Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News and she wants to kill Rush

she wants to kill Rush


AWWWWW, poor Stuttering LimpTard. :rofl:

She never said she wants to kill your MessiahRushie. She said she would "gleefully" WATCH him die, just like he said he would "gleefully" watch Americans suffer the loss of their jobs.

LimpTard reaps the hate he sows and then whines and cries like a little baby that he is the poor innocent VICTIM of hate.
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she wants to kill Rush


AWWWWW, poor Stuttering LimpTard. :rofl:

She never said she wants to kill your MessiahRushie. She said she would "gleefully" WATCH him die, just like he said he would "gleefully" watch Americans suffer the loss of their jobs.

LimpTard reaps the hate he sows and then whines and cries like a little baby that he is the innocent VICTIM of hate.
she wants to kill Rush


AWWWWW, poor Stuttering LimpTard. :rofl:

She never said she wants to kill your MessiahRushie. She said she would "gleefully" WATCH him die, just like he said he would "gleefully" watch Americans suffer the loss of their jobs.

LimpTard reaps the hate he sows and then whines and cries like a little baby that he is the poor innocent VICTIM of hate.

How are a job loss and the desire to see someone die comparable?

she wants to kill Rush


AWWWWW, poor Stuttering LimpTard. :rofl:

She never said she wants to kill your MessiahRushie. She said she would "gleefully" WATCH him die, just like he said he would "gleefully" watch Americans suffer the loss of their jobs.

LimpTard reaps the hate he sows and then whines and cries like a little baby that he is the poor innocent VICTIM of hate.

How are a job loss and the desire to see someone die comparable?

The pure hate is comparable.
She loves America so much she patriotically hates someone who hates America like your MessiahRushie does.
How's that for perfect LimpTard "logic." :rofl:
If you were in the presence of a man having a heart attack, how would you respond? As he clutched his chest in desperation and pain, would you call 911? Would you try to save him from dying? Of course you would.
But if that man was Rush Limbaugh, and you were Sarah Spitz, a producer for National Public Radio (update: Spitz was a producer for NPR affiliate KCRW for the show Left, Right & Center), that isn’t what you’d do at all.
In a post to the list-serv Journolist, an online meeting place for liberal journalists, Spitz wrote that she would “Laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out” as Limbaugh writhed in torment.

In boasting that she would gleefully watch a man die in front of her eyes, Spitz seemed to shock even herself. “I never knew I had this much hate in me,” she wrote. “But he deserves it.”

The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.
“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

And so a debate ensued. Time’s Scherer, who had seemed to express support for increased regulation of Fox, suddenly appeared to have qualms: “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

A lot more here!

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Wow! Liberal journalists are really telling us who they feer. All that liberal frothing can be boiled down to this. They can't control the news as long as their is an alternative that tells the truth!

They are FURIOUS that they can't lie, spike news, and smear with impunity. THEY HATE THAT!

This is funny stuff, and I love to read it. They are losing the public dialogue and their power, and they know it!


Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia

DC Bureau reports that Prince Alwaleed bin Talan, a nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of the Palestinian suicide bombers." He also released a statement after 9/11 blaming the attacks on the U.S.: "not on the 15 airline hijackers from Saudi Arabia—but on the United States' support of Israel."

Prince bin Talan now owns 7% of shares at News Corp.

Mr. Murdoch seems to have made some sort of unsavory deal with the Prince bin Talan to help maintain control of the News Corp. Murdoch owns only 30% of the company. With the additional votes of bin Talan on his side he has much more security against a hostile takeover.

Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: Will Big Oil Buy Our Next Election? - Associated Content -

Well this guy owns a very significant percentage of the News Corp and has let the world know that he can get things taken off Fox News when he finds them objectionable and has in the past.

With the Citizens United Supreme Court decision essentially freeing corporations to spend unlimited amounts in campaigns, theoretically Alwaleed can pressure the American corporations he owns stock in to spend millions — or even billions — of dollars attacking candidates he opposes. In addition to his powerful Fox News outlet, Alwaleed and other foreign investors have potentially unprecedented power to impact American elections.

Think Progress Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’


Rightwingnuts DEFENDING Fox????

Next, the rightwingnuts are going to be on their knees to their Arab masters eating their dates and figs. Corporate masters weren't enough. Defending FOX? Arab owned FOX?

Republicans are such lemmings. They do anything they are told as long as it harms America.
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she wants to kill Rush


AWWWWW, poor Stuttering LimpTard. :rofl:

She never said she wants to kill your MessiahRushie. She said she would "gleefully" WATCH him die, just like he said he would "gleefully" watch Americans suffer the loss of their jobs.

LimpTard reaps the hate he sows and then whines and cries like a little baby that he is the poor innocent VICTIM of hate.

How are a job loss and the desire to see someone die comparable?

The pure hate is comparable.
She loves America so much she patriotically hates someone who hates America like your MessiahRushie does.
How's that for perfect LimpTard "logic." :rofl:

So feeling passionately about unemployment is the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

I don't know about Rush's logic, but I've certainly learned something about yours.
How are a job loss and the desire to see someone die comparable?

The pure hate is comparable.
She loves America so much she patriotically hates someone who hates America like your MessiahRushie does.
How's that for perfect LimpTard "logic." :rofl:

So feeling passionately about unemployment is the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

I don't know about Rush's logic, but I've certainly learned something about yours.
And I yours.

Spitefully hoping Americans suffer the loss of their jobs is wonderful to CON$ as long as CON$ "passionately" hate Americans. :cuckoo:
You make her more PATRIOTIC the more you defend your "passionate" America hating MessiahRushie.
Thank you.
If you were in the presence of a man having a heart attack, how would you respond? As he clutched his chest in desperation and pain, would you call 911? Would you try to save him from dying? Of course you would.
But if that man was Rush Limbaugh, and you were Sarah Spitz, a producer for National Public Radio (update: Spitz was a producer for NPR affiliate KCRW for the show Left, Right & Center), that isn’t what you’d do at all.
In a post to the list-serv Journolist, an online meeting place for liberal journalists, Spitz wrote that she would “Laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out” as Limbaugh writhed in torment.

In boasting that she would gleefully watch a man die in front of her eyes, Spitz seemed to shock even herself. “I never knew I had this much hate in me,” she wrote. “But he deserves it.”

The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.
“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

And so a debate ensued. Time’s Scherer, who had seemed to express support for increased regulation of Fox, suddenly appeared to have qualms: “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

A lot more here!

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Wow! Liberal journalists are really telling us who they feer. All that liberal frothing can be boiled down to this. They can't control the news as long as their is an alternative that tells the truth!

They are FURIOUS that they can't lie, spike news, and smear with impunity. THEY HATE THAT!

This is funny stuff, and I love to read it. They are losing the public dialogue and their power, and they know it!


Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia

DC Bureau reports that Prince Alwaleed bin Talan, a nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of the Palestinian suicide bombers." He also released a statement after 9/11 blaming the attacks on the U.S.: "not on the 15 airline hijackers from Saudi Arabia—but on the United States' support of Israel."

Prince bin Talan now owns 7% of shares at News Corp.

Mr. Murdoch seems to have made some sort of unsavory deal with the Prince bin Talan to help maintain control of the News Corp. Murdoch owns only 30% of the company. With the additional votes of bin Talan on his side he has much more security against a hostile takeover.

Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: Will Big Oil Buy Our Next Election? - Associated Content -

Well this guy owns a very significant percentage of the News Corp and has let the world know that he can get things taken off Fox News when he finds them objectionable and has in the past.

With the Citizens United Supreme Court decision essentially freeing corporations to spend unlimited amounts in campaigns, theoretically Alwaleed can pressure the American corporations he owns stock in to spend millions — or even billions — of dollars attacking candidates he opposes. In addition to his powerful Fox News outlet, Alwaleed and other foreign investors have potentially unprecedented power to impact American elections.

Think Progress Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’


Rightwingnuts DEFENDING Fox????

Next, the rightwingnuts are going to be on their knees to their Arab masters eating their dates and figs. Corporate masters weren't enough. Defending FOX? Arab owned FOX?

Republicans are such lemmings. They do anything they are told as long as it harms America.
I had read this.
It's not something that right wingnuts talk about much.

A lot more here!

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Wow! Liberal journalists are really telling us who they feer. All that liberal frothing can be boiled down to this. They can't control the news as long as their is an alternative that tells the truth!

They are FURIOUS that they can't lie, spike news, and smear with impunity. THEY HATE THAT!

This is funny stuff, and I love to read it. They are losing the public dialogue and their power, and they know it!




Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia

DC Bureau reports that Prince Alwaleed bin Talan, a nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of the Palestinian suicide bombers." He also released a statement after 9/11 blaming the attacks on the U.S.: "not on the 15 airline hijackers from Saudi Arabia—but on the United States' support of Israel."

Prince bin Talan now owns 7% of shares at News Corp.

Mr. Murdoch seems to have made some sort of unsavory deal with the Prince bin Talan to help maintain control of the News Corp. Murdoch owns only 30% of the company. With the additional votes of bin Talan on his side he has much more security against a hostile takeover.

Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: Will Big Oil Buy Our Next Election? - Associated Content -

Well this guy owns a very significant percentage of the News Corp and has let the world know that he can get things taken off Fox News when he finds them objectionable and has in the past.

With the Citizens United Supreme Court decision essentially freeing corporations to spend unlimited amounts in campaigns, theoretically Alwaleed can pressure the American corporations he owns stock in to spend millions — or even billions — of dollars attacking candidates he opposes. In addition to his powerful Fox News outlet, Alwaleed and other foreign investors have potentially unprecedented power to impact American elections.

Think Progress Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’


Rightwingnuts DEFENDING Fox????

Next, the rightwingnuts are going to be on their knees to their Arab masters eating their dates and figs. Corporate masters weren't enough. Defending FOX? Arab owned FOX?

Republicans are such lemmings. They do anything they are told as long as it harms America.
I had read this.
It's not something that right wingnuts talk about much.

I'm sure you'll hear more about it once they start defending the Taliban. Didn't Michael Steel already go there with his "war of choice"? Seem the Republican base wasn't quite ready. Give them time.
The pure hate is comparable.
She loves America so much she patriotically hates someone who hates America like your MessiahRushie does.
How's that for perfect LimpTard "logic." :rofl:

So feeling passionately about unemployment is the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

I don't know about Rush's logic, but I've certainly learned something about yours.
And I yours.

Spitefully hoping Americans suffer the loss of their jobs is wonderful to CON$ as long as CON$ "passionately" hate Americans. :cuckoo:
You make her more PATRIOTIC the more you defend your "passionate" America hating MessiahRushie.
Thank you.
No, I don't. You lie about me as you lie about Rush.

And you feeling passionate about unemployment the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

Because that's what you said.

You don't want to answer, and obfuscate, because you know the answer is yes. You don't think it's bad to wish death on someone with a different world view than you. You think you have the right to kill others based upon your understanding that you are superior.

So feeling passionately about unemployment is the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

I don't know about Rush's logic, but I've certainly learned something about yours.
And I yours.

Spitefully hoping Americans suffer the loss of their jobs is wonderful to CON$ as long as CON$ "passionately" hate Americans. :cuckoo:
You make her more PATRIOTIC the more you defend your "passionate" America hating MessiahRushie.
Thank you.
No, I don't. You lie about me as you lie about Rush.

And you feeling passionate about unemployment the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

Because that's what you said.

You don't want to answer, and obfuscate, because you know the answer is yes. You don't think it's bad to wish death on someone with a different world view than you. You think you have the right to kill others based upon your understanding that you are superior.


Lie about Rush? You mean that drug addict? Is that your hero?


Limbaugh May Be at Psychiatric Hospital in Tucson While Doctors Cover on TV : Italy imc


A former housekeeper for Rush Limbaugh claims she supplied the conservative commentator with thousands of doses of painkillers, some of which may have come from a mom-and-pop pill mill busted earlier this year in Lake Worth.

Local News: West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Martin & St. Lucie Counties | The Palm Beach Post
So feeling passionately about unemployment is the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

I don't know about Rush's logic, but I've certainly learned something about yours.
And I yours.

Spitefully hoping Americans suffer the loss of their jobs is wonderful to CON$ as long as CON$ "passionately" hate Americans. :cuckoo:
You make her more PATRIOTIC the more you defend your "passionate" America hating MessiahRushie.
Thank you.
No, I don't. You lie about me as you lie about Rush.

And you feeling passionate about unemployment the same as wanting to watch somebody die?

Because that's what you said.

You don't want to answer, and obfuscate, because you know the answer is yes. You don't think it's bad to wish death on someone with a different world view than you. You think you have the right to kill others based upon your understanding that you are superior.

The "passion about unemployment" your MessiahRushie has is that he "passionately" hopes Americans SUFFER from it. All true PATRIOTS would "passionately" enjoy watching America hating scum like that die.
You keep making her look better and better, keep it up. :rofl:
So you are agreeing that you don't think there's a difference between being passionate about the economy, and killing off those who don't agree with you.

Got it the first time, bucky.

Rtard, nobody gave you permission to speak. Please sit back down in the corner and put the dunce cap back on your head until you're excused.
If you were in the presence of a man having a heart attack, how would you respond? As he clutched his chest in desperation and pain, would you call 911? Would you try to save him from dying? Of course you would.
But if that man was Rush Limbaugh, and you were Sarah Spitz, a producer for National Public Radio (update: Spitz was a producer for NPR affiliate KCRW for the show Left, Right & Center), that isn’t what you’d do at all.
In a post to the list-serv Journolist, an online meeting place for liberal journalists, Spitz wrote that she would “Laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out” as Limbaugh writhed in torment.

In boasting that she would gleefully watch a man die in front of her eyes, Spitz seemed to shock even herself. “I never knew I had this much hate in me,” she wrote. “But he deserves it.”

The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.
“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

And so a debate ensued. Time’s Scherer, who had seemed to express support for increased regulation of Fox, suddenly appeared to have qualms: “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

A lot more here!

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Wow! Liberal journalists are really telling us who they feer. All that liberal frothing can be boiled down to this. They can't control the news as long as their is an alternative that tells the truth!

They are FURIOUS that they can't lie, spike news, and smear with impunity. THEY HATE THAT!

This is funny stuff, and I love to read it. They are losing the public dialogue and their power, and they know it!


This is amazingly disgusting. We as citizens of the greatest country ever, are tearing it to pieces. What hatred.
It is one thing to bicker on message boards....but this?? I can't even fathom.
So you are agreeing that you don't think there's a difference between being passionate about the economy, and killing off those who don't agree with you.

Got it the first time, bucky.

Rtard, nobody gave you permission to speak. Please sit back down in the corner and put the dunce cap back on your head until you're excused.
We agree on nothing. Passion for the destruction of the American economy is treason, and true patriots enjoy watching traitors die. True patriots never agree with domestic terrorists like LimpTard.

And there is the America hating CON$ervoFascist CONcept of "free speech." CON$ speak for all sides and no one else has permission to speak. And then these CON$ whine and cry like babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their traitorous America hating asses.
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When I heard about this story I damn near split my sides laughing...........thinking about all the liberal k00ks on this board who go around life thinking that the media has no bias. Theyve been falling all over themselves for years trying to dispel the liberal media as a myth. And this story wont change anything either. Liberals have a fascinating way of being able to conveniently ignore factual sh!t.............its fcukking fascinating. Whats more, its more proof positive that liberals so emulate fascists its not even real. These people despise the 1st Ammendment and are all proponents of the state run media.......

People like Shaman, Ed, Rightwinger, Dean, Caribineer.........just the height of intellectual dishonesty OR they are simply veritable mental case k00ks. Its one or the other.
We agree on nothing. Passion for the destruction of the American economy is treason, and true patriots enjoy watching traitors die. True patriots never agree with domestic terrorists like LimpTard.
Offhand, I'd say you're more loyal to the Democratic Party than to the United States.
And there is the America hating CON$ervoFascist CONcept of "free speech." CON$ speak for all sides and no one else has permission to speak. And then these CON$ whine and cry like babies when the Golden Rule bites them in their traitorous America hating asses. opposed to the leftist view of free speech, which wants government to shut down conflicting viewpoints?
New "community group" Citizens for Civility & Accountability in Media (CCAM) is super-peeved at Fresno, California radio station KMJ for having the temerity to broadcast (on their two stations) conservative talk radio hosts to whom people want to listen.

Because, you see, it's "hate speech" - according to CCAM. And therefore, KMJ should "alter their programming" (read: change their content by silencing conservatives) "in order to curtail practices that we believe to be damaging to our social fabric and to civility in public discourse."

It would seem the residents of Fresno do not believe that Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others on KMJ are "damaging to our social fabric and to civility in public discourse." But that could not matter less to CCAM.

Read more: Mark Lloyd |

Mark Lloyd loyalists, I'm sure.

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