Lib book for kids says that Lincoln was gay

The part about Lincoln "sharing a bad" with another man failed to realize that in the old days, beds were expensive and difficult to obtain. There was usually only one bed in a house and everyone slept there. There was no sexual connotation to it. Sleeping on the floor when there was a perfectly good bed to share made no sense.
Lincoln slept in a lot of tents as he had to defeat the traitors in the South after he took office. Let's cut him some slack.
According to gays, everyone is gay.
Exactly. They act like there isn't anything else worth speaking about.

God bless you always!!!


Pssst JOSweetHeart

Tipsycatlover doesn't know anything more about this than you do. My bet is that you don't know even one gay person and of course, the drunk lawyer/doctor/dog washer knows hundreds and they're all her neighbors.

Suffice it to say, that's bullshit.

Question for all you RWNJs - why are you hysterical of this but you approve of fatso Rush Limbaugh writing himself into American revolutionary history?

Hmmm ?
How is it relevant? It's not like when I was a kid in school we learned about King George III by saying "He was the king of united Kingdom of great britain and ireland, and he liked pussy. That's not how we learned. Now libs are "Harvey Milk was an elected official in SF, he liked dick". we didn't learn about anyone's sexual orientation in history classes in school
Disinformation should be looked down on no matter if it is liberal or conservative.

Lincoln was married to marry todd Lincoln.
Apparently he lived with some dude for 4 years and shared the same bed.

My brother and I shared the same bed for many years. Does that make me guilty of incest and gay?


New LGBTQ History Book for Teens a Must-Read for Straight Parents. | HuffPost

Funny how they left out that Hilter was gay, like his SA leader friend.
It's not the first time this rumor has been passed around.

It is because gays grabbed on to the phrase "shared a bed" and extrapolated that into Lincoln being a flaming queen of some sort.
I heard about the rumor of Lincoln being ghey in the 1980's, yet didn't believe a word of it. I was the first generation in my family to have my own bedroom, all my other cousins had to share a room and a bed. We thought nothing odd about it.

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