Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

You should see what planet fitness did to the small gyms in my area. whoo000o

In my area it didn't hurt much. Snap Fitness came to town and there's still several small gyms doing well.

The small gym half a mile from here is still going...the Fitness Center USA and the Planet Fitness that opened to compete are not. The former FC USA is now gone (torn down to build a CVS), the former Planet Fitness is a computer repair shop.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh....he made the mistake of giving the actual number of new jobs! Great.

45 news jobs, plus existing 47 = 92 total jobs.

Fine = $2k for every job over the 30th one, so 92-30 = 62, X $2, 000 = $124, 000.00

Divide the cost into the total amount of employees, and it equals --> $1, 347.82.

Blue is telling us, that after overhead but before the fine, the Business he consults makes less than $1347.82 per employee, per YEAR, are somehow looking to EXPAND with that shitty, shitty margin, and also doesnt know that employees themselves could eat that cost by a mere $26 a paycheck.

Someone is a shitty ship captain, or someone's thread is stank and I just went sliced quality Ham all over it.

The owners could fire BP and replace him with a trained monkey. The savings would go a long way toward paying any penalty AND they would probably get better advice.

again, you did this to yourselves.

30 years of dismantling the middle class, they are totally voting for socialism.

Socialism wouldn't be so popular if you guys didn't make Capitalism such a shit sandwich for most people.
again, you did this to yourselves.

30 years of dismantling the middle class, they are totally voting for socialism.

Socialism wouldn't be so popular if you guys didn't make Capitalism such a shit sandwich for most people.

I have to agree. Not really happy about that, but I do.

What worries me is that the bastardization, the Frankenstein-ization, of capitalism is now causing a knee-jerk reaction too far in the opposite direction. Capitalism remains the greatest quality of life driver on the planet, but the Gordon Gekko wannabes have now somehow managed to sully its name.

These folks have opened the door wide open to those on the opposite end of the spectrum. And, just like the GOP in November, they absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.


I don't believe you will find very many American liberals who have a desire to put an end to capitalism in America.

Reign in excess.......close the gap........weaken the grip that corporate America has on Washington.......and reinstate sensible banking regulations.

Who are the people on the opposite end of the spectrum?
again, you did this to yourselves.

30 years of dismantling the middle class, they are totally voting for socialism.

Socialism wouldn't be so popular if you guys didn't make Capitalism such a shit sandwich for most people.

I have to agree. Not really happy about that, but I do.

What worries me is that the bastardization, the Frankenstein-ization, of capitalism is now causing a knee-jerk reaction too far in the opposite direction. Capitalism remains the greatest quality of life driver on the planet, but the Gordon Gekko wannabes have now somehow managed to sully its name.

These folks have opened the door wide open to those on the opposite end of the spectrum. And, just like the GOP in November, they absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.



And that's the irony of it.

The reason why we had a vibrant middle class was when the rest of the world was trying out various flavors of socialism (Communism, Nazism) American Capitalists and Politicians in this country insisted that if we are going to have Capitalism in this country, it had to be the kind that worked for everyone. Which meant good pay, good benefits.

The positive thing about Capitalism is that it does encourage people to strive, but only when there is transparency and openess. What we have now is what the Japanese call "karoshi", working ourselves to death.

Just to keep up with what their parents had, how many people are working two jobs, never seeing their families... just to keep a few at the top rich?
The economy would be much improved had NaziCon Republicans not obstructed the Obama jobs bill - the American Jobs Act - and had they allowed more public sector hiring like under Bush.


Your just shows that the government finally had to cut back expansion under Obama. It also shows that after the employment cycle bottomed out the private sector started hiring again. Doh!
See how that works?

It is an article talking about ALL governments in the US.....including state and local.

Here is a snippet form the article....

Federal employment fell 1.3 percent in 2011, but for the three years it is up 1.3 percent

This thread has been about FEDERAL government spending.

Just sayin'

At the risk or repeating other people's words, nutters have their own facts and when you prove them wrong, they ignore it.

Lone Laughter didnt ignore being proven wrong, which proves you wrong. You gunna ignore that? :cool:

This might come as a shock to you, but some people read and respond to posts in chronological order. I've read below your post and see that after not ignoring it, he made an ass of himself again. He needs to up his game around here if he doesn't want to continue being comsidered a troll around here.
It would be IF there were a job for every one who wanted to work. There isn't though, is there? This is where the dreaded government policy comes into play. Say business HERE is rewarded by our tax and corporate welfare to a greater extent than business that expatriates production anywhere BUT here. Say chapter eleven protections aren't available to corporations that don't hire American workers, but have nothing but a land line and answering machine in THIS country. Say ALL small businesses get the balance of THOSE savings.

My father owned his own business. I grew up knowing, because my father TOLD ME SO, that his employees put the roof over our heads and the food on our table. HE never laid anyone off in slow times, HE wrote the slow times into his business plan. We didn't lay ANYONE off because those slow times came (like snow does in the winter) WE ate a cheaper cut of meat instead (fried bologna sandwiches, and I loved them), because my father respected reciprocity.

I remember a better time for labor because I LIVED during a better time for EVERYONE.

My father had a legitimate reason to hold his head up. I was, and am RIGHTLY proud of him.

There WAS a time, once upon a time in America, when MY father wasn't the exception, but the rule. THAT was the time the fucktarded "job creators" meme of today was legitimate.

not anymore.

Not for nothing, but Regan didn't do squat for him, either.

You of course realize that there never has been and never will be a job for everyone who wants one don't you? If you think otherwise, how do you propose we do that? Obviously federal jobs have increased greatly under Obama, but that isn't there answer. Government jobs don't creat goods and services that people want or need. The government doesn't grow crops, process and package food and sell it in stores. They don't build cars.......well, that's questionable right now. Unless you move to a socialist state where the government nationalizes all the businesses and then doles out jobs, you can't provide jobs for everyone. That's a fantasy. And thos nations that use that model have had greater poverty, misery and general unhappiness than the US.

Of course, which is part of the overriding point.

Not for nothing but the part left unbolded had absolutely nothing to do with what you responded to. You know that, right?

Well, yes it did. I can't help it if you don't understand why.
Obviously federal jobs have increased greatly under Obama

Over all — including a decline of 12,000 public sector jobs in the Labor Department report for December — government employment is down 2.6 percent over the last three years, compared to a decline of 2.2 percent in the early Reagan years. That is a record.

Under Obama, a Record Decline in Government Jobs -

Unemployment Plunges to 3.8% for Government Workers; Government Adds 35,000 Jobs in November, 544,000 Since July | CNS News
Obviously federal jobs have increased greatly under Obama

Over all — including a decline of 12,000 public sector jobs in the Labor Department report for December — government employment is down 2.6 percent over the last three years, compared to a decline of 2.2 percent in the early Reagan years. That is a record.

Under Obama, a Record Decline in Government Jobs -

Unemployment Plunges to 3.8% for Government Workers; Government Adds 35,000 Jobs in November, 544,000 Since July | CNS News


Federal, state and local.
Correct. And part of that increase was federal.......which you claim has dropped......which hasn't.
This is what you said:

"Obviously federal jobs have increased greatly under Obama"

You've been schooled. Dismissed.

And they have.

You've been schooled. Dismissed.

greatly increased? nnnnnnnahh. define greatly, un sarcastically if you think you actually schooled someone.
Just another fun fact - only a bout 2% of small businesses have over 50 employees.

No kidding? Cause at somepoint they call them large businesses.

Btw, since you require everyone else to prove their credentials and facts, you won't mind providing a link...
Just another fun fact - only a bout 2% of small businesses have over 50 employees.

No kidding? Cause at somepoint they call them large businesses.

Btw, since you require everyone else to prove their credentials and facts, you won't mind providing a link...

Yea, but that changes nothing. 2% of small businesses, and small businesses make up the great majority of businesses period, are over 50 employees. 2%. Thats how many face down the "provide or be fined," in terms of small businesses.

Number of U.S. businesses with 50+ employees: Approximately 8,500

Number of employees at those businesses: Approximately 1,600,000


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