Lib pajama boy on teaching boys to pee sitting down

I already have to keep wally from diving half the time, doubling it would be a PITA

Squatting to pee is gay

I'm just so happy that John Wayne is not alive today...
It would break his heart to see how much power the Liberals now have in this country.
only a real man pisses all over the seat for his woman to clean up....I dealt with the issue accordingly, I go outside and pee..mark my territory.....poop!? just go outside, no need for leaves, grass or shit tickets, just take the dog along.....what a country!
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Men can pee standing up and sitting down. Women can only pee sitting down. There is nothing wrong with a man peeing while sitting down. Makes him no less of a man.

Besides, the guy makes some really good points.

Some woman invented a hose with a cup at one end so ladies can be macho too.

Perhaps it would teach you idiots to actually get it in the bowel and not on the seat or the floor?

I'm gonna start a new trend....

Gonna start pooping standing up...
But only at the public facilities of course.
And specially in those bathrooms that men and women share.... LOL

Take that Pajama Boy!

What an intellectual you are! Bet it's real entertaining to watch you wipe, or do you bother?
Perhaps it would teach you idiots to actually get it in the bowel and not on the seat or the floor?

I'm gonna start a new trend....

Gonna start pooping standing up...
But only at the public facilities of course.
And specially in those bathrooms that men and women share.... LOL

Take that Pajama Boy!

What an intellectual you are! Bet it's real entertaining to watch you wipe, or do you bother?

I'm gonna do a selfie and use it for my avatar.
Hubby pees sitting down sometimes. When he is lazy or wants to trim his toe nails or something. :lol:

Wish he would do it more often. When he stands up, sometimes he doesn't aim very well. Or he does, but that last shake kinda makes it go elsewhere.

The key to a satisfying relationship between the sexes, is separate bathrooms and he has to clean his own.

I'm gonna start a new trend....

Gonna start pooping standing up...
But only at the public facilities of course.
And specially in those bathrooms that men and women share.... LOL

Take that Pajama Boy!

What an intellectual you are! Bet it's real entertaining to watch you wipe, or do you bother?

I'm gonna do a selfie and use it for my avatar.

:rofl: That would be GR8!!!!!
perhaps the issue should really who measure their manhood by peeing standing up....really boys there is more to be a man than standing up to pee....
No one said that was all there was to being a man. One of the advantages to being a man is the external plumbing. What man squats down to pee in the woods? You don't have to undo you clothes, you unzip and go. It's what we do and it's been that way since men could stand up. It's faster. The restroom turnarounds are quicker. That's life.

There is no question that there is a concerted effort to demasculate men by militant feminists and their liberal male counterparts. Back in the 70s there used to be the lie going around that gender traits were entirely environmental. Many of those liberal women went on to have kids only to realize, gosh, they really are different. This seems to be more of the same to forward a debunked theory.

Urban Dictionary: Demasculate
To un-castrate.
To add strength or vigor; strengthen.
Bob demasculated Sam
I'm just so happy that John Wayne is not alive today...
It would break his heart to see how much power the Liberals now have in this country.


John Wayne - he could have been the poster boy for gay.

[ame=]John Wayne Walk - YouTube[/ame]
i was taught to pee sitting down by both my mother and father. it is more hygienic, less splash etc...and my father is neither a lib or a fruit. and i have never heard a woman complain about it, in fact they like it.

i wouldn't think how you pee would incite people to anger. good fucking lord.

I have raised four very masculine boys, and they all were taught to sit down when peeing, at least in our home. Especially after my wife died and cleaning was left up to me, with all boys in the house, I wasn't going to clean two bathrooms every damn day. Funny how all these "men" think it's gay to sit down. Ten to one says I would not want to use their bathrooms because they are most likely pretty filthy unless their wives continually clean up after them.

It's a very odd type of logic. Stand up and piss all over the floor so you have to clean the toilet and mop the floor every day, or sit down and clean once or twice per week. Hmmm, I will take the intelligent route, thank you. Hell, I shit three times per day, so I piss at the same time while I'm sitting down anyway. This is some funny shit. You can tell when guys are feeling vulnerable about their own sexuality when they are worried that sitting down to pee might make them gay, lmao!!!!
Hubby pees sitting down sometimes. When he is lazy or wants to trim his toe nails or something. :lol:

Wish he would do it more often. When he stands up, sometimes he doesn't aim very well. Or he does, but that last shake kinda makes it go elsewhere.

The key to a satisfying relationship between the sexes, is separate bathrooms and he has to clean his own.


I raised four boys on my own after my wife died. Not a single female in the house. The rule was simple; no peeing standing up. At the time, we were renting a house and for some unknown reason, the landlord put carpeting in the bathrooms. No friggin way anyone was going to stand to piss all over the carpet.
No way will I sit down on a public toilet, I'll stand.

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