LGBT Activists Fight Discrimination at Bristol University


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
Hopefully this can be picked up upon in the US. Maybe some queer activists in the States can inform me, do you still seriously prohibit gender discrimination in your restroom facilities, particularly in your universities? Something must be done about this. Learn from these brave activists.


University trans awareness poster prompts huge response - Telegraph
So I can't be disgusted by these sick fucking people? Are we becoming a nation that don't respect other opinions?
No one in the US has ever been told if you have a penis you cannot go into a mens rest room.
No one in the US has ever been told if you have a penis you cannot go into a mens rest room.
just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man. You can have a penis and identify as a woman. This is called transgender. The issue here is that for example transgender women were being discriminated from using female facilities. Surely you oppose this gender discrimination? Is this discrimination common in the United States?
Oh good, then the creepy heterosexual kid that mumbles to himself all the time can go into the womens bathroom with his cell phone, and if any girls have a problem with it, they can remember the golden rule... "don't worry about it, he knows better than you". Hey, is the creepy kid taking pictures of the girls with his cell phone, or is he just reading the news? "Don't worry about it, he knows better than you".
Oh good, then the creepy heterosexual kid that mumbles to himself all the time can go into the womens bathroom with his cell phone, and if any girls have a problem with it, they can remember the golden rule... "don't worry about it, he knows better than you". Hey, is the creepy kid taking pictures of the girls with his cell phone, or is he just reading the news? "Don't worry about it, he knows better than you".
So transgender women should be discriminated against because of sexist and misogynistic men? How about instead of attacking transgender women, you correct the behavior of such men?
Oh good, then the creepy heterosexual kid that mumbles to himself all the time can go into the womens bathroom with his cell phone, and if any girls have a problem with it, they can remember the golden rule... "don't worry about it, he knows better than you". Hey, is the creepy kid taking pictures of the girls with his cell phone, or is he just reading the news? "Don't worry about it, he knows better than you".
So transgender women should be discriminated against because of sexist and misogynistic men? How about instead of attacking transgender women, you correct the behavior of such men?
Sure, if you can come up with a way to correct deviant behavior, lets go that route then. Do you have a way to correct that kind of behavior? As for transgender people, I have no problem with them. Im not attacking anyone.
Genders are very confusing to some people. My dogs understand immediately though.
No one in the US has ever been told if you have a penis you cannot go into a mens rest room.
just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man. You can have a penis and identify as a woman. This is called transgender. The issue here is that for example transgender women were being discriminated from using female facilities. Surely you oppose this gender discrimination? Is this discrimination common in the United States?
No if you have a dick you are a man.
LGTB the bunch of Maggoty liars, The factual evidence proving it:

:How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education

You stick with fact on the foundation of the issue being addressed. While doing this you will notice homosexual activists desperately scrambling to try and make anything else the issue because they are not able to contest the facts which expose them for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be on the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda. They try and make anything else the issue to try and confuse the issue which is exactly how they managed to dupe officials into creating legislation based upon lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination.

Homosexuals have been discriminating heterosexuals since well before the 60's and proof of this is the tranny. Homosexual activists have no respect for heterosexuality and proof of this is not only the tranny pretending to be the opposite sex but now homosexuals are still getting away with surgical genital mutilation to pretend to be the opposite sex while homosexual activists currently dictate to heterosexuals that being heterosexual includes having sex with someone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with, that being heterosexual includes having sex with a homosexual with a surgically mutilated genital. Meanwhile as they continue to get away with discriminating heterosexuals they even try and blame heterosexuals for these homosexual deceptions by saying such as "If they got drunk then they deserve it" which is quite clearly unacceptable. The activists who tell you "I believe that it is how you feel that determines ones sex" Then tell them that they have no business encouraging the surgical genital mutilation because according to their logic, it is how you feel. They tell you that they believe it is how you feel that determines one's sex to allow homosexuals to continue to get away with discriminating heterosexuals, but that they encourage the surgical genital mutilation operation proves that them claiming that it is how you feel is a lie because if it were how you feel then there is quite obviously no reason for the surgical genital mutilation in the first place. The reason that they tell you this is because they will use every lie and deceptions to continue to make fools out of you while continuing to keep the door open for homosexuals to get away with discriminating heterosexuals.

The following is a composition posted on USA forums titled:
Being homosexual is natural but being heterosexual is not acceptable to homosexual activists

Where you will find that sticking with the facts to do with the foundation of the issue not only bests them, but has them scrambling to try and make anything else the issue time and time again. You are all more than welcome to learn how to deal with homosexual activists as I have with the greatest of ease. Rest assured I have every intention to make sure you all get this as well. No heterosexual deserves to be discriminated, degraded, humiliated, traumatized which is why I fight to put an end to this insanity globally! It must be phased out globally because the world is now aware how the homosexual activist insanity spreads like a disease of lies and deceptions which is what they use for their foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda..

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Think about this too, not one homosexual activist has contested the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very own existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Homosexual activists even became scholars then went through history attempting to label every homosexual union recorded throughout history as a marriage because marriage was never about honoring that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. But homosexual activists demonstrate to obsessively and compulsively try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue. I was in two relationships but was never married as several heterosexual couples are. But if homosexual activists thought it helped their bias agenda, they would call my relationships a marriage.

Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honoring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honor of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honoring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honor in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honoring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honored with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honors the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance of such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activists demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

If it were up to gays to sustain the population w would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honor in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that's what marriage was created for and in honor of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

I sincerely hope that the insanity currently infecting Canadian governments and school boards hasn't manifested in where you live or anywhere else for that matter. It's time we as a globe put an end to this nightmare permanently for the well being and sanity of the future of the life on this planet.

Global Insanity Alert: Alberta Bill 10 Encourages Discrimination And Bullying Of Children

Amends RSA 2000 cS-3
3(1) The School Act is amended by this section.
(3) Section 1(1) is amended by adding the following after
clause (b):

(b.1) “bullying” means repeated and hostile or demeaning
behaviour by an individual in the school community
where the behaviour is intended to cause harm, fear or
distress to one or more other individuals in the school
community, including psychological harm or harm to an
individual’s reputation;

The School Board and the government are already legally enforcing psychological harm upon children while openly supporting the harm of children and citizens reputations. This is a prime example of the government and the School Board themselves bullying children into becoming victims of a deliberate form of discrimination..

That Transsexuals and Transgender are legal and supported through school and in government is proof that the government and the school board are encouraging homosexuals to legally continue to discriminate heterosexuals. Some homosexuals go so far out of their way to deceive thus discriminate heterosexuals that they are even getting away with legally having their genital surgically mutilated to pretend to be the opposite sex that they are born which makes these homosexuals more convincing to discriminate heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions. The school board and the government supports discrimination against heterosexuality while they bully students into having to accept being discriminated against or further suffer more consequences.

This supports the humiliation of heterosexuals, the traumatization of heterosexuals, the degradation of heterosexuals, the discrimination of unsuspecting heterosexuals which is quite obviously bullying on the part of the government and on the part of the school board against our heterosexual children to be guinea pigs to be discriminated against by these homosexuals.

Because some homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are, this is justification for the school board and the government to allow homosexuals to mentally, physically, emotionally harm heterosexuals with their every homosexual lie and deception?

Fact: "what makes a man a man is being born with a penis"

Fact "what makes a woman a woman is being born with a vagina"

Fact "what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with those born with the same sex genital that they themselves are born with"

Fact "what makes a heterosexual a heterosexual is that we have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital we ourselves are born with".

The only people who try telling you different are homosexual activists which is what has opened the door and keeps the door wide open to continue to allow homosexuals to make a mockery out of heterosexuality with their every lie and deception and now it has infected our school systems as poor innocent children are being bullied into accepting being discriminated against or having to suffer the consequences for it. This is an outrage and quite obviously a door that needs to be slammed shut permanently.

A homosexual wanting to be with a homosexual is one thing. A homosexual out to deceive thus discriminate heterosexuals is completely unacceptable.

people who try telling you such as

"95% of homosexuals are born with a insufficient amount of the required or normal chemicals that are usually needed in the development process during pregnancy. This causes fetus's to develop insufficiently one way or the other that differs from their physical attributes and development"

Is just another example of the excuses that homosexual activists will make up to be able to continue to justify homosexuals to legally discriminate heterosexuals. How do heterosexuals have the right to have sex exclusively with those born with the opposite sex genital we ourselves are born with.when we have these types of homosexuals deceiving us? It's discrimination. The school board and the government are currently educating children with that it is ok to suffer the discrimination, the physical, psychological, and emotional abuse if you are a heterosexual. Of course the excuse used is that homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are so heterosexuals deserve to be discriminated against and proof of this is that the government and the school board force on the public and innocent little children that transgender and transsexual is legal.

Transgender, transsexual are exactly the types of homosexuals that discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation, and while also in deceiving / discriminating heterosexuals with these homosexual deceptions, are also encouraging other homosexuals to the same.

Our legislation(s) and school board(s) need to be cleaned up immediately for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of students as well all citizens being governed!

All procedures, surgeries and altercations must be made illegal for being used to make a person appear the opposite sex that they are born, as well discrimination against heterosexuality needs to be criminalized for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Which quite obviously means that transgender and transsexual needs to be criminalized. Homosexuals wanting to have sex with other homosexuals or even bi sexuals are one thing, but homosexuals that discriminate heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions is unacceptable. That this type of homosexual behaviour being currently deemed as acceptable in the school system or in government is unacceptable.

Homosexuals who have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are is no excuse for making legal the discrimination of heterosexuals. The age has come for homosexuals to have to legally respect heterosexuals for being heterosexual especially in our school systems as well homosexuals are going to have to start accepting themselves for what they are instead of making heterosexuals suffer discrimination for these homosexuals having a hard time accepting themselves for what they are in the first place!

Just think, how is there equality for heterosexuals to be heterosexual when we have these homosexuals going so far out of their way to deceive us that they are getting their genitals surgically mutilated along with all kinds of other altercations and procedures? There is no equality in that

It's time to remove homosexual activist insanity from legislation and school systems.

I'm blown away as to how far false claims of discrimination was all it took for homosexual activists to escalate their lies and deceptions upon legislation and forced into the minds of poor innocent children in the first place. This really is way beyond an outrage and needs to be corrected immediately.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I'll also include more information down here:

A hermaphrodite is naturally born with two genitals, if they choose too, could have a genital removed and still be left with a genital that they were "naturally born with."

A person born without a genital is neither male or female. They are obviously not a homosexual or a heterosexual. They would obviously not have the nerve endings that make up a genital therefore what sex they pretend to be is their own choice to make and is irrelevant to the fact that these people are not homosexual, not male, not female, not heterosexual because the fact remains that they are not born with a sex genital.
No one in the US has ever been told if you have a penis you cannot go into a mens rest room.
just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man. You can have a penis and identify as a woman. This is called transgender. The issue here is that for example transgender women were being discriminated from using female facilities. Surely you oppose this gender discrimination? Is this discrimination common in the United States?

Biologically, you are a man or a woman and calling yourself something else doesn't make you different. Like Lincoln observed, calling a donkey's tail a leg doesn't mean the donkey has five legs.
I just want to point out to all of you homosexual haters out there- David is one of you.
No one in the US has ever been told if you have a penis you cannot go into a mens rest room.
just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man. You can have a penis and identify as a woman. This is called transgender. The issue here is that for example transgender women were being discriminated from using female facilities. Surely you oppose this gender discrimination? Is this discrimination common in the United States?
No if you have a dick you are a man.
Check your cisgender privilege.
I feel sick just thinking about it :( Seeing that the destruction of the family has left so many children utterly fucked in life.
just because you have a penis doesn't mean you are a man. You can have a penis and identify as a woman. This is called transgender. The issue here is that for example transgender women were being discriminated from using female facilities. Surely you oppose this gender discrimination? Is this discrimination common in the United States?

You are nuts.

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