Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

All I can figure is those who have had an abortion and feel guilty about it, for some reason want to stop all abortions to make up for their guilt.

PC; do you believe in evolution?
All I can figure is those who have had an abortion and feel guilty about it, for some reason want to stop all abortions to make up for their guilt.

PC; do you believe in evolution?

Your desire to change the that because you've been burned more deeply
than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach?
All I can figure is those who have had an abortion and feel guilty about it, for some reason want to stop all abortions to make up for their guilt.

PC; do you believe in evolution?

Your desire to change the that because you've been burned more deeply
than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach?
LOL you are simply overwhelming .........its like "rays of Intellect" are coming out your anus or something LOL
All I can figure is those who have had an abortion and feel guilty about it, for some reason want to stop all abortions to make up for their guilt.

PC; do you believe in evolution?

Your desire to change the that because you've been burned more deeply
than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach?

Gee I never had an abortion, have you?? I have not been burned either, have you, you seem to be projecting. Now do you believe in evolution?
I'm an Ivy League grad.

Did the Barnum & Baily Clown College give you a diploma, or just that big red nose?
I myself am a Rhodes Scholar....LOL you are a raging rube Idiot .......

Rhodes Scholar?????

Former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley (D), a Princeton University graduate and Rhodes Scholar, declined to comment on widespread reports during the 2000 primary election season that his verbal score on the SAT was 485. Verbal and math scores, each with a possible high of 800, are combined to get the overall SAT score.

No doubt that's why I run circles around you.....and never have to use the vulgarity you use in place of being articulate.
All I can figure is those who have had an abortion and feel guilty about it, for some reason want to stop all abortions to make up for their guilt.

PC; do you believe in evolution?

Your desire to change the that because you've been burned more deeply
than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach?

Gee I never had an abortion, have you?? I have not been burned either, have you, you seem to be projecting. Now do you believe in evolution?

You've been burned throughout this're just not smart enough to recognize it.
The Ivy League graduate whiz kid is A OK with these kinds of US Government issued abortions long as its not some desperate pregnant teen trying to make her way through life...she is A OK with Mega Murder ....

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

According to some research, the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.[2]

PC, you need to give up trying to control other people and pushing your ideologies upon them. You will be much happier.
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This is a joke right . Everyone know that liberals are for helping those in need , helping those who are routinely targetd by the majority. . While cons are selfish opportunists .

Throw out any issue and you'll see this is true .
Cue twilight zone music. I agree with the OP.

And I directly challenged you to provided a real example and neither of you did . As usual .

You Righties make shit up , then run away when called to the carpet .

We destroyed you and reduced you to the vulgarity Liberals default to when so destroyed.

Lol! You did nothing but run from the debate . As YOU always do ! You still haven't answered the question .
This from the creature who if he can't abort the babies, gets someone else to pay for their support. The useless democrats should be proud of you. More welfare, more taxes from other people, gimmee gimmee gimmee says the leech.
Are you a government school grad?[/QUOTE]
Did you even go to school? Your comments do not indicate any education but a great amount of indoctrination.[/QUOTE]

I'm an Ivy League grad.

Did the Barnum & Baily Clown College give you a diploma, or just that big red nose?[/QUOTE]I do not have a big nose. My doctorates degrees are from different places. I learned long ago that when dealing with conservatives, except Buckly, simple sentences and words are best. They have such a tendency to make more of the words than they have meaning.
And.....what is the difference you are claiming that now makes murder legal?
To disconnect a parasite or a fetal piece of tissue is not murder it is making a desired life choice for the female. It is not murder like an execution but to religiofanatics it is.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.[/QUOTE]
It is not logic it is obfuscation by being obtuse.
Are you a government school grad?
Did you even go to school? Your comments do not indicate any education but a great amount of indoctrination.[/QUOTE]

I'm an Ivy League grad.

Did the Barnum & Baily Clown College give you a diploma, or just that big red nose?[/QUOTE]I do not have a big nose. My doctorates degrees are from different places. I learned long ago that when dealing with conservatives, except Buckly, simple sentences and words are best. They have such a tendency to make more of the words than they have meaning.[/QUOTE]

Have you noticed that you haven't been able to deny or refute any of my posts?
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky
How is it a self defeating trap? If it's all about me I should do great. Not worried about you, kids, my neighbors, parents. Fuck them all. It's all about me me me.

And yes, poor and middle class people aren't going to have a lot of kids when Republicans employ trickle down and when college and healthcare is too expensive. So I hope your rich constituents have a lot of kids because the world needs ditch diggers.

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