Liberal Racists Piling On Carson

You never answered my question. Why did you say it was racist to call Carson an uncle tom?

I've answered it ten times. It is an ethnic slur therefore a racist slur. Get off it. It is a derogatory and biased slur at any Black man.
No I wont get off it. I want a explanation if you can provide one. You've never answered it. Ethnic has nothing to do with racist. "Derogatory" is not racist. You have to believe one race is superior in order to be a racist. Where does the term "uncle tom" point to the superiority of one race over the other?

That is your definition - not mine. The term means exactly what you claim though. When you refer to a Black man as being an "Uncle Tom", you are inferring that you are superior to him.
You dont get to make up your own definitions if you wish to converse with other people that speak that language. You at least have to warn me that you are changing the dictionary before I accept your argument as valid.

I am superior to him but we are the same race. That pretty much kills your back pedaling argument doesn't it?

Actually, I can do whatever I want whenever I want. You Black Lives Matter scumbags don't threaten me in the least. Racist bigot.
Fact is everyone that knows you are a racist and calls you on it is a threat to your delusional pov.
Love to break it to you but you can't do whatever you want when ever you want.
You can't mastubate in public .you can't yell fire in a theater or bomb in an airport abuse your wife or kids and not face the consequences of those actions.
I'm a bigot because Ben Carson said something? You should buy a dictionary.

No. You were a bigot long before Ben Carson came on the scene. Live with it.
No, he's the only black person that I've ever disliked. And it's not because he's black.
Are you sure that YOU'RE not the racial bigot?

The reason you dislike him is because he's an EDUCATED and SUCCESSFUL BLACK man and running on a REPUBLICAN ticket. You're a racist bigot. Live with it.
Do you often make up other posters' positions...telling them what they believe even tho they say that's not it? What's it like to go around telling everyone what THEY believe?

Feels great. Feels like power. Both Trump and I enjoy the feeling. It's a superiority complex we posses.
a superiority complex is an over compensation for some fault usually a tiny dick.
That would only be the tip of the iceberg for whatever gargantuan faults you are hiding.
No I wont get off it. I want a explanation if you can provide one. You've never answered it. Ethnic has nothing to do with racist. "Derogatory" is not racist. You have to believe one race is superior in order to be a racist. Where does the term "uncle tom" point to the superiority of one race over the other?

That is your definition - not mine. The term means exactly what you claim though. When you refer to a Black man as being an "Uncle Tom", you are inferring that you are superior to him.
You dont get to make up your own definitions if you wish to converse with other people that speak that language. You at least have to warn me that you are changing the dictionary before I accept your argument as valid.

I am superior to him but we are the same race. That pretty much kills your back pedaling argument doesn't it?

Actually, I can do whatever I want whenever I want. You Black Lives Matter scumbags don't threaten me in the least. Racist bigot. we are getting to the crux of the matter. You don't like the concept of "Black Lives Matter".

No. I prefer the concept that ALL lives Matter. Ever heard of that concept?
False you've already said that only rich and successful lives matter as long as the fit the mold you made for them.
That means that everyone does not matter.
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Who do you think came up with your thread post? The powerful people who run your party and control the media. They are telling you liberals are attacking carson when it shouldn't matter what we think about the man. He's running in the GOP primaries. He needs to focus on winning over conservatives and winning the nomination.

But you and I know that will never happen. Name the most powerful black ever to be nominated to speaker, VP, house majority or any other high office in the GOP.

Powell and rice didn't win any elections. They were token house slaves. Sellouts.
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Who do you think came up with your thread post? The powerful people who run your party and control the media. They are telling you liberals are attacking carson when it shouldn't matter what we think about the man. He's running in the GOP primaries. He needs to focus on winning over conservatives and winning the nomination.

But you and I know that will never happen. Name the most powerful black ever to be nominated to speaker, VP, house majority or any other high office in the GOP.

Powell and rice didn't win any elections. They were token house slaves. Sellouts.
I have posted on that very group before on this site so I knew where to look. A little history.
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Who do you think came up with your thread post? The powerful people who run your party and control the media. They are telling you liberals are attacking carson when it shouldn't matter what we think about the man. He's running in the GOP primaries. He needs to focus on winning over conservatives and winning the nomination.

But you and I know that will never happen. Name the most powerful black ever to be nominated to speaker, VP, house majority or any other high office in the GOP.

Powell and rice didn't win any elections. They were token house slaves. Sellouts.
I have posted on that very group before on this site so I knew where to look. A little history.

Another ignorant not relavent waste of bandwidth.
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Who do you think came up with your thread post? The powerful people who run your party and control the media. They are telling you liberals are attacking carson when it shouldn't matter what we think about the man. He's running in the GOP primaries. He needs to focus on winning over conservatives and winning the nomination.

But you and I know that will never happen. Name the most powerful black ever to be nominated to speaker, VP, house majority or any other high office in the GOP.

Powell and rice didn't win any elections. They were token house slaves. Sellouts.
I have posted on that very group before on this site so I knew where to look. A little history.

Had to go that far back? Ignoring a lot of history since those days.

They resided over black districts voted in by blacks back when blacks voted GOP. You lost their support. It's there to win back if you want it.

Today, Republican voterss don't make blacks president or VP or speaker or majority leader. Maybe jj watts. Where was he from? One. Bfd.
The racist Regressive Leftists really have come out of the woodwork for this guy.

Maybe because he's a fucking idiot?

Ben Carson made his debut as secretary of Housing and Urban Development Monday by telling agency employees about the virtues of the “can-do” American society. Carson said this value system was best exemplified by slaves, whom he characterized as immigrants who came to the United States with very little and worked very hard.

“That’s what America is about,” Carson said. “A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great grandsons, great granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.

You know, there ARE people in this world who are so intelligent that they have almost zero common sense. In the Navy there is a whole class of them and they are called "nukes". They are the people who work on the nuclear plants and they are wizards with math equations and numbers, but they can barely tie their shoes, and are very socially awkward. With some of the stupid statements that Carson has made about slaves and other things, even though he's a brain surgeon, he still has very little common sense or knows much about the real world.

If Carson was in the Navy, he'd fall into the same category as a nuke.
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.

ucnletard calling anyone else a racist coward breaks every irony meter in the universe
If he could just explain why I might take him off ignore. Thanks for calling him unkletard so I know he commented. I put that sob on ignore a long time ago. He only chimes in but never with anything thoughtful.

He can call me a racist but won't engage in a conversation to explain why. It's either intentional or he's fucking stupid.

Hey unkotare! I don't miss your little comments on bit. 99℅ you are wasting your time cause I don't see them.

I wonder if anyone else has your Dennis hastert ass on ignore
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.

You know, there ARE people in this world who are so intelligent that they have almost zero common sense. In the Navy there is a whole class of them and they are called "nukes". They are the people who work on the nuclear plants and they are wizards with math equations and numbers, but they can barely tie their shoes, and are very socially awkward. With some of the stupid statements that Carson has made about slaves and other things, even though he's a brain surgeon, he still has very little common sense or knows much about the real world.

If Carson was in the Navy, he'd fall into the same category as a nuke.

That's not what bobomengele said, is it?
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.

You know, there ARE people in this world who are so intelligent that they have almost zero common sense. In the Navy there is a whole class of them and they are called "nukes". They are the people who work on the nuclear plants and they are wizards with math equations and numbers, but they can barely tie their shoes, and are very socially awkward. With some of the stupid statements that Carson has made about slaves and other things, even though he's a brain surgeon, he still has very little common sense or knows much about the real world.

If Carson was in the Navy, he'd fall into the same category as a nuke.

That's not what bobomengele said, is it?

Hate to tell you, but in Navy speak, calling someone a nuke is the same as calling them an idiot. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a nuke is their uniform, because they generally wear slip on chukka boots which I think is a requirement for being in the reactor room, but the common joke is that nukes wear slip on boots because they are too stupid to tie their shoes.

So, in a way, it kinda is what they said.
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.

You know, there ARE people in this world who are so intelligent that they have almost zero common sense. In the Navy there is a whole class of them and they are called "nukes". They are the people who work on the nuclear plants and they are wizards with math equations and numbers, but they can barely tie their shoes, and are very socially awkward. With some of the stupid statements that Carson has made about slaves and other things, even though he's a brain surgeon, he still has very little common sense or knows much about the real world.

If Carson was in the Navy, he'd fall into the same category as a nuke.

That's not what bobomengele said, is it?

Hate to tell you, but in Navy speak, calling someone a nuke is the same as calling them an idiot. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a nuke is their uniform, because they generally wear slip on chukka boots which I think is a requirement for being in the reactor room, but the common joke is that nukes wear slip on boots because they are too stupid to tie their shoes.

So, in a way, it kinda is what they said.

But the truth is, they are smarter than you.
Sealybobo calling one of the world's leading brain surgeons "idiot" breaks every irony meter in the world.

ucnletard calling anyone else a racist coward breaks every irony meter in the universe

I asked you to clarify your comment. If you can, do it. If you can't, retract it or demonstrate for all reading your utter lack of personal character.

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