LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

First off, I'm unaware that WWI and II were fought in the name of any religion.

Then you are ignorant.

Word War I, George V was the head of the Church of England, Wilhelm II was the head of the Lutheran Church and Nicholas II was the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. All these attrocities committed by Christians.

In both world Wars, the Germans wore belt buckles that said, "Gott mit Uns" (God's With Us)

Here's the WWI version

Oh, wait, here's the WWII version


I would love to see the look on someone's face ...
When they try to eat something they forced me to prepare for them against my will.

It wouldn't kill them necessarily ...
But I am liable to be very creative with the ingredients ...
They are going to have paid way too much for whatever it is I give them ...
And it will stand a good chance of being the worst choice they ever made.

You might as well use rat poison if you do that. Adulterating food is already a felony. If you're going to ruin your life, why not do it right?
And they have an open and shut case for breach of contract.
it's forbidden 🚫 to discriminate against any religion. Christians aren't any more special than any other religion.
lol yes, they are, especially the evangelicals; the establishment clause is taken directly from one of the Baptists' major founding platforms.
He didn’t want to make the gay cake. These people don’t want to serve the Christian event.

What’s the problem? Looks fair to me. Stupid but fair.
The baker simply didn't agree to make the cake. The restaurant DID agree to host the event, then pulled out an hour and a half before it was to begin. REGARDLESS of the reason, that's an open-and-shut breach of contract.
It's exactly the same. And it's funny watching the hypocrites twist themselves inside out insisting "it's different when we do it!".

Or, well, it's funny at first. Then it just gets depressing.
Not at all, though I understand that you want it to be the same. The baker simply didn't agree to make the cake. The restaurant DID agree to host the event, then pulled out an hour and a half before it was to begin. REGARDLESS of the reason for refusal, that's an open-and-shut breach of contract.
They didn't need to, since they were all referring to Christians; many of the colonies were founded by Christian dissenters. There weren't enough others around to bother worrying about. And even fewer sniveling atheists, which is why the poorly educated try and pass off Jefferson and and a couple of others as the only Founders they ever mention. And even then, they're wrong about Jefferson and have to lie; he was a Christian, and said so. Modern deviants have to make up lies in order to validate their nonsense.
Jefferson was a Deist.
the establishment clause was put in because the founding fathers saw what influence the church of England had and didn't want us to end up just like back home.
More that Jefferson had seen what France's (very corrupt) Catholic church was up to.
Jefferson was a Deist.

More that Jefferson had seen what France's (very corrupt) Catholic church was up to.

I'll go with his own words not some deviant on the innernetz's wish list.

Jefferson was a big supporter of the Baptists in Danbury, Conn. What he thought about Catholics doesn't mean squat. He numbered many pastors and preachers among his friends. Evangelicals put him in office, as VP and then President.

Claiming he was a 'Deist' would be the same as calling Thomas Of Aquina a 'Deist"; they both favored proving god exists via logic and reason.
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You might as well use rat poison if you do that. Adulterating food is already a felony. If you're going to ruin your life, why not do it right?

It's not really appealing to me to actually put anyone in personal physical or life-threatening danger as a matter of appeasing nonsense.
I also could not adulterate ingredients in a custom dish I prepare, by simply using the ingredients I choose to use when preparing it.

If I am forced to provide someone with a wedding cake ... They would be requesting that I make them a custom cake.
It just might be interesting during the reception on their special day when they discover,
I felt the desire to put a more than a fair amount of jalapenos and sardines in their beautiful custom wedding cake.

I might even send them a complementary bottle of Tums to assist with any possible indigestion issues.
It's not breach of contract if they request I make them a custom cake ... And then do exactly that.

The “staff” should have been told by the owners, either do your jobs, or turn in your aprons and collect your pay. The staff have opened the owners up for a very expensive lawsuit.
That might result in the place closing (possibly for good) because they have no staff.
Management has a legal responsibility to not allow its employees to violate the law.
But no real ability to do so. EVERYONE is short of waitstaff, and everyone knows it.
Why don't the Christians find another restaurant where there are no gay servers or chefs?
It's customary to read thready before replying. Not mandatory, you understand, but customary.
Hey what happened to "Bake the Cake"?

I wonder if they would serve a group of Muslims that came in? I'm guessing yes, because that's different.

The irony of that statement from the restaurant!

In other words: We believe in human rights for everyone except Christians and others who disagree w/ us

how big of them!

That wasn't mean to be a personal accusation, and I apologize. I don't know you to be a racist or a bigot. But it's a common theme of Trump Republicans, and it's the kind of mindless fear driving the movement.
Be'll strain a hamstring backpedaling like that.
I'll go with his own words not some deviant on the innernetz's wish list.

Jefferson was a big supporter of the Baptists in Danbury, Conn. What he thought about Catholics doesn't mean squat. He numbered many pastors and preachers among his friends. Evangelicals put him in office, as VP and then President.

Claiming he was a 'Deist' would be the same as calling Thomas Of Aquina a 'Deist"; they both favored proving god exists via logic and reason.
I already demolished your bullshit once, I see no need to do it again. Jefferson was a Deist...he explicitly rejected the Holy Trinity and Christ's divinity. Unless and until you read the Jeffersonian Bible, none of your mouth-frothing rants mean anything.
That is not what's going on. The bakers were being forced to participate in something they did not agree with. Merely selling something (or not) to the public was not at issue

Oh, bullshit. If that Baker was really against selling wedding cakes to people who didn't live up to the bible, they couldn't sell any cakes.

Any woman who isn't a virgin on her wedding day. (Pretty much 99% of them)
Any couple living in sin.
Any woman who wears pants
Any couple where one or both partners have tattoos
Any couple working on the Sabbath

There's a whole bunch of bible laws that regular folks break every day. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Mostly because they weren't.

I know,
Then you are ignorant.

Word War I, George V was the head of the Church of England, Wilhelm II was the head of the Lutheran Church and Nicholas II was the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. All these attrocities committed by Christians.

In both world Wars, the Germans wore belt buckles that said, "Gott mit Uns" (God's With Us)

Here's the WWI version
View attachment 736397

Oh, wait, here's the WWII version

View attachment 736398

Wow Joe, thanks for enlightening me! I did not realize that WWI and II were part of the Crusades!
Hey what happened to "Bake the Cake"?

I wonder if they would serve a group of Muslims that came in? I'm guessing yes, because that's different.

First of all who run western countries?
Satanists, pedophiles, insane, communists
LGBT is their Number One in the fight against our freedom and traditional values
You betcha in some years LGBT will be allowed to murder Christians without any punishment
That was just plain devilish to do it 90 minutes before they were to arrive. But then.......they are.
So the owners are pro-abort filth. Cool. They can publicly refuse to take the money of decent folk, and we can refuse to ever give those trash our money.
Another one that disappoints me that will not be seeing my money is Arby's. They have discontinued all items that contained pork. Coincidentally, they just inked a deal to open Arby's in Saudi Arabia. How convenient. Muslims won't eat pork, so Arby's bends over and we can't get pork in the US. Adios Arby's.

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