Letting sixteen year olds vote is a foot in the door to end childhood early - or eliminate it altogether

That's where it starts. Same as allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections.

How can you prevent either from voting in federal elections if the ballots are secret?

Because they are not given a ballot that has the federal choices.
Because they are not given a ballot that has the federal choices.

That's what the locals will say, but there is no real way to verify it once the ballot is cast. It's just way too easy to give them the ballots the locals want instead of the ballots they should get. Again, once a ballot is cast secret voting laws prevents anyone from figuring out who the ballot came from.

I'm sorry, but if you want to vote in the US at ANY level, become a US citizen.
If they were to succed in giving kids the vote before 2024, it might backfire on them. Nothing sways kids like mean tweets and the Democrats' orange nemesis is the master of them.

Bullshit, you're trying to turn the tables. It's a known fact the younger you are the better the Democrats look.
Bullshit, you're trying to turn the tables. It's a known fact the younger you are the better the Democrats look.

Because young people are usually idiots when it comes to thinking long term as well as thinking about anything besides themselves.
Eliminate childhood altogether??

Is there no limit to the attempts to spam this board with extremist nonsense?
I waited until I got to college, no car involved and no parents around.

I started early. Was basically an alcoholic by the time I was a senior in High School. Got suspended for two meets for showing up to a Sunday Cross Country practice drunk.
Yes, those authoritarian socialists are guilty of many atrocities.
As were authoritarian capitalist Founders.
But in my OP, I was speaking in particular about the atrocities being committed by progressives in the United States.
Yes, you were sharing your cosplay fantasy atrocity while ignoring real world examples. You seem very fond of that debate tactic.
How is allowing human traffickers to force pre-teens and early-teens into sex work not an example of ending protections like child labor laws?
How is your hilarious imagination a reflection of reality?
A hundred years ago 16 year olds had a lot of adult responsibilities that many 26 year olds don't have today. It's all about the culture and how we raise our kids.

It was all about poverty and cheap labor needing large families to support each other.
Letting 16-year-olds vote is a way for Democrats to get more votes.
That's all it is about, of course. Liberal "males" are encouraged to NEVER grow up these days. Just look at how many posters we have here who actually boast about avoiding the responsibilities of an adult male all their lives. It's disgraceful.
I'll agree with that... but if you're trying to say 16 year olds should be able to vote? No. Go there and they should be able to do anything an adult can do, drink, buy weapons, etc etc.

Let's not go there. It's a democrat vote scheme
Yet again the democrats trying to push some BS that fools no one but other dimwitted liberals.
Was High school great or what?
But who practices on Sunday?

Teams that have two meets a week, one on Tuesday and one on Friday. Sunday and Wednesday were the only days you could push hard in practice unless the meets were against scrubs
This is the disconnect for our whole country, not just the progressives. We as a country cannot decide when someone is an adult. There should be one age for it all, everything from voting, to joining the military, to signing a contract, to drinking, to smoking to it all.
Those two sentences seem to contradict each other, but I may just be misunderstanding your meaning. If we cannot decide when someone is an adult, how can we set one age for it all?

Unless, you mean that we cannot decide when any individual is emotionally and intellectually mature enough to be treated as an adult, I do agree. I also agree that we need one age for all adult rights.

My thought is that the more freedom a country offers, the higher that limit should be. I'm libertarian, so I want us to be very free.

But I don't think that near-complete personal freedom should start at birth, so we have to draw the line somewhere. I'd draw it at 21 for voting, alcohol, rec drugs, sexual consent (with a significantly older person, I don't believe that a 22 year hold having sex with an 18 year old is taking advantage of them), non-restricted driving, and military service, etc.

Any attempt to get 16 year old's the right to vote is limited to city elections, nothing more.
Unfortunately, you stepped on the same rake that jillian the Princess did.



Like illegal aliens, letting children vote in local elections would only be the foot in the door.

I was legally drinking at 18, then they moved it to 19 and I was grandfathered in, then they moved it to 21 and the same.

I was drinking heavily at 16

When Texas bowed to the federal government and raised our age to twenty-one, 18, 19, and 20 year olds were not grandfathered in. At midnight the night it took effect, we all had leave "The Tinhall" a dancehall that allowed all ages, and come back in to get re-ID'd and given the appropriate wristbands. Just like The Cartels who have secured the border (for their own purposes).

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