Liberal Reporter Brutally Gashes Kamala Harris' Disastrous Debate Performance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Well, he’ll probably piss off the Left again, but that’s what he's done so well over the past three or so years. Liberal reporter Michael Tracey absolutely ripped into Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her debate performance Wednesday night. Tracey is no fan of Harris and said that she was an “awful” VP pick from the get-go. So are we shocked her debate performance was equally disastrous? It was a train wreck."

"Harris came off unprepared on a host of issues, avoided the court-packing question, and seemed incapable of delivering a solid blow against Vice President Mike Pence, who was prepared and lethal. Vice President Pence did well mounting a defense of the Trump-Pence record, whereas Harris couldn’t land any of the zingers Pence quietly doled out like an assassin."

Unlike Biden who was beaten down in his debate with Trump, Harris 'died of a thousand cuts' with calm, surgical precision.

Reminder -- Kamala was hyped as the "front-runner" in the 2020 Dem primaries, flamed out in spectacular fashion partly due to her terrible debate performances, and only became VP nominee thanks to an extensive lobbying effort by the Dem professional and donor class
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020

If Joe Biden wins this election it will be in spite of Kamala Harris -- awful debate performance and awful VP choice overall
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020

"Well, he’ll probably piss off the Left again, but that’s what he's done so well over the past three or so years. Liberal reporter Michael Tracey absolutely ripped into Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her debate performance Wednesday night. Tracey is no fan of Harris and said that she was an “awful” VP pick from the get-go. So are we shocked her debate performance was equally disastrous? It was a train wreck."

"Harris came off unprepared on a host of issues, avoided the court-packing question, and seemed incapable of delivering a solid blow against Vice President Mike Pence, who was prepared and lethal. Vice President Pence did well mounting a defense of the Trump-Pence record, whereas Harris couldn’t land any of the zingers Pence quietly doled out like an assassin."

Unlike Biden who was beaten down in his debate with Trump, Harris 'died of a thousand cuts' with calm, surgical precision.

Reminder -- Kamala was hyped as the "front-runner" in the 2020 Dem primaries, flamed out in spectacular fashion partly due to her terrible debate performances, and only became VP nominee thanks to an extensive lobbying effort by the Dem professional and donor class
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020

If Joe Biden wins this election it will be in spite of Kamala Harris -- awful debate performance and awful VP choice overall
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020

Only Democrats could find someone even less likable than the Beast.
Harris has the Hillary syndrome of unlikeability. Got utterly smashed in the primaries because she cant speak without making an idiot of herself.

She's only there because she's a black woman, not because she actually brings anything other than that to the party.

Pence is far more polished as a politician. If this election were between these two Harris would be lucky to carry CA.
VP's are the ones that you never see or hear from until election season, like they really matter. Only as a tiebreaker in the Senate that is the only job a VP has.
Absolutely everyone knows that these are some of the worst picks we have ever seen, and it's not an accident from the party of the woke. Devotion to anti-American ideology does not actually make anyone capable and professional, somehow the left forgot that.

Oh well, just makes it that much easier to vote for the best president ever!
"Well, he’ll probably piss off the Left again, but that’s what he's done so well over the past three or so years. Liberal reporter Michael Tracey absolutely ripped into Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her debate performance Wednesday night. Tracey is no fan of Harris and said that she was an “awful” VP pick from the get-go. So are we shocked her debate performance was equally disastrous? It was a train wreck."

"Harris came off unprepared on a host of issues, avoided the court-packing question, and seemed incapable of delivering a solid blow against Vice President Mike Pence, who was prepared and lethal. Vice President Pence did well mounting a defense of the Trump-Pence record, whereas Harris couldn’t land any of the zingers Pence quietly doled out like an assassin."

Unlike Biden who was beaten down in his debate with Trump, Harris 'died of a thousand cuts' with calm, surgical precision.

Reminder -- Kamala was hyped as the "front-runner" in the 2020 Dem primaries, flamed out in spectacular fashion partly due to her terrible debate performances, and only became VP nominee thanks to an extensive lobbying effort by the Dem professional and donor class
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020

If Joe Biden wins this election it will be in spite of Kamala Harris -- awful debate performance and awful VP choice overall
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020

Clearly he was not watching the debate. No one hurt themselves. This is so much bullshit and clearly this guy is already7 thinking about a potential run in 2024 as the VP.
Harris has the Hillary syndrome of unlikeability. Got utterly smashed in the primaries because she cant speak without making an idiot of herself.

She's only there because she's a black woman, not because she actually brings anything other than that to the party.

Pence is far more polished as a politician. If this election were between these two Harris would be lucky to carry CA.

She lost because voters wanted someone who could d Trump. She was a unknown factor in terms of name recognition.
VP's are the ones that you never see or hear from until election season, like they really matter. Only as a tiebreaker in the Senate that is the only job a VP has.
With all due respect, Moonie...when your Presidential candidate needs to take a day off after every brief campaign stop he makes illustrating how frail he really is...then the person you're running as your Vice Presidential candidate takes on some seriousness. Do we really want someone to be our President who can't give us a straight answer to whether or not she would "pack" the Supreme Court? Kamala Harris has some serious issues with being a stand-up person. She'll attack Joe Biden as a racist if she thinks that's to her advantage and then turn around just a few months later and laud him as a champion of minorities. That isn't someone with a strong moral compass.
Harris has the Hillary syndrome of unlikeability. Got utterly smashed in the primaries because she cant speak without making an idiot of herself.

She's only there because she's a black woman, not because she actually brings anything other than that to the party.

Pence is far more polished as a politician. If this election were between these two Harris would be lucky to carry CA.

She lost because voters wanted someone who could d Trump. She was a unknown factor in terms of name recognition.

Her campaign was considered high profile from the outset. She had enough to qualify for the debates, got plenty of airtime during them if you look at those stats, so if she'd had something to say maybe she wouldn't have burned out so quickly.

Biden is the candidate not because voters wanted him, as Sanders was smashing the hell out of him right up until some miraculous turnaround at the 11th hour pulled his flaming pile of stink out of the trash. He is there because D leadership wants him there because THEY thought he had a better shot of beating Trump than Sanders. And they're probably right.
Harris scored with the American people

Pence did not
Sounds like you're going with feelz again.
Hate to burst your bubble, but the "POLITICO/Morning Consult survey" isn't persuasive as a representation of what most Americans think.

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