Let's watch how simple questions cause the left to melt down.NY Times reporter out of her safe space

She voted present because as she said, there was no

"real demonstration of innocence or guilt.”

She also voted present because the process was biased and flawed.

"In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton warned against any impeachment that would merely “connect itself with the pre-existing factions,” and “enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence, and interest on one side or on the other.”

Gabbard isn't trying to appease everyone with her 'present' vote? Jimmy Dore isn't a far left troll? Hmm, prove me wrong.
So, in your mind, Gabbard voted 'present' in an effort to try and appease everyone and not because she may have a fundamental disagreement with the entire processes as engineered by her side.

She said Trump deserves to be impeached but the Democrats made it partisan. I wonder how partisan she considers ever other vote she takes? It was a cop out, it was damage control.
A classic example of doing the right thing, but for the wrong reason. Trump did nothing to deserve being impeached with the notable exception of winning an election.

But I guess this might prove the other point as well. She voted 'present' for politics, not because she, or any Democrat in office, have any principled stand.

She hooked you guys. Can she depend on you for a vote? No? OK.
Surrender accepted.

I am voting for Donald J. Trump. I was only arguing that Gabbard should be your nominee, because she is both Partisan and Honest, and that is RARE in The Democrat Party.

She'd be the only one who could give The President a fight, and make The Election worth watching.

Telling you from a GOP standpoint, she is THE ONLY CANDIDATE I would worry about IF she were THE Nominee.

But you people are too full of hate, and working too hard to avoid an actual election to realize it. You want to remove The President so you don't have to run against him.

That's idiotic.

The Election is happening and you won't have the only candidate who could beat Trump as your nominee.

Joe Biden is someone you'd put up against Pence, not Donald Trump. Gabbard is your best bet against Trump.
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When the left are out of their echo chambers....this is what happens.

Hence the reason they shout conservative speech down, why they hate free speech, and are totally demented when you point out truth with rhetorical questions.

Just another 22 year old diversity pick setting policy. This is the intellectual depth of the “get trump” media. I’m sure she has done her share of “Greta cut eyes at Trump” and “the internet ruthlessly mocked” stories and “twitter melted down” stories.
Our problems aren’t political. They are societal and institutional as vapid, shallow immature liberals take over and destroy our institutions.

View attachment 297838

Every one of them looks like they should be in the mailroom.....not on the board of editors.

Sure that isn't the Rolling Stone board?

They ran it into the ground. Layoff after layoff. And it didnt teach any of those smug, shallow, self-satisfied children a thing. Their response was to complain to Twitter who enforced a new policy that if you posted a tweet about the demise of that newsroom you are banned from Twitter.

Twitter Declares The Phrase 'Learn to Code' is Abusive Behavior After Numerous Journalists Get Laid Off - Bounding Into Comics

Its the state of media today. Standards are low. The only thing that matters is destroying what came before and hating Trump. As liberals they appeal to the base and the shallow. The headline below is the new norm...

16-year-old Greta Thunberg staring down Donald Trump at UNGA ignites Twitter: "We are all Greta"

Greta, special needs child, was "staring down Trump" and "ignited Twitter". Another venerable, formally trusted institution..Newsweek..and another smug female millennial sorta-writer in way over her head helping to destroy it.
What was the word used about the typical know it all NY Times lefty?


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