Liberal extremism isn't a new thing..

You mean like choosing to fire live rounds at a crowd of protesting students? Why yes I do think those who chose to fire at the students should be held responsible for their choices and their actions.

When you have no other arguments just stick your fingers in your ear and convince yourself it's them who are crazy not you....:lol:

Ok then tell me what forced the guardsmen to fire into the crowd.

the way I understand it, rocks were thrown toward the guardsmen, the guardsmen panicked and fired.
You guys are right it's clearly the hippies fault, why wouldn't they be able to psychically to predict that the guardsmen would go way out of line with their response and fire live ammo into the crowd.

And the guardsman, once they saw the hippies they totally lost all control over their muscles. They couldn't help but aim their rifles into the crowd and then pull the trigger. The hippies made them do it with their mind altering superpowers. Damn those kids.

Um.. this picture is from three days before. Thanks

Uhhhhh...that was the drunken terrorizing rampage through the town I was discussing earlier...that someone said never happened.
You guys are right it's clearly the hippies fault, why wouldn't they be able to psychically to predict that the guardsmen would go way out of line with their response and fire live ammo into the crowd.

And the guardsman, once they saw the hippies they totally lost all control over their muscles. They couldn't help but aim their rifles into the crowd and then pull the trigger. The hippies made them do it with their mind altering superpowers. Damn those kids.

I'm not blaming anyone. It was a tragedy. rocks were thrown and the guards panicked.
that's my understanding of it.
Here's where you FAIL again.....why won't you admit that if the protestoers had acted in a non violent in a peacable demonstration of dislike for Nixon's foreign policy move...without rocks, bottles, assaulting law enforcement, arson and a host of other violations....the National Guard would have never been called to that campus.
Why are you so dishonest and refuse to admit the truth in this statement?

That statement is true but the fact that they did that statement did not hypnotize the guard into using unnecessary lethal force.

If the guard hadn't chosen to use such force nobody would've died.

The hippies did not put a gun to their head and force them to fire onto the crowd the guard CHOSE to do that.

Just to make it clear I think the hippies should be held responsible for choosing to throw rocks just as I think the guards should be held responsible for choosing to fire into the crowd.

Thank you for agreeing with me...there is hope for humanity after all!!!!! Personal responsibility is an alien concept to many but I hope you see my point.

and yes..I do in fact agree that the person who ordered the soldiers to fire into a crowd of "unarmed" protesters should have been investigated along with the soldiers who obeyed those orders. If any criminal wrong doing was found during the grand jury investigative phase and they were indicted...they should have stood trial and let the chips fall where they may.

...So you mean to tell me we've been arguing for several pages for no reason.


Ok then sorry for the misunderstanding.
You equate failure to appear with arson?

Like I have stated many times, they did not set ANYTHING on fire the day of the shooting. So please stop lying, and most rocks that were thrown by BOTH students and guardsman fell short due to the distance between them.
You are pretty much saying because some students set something on fire three days before, they deserved to get shot for it later.




That was not from May 4th. ;)

Every article you read about the timeline they never mention them setting fire to anything on May 4th. Your pictures are probably from when they burned down the ROTC building, that was already scheduled to be demolished.

Friday evening in downtown Kent began peacefully with the usual socializing in the bars, but events quickly escalated into a violent confrontation between protestors and local police. The exact causes of the disturbance are still the subject of debate, but bonfires were built in the streets of downtown Kent, cars were stopped, police cars were hit with bottles, and some store windows were broken. The entire Kent police force was called to duty as well as officers from the county and surrounding communities. Kent Mayor Leroy Satrom declared a state of emergency, called Governor James Rhodes' office to seek assistance, and ordered all of the bars closed. The decision to close the bars early increased the size of the angry crowd. Police eventually succeeded in using tear gas to disperse the crowd from downtown, forcing them to move several blocks back to the campus


Members of the Ohio National Guard were already on duty in Northeast Ohio, and thus they were able to be mobilized quickly to move to Kent. As the Guard arrived in Kent at about 10 p.m., they encountered a tumultuous scene. The wooden ROTC building adjacent to the Commons was ablaze and would eventually burn to the ground that evening, with well over 1000 demonstrators surrounding the building. Controversy continues to exist regarding who was responsible for setting fire to the ROTC building, but radical protestors were assumed to be responsible because of their actions in interfering with the efforts of firemen to extinguish the fire as well as cheering the burning of the building. Confrontations between Guardsmen and demonstrators continued into the night, with tear gas filling the campus and numerous arrests being made.
radical protestors

No personal responsibility whatsoever....NONE. They are responsible for the situation that took place at Kent State. Now these people sit in our Courts, sit in Congress, some still teach our children, many still teach in Universitys......WTF!!!!!
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radical protestors

No personal responsibility whatsoever....NONE. They are responsible for the situation that took place at Kent State. Now these people sit in our Courts, sit in Congress, some still teach our children, many still teach in Universitys......WTF!!!!!

Some might even be apart of the Tea Party! :eek:

There is a lot of hippie sell outs, out there. ;)
Complete, unadulterated crap.

You do an image search for "kill bush" "kill palin" or any other loony phrase and you'll find pages of liberal hate media as well. Generally much more immediate, gory, and serious than the goofy stuff you just pulled out of your ass.

Let's see a list of all the "Kill Conservatives"..."Conservatives are Enemies of our Country" t-shirts, bumperstickers, etc.
and when your ready for an education on liberals and liberalism, we'll start with exposing your inherent pacifism brought on by you having your effeminate, skinny ass kicked daily in school after the bullies took your lunch money.

WOW, Christmas came early...unsolicited PROOF...and a decisive conclusion to the argument...I win all by YOURSELF... well, we can't be pacifists and sissies and then be accused of being bullies, fascists, communists or authoritarians...

You have a pea brain mind filled with a whole litany of social illness that allows you to dehumanize, demonize and cheapen human life by painting people with your sickening and vile characterizations...

The irony...ALL those social illnesses you exhibit manifest in people with deep insecurities and self loathing behavior...

I now feel sorry for you...

Don't feel sorry for me..I can take care of myself in any are the minute an internet tough guy sending threatening PM's...the next a whining wussie incapable of harming a fly....

Get your shit together internet tough guy...whatever you are.

Schizophrenic? You mean like attributing things YOU say to me? You mean like YOU sending me neg rep's when you get thoroughly handled on the board, and YOU fearfully interpreting as a threat my response with a neg rep and a reminder I will continue to handle you ON the board?

So far, you haven't shown you can take care of yourself in THIS situation...

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Isaac Asimov
You guys are right it's clearly the hippies fault, why wouldn't they be able to psychically to predict that the guardsmen would go way out of line with their response and fire live ammo into the crowd.

And the guardsman, once they saw the hippies they totally lost all control over their muscles. They couldn't help but aim their rifles into the crowd and then pull the trigger. The hippies made them do it with their mind altering superpowers. Damn those kids.

I'm not blaming anyone. It was a tragedy. rocks were thrown and the guards panicked.
that's my understanding of it.
No, the kids had been throwing stuff all along.
The first reports said the guardsmen were preparing to go around a building for cover, and they thought they heard sniper fire.

Later versions say the guardsmen were acting on orders.

And the most cherished version of the liberals who hate Americans and support anyone who kills, threatens, or challenges them is that the Guardsmen were ravening dogs who deliberately picked off innocent children skipping on their way to class.

Nobody really knows what happened...but everyone agrees that tension was very, VERY high. Students were doing the bidding of those wonderful people who are now in charge of your government, or who schooled the people who are. They were targeting ROTCs, taking over public buildings in stand offs....while hiding behind our kids in college.

Some people just don't get it....if you are going to hide behind innocent people after attacking, innocent people are going to get hurt...and it's the fault of the TERRORISTS. Our military doesn't hide behind civilians. That's a lefty thing.
You guys are right it's clearly the hippies fault, why wouldn't they be able to psychically to predict that the guardsmen would go way out of line with their response and fire live ammo into the crowd.

And the guardsman, once they saw the hippies they totally lost all control over their muscles. They couldn't help but aim their rifles into the crowd and then pull the trigger. The hippies made them do it with their mind altering superpowers. Damn those kids.

I'm not blaming anyone. It was a tragedy. rocks were thrown and the guards panicked.
that's my understanding of it.
No, the kids had been throwing stuff all along.
The first reports said the guardsmen were preparing to go around a building for cover, and they thought they heard sniper fire.

Later versions say the guardsmen were acting on orders.

And the most cherished version of the liberals who hate Americans and support anyone who kills, threatens, or challenges them is that the Guardsmen were ravening dogs who deliberately picked off innocent children skipping on their way to class.

Nobody really knows what happened...but everyone agrees that tension was very, VERY high. Students were doing the bidding of those wonderful people who are now in charge of your government, or who schooled the people who are. They were targeting ROTCs, taking over public buildings in stand offs....while hiding behind our kids in college.

Some people just don't get it....if you are going to hide behind innocent people after attacking, innocent people are going to get hurt...and it's the fault of the TERRORISTS. Our military doesn't hide behind civilians. That's a lefty thing.

They shot two two students who were talking to class, which is reported in almost every article you read about Kent State. And I have not heard anyone on here say they were targeting them either.
I think reports saying the guardsman shot in the air and at the ground, shows that most did not want to be shooting at these students. But keep putting shit in people's mouth like usual.
I'm not blaming anyone. It was a tragedy. rocks were thrown and the guards panicked.
that's my understanding of it.
No, the kids had been throwing stuff all along.
The first reports said the guardsmen were preparing to go around a building for cover, and they thought they heard sniper fire.

Later versions say the guardsmen were acting on orders.

And the most cherished version of the liberals who hate Americans and support anyone who kills, threatens, or challenges them is that the Guardsmen were ravening dogs who deliberately picked off innocent children skipping on their way to class.

Nobody really knows what happened...but everyone agrees that tension was very, VERY high. Students were doing the bidding of those wonderful people who are now in charge of your government, or who schooled the people who are. They were targeting ROTCs, taking over public buildings in stand offs....while hiding behind our kids in college.

Some people just don't get it....if you are going to hide behind innocent people after attacking, innocent people are going to get hurt...and it's the fault of the TERRORISTS. Our military doesn't hide behind civilians. That's a lefty thing.

They shot two two students who were talking to class, which is reported in almost every article you read about Kent State. And I have not heard anyone on here say they were targeting them either.
I think reports saying the guardsman shot in the air and at the ground, shows that most did not want to be shooting at these students. But keep putting shit in people's mouth like usual.

The tradgedy that happened was reprehensible indeed...but let's look at the reality of the situation....if the protesters had acted responsibly and in a peacable manner the Kent State shootings would have never happened. It's quite clear in the police reports that the students, bikers and other participants were drunk and IMO more than likely high on dope.....they went on a 3 day rampage through the town!!!!! Their irresponsible actions caused the National Guard to be called in. The President's Commission on Campus Unrest harshly criticized the student protesters as well as the Ohio National Guardsmen who fired those shots. It concluded that the shootings were inexcusable and I do agree with that statement....but if you play with fire...expect to get burned.
I don't see any lies, other than the ones you're letting loose with.

Oh please, it's really not necessary for you to go so far as to actually side with that lunatic is it? You only bring yourself down to his dilusional level where he suffers terribly from gullible-itis sold on tap. I don't ever agree with you, but you are a cut above that POS.

Your just upset because you can't stand being told the truth about what happens on your side of the aisle....I'm not here to make you feel all comfy in your only social interaction with civilization. My suggestion to you is to put down the Ben and Jerry's and get a life.

I know exactly what happens by both the right AND the left. I call you a POS only because you can't make a posting without lacing it with hysterical obsenities. POS was mild, so thanks for the neg rep, hypocrite.
That's right, arson isn't a BAD thing..

But really, why the hell are these kids so criminal? Do we need to sterilize their parents or what?

Between the rash of "flash parties" and teen suicides because of bullying, violent incidents among young people seem to be on the rise. I seriously have to blame the Internet, but I have no clue how to begin to resolve it. Teens today have way too much freedom.

Where are you getting that there's a rise in youth violence?

Huh? There are hundreds of articles and reports. Just a simple google of the subject will allow you to take your pick. This is one that addresses all the reasons.

Teen Violence, School Shootings, Internet Addiction, Online Gaming Addiction, Bullying, TV Violence, Internet Predators & Teen Suicide: Facts, Ideas, And Actions, by Ofer Zur, PhD., offered by Zur Institute for Psychologists, MFTs, SWs, Counselors an
That's right, arson isn't a BAD thing..

But really, why the hell are these kids so criminal? Do we need to sterilize their parents or what?

Between the rash of "flash parties" and teen suicides because of bullying, violent incidents among young people seem to be on the rise. I seriously have to blame the Internet, but I have no clue how to begin to resolve it. Teens today have way too much freedom.

There's nothing to solving 'it'...

Stop trying to 'understand' children and put the adults back in charge.

Bullying was never 'a problem' until you idiots gave the BULLY all the power.

When these insipid 'zero-tolerance' policies came into play, ANYONE that was found in violation was given what ever punishment was decreed...

Thus the Bully, being the one with the LEAST TO LOSE, was set on a level playing field with their would-be prey. When good kids report the bullying behavior, the administration can't do anything about it, because no one saw it, or the bully's a minority, or he or she comes from a poor family, or a rich influential family... and the 'policy' is X... instead of the administrator going to the Bully letting them know that they're on notice and holding their sorry ass accountable; to the man... and in no uncertain, personal terms.

Problem solved. If the bully continues his ass is taken down, and corporal punishment is administered with prejudice... Bully's again... GREAT Double down... public swats... public scorn, Public humiliation... right on the autitorium stage.

Parents sue? GREAT... Tell the story in court and let the court take responsibility for the looming suicide; meaning that when a judge favors a Bully and it results in a tragedy... Indict him and the parents, try 'em and sentence their ass to summary execution...

Odds are the next bully, their parents and the next judge will come to a brand new set of decisions...

Wow, you have a solution to everything! Yeah, right. Giving a bully a public whipping on stage in an auditorium is going to make him a more kind and gentle person. Uh huh...
That's right, arson isn't a BAD thing..

But really, why the hell are these kids so criminal? Do we need to sterilize their parents or what?

Between the rash of "flash parties" and teen suicides because of bullying, violent incidents among young people seem to be on the rise. I seriously have to blame the Internet, but I have no clue how to begin to resolve it. Teens today have way too much freedom.

Irony alert.

What irony? Scuse me?
Obviously the people who actually aimed the guns and fired onto the crowd bear absolutely no responsibility for it.

And of course unarmed people running away from soldiers shooting into the crowd must be cowards obviously a brave person stands there and takes the gunfire.

Get help dude.
Blame shifting... dissemblence... the ONLY parties responsible for those deaths are those who are responsible for the Guard being called up. THOSE WHO ENGAGED IN THE RIOTS.

No. The parties responsible for the deaths are those who pulled the triggers.

And whoever gave the order to start shooting.
You know what... you are a sick are not even human.

YES, I am a liberal, and YES I am was Jesus...

But commie? There is NO DOUBT the commies and nazis and the animals that carry out genocide in this world are cut from the same cloth as vermin like YOU...sub par human-like scum who have no conscience and were taught no morals.

You will burn in hell...that will be your Kent State

Wow. A Lefty Soul torn open.

People who do not agree with you are Not Even Human?

People who do not agree with you will Burn In Hell?

Words are just plain Wow.

Oh please...there's a huge difference between disagreeing with someone and being a complete asshole about it. I'm surprised neither Alli Baba nor you seem to get that. PP opens up the gate for the same type of personal attacks as he shovels out. He fouls every thread he enters.
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It looks like a lot of us are going to end up in HELL!

I'm going to buy the concession rights to open a Pub on the landing between the third and fourth levels. I expect that's where most of the fun folks will be.

And how long would you be able to maintain a conversation with Patek before you started making a run for the exit?

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