Liberal Bias In The US Media

An 04 article. The right wing sites have become more bias.
No, they have not. It is the left that has moved so far left it appears that way.

The media is untrustworthy as an information source.
Did you even read about the people who wrote the articles, Libertarians.

And its from 2004.

An 04 article. The right wing sites have become more bias.
No, they have not. It is the left that has moved so far left it appears that way.

The media is untrustworthy as an information source.
Did you even read about the people who wrote the articles, Libertarians.

And its from 2004.
If anything, the article is even more accurate. The media has become nothing more than a propaganda wing of the Marxists.

None of them can be relied upon to provide just straight forward information. Because none of them trust the citizen to understand it.

An 04 article. The right wing sites have become more bias.
No, they have not. It is the left that has moved so far left it appears that way.

The media is untrustworthy as an information source.
Did you even read about the people who wrote the articles, Libertarians.

And its from 2004.
If anything, the article is even more accurate. The media has become nothing more than a propaganda wing of the Marxists.

None of them can be relied upon to provide just straight forward information. Because none of them trust the citizen to understand it.

Its not, there are more right wings sites today. My gosh, Fox didn't start till 96 and you had left wingers on it, now its all right wingers on it, and the NY post, the Wash Examiner, the Washington Journal , Newsmax and the the off wall news you guys bring up if full of right bias articles. Tucker didn't start Fox till 2009 or 10. My how things have changed.
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An 04 article. The right wing sites have become more bias.
No, they have not. It is the left that has moved so far left it appears that way.

The media is untrustworthy as an information source.
Did you even read about the people who wrote the articles, Libertarians.

And its from 2004.
If anything, the article is even more accurate. The media has become nothing more than a propaganda wing of the Marxists.

None of them can be relied upon to provide just straight forward information. Because none of them trust the citizen to understand it.

Its not, there are more right wings sites today.
More does not mean a thing, but I'm sure you realize that.

An 04 article. The right wing sites have become more bias.
No, they have not. It is the left that has moved so far left it appears that way.

The media is untrustworthy as an information source.
Did you even read about the people who wrote the articles, Libertarians.

And its from 2004.
If anything, the article is even more accurate. The media has become nothing more than a propaganda wing of the Marxists.

None of them can be relied upon to provide just straight forward information. Because none of them trust the citizen to understand it.

Its not, there are more right wings sites today.
More does not mean a thing, but I'm sure you realize that.

Its not, there are more right wings sites today. My gosh, Fox didn't start till 96 and you had left wingers on it, now its all right wingers on it, and the NY post, the Wash Examiner, the Washington Journal , Newsmax and the the off wall news you guys bring up if full of right bias articles. Tucker didn't start Fox till 2009 or 10. My how things have changed.

Yes, you have to be completely brain dead and blind not to see the bias. Their teeth really came out since Trump was elected. Since their poor little Rothschilds puppet Hillary lost.

The liberal bias is on TV. We see it. Trump, Proud Boy wannabe's breaking into the Capitol building. Yeah, we are all watching it.

Liberal bias is you on TV doing shit and someone talking about it and saying things that you don't like.
Any serious student of liberal versus conservative would understand the topic better than these two people. One forgets our history after the Civil War and the Great Depression. For the serious, interested reader, see the books listed below.

'The problems with the Groseclose/Milyo study of media bias'

'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'*Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right' by Jane Mayer
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway
"Liberal Bias In The US Media"

Is a myth – nothing but a rightist contrivance and red herring fallacy.

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