Liberal Strategy to Delegitimize Trump Started Days After Hillary Defeat

We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
You nailed nothing except
Lies are thrown by both sides during campaigns and Trump certainly had no shortage..He admitted to it that it is part of the process..They certainly did try to oust him by delegitimizing his citizenship.
Well questioning something is one thing, but what was done with this dossier was totally unexceptable. It was crimes being committed, where as questioning a birth certificate was totally legal.
A sitting US president has many enemies what makes you think Trump is any different? He is treated poorly but that is how politics and the US populace has turned over the last generation.....Clearly there is frustration of the populace, there is concern with corporate control of our govt. also....All the while little battles occur over issues, issues which are not monumental just not settled...In politics one must watch what one says it is the art of the operation...Trump has a severe lacking because he's literally a noob and he's getting his fair share of shit on by the upper class..Even from member of his own party.. Not that different from the "Obama has no real experience" we heard from the gop....The gang of 6 headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs built the basics of Oblamacare for legislation....

To me all the in fighting merely saps attentions and strengths way from solving other issues and getting on with life...
Yes, Trump has enemies in his own party. They are comprised of a few statists like McCain, Graham, and others. However, Trump has the American people with more jumping on board every day as he proves himself. When you have the people, you have all you need.
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Burn it all down! No govt! No police! No firemen! No military! Everyone will be fine without, if you can't take care of yourself too bad.
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
You nailed nothing except
Lies are thrown by both sides during campaigns and Trump certainly had no shortage..He admitted to it that it is part of the process..They certainly did try to oust him by delegitimizing his citizenship.
Well questioning something is one thing, but what was done with this dossier was totally unexceptable. It was crimes being committed, where as questioning a birth certificate was totally legal.
A sitting US president has many enemies what makes you think Trump is any different? He is treated poorly but that is how politics and the US populace has turned over the last generation.....Clearly there is frustration of the populace, there is concern with corporate control of our govt. also....All the while little battles occur over issues, issues which are not monumental just not settled...In politics one must watch what one says it is the art of the operation...Trump has a severe lacking because he's literally a noob and he's getting his fair share of shit on by the upper class..Even from member of his own party.. Not that different from the "Obama has no real experience" we heard from the gop....The gang of 6 headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs built the basics of Oblamacare for legislation....

To me all the in fighting merely saps attentions and strengths way from solving other issues and getting on with life...
Yes, Trump has enemies in his own party. They are comprised of a few statists like McCain, Graham, and others. However, Trump has the American people with more jumping on board every day as he proves himself. When you have the people, you have all you need.
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Burn it all down! No govt! No police! No firemen! No military! Everyone will be fine without, if you can't take care of yourself too bad.
You actually think the size of the federal government is manageable… LOL
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
You nailed nothing except
Well questioning something is one thing, but what was done with this dossier was totally unexceptable. It was crimes being committed, where as questioning a birth certificate was totally legal.
A sitting US president has many enemies what makes you think Trump is any different? He is treated poorly but that is how politics and the US populace has turned over the last generation.....Clearly there is frustration of the populace, there is concern with corporate control of our govt. also....All the while little battles occur over issues, issues which are not monumental just not settled...In politics one must watch what one says it is the art of the operation...Trump has a severe lacking because he's literally a noob and he's getting his fair share of shit on by the upper class..Even from member of his own party.. Not that different from the "Obama has no real experience" we heard from the gop....The gang of 6 headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs built the basics of Oblamacare for legislation....

To me all the in fighting merely saps attentions and strengths way from solving other issues and getting on with life...
Yes, Trump has enemies in his own party. They are comprised of a few statists like McCain, Graham, and others. However, Trump has the American people with more jumping on board every day as he proves himself. When you have the people, you have all you need.
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Burn it all down! No govt! No police! No firemen! No military! Everyone will be fine without, if you can't take care of yourself too bad.
You actually think the size of the federal government is manageable… LOL
Yes I do. A lot can be left to states with federal guidelines/rules depending. A strong federal govt is why the US is what it is today though, don't fool yourself.
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Now imagine if these lawless lying filth Dem's obtain long term control of congress and the White House, with a complicit liberal media broadcasting the propaganda, imagine then how corrupt our government would become.
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
You nailed nothing except
A sitting US president has many enemies what makes you think Trump is any different? He is treated poorly but that is how politics and the US populace has turned over the last generation.....Clearly there is frustration of the populace, there is concern with corporate control of our govt. also....All the while little battles occur over issues, issues which are not monumental just not settled...In politics one must watch what one says it is the art of the operation...Trump has a severe lacking because he's literally a noob and he's getting his fair share of shit on by the upper class..Even from member of his own party.. Not that different from the "Obama has no real experience" we heard from the gop....The gang of 6 headed by 3 dems and 3 repubs built the basics of Oblamacare for legislation....

To me all the in fighting merely saps attentions and strengths way from solving other issues and getting on with life...
Yes, Trump has enemies in his own party. They are comprised of a few statists like McCain, Graham, and others. However, Trump has the American people with more jumping on board every day as he proves himself. When you have the people, you have all you need.
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Burn it all down! No govt! No police! No firemen! No military! Everyone will be fine without, if you can't take care of yourself too bad.
You actually think the size of the federal government is manageable… LOL
Yes I do. A lot can be left to states with federal guidelines/rules depending. A strong federal govt is why the US is what it is today though, don't fool yourself.
An overly bloated federal government with loads of socialist entitlement programs is the sole reason why we have an unpayable debt...

Do you see the trend? You do realize there is not enough resources on the planet to pay the debts of the world?
We have been passed the point of no return for very long time
Trump was delegitimate from the moment he declared for president

His voters just didn't know it
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

What bi-partisan initiatives did Trump and the Republican Congress ever propose to the Democrats?
With trump not enforcing Obama care mandate, then the abolishment of the mandate that does make people feel better...
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

You mean twenty five years of fruitless investigation?
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
You nailed nothing except
Yes, Trump has enemies in his own party. They are comprised of a few statists like McCain, Graham, and others. However, Trump has the American people with more jumping on board every day as he proves himself. When you have the people, you have all you need.
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Burn it all down! No govt! No police! No firemen! No military! Everyone will be fine without, if you can't take care of yourself too bad.
You actually think the size of the federal government is manageable… LOL
Yes I do. A lot can be left to states with federal guidelines/rules depending. A strong federal govt is why the US is what it is today though, don't fool yourself.
An overly bloated federal government with loads of socialist entitlement programs is the sole reason why we have an unpayable debt...

Do you see the trend? You do realize there is not enough resources on the planet to pay the debts of the world?
We have been passed the point of no return for very long time
What happened to our debt in 1981?
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

You mean twenty five years of fruitless investigation?
Well, Hildabeast was never president and will never be president... thankfully. LOL
We here at USMB actually called this right. There were many discussions here about what the Dems would do when they were completely out of power, and the consensus seemed to be that they'd go after Trump with both barrels and make '18 and '20 a referendum on him.

We pretty much nailed that one. That's politics. Do not cooperate, because credit for anything good that comes from it will go to the President. The GOP would have done the same thing. In fact, they DID do the same thing.

Party over country. That's just where we are right now.
You nailed nothing except
Trump has the whole deep state as his enemy, along with career politicians.
Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country
Burn it all down! No govt! No police! No firemen! No military! Everyone will be fine without, if you can't take care of yourself too bad.
You actually think the size of the federal government is manageable… LOL
Yes I do. A lot can be left to states with federal guidelines/rules depending. A strong federal govt is why the US is what it is today though, don't fool yourself.
An overly bloated federal government with loads of socialist entitlement programs is the sole reason why we have an unpayable debt...

Do you see the trend? You do realize there is not enough resources on the planet to pay the debts of the world?
We have been passed the point of no return for very long time
What happened to our debt in 1981?
We have had a century of build up of debt because of the career politician, How does that saying go? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results… Insanity?
Shows that liberals care more about politics than the nation itself. They are spiteful, narcissistic, self-centered, fragile, incompetent, individuals. They shut down the government just to try to make
President Trump look bad. They contest a constitutional democratic election, just to attempt to make President Trump look illegitimate. Always put their personal political beliefs ahead of country.

Certainly they will give Trump the same treatment that Hillary received...

Mueller will drag this thing out until 2020 election.

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