because of Equity. How is segregation equity? Because it's SEPARATE BUT EQUAL.

Is that fuzzy thinking or what? It leads BACK to the OLD days of bad racial policy. Where SKIN COLOR matters more than character or good intentions. Where people are INHERENTLY good or evil based on skin color from the DAY OF THEIR BIRTH.
Are you really this oblivious to all the different white cultures and the many safe places whites have or are you just willfully obtuse?

And why do you right wingers have a problem with multiculturalism? Whites are part of multiculturalism.

And cis gendered white males have been given the most preference. None of this is leading to bad racial policy. Stop that zero sum thinking.

CRT is not segegation idiot. And the garbage Chris Rufo fed you is not even CRT. And how is equity segregation? Man, you've really gone off the deep end here flacaltenn. Stop reading PJMedia. You want reconciliation without facing the truth. Reconciliation can't be achieved that way.
What you believe and have posted is a bunch of psychosis-riddled mumbo jumbo created only by whites who are racially "biased" and a few mentally retarded people of color who know their gravy train ends if there is real reconciliation because whites will no longer line up to pay money to hear them say what the racially "biased" want to hear about blacks, won't be able to get those fat grant checks from right-wing foundations and won't be able to sell any more of their books downing blacks to make money.

No. You're emoting not observing. Candace Owens gigue is not about race. She's a converted Lib who went full conservative. Talks about liberties and free speech to 20 somethings. THAT"s her gigue and WHY you hate her. She views politics as a combat sport. What's STRANGE about her is this launch into Turning Point and being fiery orator -- BEGAN in 2015 or so. She was TOTALLY apolitical before then. BIG on family. Big on love of education. Big on "traditional values".

There's so much there to hate isn't there? :dev3:

Never preached "downing Blacks". DID preach about blacks thinking for themselves, valuing education and family. And how the politically inspired culture wars and wokeness was WEAKENING liberty and freedom.

I dont line up for her. Nobody should be threatened by her opinions. UNLESS you LOOK at the arguments for BLEXIT from the Dem party and REALIZE that she MAY BE RESPONSIBLE for a VAST NUMBER of conversions AWAY from the Democrats.

What you believe and have posted is a bunch of psychosis-riddled mumbo jumbo created only by whites who are racially "biased" and a few mentally retarded people of color who know their gravy train ends if there is real reconciliation because whites will no longer line up to pay money to hear them say what the racially "biased" want to hear about blacks,

Here's what you're missing Chucky. What Owens and Elder and others PREACHED is NOT DEPENDENT on the degree of "racial reconciliation". Why folks LISTEN TO THEM is that they've become leaders for CONSERVATIVE principles and values. Some of the most eloquent Repubs are now minority Congress folk. And MORE are coming in the following years.

Like it is for Hispanics, Asians, Indians AND WHITES -- to paraphrase James Carville.... Its got NOTHING to DO with skin color.

"It's about the culture wars stupid". And the Dem party has been attempting to BLOW UP cultural values THAT EVERY color respects. It's ALL POLITICAL DUDE. All that hate you have for "racists". Take a deep breath -- divorce yourself MENTALLY from ANY party for a DAY. And think about it.

Those "mentally retarded POC" wont seem so dangerous.
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