Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare. Our current system is a super expensive mess.

That's not the question, that's just demagoguery. The question is whether government should be in charge of health care.
I have not heard a better option.

It doesn't matter what you've heard. Insinuating that anyone who opposes your agenda "thinks that we shouldn't all have healthcare" is cheap BS.
Well you are wrong on healthcare. Markets don’t work in healthcare, it’s that simple.
For a simpleton, perhaps.
Oh that’s cute, don’t let facts stop your delusion. Nobody in an ambulance shops pricing. Nobody who needs brain surgery goes cheap.

Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all. Many countries are doing just that and it works fine.

Let me give you an example of healthcare in these other countries. I need a liver transplant, so I am evaluated as to my suitability, and then get placed on a transplant list. When a donor liver becomes available, I get the transplant if I am highest on the list.

In Canada, they will put you on a transplant list, but nothing ever becomes available. Even if it did, they do not have the facilities or doctors to handle it because of "universal healthcare". So those needing the transplant simply die. Many of the patients in my transplant center were Canadians that moved to the US just so they can have a shot at living.
The Canadians I know who moved here preferred the Canadian system. You are listening to BS from right wing goons.
Underneath all the noise is the simple fact that Trump lied and the GOP lied when they said they had a replacement for Obamacare.

All the bitching in the world about "socialism" will not obscure that very real fact.

And that is why we are going to have UHC in our lifetimes.

Thanks a lot, assholes.
Waaah waah waah Obammycare got healthcare welfare for a few at increased cost to the rest of us....just like every other liberal program ever created. It doesnt need a replacement it needs an elimination.
You, along with most people in this thread, are missing g5000's point. He's not a fan of Obamacare, he's not in favor of UHC. He's just (rightfully, in my view) blaming Republicans for allowing it to happen. They've done an incredibly bad job of standing up for limited government.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy. Bleev me. Bleev me...



I also have some waterfront property and a bridge I want to sell you.



Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how my scams work!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
Underneath all the noise is the simple fact that Trump lied and the GOP lied when they said they had a replacement for Obamacare.

All the bitching in the world about "socialism" will not obscure that very real fact.

And that is why we are going to have UHC in our lifetimes.

Thanks a lot, assholes.
Waaah waah waah Obammycare got healthcare welfare for a few at increased cost to the rest of us....just like every other liberal program ever created. It doesnt need a replacement it needs an elimination.
You, along with most people in this thread, are missing g5000's point. He's not a fan of Obamacare, he's not in favor of UHC. He's just (rightfully, my view) blaming Republicans for allowing it to happen. They've done an incredibly bad job of standing up for limited government.
The President had only 4 years not 8, and all of it spent fighting off the wacko attacks on his presidency so not sure what you expected. With another term I am sure he could have rid the country of yet another anti American program like Obammycare.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy. Bleev me. Bleev me...



I also have some waterfront property and a bridge I want to sell you.



Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how my scams work!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...
Waah waah waah
Underneath all the noise is the simple fact that Trump lied and the GOP lied when they said they had a replacement for Obamacare.

All the bitching in the world about "socialism" will not obscure that very real fact.

And that is why we are going to have UHC in our lifetimes.

Thanks a lot, assholes.
Waaah waah waah Obammycare got healthcare welfare for a few at increased cost to the rest of us....just like every other liberal program ever created. It doesnt need a replacement it needs an elimination.
You, along with most people in this thread, are missing g5000's point. He's not a fan of Obamacare, he's not in favor of UHC. He's just (rightfully, in my view) blaming Republicans for allowing it to happen. They've done an incredibly bad job of standing up for limited government.
They don’t stand up for limited government at all... they cut taxes, increase military spending, and increase debt . Repeat.
You can't even speak for yourself. You thinking others are trying to speak for you shows a lack of self confidence in expressing your beliefs, within your peer group.

Don't tell YOU what to think, even as you call others you don't think like you liars, idiots or other names.

What a hypocrite you are.

I like you.

She likes everyone, for a price, lying on her Canadian mattress!
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare. Our current system is a super expensive mess.

No kidding, someone is saying we shouldn't have healthcare? Sounds like they're saying we shouldn't have "free" healthcare. Similarly, if you want "free" food, get in the soup line.
Let me know when the cost of food drastically increases like healthcare.

If minimum wage goes to $15/hour that high cost is right around the corner.
It has in many places and they seem to still be eating.

Seattle, as an example, passed it in 2014 but won't go into full effect until 2021. Nevertheless.

What $15 per hour did to Seattle
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

We should stop framing everything in terms of "socialism" & "capitalism."

I guess that Medicare could be called "socialistic." But I love it. And I thank LBJ for introducing it.

It all depends on what kind of "universal health care" is devised. I certainly would NOT want what supposedly passed for health care in the former USSR (where patients had to pay bribes to get any service). I do not know what the healthcare system is like in present-day Russia, but I am guessing it ain't too good.

I do believe that health care is a right. We did not ask to be born. So, sure, the world DOES owe us certain things: food, housing, health care.
Underneath all the noise is the simple fact that Trump lied and the GOP lied when they said they had a replacement for Obamacare.

All the bitching in the world about "socialism" will not obscure that very real fact.

And that is why we are going to have UHC in our lifetimes.

Thanks a lot, assholes.
Waaah waah waah Obammycare got healthcare welfare for a few at increased cost to the rest of us....just like every other liberal program ever created. It doesnt need a replacement it needs an elimination.
You, along with most people in this thread, are missing g5000's point. He's not a fan of Obamacare, he's not in favor of UHC. He's just (rightfully, my view) blaming Republicans for allowing it to happen. They've done an incredibly bad job of standing up for limited government.
The President had only 4 years not 8, and all of it spent fighting off the wacko attacks on his presidency so not sure what you expected. With another term I am sure he could have rid the country of yet another anti American program like Obammycare.
ACA was passed in 2010. That was ten years ago. Republicans have had all that time to come up with a better way to fix the broken health care market. And frankly, they should have come up with something before it was even passed. They failed. Miserably.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
"I'm right, I'm right! You're wrong". Clearly you've taken courses in persuasive dialog.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
"I'm right, I'm right! You're wrong". Clearly you've taken courses in persuasive dialog.
We have debated before and you have no real arguments against the fact markets don’t work in healthcare. You are just in denial now.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
"I'm right, I'm right! You're wrong". Clearly you've taken courses in persuasive dialog.
We have debated before and you have no real arguments against the fact markets don’t work in healthcare. You are just in denial now.
I haven't even brought up free markets. I'm just addressing your pig-headed notion that anyone who doesn't support your agenda doesn't want people to have health care, your presumption that your solution is the only solution and anyone who doesn't agree doesn't want the problem solved. That's just plain weak.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

We should stop framing everything in terms of "socialism" & "capitalism."

I guess that Medicare could be called "socialistic." But I love it. And I thank LBJ for introducing it.

It all depends on what kind of "universal health care" is devised. I certainly would NOT want what supposedly passed for health care in the former USSR (where patients had to pay bribes to get any service). I do not know what the healthcare system is like in present-day Russia, but I am guessing it ain't too good.

I do believe that health care is a right. We did not ask to be born. So, sure, the world DOES owe us certain things: food, housing, health care.

What does "We didn't ask to be born" have to do with the world owing us something? The world didn't ask for you to be born, either. Maybe your parents owe you something from that incredibly childish viewpoint, but the rest of us don't.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
"I'm right, I'm right! You're wrong". Clearly you've taken courses in persuasive dialog.
We have debated before and you have no real arguments against the fact markets don’t work in healthcare. You are just in denial now.
I haven't even brought up free markets. I'm just addressing your pig-headed notion that anyone who doesn't support your agenda doesn't want people to have health care, your presumption that your solution is the only solution and anyone who doesn't agree doesn't want the problem solved. That's just plain weak.
You are sure standing in the way.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
"I'm right, I'm right! You're wrong". Clearly you've taken courses in persuasive dialog.
We have debated before and you have no real arguments against the fact markets don’t work in healthcare. You are just in denial now.
I haven't even brought up free markets. I'm just addressing your pig-headed notion that anyone who doesn't support your agenda doesn't want people to have health care, your presumption that your solution is the only solution and anyone who doesn't agree doesn't want the problem solved. That's just plain weak.
You are sure standing in the way.
Yep. Because I don't agree with you. I don't think government UHC is a viable solution in the US right now. Our society is too polarized, our politics too divisive. You can't make broad, make sweeping changes to society without real consensus.
Whatever. I'm addressing your demagoguery. "Something wrong with anyone who thinks we all shouldn’t have healthcare." That's exactly the same shit Bush pulled with the war on terror nonsense. Anyone who opposed the PATRIOT ACT was accused of supporting terrorists. Just because someone opposes your favorite solution to a problem, doesn't mean they think there's no problem. It doesn't mean they want people to suffer. It just means they think you're full of shit.
And you are wrong. We should have affordable healthcare for all.

You're doing it again. I didn't say we shouldn't have affordable healthcare for all. If you can't debate honestly, go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork.
It’s the only way. You are kidding yourself if you think there will be some better option.

And you have a very stilted view if you can't acknowledge that there are, in fact, other solutions. And that there aren't genuine criticisms of yours.
You have to acknowledge that markets don’t work in healthcare. Then you will see it’s the only option.
LOL - ok, got it. "You have to admit I'm right, then you will see that I am right". Very compelling argument.
Well you are in denial of the facts. It is clear markets don’t work in healthcare.
"I'm right, I'm right! You're wrong". Clearly you've taken courses in persuasive dialog.
We have debated before and you have no real arguments against the fact markets don’t work in healthcare. You are just in denial now.
I haven't even brought up free markets. I'm just addressing your pig-headed notion that anyone who doesn't support your agenda doesn't want people to have health care, your presumption that your solution is the only solution and anyone who doesn't agree doesn't want the problem solved. That's just plain weak.
You are sure standing in the way.
Yep. Because I don't agree with you. I don't think government UHC is a viable solution in the US right now. Our society is too polarized, our politics too divisive. You can't make broad, make sweeping changes to society without real consensus.
And the cost of healthcare continues to go up and up....

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