liberal college babies. Cant handle another student wearing a trump hat


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I swear the biggest babies in America are liberal college age kids.. Really a trump hat is hate speech. What ever happened to our first amendment rights.
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This is how they think: If I don't like what you're saying or wearing, you have to stop.

What a sad situation. We should be better than this.
This is fucking scary. That broad denying that kid his constitutional rights was not bad looking. But she was so mentally fucked. Way too dangerous to engage for a one nighter. The gay douche that grabbed the hat prolly should have been struck a few times though.
Leftists have turned higher ed into left wing indoctrination camps, expensive ones at that. Lower ed too, also very expensive and this is the result. Intolerant, immature big government drones of the state.
Don't mess with my wife, kids or hat... Little douche bag in the checkered shirt that took his hat deserves to have a mud hole stomped in his ass...
So how many ate Testosterone Toasties this morning? Raise your hand(s)...
I swear the biggest babies in America are liberal college age kids.. Really a trump hat is hate speech. What ever happened to our first amendment rights.

That woman and the guy that stole his hat sure looked hateful to me.
I swear the biggest babies in America are liberal college age kids.. Really a trump hat is hate speech. What ever happened to our first amendment rights.

You mean, what happened to the First Amendment right of being opposed to a politician?
This is fucking scary. That broad denying that kid his constitutional rights was not bad looking. But she was so mentally fucked. Way too dangerous to engage for a one nighter. The gay douche that grabbed the hat prolly should have been struck a few times though.
Yeah.....the Dean is so gonna be in his face about his love for America. It's just so wrong to be patriotic on campus.
So how many ate Testosterone Toasties this morning? Raise your hand(s)...
Yeah......wanting to make America better is bad now.
She was really just trying to get closer to a guy she wanted to meet....Has it been that long since the sting of love has bitten you?
She's just Ameriphobic.


An irrational fear of appearing privileged because of your race (whites only) and a fear of conservative viewpoints. It causes pampered Americans to feel pangs of guilt about their European heritage and their parents wealth. Symptoms are fear of discussing rationally with people who oppose their ideology and resorting to race-baiting when their irrational arguments collapse like Hillary after a 911 memorial. They believe in freedom of speech as long as the speech is politically-correct. They react negatively whenever they see the American flag, hear the Star Spangle Banner, or see people wearing patriotic attire. They hate whites, men in general, conservative blacks, conservative women, NASCAR fans, guns, and anyone who runs against a Democrat. They feel America is the greatest threat to world peace ever and that the single biggest issue out there is Global Climate Change. They believe that Black Lives Matter, and anyone who says All Lives Matter is a racist.
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I swear the biggest babies in America are liberal college age kids.. Really a trump hat is hate speech. What ever happened to our first amendment rights.

What a bunch of nonsense. He takes the hat and then runs back to stand behind women. That's funny. Unless you can live off of daddy's money then you better figure out how to work with people. Prolonged adolescence.

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