Liberalism: "It's All About Me"

And.....what is the difference you are claiming that now makes murder legal?
To disconnect a parasite or a fetal piece of tissue is not murder it is making a desired life choice for the female. It is not murder like an execution but to religiofanatics it is.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.
It is not logic it is obfuscation by being obtuse.

Answer the question:
Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?[/QUOTE]

Yes baby that's born is viable on its own. It doesn't even need its mother another person can come along and take care of it. And it could actually live on its own for quite a bit.

A fetus if you separate it from the mother will perish no matter what you do. So was it even really alive?
Of what crime are you claiming the unborn is guilty?
and what crimes were these people guilty of ...Ivy LOL
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Here is the pertinent number:


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources
This is a joke right . Everyone know that liberals are for helping those in need , helping those who are routinely targetd by the majority. . While cons are selfish opportunists .

Throw out any issue and you'll see this is true .


That's a funny one.

Try telling it to the children you abort!

They are called fetuses.

Is the dehumanization also part of the joke?

Why don't you worry about your own business and stay out of others people business. Maybe you want to stop women from aborting your kid.

So you are claiming it's not anybody else's businesses when someone kills a child?

How libtarded are you?

They are called fetuses. Now do you believe in evolution?
And.....what is the difference you are claiming that now makes murder legal?
To disconnect a parasite or a fetal piece of tissue is not murder it is making a desired life choice for the female. It is not murder like an execution but to religiofanatics it is.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.
It is not logic it is obfuscation by being obtuse.

Answer the question:
Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

Yes baby that's born is viable on its own. It doesn't even need its mother another person can come along and take care of it. And it could actually live on its own for quite a bit.

A fetus if you separate it from the mother will perish no matter what you do. So was it even really alive?[/QUOTE]

Yet the infanticide President voted to allow a child born as a result of a botched abortion to lie there until dead.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported. Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

Did you support this scum?
How.....Liberal ....of you...
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky


If you're offended,....I'll help you pack
Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.
The funny thing is....none of these progressives who declare that the Earth is more important than human life ever kill themselves. I wonder why that is? :dunno:

Here is yet another bat-shit crazy progressive calling children a plague upon society and demanding a holiday for people who don't have children.

Liberal wants holiday for those who don’t want ‘resource-sucking, waste-making human beings’
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky


If you're offended,....I'll help you pack

No thinks. As offensive as you are, I'm never offended, nor an I stimulated by your written words.
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Always has been. Just look at how their policies end in poverty, misery, and mass execution.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea. Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.
Refer to my previous statement in the line above...
Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.
Thank God! Indisputable proof that good will always win over evil and that God does really answer prayers.
I suppose the good news is that Liberalism is a self-defeating trap.
Conservatives and traditionalists have lots of children,but for Liberals, having children is a bad idea.

Of course it gets worse than that, as Leftists are all about abortion and eugenics, too.

Sooo....there should be fewer and fewer of them in the long run.

Check this out:
"Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral
Jill Filipovic
Having children is one of the worst things you can do for the planet. Have one less and conserve resources. …
2:26 AM - 12 Jul 2017

That tweet isn't just a suggestion, it's an order: at the margins, having children makes you a bad person.

But sidelining the moral argument for a second, Filipovic's claim is also remarkable for its idiocy.

After all, the premise of Filipovic's argument — that Earth cannot co-exist with a growing human population — rests on the Guardian article that her tweet links to. That article references researchers who have listed all the things that produce carbon emissions."

Liberal columnist Jill Filipovic says having lots of kids is immoral

Since the view that the earth can't sustain 7 or 8 billion folks has been debunked numerous times, my presumption about the self-centeredness of Leftisim must be the case.

In fact one of the godfathers of Leftism put it this way:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky


If you're offended,....I'll help you pack

No thinks. As offensive as you are, I'm never offended, nor an I stimulated by your written words.

"No thinks (sic). As offensive as you are, ...."


I really make you nervous, huh?

1. Your post was so vague as to represent both your writing and what passes for thinking on your part.

2. "As offensive as you are,..."
I'm very careful of how I express my opinions of you because I want to put as much vituperation in them as possible.

3. While you claim to find me 'offensive,' you stick to me- as a professor of mine used to say...'like manure to a wet blanket.'
I know what a treasured moment this is for you- actually conversing with moi- and I don't say that often- eight or ten times a day tops.

4. Exposing yourself to the mockery I heap upon you every time you post is a small price to pay for fame!

And by small I mean huge, and by fame I mean humiliation.
Of what crime are you claiming the unborn is guilty?
and what crimes were these people guilty of ...Ivy LOL
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Here is the pertinent number:


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

did any government do that or were those individual decisions made by individuals who decided that it was in their best interest to terminate a pregancy...whose Judgement are you going to put in place of those individuals who made those individual decisions... are you going to make abortion illegal / that will not stop abortion...are you going to create a strong safety net a social support system that will make abortion seem less necessary to individuals ..

No what you want is Legal prosecution of pregnant women and Medical providers want to impose your faith based judgement ...Yours can I accept that when it is obvious to me you are an imbecile whose Judgements I laugh at and I scorn...
And.....what is the difference you are claiming that now makes murder legal?
To disconnect a parasite or a fetal piece of tissue is not murder it is making a desired life choice for the female. It is not murder like an execution but to religiofanatics it is.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.
It is not logic it is obfuscation by being obtuse.

Answer the question:
Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

Yes baby that's born is viable on its own. It doesn't even need its mother another person can come along and take care of it. And it could actually live on its own for quite a bit.

A fetus if you separate it from the mother will perish no matter what you do. So was it even really alive?[/QUOTE]

Are you claiming that the right that a person has to their life is contingent upon that person's viability?

Yes or no..

That's a funny one.

Try telling it to the children you abort!

They are called fetuses.

Is the dehumanization also part of the joke?

Why don't you worry about your own business and stay out of others people business. Maybe you want to stop women from aborting your kid.

So you are claiming it's not anybody else's businesses when someone kills a child?

How libtarded are you?

They are called fetuses. Now do you believe in evolution?

Semantics now, fucktard?

Okay child in the fetal stage of their life can be called a "fetus." So? They can also, rightfully be called a baby? According to our fetal HOMICIDE laws... They can also LEGALLY be called a "child."

Your point?
Of what crime are you claiming the unborn is guilty?
and what crimes were these people guilty of ...Ivy LOL
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Here is the pertinent number:


Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]

Christian Life Resources

did any government do that or were those individual decisions made by individuals who decided that it was in their best interest to terminate a pregancy...whose Judgement are you going to put in place of those individuals who made those individual decisions... are you going to make abortion illegal / that will not stop abortion...are you going to create a strong safety net a social support system that will make abortion seem less necessary to individuals ..

No what you want is Legal prosecution of pregnant women and Medical providers want to impose your faith based judgement ...Yours can I accept that when it is obvious to me you are an imbecile whose Judgements I laugh at and I scorn...

Have someone more educated than you read this to you....any third grader will do.

"In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.[1][2] Legislation, including the Hyde Amendment, generally restricts the use of funds allocated for the Department of Health and Human Services and consequently has significant effects involving Medicaid recipients.[1][2]Medicaid currently serves approximately 6.5 million women in the United States, including 1 in 5 women of reproductive age (women aged 15–44).[3][4]"
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia
Last edited:
If you're offended,....I'll help you pack

No thinks. As offensive as you are, I'm never offended, nor an I stimulated by your written words.
Thanks because you can't understand them. She's Ivy League. You're high school dropout.
did she PM you for support ? ...she confessed to being a Trump U grad ...

The Liberal white flag: posting lies about me.

Accepted with aplomb.

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