LGBTs Get Backlash: North Carolinians Began Collecting Damages for NCAA Pulling Out: Oops!

Why is north Carolina fighting this? Just let it go and conduct your own heck with the NCAA. Let them go somewhere else.
Because a line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. And because of contract violations, the NCAA has screwed private citizens and businesses in NC out of millions of dollars of revenue from the games they agreed to hold there. Also it's against the law to practice sedition using fiscal terrorism to usurp the sovereignty of a state.
Why is north Carolina fighting this? Just let it go and conduct your own heck with the NCAA. Let them go somewhere else.
Because a line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. And because of contract violations, the NCAA has screwed private citizens and businesses in NC out of millions of dollars of revenue from the games they agreed to hold there. Also it's against the law to practice sedition using fiscal terrorism to usurp the sovereignty of a state.

So where are these lawsuits filed against the NCAA for cancelling events in North Carolina?

The only ones that would have standing for any kind of lawsuit would be (a) the arena venue that the NCAA would have contract with to hold the event, and (b) hotels were reservations were made by the NCAA for their staff. And then only if their lawyers were stupid enough not to have a cancellation clause in such agreements (which they surely have). There is no "contract" with the State. Hell when my wife and I travel and make hotel reservations there is a 24-hour cancellation policy and it does not matter one wit what the reason is as long as we cancel the day prior. The NCAA is not responsible for hotel bookings and money that would have been spend by the teams attending or private individuals in hotels, nor are they responsible to the private individuals for "damages" since they can cancel reservations there is no monetary loss. The teams and private individuals attending just change their reservations to the new location.

Again show us where are all these lawsuits that are going going to cost the NCAA millions and millions of dollars? Or is this going to be like your firm conviction that as soon as the new Congress was seated in January 2014 they would start impeachment proceedings against the Supreme Court justices?


Panicked Over Diving Poll Numbers, NC GOP Lawmaker Who Voted for HB2 is First to Call for its Repeal

The North Carolina Republican state legislator who voted in favor of the state’s now-infamous “bathroom bill” is trying to back away from the monster she created.

According to WRAL News, state Sen. Tamara Barringer — faced with plunging poll numbers — is now calling for the “full and complete” repeal of the controversial law, a move her Democratic opponent has called politically opportunistic.

Barringer told WRAL that the law — which ordered trans people to use public facilities corresponding to their birth gender rather than their expressed gender and made it illegal to sue cities for employment discrimination — has had “unintended consequences.”

“I did not realize the consequences of this bill, that it would have worldwide consequences, and they just keep piling up,” the lawmaker said. “So, at this point, I’m willing to stand up and say, ‘Let’s put the brakes on it. Let’s get together and find a common solution that we call can live with and move forward.’”
NC Republican who voted for ‘bathroom bill’ panics as poll numbers plunge


Why is north Carolina fighting this? Just let it go and conduct your own heck with the NCAA. Let them go somewhere else.
Because a line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. And because of contract violations, the NCAA has screwed private citizens and businesses in NC out of millions of dollars of revenue from the games they agreed to hold there. Also it's against the law to practice sedition using fiscal terrorism to usurp the sovereignty of a state.

Now it's sedition to not do business somewhere? :lmao:
Why is north Carolina fighting this? Just let it go and conduct your own heck with the NCAA. Let them go somewhere else.
Because a line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. And because of contract violations, the NCAA has screwed private citizens and businesses in NC out of millions of dollars of revenue from the games they agreed to hold there. Also it's against the law to practice sedition using fiscal terrorism to usurp the sovereignty of a state.

Now it's sedition to not do business somewhere? :lmao:

It is if it's expressed as the reason to violate a contract where you agreed to do business-directing the sovereignty of a state to change its mind or you'll violate the contract and cost the state and its people millions of dollars. Yes. That's an attempt to usurp democracy.
Why is north Carolina fighting this? Just let it go and conduct your own heck with the NCAA. Let them go somewhere else.
Because a line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. And because of contract violations, the NCAA has screwed private citizens and businesses in NC out of millions of dollars of revenue from the games they agreed to hold there. Also it's against the law to practice sedition using fiscal terrorism to usurp the sovereignty of a state.

Now it's sedition to not do business somewhere? :lmao:

It is if it's expressed as the reason to violate a contract where you agreed to do business-directing the sovereignty of a state to change its mind or you'll violate the contract and cost the state and its people millions of dollars. Yes. That's an attempt to usurp democracy.

Sure it is. :lol:

To use one of your favorite expressions, good luck in court with that. ;)
You pointed it out moron.

You do realize that a large percentage of males that think they are actually women REMAIN SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN.

So YOU think having males, dressed like women AND SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO WOMEN, allowed in shower rooms with our young daughters, while still packing a dick is............


Are you seriously that stupid?

Of course you are!

So if having a dick and being in a shower with people you are attracted to is a problem, do you advocate having gay males shower in the women's showers?

I don't actually agree with mixed gender showers, FYI.

You're deflection is noted.

So a problem exists, so to take care of the problem, we make it worse.

Nice job, when you dance with your unicorn, do you or it lead?

I'm not deflecting. I'm asking a question about your reasoning. You implied that someone with a dick being in a shower with a person they are attracted to is a problem. That would mean that having gays in a shower with other men or boys is a problem. I asked if you would be for having gays shower with women to avoid this problem.

I also pointed out that I do not advocate for mixed gender showers.

What, exactly, am I trying to deflect from?
wow are you uninformed. you must be democrat.

Uninformed about what, Pop's opinion? That's true, hence me asking the question. Since that's the only thing I was talking about, I get the feeling you are assuming I'm uninformed about something unrelated to my post. Either that or you quoted the wrong post.

I am not and have never been a democrat.
ok so you're just uninformed. got it.
And when a ball starts to roll...roll on it shall... (From: NCAA Boycotts NC Over Bathroom Law )

I guess conservatives are finding out their beloved free market can come back to bite them occasionally.
Or, conversely, if conservatives in North Carolina (the state, properly) had oral or written contracts with the NCAA for games being played there for NC's financial enjoyment, the court system will come back to bite the NCAA.

The NCAA cannot commit fiscal-terrorism against North Carolina because that states' sovereign and duly elected representatives of the People of NC are acting to protect women and girls from sexual harassment (being forced by "law" to undress in front of deranged men behind doors marked "women")

This will be taken to Law.

Fiscal terrorism is exactly what it is. It is a conspiracy by a group, using financial punishment as a club, to force women and girls to disrobe in front of men in their showers, locker rooms and bathrooms; whether or not they agree to.


I'm going to guess that the NCAA has protected its right to change tournament venues in whatever legal paperwork may be involved here.

I'm going to guess those rights didn't include "as punishment for North Carolina protecting North Carolina's women and girls from sexual harassment in their showers and bathrooms."

This will be taken to Law, as I said.

Ruh-roh! It's already starting!: This is not the only dude who will lose money if NCAA pulls out of NC:

The day after the announcement, athletic director at East Carolina University, Jeff Compher, spoke out about this decision, saying he is disappointed and that ECU Athletics has already invested close to $8,000 in preparation for the tournament...."Today, I haven't had a follow up question, but in a voicemail message from a representative from the NCAA, they did say they would help us defray any costs that we had incurred, so I hope to have some additional conversations with the NCAA in the next couple days just to see the extent to which they will help us in those costs," Compher says....He also says he's hopeful for a quick resolution and that the games are brought back in the future. ECU's athletic director responds to NCAA pulling games out of North Carolina

Aw heck. Just skip the voicemail conversations and have some lawyers pay them a personal visit to ask how much $$ they're willing to shell out to people in North Carolina already out a ton of cash via preparing for the various (golf, football, basketball...etc.) meets that had been scheduled.

Near as I can tell, you cannot renege on a contract, or fiscally punish individuals here and there because a state passed a law you don't like.

Protecting women against sexual harassment?

Fuck you.

For 230 years of North Carolina's history as a state, it has never had a Bathroom law to protect women against sexual harassment.

It was not an issue for 230 years.

It's not an issue now.

so tell me why someone with a unit needs to use the women's restroom? Has there ever been a problem in the past with the dudes with the unit in a men's room?

I still don't get why men need to use the women's john.
still crickets, been crickets since this started. again, why do men need to use the women's john?
so tell me why someone with a unit needs to use the women's restroom? Has there ever been a problem in the past with the dudes with the unit in a men's room?

I still don't get why men need to use the women's john.

It's simple when you want the root of the answer to your question. It's so that every disgusting and mentally ill tweak or kink of the Church of LGBTQ is normalized and forced where children are learning new matter of law. Their latest push BTW on "law forcing sexually deranged kinks nearer to children" is the one where Obama ordered schools to let boys undress where girls take showers and undress in school locker rooms. It's being challenged of course. But the main thing to remember is where the ultimate goal is of the Church of LGBTQ: teaching kids the dogma via daily example while they're still in their formative years.

If it's "normal" to see men exposing themselves to you in the pool locker room and showers as a little girl, then you're less likely to protest that happening in other places and times in life. It's that simple. This whole LGBTQ thing is as I have said in the past, a giant pedophile-grooming venture to normalize the eventual acts in the minds of children. Study up on the phenomenon at law enforcement websites, then note the stunning parallels. Then come re-join this conversation.
It's already happening, sorry. Man caught undressing in front of girls at Green Lake locker room

At the time, a local youth swim team was using the facilities. Young girls and some of their parents “became alarmed” that the male was changing in the female locker room and alerted the front desk staff. Staff members then “asked the man to leave and offered the availability of a family changing room.”

He did not accept the offer.

After his swim, he “again entered the women’s locker room to change.” Front desk staff once again asked him to leave “and he eventually did.”

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