LGBTs Get Backlash: North Carolinians Began Collecting Damages for NCAA Pulling Out: Oops!

^^ My position on gun control has nothing whatsoever to do with institutionalized sexual harassment of women and girls in their showers and locker rooms.
You're talking about legislating a problem where I have seen no documented evidence a problem has occurred. Again, if this is such a big issue (sexual harassment of women and girls showers and locker rooms), make with the evidence. Show it's happening. You're also trying to legislate someone that likely would ignore your legislation anyways. If ever there's a parallel with gun control, this is it.
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).

This will be the solution in the end, three bathrooms, one that is off limits to adults except parents, or one that is labelled transgender which will encompass all of that genre.

It's not needed so why demand the extra expense?
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).

This will be the solution in the end, three bathrooms, one that is off limits to adults except parents, or one that is labelled transgender which will encompass all of that genre.

It's not needed so why demand the extra expense?

The issue isn't going to go away, that is the solution. Expense is added to business all the time. In time three bathrooms will become the norm.
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).

This will be the solution in the end, three bathrooms, one that is off limits to adults except parents, or one that is labelled transgender which will encompass all of that genre.
Yeah, I agree. Most public access buildings I've seen that are at all recent have a third single use bathroom. It's seen as a nice service for families with small kids and it makes a difference to me as a parent. Given a choice between a place with a family bathroom and one without, I'd go to the place with the family bathroom (all else being equal).
^^ My position on gun control has nothing whatsoever to do with institutionalized sexual harassment of women and girls in their showers and locker rooms.
You're talking about legislating a problem where I have seen no documented evidence a problem has occurred. Again, if this is such a big issue (sexual harassment of women and girls showers and locker rooms), make with the evidence. Show it's happening. You're also trying to legislate someone that likely would ignore your legislation anyways. If ever there's a parallel with gun control, this is it.

What legislation are you speaking about? The Charlotte law?

You realize that the State was responding to an ordinance in Charlotte that the citizens appeared opposed to.
You're talking about legislating a problem where I have seen no documented evidence a problem has occurred. Again, if this is such a big issue (sexual harassment of women and girls showers and locker rooms), make with the evidence. Show it's happening. You're also trying to legislate someone that likely would ignore your legislation anyways. If ever there's a parallel with gun control, this is it.

I'll just refer you to this post again: apparently you missed it:

So all of you that are sure pro trans bathroom laws will open public restrooms up to sexual predators can point to where that is happening, right? Many cities in the US have had pro trans bathroom laws on the books for over a decade. Show us the increase in incidents.
Seawytch "logic", "If we open up a daycare with no fence between that and the dingo farm next door, you can't say it's a mistake because you can't point to any problems that have happened..(yet)"

FAIL. :cuckoo:

The NCAA is well within it's rights to boycott the state, and North Carolina is well within it's rights to sue if a contract is in place. North Carolina's governor though should weigh very carefully if he goes through with it. Contract violation isn't always easy to prove and the NCAA has very very deep pockets and very good lawyers. Going to court and then on to appeal will cost the taxpayers millions with little hope of recouping the money in a timely manner.

I'm betting though the NCAA is in the clear on this one. They wouldn't have pulled the events if there wasn't a legal out in the contract.
The cardinal rule is, don't f*ck with a southerner's college football. This will put it over the edge, imo.
Yeah, I agree. Most public access buildings I've seen that are at all recent have a third single use bathroom. It's seen as a nice service for families with small kids and it makes a difference to me as a parent. Given a choice between a place with a family bathroom and one without, I'd go to the place with the family bathroom (all else being equal).
OK, now onto showers, locker rooms, dorms, sports teams... And what's a non-profit doing playing fiscal-terrorism against an entire state politically anyway? Doesn't that affect their non-profit status?
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).

This will be the solution in the end, three bathrooms, one that is off limits to adults except parents, or one that is labelled transgender which will encompass all of that genre.

It's not needed so why demand the extra expense?

The issue isn't going to go away, that is the solution. Expense is added to business all the time. In time three bathrooms will become the norm.

While you're forecasting the future, got Saturday's lotto numbers?

Thanks in advance.
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).

This will be the solution in the end, three bathrooms, one that is off limits to adults except parents, or one that is labelled transgender which will encompass all of that genre.

It's not needed so why demand the extra expense?
Free market? I stopped going to Wendy's when I had babies in diapers because the bathrooms typically didn't have a changing station. I also wasn't likely to go back to a restaurant that only had changing stations in the women's bathroom. I'm taking my wife out to eat to give her a break, so I'm changing the diaper. No changing station, no business. At least until the kids got out of diapers.
Why do we keep repeating the Scopes Monkey Trial and the 1960's segregation era over and over?

Because you folks keep inventing new victims. Tell us, what's the future perversion in line for extra-constitutional protections?
Why do we keep repeating the Scopes Monkey Trial and the 1960's segregation era over and over?

Because you folks keep inventing new victims. Tell us, what's the future perversion in line for extra-constitutional protections?

White conservative kristians are the whiner class in the population. They think the entire world is out to get them. Watch trump grovel to them at the recent kristian event he spoke at, he all but promised a permanent manger in the White House and an ark as the US flag ship.
Why do we keep repeating the Scopes Monkey Trial and the 1960's segregation era over and over?

Because you folks keep inventing new victims. Tell us, what's the future perversion in line for extra-constitutional protections?
Are we taking bets? Um...the "right" to teach anal fisting to boys in grade school. Oh, wait. That already happened under the democrats..
You're talking about legislating a problem where I have seen no documented evidence a problem has occurred. Again, if this is such a big issue (sexual harassment of women and girls showers and locker rooms), make with the evidence. Show it's happening. You're also trying to legislate someone that likely would ignore your legislation anyways. If ever there's a parallel with gun control, this is it.

I'll just refer you to this post again: apparently you missed it:

So all of you that are sure pro trans bathroom laws will open public restrooms up to sexual predators can point to where that is happening, right? Many cities in the US have had pro trans bathroom laws on the books for over a decade. Show us the increase in incidents.
Seawytch "logic", "If we open up a daycare with no fence between that and the dingo farm next door, you can't say it's a mistake because you can't point to any problems that have happened..(yet)"

FAIL. :cuckoo:

False analogy. One, people have been using their preferred bathrooms for a while and there's been no issue. Two, you'd need evidence showing that a transgendered person is likely to harass a person who is their same identified gender. Do you have evidence that this is something that happens?
You're talking about legislating a problem where I have seen no documented evidence a problem has occurred. Again, if this is such a big issue (sexual harassment of women and girls showers and locker rooms), make with the evidence. Show it's happening. You're also trying to legislate someone that likely would ignore your legislation anyways. If ever there's a parallel with gun control, this is it.

I'll just refer you to this post again: apparently you missed it:

So all of you that are sure pro trans bathroom laws will open public restrooms up to sexual predators can point to where that is happening, right? Many cities in the US have had pro trans bathroom laws on the books for over a decade. Show us the increase in incidents.
Seawytch "logic", "If we open up a daycare with no fence between that and the dingo farm next door, you can't say it's a mistake because you can't point to any problems that have happened..(yet)"

FAIL. :cuckoo:

False analogy. One, people have been using their preferred bathrooms for a while and there's been no issue. Two, you'd need evidence showing that a transgendered person is likely to harass a person who is their same identified gender. Do you have evidence that this is something that happens?

As God is my witness, I'll pee on em. What are they gonna do, huh? (-:
You're talking about legislating a problem where I have seen no documented evidence a problem has occurred. Again, if this is such a big issue (sexual harassment of women and girls showers and locker rooms), make with the evidence. Show it's happening. You're also trying to legislate someone that likely would ignore your legislation anyways. If ever there's a parallel with gun control, this is it.

I'll just refer you to this post again: apparently you missed it:

So all of you that are sure pro trans bathroom laws will open public restrooms up to sexual predators can point to where that is happening, right? Many cities in the US have had pro trans bathroom laws on the books for over a decade. Show us the increase in incidents.
Seawytch "logic", "If we open up a daycare with no fence between that and the dingo farm next door, you can't say it's a mistake because you can't point to any problems that have happened..(yet)"

FAIL. :cuckoo:

False analogy. One, people have been using their preferred bathrooms for a while and there's been no issue. Two, you'd need evidence showing that a transgendered person is likely to harass a person who is their same identified gender. Do you have evidence that this is something that happens?

As God is my witness, I'll pee on em. What are they gonna do, huh? (-:

And you are worried about them?
Why do we keep repeating the Scopes Monkey Trial and the 1960's segregation era over and over?

Because you folks keep inventing new victims. Tell us, what's the future perversion in line for extra-constitutional protections?

White conservative kristians are the whiner class in the population. They think the entire world is out to get them. Watch trump grovel to them at the recent kristian event he spoke at, he all but promised a permanent manger in the White House and an ark as the US flag ship.

Being a drama queen much? LMAO
Yeah, I agree. Most public access buildings I've seen that are at all recent have a third single use bathroom. It's seen as a nice service for families with small kids and it makes a difference to me as a parent. Given a choice between a place with a family bathroom and one without, I'd go to the place with the family bathroom (all else being equal).
OK, now onto showers, locker rooms, dorms, sports teams...

Yep, if it goes for one, there is no sound legal reasoning to deny access to all, including all males in woman's only areas.

They know this, hell the developed the argument that would be used in court.

I dunno, all the sudden these folks became stupid about the 14th amendment.
Yeah, I agree. Most public access buildings I've seen that are at all recent have a third single use bathroom. It's seen as a nice service for families with small kids and it makes a difference to me as a parent. Given a choice between a place with a family bathroom and one without, I'd go to the place with the family bathroom (all else being equal).
OK, now onto showers, locker rooms, dorms, sports teams... And what's a non-profit doing playing fiscal-terrorism against an entire state politically anyway? Doesn't that affect their non-profit status?
Dorms in a lot of places are all ready co-ed, so the ship sailed on that one. Showers are different as you have folks hanging around in those naked. I'd prefer the 3 bathroom solution there and my local co-rec does have that. But again, showers are different. Folks generally don't hang around bathrooms naked.

Sports teams....I could care less about. I haven't cared about college sports or even pro sports in a long while. To be honest, I'd be pretty happy to drop the baseball/softball bullshit and just let women and men play on the same team. Ditto basketball and Soccer. Hell, if a woman wants to play football, more power to her.

And I have literally no idea why there's men's and women's golf. That makes no sense.

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