LGBTs Get Backlash: North Carolinians Began Collecting Damages for NCAA Pulling Out: Oops!

So all of you that are sure pro trans bathroom laws will open public restrooms up to sexual predators can point to where that is happening, right? Many cities in the US have had pro trans bathroom laws on the books for over a decade. Show us the increase in incidents.
Seawytch "logic", "If we open up a daycare with no fence between that and the dingo farm next door, you can't say it's a mistake because you can't point to any problems that have happened..(yet)"

FAIL. :cuckoo:

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The number of male leftists on this forum that believe they are women is surprising. Guess we must address them by their proper pronoun from now on. Will that be OK with you ladies? Wouldn't want you to be offended.
Fiscal terrorism? :lol::lmao:

North Carolina lawmakers that voted for these draconian laws are already saying they should repeal the laws. North Carolina is getting bitch-slapped left and right and boy does it sting. Maybe they should force the Tarheels to back out of the NCAA basketball tournament. THAT would show'em!

Be sure to hold your breath on that one.

And when a ball starts to roll...roll on it shall... (From: NCAA Boycotts NC Over Bathroom Law )

I guess conservatives are finding out their beloved free market can come back to bite them occasionally.
Or, conversely, if conservatives in North Carolina (the state, properly) had oral or written contracts with the NCAA for games being played there for NC's financial enjoyment, the court system will come back to bite the NCAA.

The NCAA cannot commit fiscal-terrorism against North Carolina because that states' sovereign and duly elected representatives of the People of NC are acting to protect women and girls from sexual harassment (being forced by "law" to undress in front of deranged men behind doors marked "women")

This will be taken to Law.

Fiscal terrorism is exactly what it is. It is a conspiracy by a group, using financial punishment as a club, to force women and girls to disrobe in front of men in their showers, locker rooms and bathrooms; whether or not they agree to.


I'm going to guess that the NCAA has protected its right to change tournament venues in whatever legal paperwork may be involved here.

I'm going to guess those rights didn't include "as punishment for North Carolina protecting North Carolina's women and girls from sexual harassment in their showers and bathrooms."

This will be taken to Law, as I said.

Ruh-roh! It's already starting!: This is not the only dude who will lose money if NCAA pulls out of NC:

The day after the announcement, athletic director at East Carolina University, Jeff Compher, spoke out about this decision, saying he is disappointed and that ECU Athletics has already invested close to $8,000 in preparation for the tournament...."Today, I haven't had a follow up question, but in a voicemail message from a representative from the NCAA, they did say they would help us defray any costs that we had incurred, so I hope to have some additional conversations with the NCAA in the next couple days just to see the extent to which they will help us in those costs," Compher says....He also says he's hopeful for a quick resolution and that the games are brought back in the future. ECU's athletic director responds to NCAA pulling games out of North Carolina

Aw heck. Just skip the voicemail conversations and have some lawyers pay them a personal visit to ask how much $$ they're willing to shell out to people in North Carolina already out a ton of cash via preparing for the various (golf, football, basketball...etc.) meets that had been scheduled.

Near as I can tell, you cannot renege on a contract, or fiscally punish individuals here and there because a state passed a law you don't like.

If this is as accurate as any of your other legal predictions, the NCAA is in the clear. ;)

The NCAA cannot commit fiscal-terrorism against North Carolina .


Just even calling the act 'fiscal terrorism' is just another sign of your lunacy.

Why are you people so happy about allowing grown mentally ill men and women into bathrooms,showers etc with little girls and boys? Would you enjoy a grown man or woman you weren't related to sharing a shower room with YOUR child? I sure in the hell wouldn't. We are moving to NC in 2 weeks and I am 100% for the bill and hope even if the Governor loses his race and a Dumbocrat is elected the legislature which will still be in GOP hands stays the course!
Here's the statement from the Governor of NC. Sums up exactly what I said in the OP, plus a little more:

"The issue of redefining gender and basic norms of privacy will be resolved in the near future in the United States court system for not only North Carolina, but the entire nation. I strongly encourage all public and private institutions to both respect and allow our nation’s judicial system to proceed without economic threats or political retaliation toward the 22 states that are currently challenging government overreach. Sadly, the NCAA, a multi-billion dollar, tax-exempt monopoly, failed to show this respect at the expense of our student athletes and hard-working men and women." Governor McCrory Releases Statement on NCAA Decision | State of North Carolina: Governor Pat McCrory

It's like the eye of the hurricane. The winds are coming. And not in the direction the LGBT had hoped for...

In order for "transgender" to be taken seriously, teams of doctors would have to step up on public record and testify that "make believe can become real with surgery or hormones". But doctors & surgeons already make patients sign waivers that say to the effect: "I realize this treatment will not make me the opposite gender". Plus, Ginsburg has already said separate men and women's rooms are vital and necessary and don't violate equal rights statutes.

The sad spectacle of doctor-assisted mental illness and enabling delusions stops short of the door to women's bathrooms, locker rooms, shower rooms and dorms.
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The NCAA is well within it's rights to boycott the state, and North Carolina is well within it's rights to sue if a contract is in place. North Carolina's governor though should weigh very carefully if he goes through with it. Contract violation isn't always easy to prove and the NCAA has very very deep pockets and very good lawyers. Going to court and then on to appeal will cost the taxpayers millions with little hope of recouping the money in a timely manner.

I'm betting though the NCAA is in the clear on this one. They wouldn't have pulled the events if there wasn't a legal out in the contract.

If the NCAA wants to be a political arm for regressives they can do it without governmental tax and antitrust protections. See how they'd like that.

And plus, reneging on contracts, punishing individuals for what their state drew up as law outside their immediate consent is not reason to breach contract. The NCAA is going to lose millions on this before it is over. If they carefully recant right now, they might be able to backstep gently out of this mistake. But if they're stubborn like Target Stores is...OUCH $$ :eek-52:

Target Stores lost $10 billion literally over night for insisting women and girls in their stores be subjected to random sexual harassment in their bathrooms by very presence of deranged males allowed in there.

Backing a patently absurd and transparently deranged cult (for that is what it is) can get very expensive these days..
I'm really curious right now what your position on gun control is. Seriously. Rape, sexual assault, battery, harassment are illegal now in all 50 states. A person that wants to perform one of those actions in a women's bathroom is going to do that whether it's legal for them to be in there or not.

On top of that, next time you're out take a look at the "security" on bathrooms. You'll realize there is none and there hasn't ever been. I've walked into the wrong bathroom before because I was distracted in a new place. I ran right out due to embarrassment, but no one stopped me on the way in. A store employee didn't come running as soon as I passed through the door. If there really was a group of folks just waiting in excitement for it to be legal for them to enter a women's bathroom and assault someone, they'd already be doing it. No law would be stopping them.

In fact, I have to say a women's bathroom is probably less an issue for mixed gender situations than a men's room. They've got private stalls, we've got urinals. They close the door and have some privacy. We most definitely do not.

As to the topic: There isn't much that can be said about the contract and the implications. All we can do is guess. I'm fairly certain that the NCAA consulted one of their highly paid lawyers before they took this action and came to the conclusion they'd either be able to get an outright dismissal or litigate their way out of it. The NCAA is a pretty savvy group and doesn't do a lot in the heat of the moment. I can say with great confidence though that the actual Universities and Colleges involved here are unlikely to sue over this. They've got their own problems being caught between Title IX and state law.

Swish on the obvious. Now a man can walk right into a ladies room in the idiotic places that allow self identification of one's inner gender. They can walk in with teachers, mothers fathers all present and they can't stop them. I mean duh
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
No, too cost prohibitive. Would have to include three communal locker rooms, three communal showers, three dorms...three types of sports teams...etc. etc. etc. You forgot about legal precedent. A lot of people do.

The solution won't be "three" of any of those things. The solution will be almost certainly that any person who wishes to use the bathroom opposite of their birth gender will have to have a doctor's permission slip saying "this person is now (the gender of the bathroom, shower etc.), fully fledged" (no halflings allowed..for reasons of women and girls' safety in particular). And if the big burly dude with the amputated penis starts sexually assaulting women in those areas anyway, the doctor/his insurance company will bear the liability, so that private business and government don't have to.
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
No, too cost prohibitive. Would have to include three communal locker rooms, three communal showers, three dorms...three types of sports teams...etc. etc. etc. You forgot about legal precedent. A lot of people do.

The solution won't be "three" of any of those things. The solution will be almost certainly that any person who wishes to use the bathroom opposite of their birth gender will have to have a doctor's permission slip saying "this person is now (the gender of the bathroom, shower etc.), fully fledged" (no halflings allowed..for reasons of women and girls' safety in particular). And if the big burly dude with the amputated penis starts sexually assaulting women in those areas anyway, the doctor/his insurance company will bear the liability, so that private business and government don't have to.

Just let transgenders do their thing in the woods with the unicorns.
The NCAA is well within it's rights to boycott the state, and North Carolina is well within it's rights to sue if a contract is in place. North Carolina's governor though should weigh very carefully if he goes through with it. Contract violation isn't always easy to prove and the NCAA has very very deep pockets and very good lawyers. Going to court and then on to appeal will cost the taxpayers millions with little hope of recouping the money in a timely manner.

I'm betting though the NCAA is in the clear on this one. They wouldn't have pulled the events if there wasn't a legal out in the contract.

If the NCAA wants to be a political arm for regressives they can do it without governmental tax and antitrust protections. See how they'd like that.

And plus, reneging on contracts, punishing individuals for what their state drew up as law outside their immediate consent is not reason to breach contract. The NCAA is going to lose millions on this before it is over. If they carefully recant right now, they might be able to backstep gently out of this mistake. But if they're stubborn like Target Stores is...OUCH $$ :eek-52:

Target Stores lost $10 billion literally over night for insisting women and girls in their stores be subjected to random sexual harassment in their bathrooms by very presence of deranged males allowed in there.

Backing a patently absurd and transparently deranged cult (for that is what it is) can get very expensive these days..
I'm really curious right now what your position on gun control is. Seriously. Rape, sexual assault, battery, harassment are illegal now in all 50 states. A person that wants to perform one of those actions in a women's bathroom is going to do that whether it's legal for them to be in there or not.

On top of that, next time you're out take a look at the "security" on bathrooms. You'll realize there is none and there hasn't ever been. I've walked into the wrong bathroom before because I was distracted in a new place. I ran right out due to embarrassment, but no one stopped me on the way in. A store employee didn't come running as soon as I passed through the door. If there really was a group of folks just waiting in excitement for it to be legal for them to enter a women's bathroom and assault someone, they'd already be doing it. No law would be stopping them.

In fact, I have to say a women's bathroom is probably less an issue for mixed gender situations than a men's room. They've got private stalls, we've got urinals. They close the door and have some privacy. We most definitely do not.

As to the topic: There isn't much that can be said about the contract and the implications. All we can do is guess. I'm fairly certain that the NCAA consulted one of their highly paid lawyers before they took this action and came to the conclusion they'd either be able to get an outright dismissal or litigate their way out of it. The NCAA is a pretty savvy group and doesn't do a lot in the heat of the moment. I can say with great confidence though that the actual Universities and Colleges involved here are unlikely to sue over this. They've got their own problems being caught between Title IX and state law.
again, can you answer me, why a transgender male can't use the men's room stall like he/she can use in a women's?
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
funny, they can just do that for the person with the mental issue. D'OH
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.

No, at some point the sane folks will realize that trying to make the insane feel better about themselves has diminishing results and will tell the odd balls to squat at home.

Efficient and much cheaper.
In fact, I have to say a women's bathroom is probably less an issue for mixed gender situations than a men's room. They've got private stalls, we've got urinals. They close the door and have some privacy. We most definitely do not.
again, can you answer me, why a transgender male can't use the men's room stall like he/she can use in a women's?

Because that mental patient's walls of doctor-assisted cult of LGBT-approved delusional-denial would come crashing down. But then again they'd crash down every time they took a pee anyway, alone or in company of other men? So yeah. Good question.
The NCAA is well within it's rights to boycott the state, and North Carolina is well within it's rights to sue if a contract is in place. North Carolina's governor though should weigh very carefully if he goes through with it. Contract violation isn't always easy to prove and the NCAA has very very deep pockets and very good lawyers. Going to court and then on to appeal will cost the taxpayers millions with little hope of recouping the money in a timely manner.

I'm betting though the NCAA is in the clear on this one. They wouldn't have pulled the events if there wasn't a legal out in the contract.

If the NCAA wants to be a political arm for regressives they can do it without governmental tax and antitrust protections. See how they'd like that.

And plus, reneging on contracts, punishing individuals for what their state drew up as law outside their immediate consent is not reason to breach contract. The NCAA is going to lose millions on this before it is over. If they carefully recant right now, they might be able to backstep gently out of this mistake. But if they're stubborn like Target Stores is...OUCH $$ :eek-52:

Target Stores lost $10 billion literally over night for insisting women and girls in their stores be subjected to random sexual harassment in their bathrooms by very presence of deranged males allowed in there.

Backing a patently absurd and transparently deranged cult (for that is what it is) can get very expensive these days..
I'm really curious right now what your position on gun control is. Seriously. Rape, sexual assault, battery, harassment are illegal now in all 50 states. A person that wants to perform one of those actions in a women's bathroom is going to do that whether it's legal for them to be in there or not.

On top of that, next time you're out take a look at the "security" on bathrooms. You'll realize there is none and there hasn't ever been. I've walked into the wrong bathroom before because I was distracted in a new place. I ran right out due to embarrassment, but no one stopped me on the way in. A store employee didn't come running as soon as I passed through the door. If there really was a group of folks just waiting in excitement for it to be legal for them to enter a women's bathroom and assault someone, they'd already be doing it. No law would be stopping them.

In fact, I have to say a women's bathroom is probably less an issue for mixed gender situations than a men's room. They've got private stalls, we've got urinals. They close the door and have some privacy. We most definitely do not.

As to the topic: There isn't much that can be said about the contract and the implications. All we can do is guess. I'm fairly certain that the NCAA consulted one of their highly paid lawyers before they took this action and came to the conclusion they'd either be able to get an outright dismissal or litigate their way out of it. The NCAA is a pretty savvy group and doesn't do a lot in the heat of the moment. I can say with great confidence though that the actual Universities and Colleges involved here are unlikely to sue over this. They've got their own problems being caught between Title IX and state law.
again, can you answer me, why a transgender male can't use the men's room stall like he/she can use in a women's?
Honestly I have no idea. It's not an issue I deal with and it's not an issue I bother devoting time to thinking about deeply from that angle.

I'm mostly puzzled here by what the need is to legislate this? Why are we bothering with this? Have there been a rash of attacks in bathrooms I've missed? Why is legislating this at all necessary? Have there been a rash of complaints about this?
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).
The end solution to this will be three bathrooms. Or, a bathroom specifically for children, which wouldn't have been a bad idea at any time would it.
Lots of places have family bathrooms now where a parent can take an opposite gender child to the restroom or where parents with small children can close and lock the door to control the situation with their children. I use these when I'm out with my young daughter (she's 5, she isn't going by herself).

This will be the solution in the end, three bathrooms, one that is off limits to adults except parents, or one that is labelled transgender which will encompass all of that genre.

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