Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now


Number of U.S. businesses with 50+ employees: Approximately 8,500

Number of employees at those businesses: Approximately 1,600,000


i was speaking on small businesses solely, just to reclarify.
Since we are making up stories....

I work for a conservative business owner

I told him that our employees do not have health insurance and will go bankrupt if they have a major illness. He said screw them, they are not my problem let the taxpayer pick up their healthcare costs

I explained that I agreed with him and that businesses should not be the ones providing healthcare and that it should be a government function. He jumped up and screamed THATS SOCIALISM

I explained that his attitude is just the problem that Obamacare faced, that no matter what solution was proposed, conservatives tried to block it

He replied....LET THEM DIE

Every left-winger in this forum will believe that's a true story.
So I have to share this because it really pisses me off. So I manage a business for two owners who are absolutely fabulous people...I mean wonderful people and I love them to death...but they are flaming liberals and can't see their hand two inches past their nose. So prior to the election they tasked me with setting up a plan fo expansion into a second location. Now I know the books and so the other day we meet and ask my plan and my response was: "I don't think we can expand now"

"Why not?" they asked confused.

"Well," I said. "Right now our company has 47 employees. Expanding to a second locaton will put us over the 50 employee limit on Obamacare and we will have to pay health benefits for every one of our employees or pay the fine to avoid it. After looking at the books, that will bankrupt us." I explained.

"But our business is ready to take the next step." they said to me.

"Yes it is," I responded "but we can't afford to anymore. The good old days of expanding according to sales and demand are over." I explained. "That's not the way it works anymore."

"Well why not?" they asked sincerely.

"Well because of the Affordable Health Care Act" I said. I then explained all the implications and do you know what their response was? These flaming liberals who voted for Obama and pounded the "health care is a human right" angle? Know what they said to me? They said "Well we have to find a loophole to get out of this. We can't afford that. it will end our business."

I was tempted at that point to reach across the table and strangle them both screaming "this is what you voted for mother fuckers!!!!" but I kept my cool. I said slowly "the business landscape has changed. Now here are our options.....#1 cut every employee to below 30 hours a week. If they go over 30 hours we fire them on the spot."

"Well how will they support their families on only 30 hours a week?" they asked.

"If they go over 30 hours after the expansion," I explained "then you will support their families directly from your own pocket because the business cannot sustain the expense incurred by Obamacare." I got incredulous at this point. "Jesus fucking Christ have you not been paying attention?" I was met with silence.

"Now the other option is to expand to the new location but to sub-contract labor to a different entity. Technically, you will have no new employees and be under the 50 cap. On the other hand you have to entrust your labor to a totally different business...and don't even think about creating a dummy corporation yourself to hire those workers under unless you want a nice battle with the IRS for fraud. It will have to be a completely unrelated business with totally unrelated ownership."

So after a while of them thinking they looked at me and asked.

"So what you are saying is that we can't expand our business unless we slash the hours of our employees who need every hour they can get, sub-contract out our labor an allow an independent business to control our labor, or just say fuck it and not expand at all?"

i said "Yep"

"THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT" they screamed

"That's what you voted for" I said calmly risking my job.

I didn't get fired. The expansion will not take place. 45 jobs set and ready just got lost thanks to Obamacare.
This is total BS. Your rhetoric that is. You, like other radical RWers in business, are making it your business to make your radical RW rhetoric come true.

I'd have fired you on the spot if I were them and find someone with a bit of sense and not a radical partisan hack.
And they have.

You've been schooled. Dismissed.

greatly increased? nnnnnnnahh. define greatly, un sarcastically if you think you actually schooled someone.

Has government employment really increased under Obama? | AEIdeas
Even your link says implying what you did is ridiculous, so hahahaha!

Educate yourself, swallow, and admit you were wrong. Weren't you a boyscout?

The challenge of counting the federal workforce -- FCW
THATS GREATLY!!!???:lol:

When you want to shrink government, one more is too many.

Oh, so "greatly" to you is "one." ok, then.

Actually, during that same time, State and local governments DECREASED government empoloyees due to lower tax revenues and the effort to stay within budget

So a 1.5% increase is pretty large seeing as the norm for the same period was to decrease.
When you want to shrink government, one more is too many.

Oh, so "greatly" to you is "one." ok, then.

Actually, during that same time, State and local governments DECREASED government empoloyees due to lower tax revenues and the effort to stay within budget

So a 1.5% increase is pretty large seeing as the norm for the same period was to decrease.

1.5% may be greatly to you lot, but it doesn't sound all that extree to me, whatsoever.

The feds havent stayed within budget in over 60 years. 60 years. Before your time on Earth, is when the Nat'l debt actually went down instead of up.
Oh, so "greatly" to you is "one." ok, then.

Actually, during that same time, State and local governments DECREASED government empoloyees due to lower tax revenues and the effort to stay within budget

So a 1.5% increase is pretty large seeing as the norm for the same period was to decrease.

1.5% may be greatly to you lot, but it doesn't sound all that extree to me, whatsoever.

The feds havent stayed within budget in over 60 years. 60 years. Before your time on Earth, is when the Nat'l debt actually went down instead of up.
1.5% is not a grewat number by any means...
but when all other governments in America have 2-5% decrease...there is a difference of 3.5% to 6.5%...and to be frank.....6.5% IS a great number.
Actually, during that same time, State and local governments DECREASED government empoloyees due to lower tax revenues and the effort to stay within budget

So a 1.5% increase is pretty large seeing as the norm for the same period was to decrease.

1.5% may be greatly to you lot, but it doesn't sound all that extree to me, whatsoever.

The feds havent stayed within budget in over 60 years. 60 years. Before your time on Earth, is when the Nat'l debt actually went down instead of up.
1.5% is not a grewat number by any means...
but when all other governments in America have 2-5% decrease...there is a difference of 3.5% to 6.5%...and to be frank.....6.5% IS a great number.

Not sure what 3.5 and 6.5 have to do with anything, Federally. It's still 1.5. Comparing it to State Governments, which are micro in comparison and not Responsible for our on going war costs or tax cuts, etc.?

I mean......."Greatly increased" the Fed. Gov't is a streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch any way I imagine it.
This is total BS. Your rhetoric that is. You, like other radical RWers in business, are making it your business to make your radical RW rhetoric come true.

I'd have fired you on the spot if I were them and find someone with a bit of sense and not a radical partisan hack.

You are a radical partisan hack. That's why you will never own a business.
This is total BS. Your rhetoric that is. You, like other radical RWers in business, are making it your business to make your radical RW rhetoric come true.

I'd have fired you on the spot if I were them and find someone with a bit of sense and not a radical partisan hack.

You are a radical partisan hack. That's why you will never own a business.
That's funny. I run a small business right now.

This is total BS. Your rhetoric that is. You, like other radical RWers in business, are making it your business to make your radical RW rhetoric come true.

I'd have fired you on the spot if I were them and find someone with a bit of sense and not a radical partisan hack.

You are a radical partisan hack. That's why you will never own a business.
That's funny. I run a small business right now.


Fired him for what? Telling them they couldn't afford expanding?

Obviously federal jobs have increased greatly under Obama

Over all — including a decline of 12,000 public sector jobs in the Labor Department report for December — government employment is down 2.6 percent over the last three years, compared to a decline of 2.2 percent in the early Reagan years. That is a record.

Under Obama, a Record Decline in Government Jobs -


Nutters have their own facts.

Well, at least you admit this about yourself. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle.

Do you even read your own links, or do you just read the headlines?
This is total BS. Your rhetoric that is. You, like other radical RWers in business, are making it your business to make your radical RW rhetoric come true.

I'd have fired you on the spot if I were them and find someone with a bit of sense and not a radical partisan hack.

You are a radical partisan hack. That's why you will never own a business.
That's funny. I run a small business right now.


What kind of business, selling pencils on the street corner for $5.00 each?

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