Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

If I was to actually take the word of liberals this is what you come up wtih:

1,600,000 small businesses effected by Obamacare.

Of this number apparently 95% already have insurance coverage for their employees.

So we are going to create a whole expensive layer of government to control these people?
If I was to actually take the word of liberals this is what you come up wtih:

1,600,000 small businesses effected by Obamacare.

Of this number apparently 95% already have insurance coverage for their employees.

So we are going to create a whole expensive layer of government to control these people?

The fine initially is $2k per employee over 30. The fine will be increased until it is cheaper to insure all those employees (over $10k per employee eventually) or the country screams for single payer to get out from under it.
The fine initially is $2k per employee over 30. The fine will be increased until it is cheaper to insure all those employees (over $10k per employee eventually) or the country screams for single payer to get out from under it.

...or the employer move most of their operations overseas.

...or downsizes.

...or hires illegals off the books.

...or closes shop.
Well, at least you admit this about yourself. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle.

Do you even read your own links, or do you just read the headlines?

You talking to me, bitch?

Once again we see a glaring example of the idiot liberal dumbocrats war on women. What a disgraceful piece of shit and embarrassment to the "male" (and I use that term lightly with this limp wristed faggot) species this asshole is.

Liberal men hate women. Half of them are gay, so they have no use for women (like LoneLaugher here). The other half (such as Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, John Edwards, etc.) look at women as nothing but cum dumpster's.

They show women ZERO respect. The idiot liberal dumbocrat male is the lowest form of garbage known in the universe.
It is OK to be a dick......if you are funny. But you are just a dick.

And we all know about your affinity for "dick's" (hence your belief that it is completely "OK to be a dick").

From his own words folks, on this page alone, he has admitted to hating women and loving dick....
That's why we need government, because government's point is to make people's lives better.

And the best way to accomplish that is to get out of our lives.

You're welcome to use only privately funded roads if it makes you feel better.

Liberals sound like children with Down Syndrome. "We have woads". Ok? Good. Good. But what does that have to do with a businesses success? "We have woads". Yes, I know we do. But what difference does that make? "We have woads". Look - your defeating yourself here. Since everybody has access to those same roads, wouldn't everybody be successful multi-millionaire business owners if roads had anything to do with anything?!? "We have woads". Ugh!!! Go watch Barney. "Otay.... We have woads".
You want government out of your life. Stay off the fucking roads.

The extraordinary ignorance (not to mention desperation) of OopsIpoopoo is on display yet again.

When ever we talk about the federal government unconstitutionally getting involved in anything, he points to local government items such as police, fire, and roads in defense of these giant, unconstitutional federal initiatives :cuckoo:

Everybody who is not an ignorant liberal dumbocrat knows that roads are paid for by local taxes, except in the unconstitutional circumstances were Obama is trying to curry favor with the voters, and passes around "stimulus" money.

Furthermore, apparently OopsIpoopoo believes that because government is responsible for SOME things, they should be responsible for EVERYTHING (typical of the parasites that are too lazy to provide for themselves and want government to provide for them like mommy & daddy).
I have no doubt that some undercapitalized, marginal businesses are going to be swamped by ObamaCare's requirements, but they probably weren't going to last long run, anyway.

And this will be the exact same argument that the idiot liberal dumbocrats will use when they start rationing healthcare (ie Death Panels).

"I have no doubt that we are cutting time short with a loved one, but grandma wasn't going to last long anyway" is what assholes like JoeB. will tell us.

I have no doubt that some undercapitalized, marginal businesses are going to be swamped by ObamaCare's requirements, but they probably weren't going to last long run, anyway.

Hey Joe? I know you are one seriously dumb communist asshole (I mean seriously d-u-m-b), but even you should be smart enough to consider this very important question:

What business in the entire world is more "undercapitalized" than the U.S. federal government? They are $16 trillion in debt. Never in world history has ANY business been $16 trillion in debt.

And yet you want them to take on Obamacare and you want them to socialize medicine while openly admitting that it will kill any business that is "undercapitalized". :cuckoo:

Will you ever realize just how fucking stupid you are before making a post? I am so embarrassed for you. How do you not cringe when people point out the monumental flaws in your ultra ignorant beliefs?
I would say, "Too bad you spent years and years and years oppossing single payer like every other sensible country has done."

Let's consider the "sensible" countries who implemented a single payer system:

U.S.S.R. (collapsed)
England (bankrupt - trying to decentralize their system now)
Canada (people flee to the US for life saving surgery because of the 1 - 2 year wait)

And the list of insurance mandates (like the U.S. just did):

Greece (collapsed)
Germany (bankrupt - $11 billion shortfall in 2009 alone)

Chancellor Merkel, something of a political acrobat, was previously allied in coalition with leftist Social Democrats. She's now resisting calls from the Free Democrats to get off the state-pulled health-care train. The FDP's spokesman on health, Daniel Bahr, wants a "shift in direction away from state-run medicine." Why? Because "the current financial figures have showed us that the health-care fund doesn't work."

Germany's Socialized Health-Care System Isn't Working -

JoeB. :cuckoo:
I'm editing my post to include g5000's total debunking of your thread, see below. It would be nice if you came back and admitted that you are full of shit.

What is it?

First, I will quote the relevant bits from Section 1513 of the PPACA. Then, I will explain what it means.

You need this:

And this:

‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The number of individuals employed
by an applicable large employer as full-time
employees during any month shall be reduced by 30
solely for purposes of calculating—
‘‘(I) the assessable payment under subsection
(a), or
‘‘(II) the overall limitation under subsection
‘‘(ii) AGGREGATION.—In the case of persons treated
as 1 employer under subparagraph (C)(i), only 1 reduction
under subclause (I) or (II) shall be allowed with
respect to such persons and such reduction shall be allocated
among such persons ratably on the basis of the
number of full-time employees employed by each such
What this means is that a company that does not provide health insurance is susceptible to penalties only if the employees get federal subsidies to buy their health insurance. But in addition to that, to avoid the very kind of disincentive Blue Phantom made up in the OP, whereby an employer with 49 employees decides not to hire more people because it would push him over the 50 employee floor, the second part that I quoted means that for purposes of the penalties, the first 30 employees are not counted toward the penalties.


My original post:

The could hire 3 more full timers and a gazillion part timers and expand their business, if this story is even true, and not have to provide their employees health care coverage.

I'm very surprised that an employer of 47 full time employees isn't already providing health care coverage.

Someone else will fill the void.
Who would you suggest would be stupid enough to be open to filling a void in a non-profit environment?

Living on mars these days, are we? :cuckoo:
So I have to share this because it really pisses me off. So I manage a business for two owners who are absolutely fabulous people...I mean wonderful people and I love them to death...but they are flaming liberals and can't see their hand two inches past their nose. ...

I didn't get fired. The expansion will not take place. 45 jobs set and ready just got lost thanks to Obamacare.

So you give people crappy advice based on your own political bile?

That's kind of sad.

You really need to learn to check your politics at the door.

so you are flat out disparging douche bag...captain clueless
where did they give advice?

Please provide link/evidence in your pathetic shrill state of moronica
I have no doubt that some undercapitalized, marginal businesses are going to be swamped by ObamaCare's requirements, but they probably weren't going to last long run, anyway.

Hey Joe? I know you are one seriously dumb communist asshole (I mean seriously d-u-m-b), but even you should be smart enough to consider this very important question:

What business in the entire world is more "undercapitalized" than the U.S. federal government? They are $16 trillion in debt. Never in world history has ANY business been $16 trillion in debt.

And yet you want them to take on Obamacare and you want them to socialize medicine while openly admitting that it will kill any business that is "undercapitalized". :cuckoo:

Will you ever realize just how fucking stupid you are before making a post? I am so embarrassed for you. How do you not cringe when people point out the monumental flaws in your ultra ignorant beliefs?

The US Government wasn't "undercapitalized" until Conservatards did two really retarded things.

1) Give the wealthy huge tax cuts they didn't need.

2) Sign awful trade treaties that made American workers compete with child slave labor.

We don't have a "Capitalization" problem, we have a "too gutless to tax problem. If you weren't completely retarded, you'd realize this.

I mean, shit, even when Clinton taxed the wealthy at 39%, we still managed to pass balanced budgets.
I would say, "Too bad you spent years and years and years oppossing single payer like every other sensible country has done."

Let's consider the "sensible" countries who implemented a single payer system:

U.S.S.R. (collapsed)
England (bankrupt - trying to decentralize their system now)
Canada (people flee to the US for life saving surgery because of the 1 - 2 year wait)

And the list of insurance mandates (like the U.S. just did):

Greece (collapsed)
Germany (bankrupt - $11 billion shortfall in 2009 alone)

Chancellor Merkel, something of a political acrobat, was previously allied in coalition with leftist Social Democrats. She's now resisting calls from the Free Democrats to get off the state-pulled health-care train. The FDP's spokesman on health, Daniel Bahr, wants a "shift in direction away from state-run medicine." Why? Because "the current financial figures have showed us that the health-care fund doesn't work."

JoeB. :cuckoo:

So, let's look at your somewhat retarded list. For the record- Corrolation does not equal causation.

USSR- Collapsed because 300 Million NON-Russians were tired of the Russians telling them what to do. Just like every other Colonial Empire

the UK- Pretty much the same deal. The UK was entirely built on exploiting its "Commonwealth", until the Commonwealth had quite enough of that shit.

So the real problem in those two cases was Imperialism, NOT single payer medicine.

Canada- Sorry , no one in Canada is calling for an American style system that leaves one in four without insurance and causes 62% of bankruptcies. And Canada's big complaint is that too many Americans are sneaking across THEIR border to get free prescription drugs.

Greece- Collapsed because they signed onto a currency they couldn't control the value of, and the EU never should have accepted their membership. Also- a taxation problem. The Greeks ae notorious for avoiding paying taxes.

Finally, we get to Germany, where you think an 11 billion shortfall in a 2 Trillion dollar economy is a big deal. It isn't.
I have no doubt that some undercapitalized, marginal businesses are going to be swamped by ObamaCare's requirements, but they probably weren't going to last long run, anyway.

And this will be the exact same argument that the idiot liberal dumbocrats will use when they start rationing healthcare (ie Death Panels).

"I have no doubt that we are cutting time short with a loved one, but grandma wasn't going to last long anyway" is what assholes like JoeB. will tell us.


Actually, the only "death panels" are the ones private insurance has, but their logic is "Little Nataline didn't need that liver transplant, it only gave her a 50% chance of surival". Meanwhile the CEO of Cigna got a 72 million dollar severance package.

Fact is, 11% of what we spend in health care is extending the lives of terminal patients, but no one is going to seriously have that discussion.
And Canada's big complaint is that too many Americans are sneaking across THEIR border to get free prescription drugs.

No its not. And prescriptions aren't free in Canada.

They are however, significantly cheaper than on our side of the border. Case in point is Mexico that used to be covered with shops selling cheap trinkets when you cross the US border. Now they are covered with pharmacies
The US Government wasn't "undercapitalized" until Conservatards did two really retarded things.

1) Give the wealthy huge tax cuts they didn't need.

2) Sign awful trade treaties that made American workers compete with child slave labor.

We don't have a "Capitalization" problem, we have a "too gutless to tax problem. If you weren't completely retarded, you'd realize this.

I mean, shit, even when Clinton taxed the wealthy at 39%, we still managed to pass balanced budgets.

Unions supported the government sending jobs overseas. The US market for new union members is minimal. The unions recognized the growth potential overseas in membership. Your own sold you out.

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