LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

If it hadn’t been for the work of Christian conservatives, I’d say that everyone should be served.

But those aren’t the rules anymore because that’s not what Christian conservatives wanted.

So why are they complaining when it comes back to bite them in the ass?

Actually it's biting you in the ass. You're too stupid to realize it. Now go away, you're annoying
I stand corrected. I researched numerous sites before I posted and one specifically stated that bacon was not on the menu. My experience over the past year is that they have no pork products (E. WA and N. ID) I don't eat that particular product, but I did eat the the ham sandwiches--preferred them over anything else on the menu. I also have found a site that claims Arby's has a "secret menu" that you can get ham on. Not in my area. Arby's has the meats? Unless you want ham, pepperoni, or salami, but you can get bacon. Naw, I'll pass from now on.

and pork ribs as well.
Nope, another GiGi lie. When was the last time you were in an Arby's moron. Why don't you research Arby's site. SMFH, fucking lying troll.


Still no Arby's link. Try again, moron.
Still no Arby's link. Try again, moron.

Yes, all those sites are lying just to make you look bad for telling a lie about Arbys.

If it was a restaurant that refused to serve a gay group and cancelled at the last minute would the result be the same?
Nope, and they wouldn't dare try it.
SCOTUS doesn’t seem to agree. They overruled these types of decisions in Masterpiece.

Question is why do Christian conservatives argue for the ability to refuse service to gay people but howl when they’re refused service?
So do Christians have a double standard? They get to treat gay people one way and then act outraged when they’re treated the same way?

It appears so.

Whe obergfell came down, it legalized same sex marriage, which opened up a BRAND NEW commercial bakery product.

If the baker chose not to ADD the new product line, the courts have no right to interfere in his business decision.

From my understanding, the baker refused to offer this product regardless if the couple consisted of a straight same sex couple or a gay same sex couple. By definition he did not discriminate.

And I have no doubt he would continue to supply opposite sex wedding cakes regardless if the couple was gay, straight or of mixed sexualities.

It’s really just that simple.
SCOTUS doesn’t seem to agree. They overruled these types of decisions in Masterpiece.

Question is why do Christian conservatives argue for the ability to refuse service to gay people but howl when they’re refused service?
When did that happen?
Whe obergfell came down, it legalized same sex marriage, which opened up a BRAND NEW commercial bakery product.

If the baker chose not to ADD the new product line, the courts have no right to interfere in his business decision.

From my understanding, the baker refused to offer this product regardless if the couple consisted of a straight same sex couple or a gay same sex couple. By definition he did not discriminate.

And I have no doubt he would continue to supply opposite sex wedding cakes regardless if the couple was gay, straight or of mixed sexualities.

It’s really just that simple.
This is not a serious argument.

There is no difference between a wedding cake for a gay wedding and a straight wedding.

It’s like saying Woolworth’s lunch counter wasn’t discriminating because they only made white people sandwiches and decided not to introduce black people sandwiches.
Doubt it. They got to find out when their reservation was cancelled.

They can still just go to another restaurant. What’s the big deal?

Whatever do you mean?

The Oregon Bakery’s court ruling was wiped out by SCOTUS.

So tell me why the Christians are complaining? We are now operating under the rules they wanted.

I understand you're not too bright, so I will try to use small words. The restaurant accepted the reservation. Large groups generally need to be reserved at least several days (and usually weeks) in advance. An hour or so before the reservation, the restaurant cancelled.

REGARDLESS of reason, this is a breach of contract.

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