LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

What if your premise started out with "gays are part of a cultural movement based around learned deviant sexual behaviors; given sex is about reproduction".

If it was found that LGBTs were cult like and grouped around deviant behaviors...worshipping an icon, unaplogetically, who sodomized teen boys on drugs..that would change your statement.

The jury is still out on the above. And while it is, we err on the side of child safety.
What if, you are a total paranoid fruitcake? Could be you know, Mrs. Milk...

Typical gay liberal response to reasonable message of question or statement that you have no legitimate answers for. .......
Attack the messenger. Talk about "paranoid fruitcake"

Mrs. Milk's was not reasonable. Time and experience have taught mankind that LGBT is not deviant but the violent opposition to it is very deviant.
Tell me, why do you persist in this argument when 1. the courts have already tossed it, and 2. it's illogical?

Can you by chance name any other contract that requires one person to be male and one female?

Actually judges are divided, and it's fact. You can't prove me wrong, gays have the exact same rights as all men and women, they are demanding special accommodations that are beyond the scope of the federal bureaucrats.
Your dog won't hunt. I could make the same for any restriction I put on marriage as long as it applied to everyone. No Jews and Catholics together, no blacks and whites together. They would all be equal it would never pass in court because it makes no sense even though everyone is technically "equal".

We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
Actually judges are divided, and it's fact. You can't prove me wrong, gays have the exact same rights as all men and women, they are demanding special accommodations that are beyond the scope of the federal bureaucrats.
Your dog won't hunt. I could make the same for any restriction I put on marriage as long as it applied to everyone. No Jews and Catholics together, no blacks and whites together. They would all be equal it would never pass in court because it makes no sense even though everyone is technically "equal".

We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.
Actually judges are divided, and it's fact. You can't prove me wrong, gays have the exact same rights as all men and women, they are demanding special accommodations that are beyond the scope of the federal bureaucrats.
Your dog won't hunt. I could make the same for any restriction I put on marriage as long as it applied to everyone. No Jews and Catholics together, no blacks and whites together. They would all be equal it would never pass in court because it makes no sense even though everyone is technically "equal".

We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.

Well, that is unwarranted faith much like your shouting MR would win in a landslide.
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Your dog won't hunt. I could make the same for any restriction I put on marriage as long as it applied to everyone. No Jews and Catholics together, no blacks and whites together. They would all be equal it would never pass in court because it makes no sense even though everyone is technically "equal".

We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

Where is Society going exactly? Multi-marriages, Zoophilia- marrying animals.. Being you're the arbiter of society; you have your pulse on this nation, do us all a favor and impart your great wisdom?
We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

Where is Society going exactly? Multi-marriages, Zoophilia- marrying animals.. Being you're the arbiter of society; you have your pulse on this nation, do us all a favor and impart your great wisdom?
It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

Where is Society going exactly? Multi-marriages, Zoophilia- marrying animals.. Being you're the arbiter of society; you have your pulse on this nation, do us all a favor and impart your great wisdom?
It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?
Your dog won't hunt. I could make the same for any restriction I put on marriage as long as it applied to everyone. No Jews and Catholics together, no blacks and whites together. They would all be equal it would never pass in court because it makes no sense even though everyone is technically "equal".

We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.
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See the "couple" part, that means it's not just one man and one woman. And that's because a marriage is the only contract we have with that requirement, for now.

See that "either alone or" part...

I guess you missed the part emphasized above. Single women can contract for artificial insemination. Singles or couples can make such arrangements. When it's a single women, it would require a male.

Yes but the contract doesn't require that one be one sex and one the other. In most states a marriage license still does.

Male sperm donor and female egg does require one of one sex and one of the other.

What part of Single women can contract for sperm donation and it does not have to be anonymous is not clear?

Where is Society going exactly? Multi-marriages, Zoophilia- marrying animals.. Being you're the arbiter of society; you have your pulse on this nation, do us all a favor and impart your great wisdom?
It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?

No, it has to do with the fact that Americans possess the Constitutional right to freely express themselves as individuals, without interference by the state:

Liberty protects the person from unwarranted government intrusions into a dwelling or other private places. In our tradition the State is not omnipresent in the home. And there are other spheres of our lives and existence, outside the home, where the State should not be a dominant presence. Freedom extends beyond spatial bounds. Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct. The instant case involves liberty of the person both in its spatial and more transcendent dimensions.

When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.


Whether as a consequence of genetics or choice, how one ‘becomes’ homosexual is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant; the issue therefore has nothing to do with the sexual act itself, but with the right of the individual to self-determination.

For the state, then, to seek to deny gay Americans access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment is to also violate their right to express themselves as individuals, as the state’s interference is both unwarranted and un-Constitutional.
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It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?

No, it has to do with the fact that Americans possess the Constitutional right to freely express themselves as individuals, without interference by the state:

Liberty protects the person from unwarranted government intrusions into a dwelling or other private places. In our tradition the State is not omnipresent in the home. And there are other spheres of our lives and existence, outside the home, where the State should not be a dominant presence. Freedom extends beyond spatial bounds. Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct. The instant case involves liberty of the person both in its spatial and more transcendent dimensions.

When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.


Whether as a consequence of genetics or choice, how one ‘becomes’ homosexual is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant; the issue therefore has nothing to do with the sexual act itself, but with the right of the individual to self-determination.

For the state, then, to seek to deny gay Americans access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment is to also violate their right to express themselves as individuals, as the state’s interference is both unwarranted and un-Constitutional.

So the 14th amendment gives me the right to go into any restroom I chose, mens, womens, little boys, little girls or any shower room I chose, I mean they can't possibly have an interest in limiting my expression of individuality. This makes just as much sense as your dribble.
We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.

The state’s act of denying gay Americans access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause renders homosexuals indeed unequal.

Consequently, Utah’s Amendment 3 “classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This [Utah] cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment [3] violates the Equal Protection Clause” of the 14th Amendment (Romer v. Evans (1996)).

Your proof, therefore, can be found in the Constitution itself, and in its case law, and in the many rulings by the Federal courts invalidating measures that seek only to make homosexuals unequal to everyone else.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.

The state’s act of denying gay Americans access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause renders homosexuals indeed unequal.

Consequently, Utah’s Amendment 3 “classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This [Utah] cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment [3] violates the Equal Protection Clause” of the 14th Amendment (Romer v. Evans (1996)).

Your proof, therefore, can be found in the Constitution itself, and in its case law, and in the many rulings by the Federal courts invalidating measures that seek only to make homosexuals unequal to everyone else.

The hole in your story big enough to drive an aircraft carrier through is gays have access to marriage just like I do. They say a mental condition renders them unequal where the law addresses the physical. Physically they are equal in every way to any other man or woman. Therefore there is no equal protection violation. If there is then there is a long slippery slope awaiting decisions on other mental disorders being a necessary evil to reorder society. How far to you want the destruction of the moral fiber of this country to go? Where's the line?
See that "either alone or" part...

I guess you missed the part emphasized above. Single women can contract for artificial insemination. Singles or couples can make such arrangements. When it's a single women, it would require a male.

Yes but the contract doesn't require that one be one sex and one the other. In most states a marriage license still does.

Male sperm donor and female egg does require one of one sex and one of the other.

What part of Single women can contract for sperm donation and it does not have to be anonymous is not clear?
Contract law is not what's required for making babies. Soon, as long as you only want a girl, you won't even need the man. just two women.
We'll see when SCOTUS rules. From what Ive seen so far I'm confident it will be left to the States if they allow fag marriage or not and most have already spoken.
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.
You are lying to yourself. Can't help you.
Where is Society going exactly? Multi-marriages, Zoophilia- marrying animals.. Being you're the arbiter of society; you have your pulse on this nation, do us all a favor and impart your great wisdom?
It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?
It's love, not sex. The courts are way ahead of you.
It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?
It's love, not sex. The courts are way ahead of you.

I love my grandpa, does that mean we can marry? Do we have to consummate it?

I love a lot of people my own gender, why does that mean we get to marry then?
You are pissing in the wind friend but you are welcome to do so. Every state that has been challenged in court has dropped the ban, every one. If you think the Court is unaware of where society is going, and is going to let people be unequal just because they crossed a state line, then you haven't been watching the court for the last 60 years.

Gay marriage is all over but for the shouting of people like you.

You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.
You are lying to yourself. Can't help you.

Come on hero, prove me wrong. They are not being treated unequal physically, since when do we legislate emotions or feelings, and how are they objectively judged.
It's going towards equality for homosexuals. That's all, for now.

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?
It's love, not sex. The courts are way ahead of you.

It's love is it, you know, the existence of love can be proven just about as easily as the existence of God. Most folks know it's there but how exactly do you legislate for it? You want us to actually believe that two biologically incompatible organisms could actually love each other. Really? Isn't that a bit "unnatural"?
Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?
It's love, not sex. The courts are way ahead of you.

I love my grandpa, does that mean we can marry? Do we have to consummate it?

I love a lot of people my own gender, why does that mean we get to marry then?
If you are over 18-years-old, in your right mind, and unmarried, knock yourself out. And you get to marry them, if you wish, because at some point we no longer have to babysit you. Your life, your loves, your mistakes, are on you alone. That is Liberty.

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