LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

However there seem to be enough people who aren't interested in rights and so on, even on this board there are plenty of people.

How many people in the US see the ideals of the constitution and Bill or Rights as nothing?

However you talk about taking away their guns then all of a sudden the Bill or Rights becomes the most important thing in the world.
This board is not a good cross section of the American public. Consider where this country was 50 years ago or even 20 years ago. Just 20 years ago, same sex marriage was illegal in every state. Today it's been legalized in 17 states. A Gallup poll in 1996 reported only 27% of Americans believed same sex marriage should be legally recognized. Just 15 years later a majority of Americans, 53% believe it should be legally recognized. We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

The increasing number of openly gay people have convinced most Americans that same sex marriage is nothing to be feared. I think the trend is clear. Bans on same sex marriage will follow the same path as bans on interracial marriage. The only question is how long it will take.
Short period of time? It's unbelievable. I've never seen a faster switch of fundamental positions. Gay rights have done in 20 years what it took women a 100 to do. It's phenomenal.
I attribute the change to the number of gays coming out of the closet. 20, 30, or 40 years ago very few people were well acquainted with any openly gay people. As more gays came out, the negative stereotype and fears began to fall by the wayside. The gay population was no longer some isolated weird group but our sons, daughters, neighbors, and coworkers. Their problems became our problems.
This board is not a good cross section of the American public. Consider where this country was 50 years ago or even 20 years ago. Just 20 years ago, same sex marriage was illegal in every state. Today it's been legalized in 17 states. A Gallup poll in 1996 reported only 27% of Americans believed same sex marriage should be legally recognized. Just 15 years later a majority of Americans, 53% believe it should be legally recognized. We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

The increasing number of openly gay people have convinced most Americans that same sex marriage is nothing to be feared. I think the trend is clear. Bans on same sex marriage will follow the same path as bans on interracial marriage. The only question is how long it will take.
Short period of time? It's unbelievable. I've never seen a faster switch of fundamental positions. Gay rights have done in 20 years what it took women a 100 to do. It's phenomenal.
I attribute the change to the number of gays coming out of the closet. 20, 30, or 40 years ago very few people were well acquainted with any openly gay people. As more gays came out, the negative stereotype and fears began to fall by the wayside. The gay population was no longer some isolated weird group but our sons, daughters, neighbors, and coworkers. Their problems became our problems.

Of course the schools and media cramming gays down our throats for the last 20 years has had nothing to do with it. Shows like modern family and shows produced in Canada are pushing hundreds of hours of gays over cable and satellite TV every week. It's called programing for a reason.
We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.

You want the judges to act on your desires instead of the evidence that contradicts them. Not gonna happen.
Short period of time? It's unbelievable. I've never seen a faster switch of fundamental positions. Gay rights have done in 20 years what it took women a 100 to do. It's phenomenal.
I attribute the change to the number of gays coming out of the closet. 20, 30, or 40 years ago very few people were well acquainted with any openly gay people. As more gays came out, the negative stereotype and fears began to fall by the wayside. The gay population was no longer some isolated weird group but our sons, daughters, neighbors, and coworkers. Their problems became our problems.

Of course the schools and media cramming gays down our throats for the last 20 years has had nothing to do with it. Shows like modern family and shows produced in Canada are pushing hundreds of hours of gays over cable and satellite TV every week. It's called programing for a reason.
If most people weren't receptive of gays, they would reject the media that focuses on gays. Media trends are set by youth and young adults who by a large margin, 62% consider homosexuality acceptable.

In school, particular high school, it's hard not to be open-minded on the subject when most of the students are supportive of gays and in most schools there are openly gay students.

Acceptance of Homosexuality: A Youth Movement
Once again a gay person/advocate weaves in a lie into the conversation, changes its whole meaning thereby, and then launches off on that false premise to "make a point"...

I said black people by and large, the majority of those voters HATE their gruelling civil rights struggle being COMPARED to the gay cult-movement of "let's get at the kiddies"... er...I mean "gay marriage and the right to adopt!"... Not that they hate individual gay people for how they suffer from these delusions. I'm sure most black people have a very broad minded outlook to the individual mental illness suffer.

Please try to keep that straight in your mind and engage in clean debating here.

To be honest, this is a non-issue in what we're talking about. It makes no difference how you see the view of black people towards the gay civil rights movement, it makes no difference if they support or defend.

The simple fact is, in a country with human rights, a constitution with a Bill of Rights, people should not be treated as second class citizens.
I attribute the change to the number of gays coming out of the closet. 20, 30, or 40 years ago very few people were well acquainted with any openly gay people. As more gays came out, the negative stereotype and fears began to fall by the wayside. The gay population was no longer some isolated weird group but our sons, daughters, neighbors, and coworkers. Their problems became our problems.

Gay people are riding in the wake of the black civil rights movement, the women's liberation movement and other such things. The fact that it has taken so long to catch up is more surprising.
I attribute the change to the number of gays coming out of the closet. 20, 30, or 40 years ago very few people were well acquainted with any openly gay people. As more gays came out, the negative stereotype and fears began to fall by the wayside. The gay population was no longer some isolated weird group but our sons, daughters, neighbors, and coworkers. Their problems became our problems.

Gay people are riding in the wake of the black civil rights movement, the women's liberation movement and other such things. The fact that it has taken so long to catch up is more surprising.

You're both right. Gays have been able to "piggyback" off civil rights movements that have come before, but it is the fact that gay people have families that it has moved so quickly. Look at all the prominent Republicans that have come out in support of marriage equality...what do they have in common? A gay family member.
I attribute the change to the number of gays coming out of the closet. 20, 30, or 40 years ago very few people were well acquainted with any openly gay people. As more gays came out, the negative stereotype and fears began to fall by the wayside. The gay population was no longer some isolated weird group but our sons, daughters, neighbors, and coworkers. Their problems became our problems.

Gay people are riding in the wake of the black civil rights movement, the women's liberation movement and other such things. The fact that it has taken so long to catch up is more surprising.

You're both right. Gays have been able to "piggyback" off civil rights movements that have come before, but it is the fact that gay people have families that it has moved so quickly. Look at all the prominent Republicans that have come out in support of marriage equality...what do they have in common? A gay family member.

Probably got tired of the Stink-Eye at Thanksgiving!
You're both right. Gays have been able to "piggyback" off civil rights movements that have come before, but it is the fact that gay people have families that it has moved so quickly. Look at all the prominent Republicans that have come out in support of marriage equality...what do they have in common? A gay family member.

Nothing like finding out you're not on the right side of the mob.
The change came one person at a time: family member, friend, a person you admired at work, so on.
You're both right. Gays have been able to "piggyback" off civil rights movements that have come before, but it is the fact that gay people have families that it has moved so quickly. Look at all the prominent Republicans that have come out in support of marriage equality...what do they have in common? A gay family member.

Nothing like finding out you're not on the right side of the mob.

Yes unfortunately Faggots are born and not hatched, they are all derived from heterosexual activity and are not immaculate conceptions . And yes many Republicans also support Queer marriage - I myself am a Queer hater, but support their equal rights, which includes the right to marry other faggots - whether or not I approve of their dementia.

As far as Queers and Dykes hiding behind the Civil Rights movement - despicable and appalling is all I can say. Black people are equally disgusted by Faggots and Dykes as any body else, to equate sexual dementia with Civil Rights is an insult to all African Amricans !
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You're both right. Gays have been able to "piggyback" off civil rights movements that have come before, but it is the fact that gay people have families that it has moved so quickly. Look at all the prominent Republicans that have come out in support of marriage equality...what do they have in common? A gay family member.

Nothing like finding out you're not on the right side of the mob.

Yes unfortunately Faggots are born and not hatched, they are all derived from heterosexual activity and are not immaculate conceptions . And yes many Republicans also support Queer marriage - I myself am a Queer hater, but support their equal rights, which includes the right to marry other faggots - whether or not I approve of their dementia.

As far as Queers and Dykes hiding behind the Civil Rights movement - despicable and appalling is all I can say. Black people are equally disgusted by Faggots and Dykes as any body else, to equate sexual dementia with Civil Rights is an insult to all African Amricans !

No they aren't. Catch up.
Nothing like finding out you're not on the right side of the mob.

Yes unfortunately Faggots are born and not hatched, they are all derived from heterosexual activity and are not immaculate conceptions . And yes many Republicans also support Queer marriage - I myself am a Queer hater, but support their equal rights, which includes the right to marry other faggots - whether or not I approve of their dementia.

As far as Queers and Dykes hiding behind the Civil Rights movement - despicable and appalling is all I can say. Black people are equally disgusted by Faggots and Dykes as any body else, to equate sexual dementia with Civil Rights is an insult to all African Amricans !

No they aren't. Catch up.

NAACP Passes Resolution in Support of Marriage Equality | NAACP

From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!
Yes unfortunately Faggots are born and not hatched, they are all derived from heterosexual activity and are not immaculate conceptions . And yes many Republicans also support Queer marriage - I myself am a Queer hater, but support their equal rights, which includes the right to marry other faggots - whether or not I approve of their dementia.

As far as Queers and Dykes hiding behind the Civil Rights movement - despicable and appalling is all I can say. Black people are equally disgusted by Faggots and Dykes as any body else, to equate sexual dementia with Civil Rights is an insult to all African Amricans !

No they aren't. Catch up.

NAACP Passes Resolution in Support of Marriage Equality | NAACP

From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!

That would also be un-Constitutional, a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, which applies to more than just marriage law.

You just can’t help yourself but to discriminate.
Yes unfortunately Faggots are born and not hatched, they are all derived from heterosexual activity and are not immaculate conceptions . And yes many Republicans also support Queer marriage - I myself am a Queer hater, but support their equal rights, which includes the right to marry other faggots - whether or not I approve of their dementia.

As far as Queers and Dykes hiding behind the Civil Rights movement - despicable and appalling is all I can say. Black people are equally disgusted by Faggots and Dykes as any body else, to equate sexual dementia with Civil Rights is an insult to all African Amricans !

No they aren't. Catch up.

NAACP Passes Resolution in Support of Marriage Equality | NAACP

From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!

So what? So what is that you made a false claim about blacks and marriage equality and I showed you how wrong you are...that's "so what".

Gays are married and creating our families just like everyone else...and apparently it bothers you a great deal. (good)

From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!

So what? So what is that you made a false claim about blacks and marriage equality and I showed you how wrong you are...that's "so what".

Gays are married and creating our families just like everyone else...and apparently it bothers you a great deal. (good)

Seahag - we've had this conversation b4 - there's no statistical evidence indicative of you dykes being bad parents, there is however a trove of data to prove that your male counterparts need to be tediously analyzed, psychologically profiled and in most cases excluded from even being considered as adoptive parents

From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!

That would also be un-Constitutional, a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, which applies to more than just marriage law.

You just can’t help yourself but to discriminate.

That's a matter of interpretation. To deny a faggot a job as a teacher, who in all other respects is a good person, and whom does not allow his sexual disorientation interfere with his/her job - well yes of course it would.

To deny Faggots and Dykes the right to propagandize within the educational system is not discrimination.

To deny a mentally unstable and unfit pervert to be adoptive parents is not discrimination
From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!

That would also be un-Constitutional, a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, which applies to more than just marriage law.

You just can’t help yourself but to discriminate.

That's a matter of interpretation. To deny a faggot a job as a teacher, who in all other respects is a good person, and whom does not allow his sexual disorientation interfere with his/her job - well yes of course it would.

To deny Faggots and Dykes the right to propagandize within the educational system is not discrimination.

To deny a mentally unstable and unfit pervert to be adoptive parents is not discrimination
I mean this in the nicest way possible, you sir are a total loon, but maybe I'm being too harsh here? 60 years ago that might have been thought sane. 60 years ago, but not very bright people.
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From the Link you provided ...

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people.”

Yes and so what ? I agree 100% with that statement from the NAACP , in particular that it is a civil right guaranteed by the Constitution - 14th Amendment - I have stated b4 and I'll say it again - you perverts want to get married and play house just like real people, who am I or any normal people to say you can't ? Go for it !!!

That doesn't change the fact that you are still a bunch of mentally deranged devious perverts who should be kept at arms length from the Educational system and children, and Adoption - by Queers !!!???!!! - fahgetaboutit !!!

So what? So what is that you made a false claim about blacks and marriage equality and I showed you how wrong you are...that's "so what".

Gays are married and creating our families just like everyone else...and apparently it bothers you a great deal. (good)

Seahag - we've had this conversation b4 - there's no statistical evidence indicative of you dykes being bad parents, there is however a trove of data to prove that your male counterparts need to be tediously analyzed, psychologically profiled and in most cases excluded from even being considered as adoptive parents

No actually, all the studies have shown that gay parents of either gender do not disadvantage their children.

Our kids are fine. Worry about kids of divorced parents.

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