Lib pajama boy on teaching boys to pee sitting down

Just when you think the rw's can't find anything else to bitch and whine about ...

WHY is this such a threat to your "manhood"?

Hey dumdfuck! boys and girls are built differently! How about teaching girls to pee standing up!

You little boyss need to quit obsessing about what real men do with their penises.

Believe me, they don't really care about your little pee-pees. In fact, nobody cares about your impotent little pee-pees.

The entire thread is about lefties obsessing with how boys pee with their penises.
Its ALWAYS about you homophobes obsessing about real men's penises.


I always sit to piss when I get up in the middle of the night. I fall back asleep much easier since I don't have to turn the bathroom light on.
Giving that teenage boys live with near constant erections this sitting-to-pee business just raises hell with the walls opposite the toilet.

Oh wait, liberal offspring are unable to..........

Never mind.

I was wondering when someone would mention that. Bladder infections are not fun.
Hey dumdfuck! boys and girls are built differently! How about teaching girls to pee standing up!

You little boyss need to quit obsessing about what real men do with their penises.

Believe me, they don't really care about your little pee-pees. In fact, nobody cares about your impotent little pee-pees.

The entire thread is about lefties obsessing with how boys pee with their penises.

You said "Pee with their penises" LOL. That's funny.
perhaps the issue should really who measure their manhood by peeing standing up....really boys there is more to be a man than standing up to pee....
Men can pee standing up and sitting down. Women can only pee sitting down. There is nothing wrong with a man peeing while sitting down. Makes him no less of a man.

Besides, the guy makes some really good points.
why are liberals such simpering faggots? How much do you want to bet one of his guinea pigs turns out to be a tranny due to the liberal faggotization the parents are performing on their kids?

Why are you so obsessed with how men choose to pee?

Mind your own fucking business.
why are liberals such simpering faggots? How much do you want to bet one of his guinea pigs turns out to be a tranny due to the liberal faggotization the parents are performing on their kids?

Why are you so obsessed with how men choose to pee?

Mind your own fucking business.

Example 3330505C of liberal stupidity. His boys aren't men, they don't have a "choice" when their liberal simpering faggot "father" teaches them to pee sitting down, DO THEY?

How can you f unction being so fucking stupid?
Men can pee standing up and sitting down. Women can only pee sitting down. There is nothing wrong with a man peeing while sitting down. Makes him no less of a man.

Besides, the guy makes some really good points.

Only an emasculated liberal faggot or a female liberal could be so stupid to think those points were "good".

PS, female urinals do exist.
So much for the king insult among kids- "I bet you have to squat to pee." That used to mean something

perhaps the issue should really who measure their manhood by peeing standing up....really boys there is more to be a man than standing up to pee....
No one said that was all there was to being a man. One of the advantages to being a man is the external plumbing. What man squats down to pee in the woods? You don't have to undo you clothes, you unzip and go. It's what we do and it's been that way since men could stand up. It's faster. The restroom turnarounds are quicker. That's life.

There is no question that there is a concerted effort to demasculate men by militant feminists and their liberal male counterparts. Back in the 70s there used to be the lie going around that gender traits were entirely environmental. Many of those liberal women went on to have kids only to realize, gosh, they really are different. This seems to be more of the same to forward a debunked theory.

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