liberal rag The Nation: We Should Hand Out Free Heroin to Drug Users

Heroin is opium.

Our government dominate health care hands out OxyContin and other pills with opium like candy on Halloween. Thanks to W and the post 1998 GOP, fat child molester Hastert and McConnell, senior drugs were socialized and our high schools were flooded with taxpayer funded opium thanks to Fox News hero W and the "conservatives."
They write those stories to watch wingnut heads explode.
How do you figure that? I don't wish death on any addict but they'll die, all the same. I assume this act of "care" is supposed to keep them from that final "nod-off" when they buy dope that's actually baby powder cut with Fentanyl. The truth is that for many of these lost souls, that's the kindest death they can expect. It CERTAINLY beats the crap out of dying 10K miles from home in a pestilential hellhole for the sake of corrupt politicians and defense contractors. The difference is, that last group dies with a level of respect and honor that NOT ONE DEMOCRAT who put Biden in office will EVER HAVE.

Who knows? Maybe some of these kind, caring, Democrat plantation owners, whether they're located in the inner-cities or Appalachia, or any other place where self-inflicted squalor breeds them, will be willing to share a few crumbs like this for their solid voters. AFTER, of course, they pad their bank accounts FIRST.
Maybe they should create a no-go zone in some blue state where these hopeless types can be fed and given their dope without the accompanying crime rates. They can even fund the crematoria.
Our government dominate health care hands out OxyContin and other pills with opium like candy on Halloween.
No, not anymore, they don't. I've never, thank God, found myself riding THAT particular train but as is usual with government, they swing from one extreme to another. I know a couple of people who were long-term pain patients who were completely cut off by their GP and sent to a "Pain Specialist". Usually, these are anesthesiologists (MD) who've lost their jobs to nurse-anesthetists who will work for about 1/2 to 2/3 as much while doing the same job.

They basically prescribe the pain meds that the DEA is cracking down on other physicians for prescribing, while also being forced to treat every patient that comes through their door as an addict. Spot blood draws and urinalysis on demand are de rigueur. Often, they make these patients bring their pill bottles with them to PROVE they've not taken more than is prescribed. At some point, I suspect they'll require them to be injected with a tracker that can be followed in real-time to catch anyone who may be abusing. IF they catch someone doing anything that isn't exactly as prescribed they are just cut loose and it's up to them to try to find another pain doctor. Nice, huh?

This doesn't stop any significant number of addicts but it DOES cause lots of new ones who never were addicted before but now cannot deal with the pain, to go to the street for relief.
No, not anymore, they don't. I've never, thank God, found myself riding THAT particular train but as is usual with government, they swing from one extreme to another. I know a couple of people who were long-term pain patients who were completely cut off by their GP and sent to a "Pain Specialist". Usually, these are anesthesiologists (MD) who've lost their jobs to nurse-anesthetists who will work for about 1/2 to 2/3 as much while doing the same job.

They basically prescribe the pain meds that the DEA is cracking down on other physicians for prescribing, while also being forced to treat every patient that comes through their door as an addict. Spot blood draws and urinalysis on demand are de rigueur. Often, they make these patients bring their pill bottles with them to PROVE they've not taken more than is prescribed. At some point, I suspect they'll require them to be injected with a tracker that can be followed in real-time to catch anyone who may be abusing. IF they catch someone doing anything that isn't exactly as prescribed they are just cut loose and it's up to them to try to find another pain doctor. Nice, huh?

This doesn't stop any significant number of addicts but it DOES cause lots of new ones who never were addicted before but now cannot deal with the pain, to go to the street for relief.

I was hit by a drunk driver a decade ago. Had a scraped knee. Paramedics and cops FORCED me into an ambulance, instead of spending 3 minutes cleaning my knee and putting on a bandage. $1200. I get to the ER, and instead of getting my knee cleaned and bandaged, I get FOUR different docs pushing me to take OxyContin for my "pain." I allow the fourth doc to give me two aspirin ($19) because she... Finally cleans my knee and puts on a bandage... 2 hours later.

Our health care and government are not about keeping us healthy....

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