Liberal roll call

On social issues I'm pretty liberal. On fiscal issues, moderate. What does that make me, a Liberate or a Moderal?
You are certainly no liberal. Not a REAL liberal, anyways.
You guys raped that word like you do so many others.
You mean not a liberal as you define it.
No, as defined by a large body of work from the likes of John Stuart Mill, John Rawls and any number of other political philosophers the likes of which you are as entirely ignorant as you are everything else about this world.
No, the actual definition of it. I dont make up definitions. Thats reserved for you and your ilk.

No, as defined by a large body of work from the likes of John Stuart Mill, John Rawls and any number of other political philosophers the likes of which you are as entirely ignorant as you are everything else about this world.

I guess that is the difference between a progressive and a conservative. Conservatives abhor any sort of changes, even those to language. Progressives realize that everything changes and it is managing those changes that is important, not trying to stop or reverse them.
I guess that is the difference between a progressive and a conservative. Conservatives abhor any sort of changes, even those to language. Progressives realize that everything changes and it is managing those changes that is important, not trying to stop or reverse them.
Isn't it funny how you cannot manage to keep that subtle edge of superciliousness out of you voice, even when typing in an online forum.
I guess that is the difference between a progressive and a conservative. Conservatives abhor any sort of changes, even those to language. Progressives realize that everything changes and it is managing those changes that is important, not trying to stop or reverse them.
Im not a conservative.
Why should words change because you retards rape words? You essentially make them meaningless.
Its intellectually pathetic.
There are already words that describe your ideology. Like authoritarian. Statist. Federal supremacists. Fascists.
I cant even call myself liberal out in public because i dont want to be equated to you idiots. Because you are the ass OPPOSITE of a liberal.
Im not a conservative.
Why should words change because you retards rape words? You essentially make them meaningless.
Its intellectually pathetic.
There are already words that describe your ideology. Like authoritarian. Statist. Federal supremacists. Fascists.
I cant even call myself liberal out in public because i dont want to be equated to you idiots. Because you are the ass OPPOSITE of a liberal.
When DeSantis allowed the mom and pop stores to stay open and not just the Walmarts and Home Depots of the world, he was taking the LIBERAL position.

You or I recognize that, but there is not a single leftist here with the intelligence or knowledge necessary to do so.
Why should words change because you retards rape words? You essentially make them meaningless.
Its intellectually pathetic.
I guess if someone tells you they are gay you assume they are happy? Go try and read some Chaucer and tell me again that words don't change.

There are already words that describe your ideology. Like authoritarian. Statist. Federal supremacists. Fascists.
Not an authoritarian nor a Fascist. Unlike some on the Right I believe in democracy. Federal supremacy is in the Constitution BTW.

I cant even call myself liberal out in public because i dont want to be equated to you idiots. Because you are the ass OPPOSITE of a liberal.
I guess you are in a class all your own. Ever get lonely?
I guess if someone tells you they are gay you assume they are happy? Go try and read some Chaucer and tell me again that words don't change.

Not an authoritarian nor a Fascist. Unlike some on the Right I believe in democracy. Federal supremacy is in the Constitution BTW.

I guess you are in a class all your own. Ever get lonely?
There is a difference between words having multiple meanings and changing them.
You are a leftist. And apparently a liar. It isnt. The constitution is a RESTRICTION of federal power.
There are only a few of me, for sure. Liberty isnt very trendy nowadays.
Cancel culture.
Women forced to compete against men in sports.
Limitations on free speech
Restrictions on freedom of assembly
Grooming of children in schools
Removing people's ability to earn a living.

All this authoritarianism arises from the left and NONE of it is liberal.

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