LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

Since when did we start defining fucking as equality? There's no gay gene.. never will be. So cough up an answer. Equality has to do with who ya fuck now?
It's love, not sex. The courts are way ahead of you.

It's love is it, you know, the existence of love can be proven just about as easily as the existence of God. Most folks know it's there but how exactly do you legislate for it? You want us to actually believe that two biologically incompatible organisms could actually love each other. Really? Isn't that a bit "unnatural"?
Humans adjust nature to suit them, in case you hadn't noticed. Are you saying that we are nothing but simple animals, who also engage in homosexual, and bisexual sexuality? Interesting.

Do you think two men cannot love each other just as much as a man and a woman can? Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? Does God exist? Prove it, prove any of them. but you can't now can you?
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You have yet to prove anyone is being treated unequal, because they aren't. And your claim that every state has surrendered when challenged, well that's just a lie, my state hasn't surrendered and it will not surrender. BTW Utah hasn't either.
You are lying to yourself. Can't help you.

Come on hero, prove me wrong. They are not being treated unequal physically, since when do we legislate emotions or feelings, and how are they objectively judged.
For a fee, since they are both adults, we issue a license. In the past only to a man and woman, but now we see that this is Unequal, since not all people are heterosexual. What you call a "marriage" after that, is entirely up to you but the contract from the state is equal only when it applies to all adults, not just the ones with opposite genitals.
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You are lying to yourself. Can't help you.

Come on hero, prove me wrong. They are not being treated unequal physically, since when do we legislate emotions or feelings, and how are they objectively judged.
We don't ask for proof of love now do we? For a fee, we issue a license. What you call a "marriage" after that, is entirely up to you.

Up to you, really, the entity that issues the license has no say, if that's the case why have a license at all. As for proving love, you lefties have no problem with people being forced to prove their faith. What's the difference?
Come on hero, prove me wrong. They are not being treated unequal physically, since when do we legislate emotions or feelings, and how are they objectively judged.
We don't ask for proof of love now do we? For a fee, we issue a license. What you call a "marriage" after that, is entirely up to you.

Up to you, really, the entity that issues the license has no say, if that's the case why have a license at all. As for proving love, you lefties have no problem with people being forced to prove their faith. What's the difference?
The License is a Contract, a State Approved one.

Can't prove faith, you could become a martyr I suppose, and can't prove love, and you aren't required to. All that is required is that you be equal before the law. In this case the law is unequal just as it was when two races couldn't marry. You let the plumbing, which isn't required, get in the way of the value. The value is equality. If you refuse to support it that is on you, you are hardly alone, but anyone who did such a thing was left in the dust, just as you are being.
We don't ask for proof of love now do we? For a fee, we issue a license. What you call a "marriage" after that, is entirely up to you.

Up to you, really, the entity that issues the license has no say, if that's the case why have a license at all. As for proving love, you lefties have no problem with people being forced to prove their faith. What's the difference?
The License is a Contract, a State Approved one.

Can't prove faith, you could become a martyr I suppose, and can't prove love, and you aren't required to. All that is required is that you be equal before the law. In this case the law is unequal just as it was when two races couldn't marry. You let the plumbing, which isn't required, get in the way of the value. The value is equality. If you refuse to support it that is on you, you are hardly alone, but anyone who did such a thing was left in the dust, just as you are being.

So now you say we are legislating "value" really, tell me how do you quantify "value" for the courts? You folks just can't figure out what your argument is, can you?
Up to you, really, the entity that issues the license has no say, if that's the case why have a license at all. As for proving love, you lefties have no problem with people being forced to prove their faith. What's the difference?
The License is a Contract, a State Approved one.

Can't prove faith, you could become a martyr I suppose, and can't prove love, and you aren't required to. All that is required is that you be equal before the law. In this case the law is unequal just as it was when two races couldn't marry. You let the plumbing, which isn't required, get in the way of the value. The value is equality. If you refuse to support it that is on you, you are hardly alone, but anyone who did such a thing was left in the dust, just as you are being.

So now you say we are legislating "value" really, tell me how do you quantify "value" for the courts? You folks just can't figure out what your argument is, can you?
Equality before the law is an American Value, like Freedom or Liberty, and one you don't support. Nuff said.
The License is a Contract, a State Approved one.

Can't prove faith, you could become a martyr I suppose, and can't prove love, and you aren't required to. All that is required is that you be equal before the law. In this case the law is unequal just as it was when two races couldn't marry. You let the plumbing, which isn't required, get in the way of the value. The value is equality. If you refuse to support it that is on you, you are hardly alone, but anyone who did such a thing was left in the dust, just as you are being.

So now you say we are legislating "value" really, tell me how do you quantify "value" for the courts? You folks just can't figure out what your argument is, can you?
Equality before the law is an American Value, like Freedom or Liberty, and one you don't support. Nuff said.

Oh American values, like biologic families with mommy, daddy and the kiddos. You know the thing DOMA was intended to protect and has yet to be overturned. Like I said earlier, I don't think SCOTUS will change that, but we'll see.
So now you say we are legislating "value" really, tell me how do you quantify "value" for the courts? You folks just can't figure out what your argument is, can you?
Equality before the law is an American Value, like Freedom or Liberty, and one you don't support. Nuff said.

Oh American values, like biologic families with mommy, daddy and the kiddos. You know the thing DOMA was intended to protect and has yet to be overturned. Like I said earlier, I don't think SCOTUS will change that, but we'll see.
Yes you will, and it will not be to your liking. I've watched the Court for many decades. They know which way the wind blows. The reason your side has lost each time it made it to court was because there is no compelling state interest. You can't void a civil right without one and none can be found. It's just the tradition, usually a religious one, of fear and hatred of homosexuals.

Biological families require no contracts approved by the state by the way. If producing children were required millions of people would not be allowed to marry. The courts tossed that argument out as well.
Equality before the law is an American Value, like Freedom or Liberty, and one you don't support. Nuff said.

Oh American values, like biologic families with mommy, daddy and the kiddos. You know the thing DOMA was intended to protect and has yet to be overturned. Like I said earlier, I don't think SCOTUS will change that, but we'll see.
Yes you will, and it will not be to your liking. I've watched the Court for many decades. They know which way the wind blows. The reason your side has lost each time it made it to court was because there is no compelling state interest. You can't void a civil right without one and none can be found. It's just the tradition, usually a religious one, of fear and hatred of homosexuals.

Biological families require no contracts approved by the state by the way. If producing children were required millions of people would not be allowed to marry. The courts tossed that argument out as well.

The problem here is your invention of a phantom civil right, kind of like turning criminal profiling into a civil rights violation when we all know that's bull shit too.
Oh American values, like biologic families with mommy, daddy and the kiddos. You know the thing DOMA was intended to protect and has yet to be overturned. Like I said earlier, I don't think SCOTUS will change that, but we'll see.
Yes you will, and it will not be to your liking. I've watched the Court for many decades. They know which way the wind blows. The reason your side has lost each time it made it to court was because there is no compelling state interest. You can't void a civil right without one and none can be found. It's just the tradition, usually a religious one, of fear and hatred of homosexuals.

Biological families require no contracts approved by the state by the way. If producing children were required millions of people would not be allowed to marry. The courts tossed that argument out as well.

The problem here is your invention of a phantom civil right, kind of like turning criminal profiling into a civil rights violation when we all know that's bull shit too.
Equality before the law is no phantom: Gay Marriage Foes Scramble After Court Losses « CBS St. Louis

It's as American as Mom and Apple Pie. Wherever you try, you lose:

Mostly Flyover still to go. No worries:
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Yes you will, and it will not be to your liking. I've watched the Court for many decades. They know which way the wind blows. The reason your side has lost each time it made it to court was because there is no compelling state interest. You can't void a civil right without one and none can be found. It's just the tradition, usually a religious one, of fear and hatred of homosexuals.

Biological families require no contracts approved by the state by the way. If producing children were required millions of people would not be allowed to marry. The courts tossed that argument out as well.

The problem here is your invention of a phantom civil right, kind of like turning criminal profiling into a civil rights violation when we all know that's bull shit too.
Equality before the law is no phantom: Gay Marriage Foes Scramble After Court Losses « CBS St. Louis

It's as American as Mom and Apple Pie. Wherever you try, you lose: Judge strikes down Tex. same-sex marriage ban, paving way for shift in conservative state - The Washington Post

What ever, I'm done with this subject, the fags already have equal treatment, now it's time for the courts to affirm that fact. Now for the wait.
The problem here is your invention of a phantom civil right, kind of like turning criminal profiling into a civil rights violation when we all know that's bull shit too.
Equality before the law is no phantom: Gay Marriage Foes Scramble After Court Losses « CBS St. Louis

It's as American as Mom and Apple Pie. Wherever you try, you lose: Judge strikes down Tex. same-sex marriage ban, paving way for shift in conservative state - The Washington Post

What ever, I'm done with this subject, the fags already have equal treatment, now it's time for the courts to affirm that fact. Now for the wait.
I'll be sure to inform the fags of your generous wait and see attitude...
I'll be sure to inform the fags of your generous wait and see attitude...

I guess still waiting for this wait and see attitude with black people too. They had it equal, they could use the toilet, sit on the bus or sit in the dinner the same as everyone else.
I'll be sure to inform the fags of your generous wait and see attitude...

I guess still waiting for this wait and see attitude with black people too. They had it equal, they could use the toilet, sit on the bus or sit in the dinner the same as everyone else.

Black people are getting tired of their struggles and suffering severe abuses, murders, rape, subjegation etc. being compared to ass sex not getting to play-act "man and wife" legally.

You may have the NAACP and other groups in your pocket by carefully selected and placed gay apologists or just gays themselves up in the ranks working the church's agenda, but you are ignorant of the fact that your comparison pisses off the vast majority of black voters.

A church of acquired sexual deviant behaviors is very different from an inborn race of people.
I'll be sure to inform the fags of your generous wait and see attitude...

I guess still waiting for this wait and see attitude with black people too. They had it equal, they could use the toilet, sit on the bus or sit in the dinner the same as everyone else.

Black people are getting tired of their struggles and suffering severe abuses, murders, rape, subjegation etc. being compared to ass sex not getting to play-act "man and wife" legally.

You may have the NAACP and other groups in your pocket by carefully selected and placed gay apologists or just gays themselves up in the ranks working the church's agenda, but you are ignorant of the fact that your comparison pisses off the vast majority of black voters.

A church of acquired sexual deviant behaviors is very different from an inborn race of people.
Sil and Milkaphobia.
Black people are getting tired of their struggles and suffering severe abuses, murders, rape, subjegation etc. being compared to ass sex not getting to play-act "man and wife" legally.

You may have the NAACP and other groups in your pocket by carefully selected and placed gay apologists or just gays themselves up in the ranks working the church's agenda, but you are ignorant of the fact that your comparison pisses off the vast majority of black voters.

A church of acquired sexual deviant behaviors is very different from an inborn race of people.

Wait, are you trying to simply ignore the reality of the situation and make some "black people don't necessarily like gay people, so they're fed up, therefore no argument" kind of nonsense?

I couldn't give a damn whether black people like being compared to gay people in their civil rights struggle.
In fact, here's my analogy, and something that annoys the hell out of me.

You're waiting in line at the supermarket and there's a long line. The people in front are getting all pissy about it, demanding another check out person comes on, making noises, saying how stupid it is to wait in line.
Then it's their turn to be served. They take ages getting the credit card out, they forget the pin, they have a tonne of stuff already and then it has to be bagged properly, and they're slow doing everything, and they don't care, because they're now being served.

Another example of why I don't care what your supposed survey of black people says, is that when Rosa Parks was made the symbol of the sitting at the front of the bus malarkey, there was some other woman who was supposed to be it, but they didn't use her because they thought she was "too black", uh hu, the very people fighting civil rights weren't all that great themselves when it came to being prejudice.

So, what i'm talking about here is that black people suffered civil rights abuses from day ONE of the US, it took 90 years to get slightly better, another 90 years after that to change again. They went through a struggle and now they are at the point where no one in the US who is "mainstream" would ever consider saying that segregation be brought back again.

But we have people on here who are literally demanding that "segregation", or however you want to term it, of gay people, you know? consenting adults, is still enforced.

So, if you were to change a few words here and there, people would be shocked, but because it's gay people, oh, well it's okay to treat them like second class people really, they're just [insert insult of choice here].

You say [insert insult of choice here] is different to race. But it wasn't in the 1950s, I'll tell you that.
You're just now accustomed to discrimination against blacks being "shock, horror" but discrimination against [insert insult of choice] being the norm in the US.

How many people on this board refer to black people as "n*ggers"?
How many people on this board refer to gay people as "queers" "fags" and so on?

You see the difference?

School yard bullying out in the mainstream doesn't stop being immoral, doesn't stop being anti-Christian, doesn't stop being wrong, doesn't stop being evil, just because quite a few people do it, and because the police don't knock on your door for doing it.
Black people are getting tired of their struggles and suffering severe abuses, murders, rape, subjegation etc. being compared to ass sex not getting to play-act "man and wife" legally.

You may have the NAACP and other groups in your pocket by carefully selected and placed gay apologists or just gays themselves up in the ranks working the church's agenda, but you are ignorant of the fact that your comparison pisses off the vast majority of black voters.

A church of acquired sexual deviant behaviors is very different from an inborn race of people.

Wait, are you trying to simply ignore the reality of the situation and make some "black people don't necessarily like gay people, so they're fed up, therefore no argument" kind of nonsense?

I couldn't give a damn whether black people like being compared to gay people in their civil rights struggle.

Once again a gay person/advocate weaves in a lie into the conversation, changes its whole meaning thereby, and then launches off on that false premise to "make a point"...

I said black people by and large, the majority of those voters HATE their gruelling civil rights struggle being COMPARED to the gay cult-movement of "let's get at the kiddies"... er...I mean "gay marriage and the right to adopt!"... Not that they hate individual gay people for how they suffer from these delusions. I'm sure most black people have a very broad minded outlook to the individual mental illness suffer.

Please try to keep that straight in your mind and engage in clean debating here.
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The problem here is your invention of a phantom civil right, kind of like turning criminal profiling into a civil rights violation when we all know that's bull shit too.
Equality before the law is no phantom: Gay Marriage Foes Scramble After Court Losses « CBS St. Louis

It's as American as Mom and Apple Pie. Wherever you try, you lose: Judge strikes down Tex. same-sex marriage ban, paving way for shift in conservative state - The Washington Post

What ever, I'm done with this subject, the fags already have equal treatment, now it's time for the courts to affirm that fact. Now for the wait.

Right or wrong

In some ways they are treated equally, in some ways they may be treated unfairly, but in some ways they make out quite well.
Your're absolutely right. If two consenting adults want to commit themselves to each other, they should be allowed to do so regardless of sex. There is no evidence that same sex marriage would damage society in any way, just fears and supposition.

However there seem to be enough people who aren't interested in rights and so on, even on this board there are plenty of people.

How many people in the US see the ideals of the constitution and Bill or Rights as nothing?

However you talk about taking away their guns then all of a sudden the Bill or Rights becomes the most important thing in the world.
This board is not a good cross section of the American public. Consider where this country was 50 years ago or even 20 years ago. Just 20 years ago, same sex marriage was illegal in every state. Today it's been legalized in 17 states. A Gallup poll in 1996 reported only 27% of Americans believed same sex marriage should be legally recognized. Just 15 years later a majority of Americans, 53% believe it should be legally recognized. We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

The increasing number of openly gay people have convinced most Americans that same sex marriage is nothing to be feared. I think the trend is clear. Bans on same sex marriage will follow the same path as bans on interracial marriage. The only question is how long it will take.
Your're absolutely right. If two consenting adults want to commit themselves to each other, they should be allowed to do so regardless of sex. There is no evidence that same sex marriage would damage society in any way, just fears and supposition.

However there seem to be enough people who aren't interested in rights and so on, even on this board there are plenty of people.

How many people in the US see the ideals of the constitution and Bill or Rights as nothing?

However you talk about taking away their guns then all of a sudden the Bill or Rights becomes the most important thing in the world.
This board is not a good cross section of the American public. Consider where this country was 50 years ago or even 20 years ago. Just 20 years ago, same sex marriage was illegal in every state. Today it's been legalized in 17 states. A Gallup poll in 1996 reported only 27% of Americans believed same sex marriage should be legally recognized. Just 15 years later a majority of Americans, 53% believe it should be legally recognized. We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

The increasing number of openly gay people have convinced most Americans that same sex marriage is nothing to be feared. I think the trend is clear. Bans on same sex marriage will follow the same path as bans on interracial marriage. The only question is how long it will take.
Short period of time? It's unbelievable. I've never seen a faster switch of fundamental positions. Gay rights have done in 20 years what it took women a 100 to do. It's phenomenal.

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