Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

Thankyou But feck the 'geneva convention' , the 'un' and all international agreements Care4 . USA can be and normally is the winner in most ALL things so what will all these entanglements with foreign bodies ever do for the USA and ME and my kids . I don't like foreign entanglements anyway based on the Principle of USA should always remain Free and INDEPENDANT 'Care4' .
It allows our allies to stay free, and our businesses to be able to sell to them, and keeps our mutual enemies at a distance from us... and the allies add to our strength...
Western allies are mostly sniveling scum , pacifists and muslims that I hope that the Russians , 'chinese' do go after them and catch them by the scruff of the neck . Plus , I don't care if the 'queen' and 'tommie' can practice their silly brand of freedom and end up toiling for the Russians and 'chinese' and muslims 'care4' . Now the Eastern 'euros' might be ok but they aren't OFFICIAL Allies yet if I am correct 'Care4' .
And now that there’s a military parade the same liberals are screaming that’s what other countries do and we shouldn’t bring ourselves to their level. Personally, Im against that parade because I see it more as a Trump political pep rally, and I don’t like to use the military as a prop, but liberals don’t want it for the same reason and, they hate Trump, and they any type of celebration of this country or our military.

You must not be very bright, the military is and always has been part and parcel of this nation. It was the military that gave us a nation to begin with and its the military that allows this nation to continue to survive as a nation. No military equates to no nation at all. Get a clue for pity sake. If I had my way, everyone would have to serve some time in the military in order to be a fully fledged citizen of this nation in order to earn their own freedom. Of course there would always be the option to get the hell out of it for those who choose not to participate and good riddance to them.
Western allies are mostly sniveling scum , pacifists and muslims that I hope that the Russians , 'chinese' do go after them and catch them by the scruff of the neck . Plus , I don't care if the 'queen' and 'tommie' can practice their silly brand of freedom and end up toiling for the Russians and 'chinese' and muslims 'care4' . Now the Eastern 'euros' might be ok but they aren't OFFICIAL Allies yet if I am correct 'Care4' .
Not with the intent to be too offensive towards you, but that's just bat shat crazy Pismoe.... and very naive imo.
Actually it seems the right wants America to be more like other countries:
- praising and elating authoritarian despots (Dutarte, Kim, Putin, the new Hungarian PM).
- self aggrandizing military parades (the US usually does those when it's celebrating a military victory)
- holding people in indefinite detention under third world conditions

keep it up.

Purely the view point of an America Hating radical. Nothing more.
Western allies are mostly sniveling scum , pacifists and muslims that I hope that the Russians , 'chinese' do go after them and catch them by the scruff of the neck . Plus , I don't care if the 'queen' and 'tommie' can practice their silly brand of freedom and end up toiling for the Russians and 'chinese' and muslims 'care4' . Now the Eastern 'euros' might be ok but they aren't OFFICIAL Allies yet if I am correct 'Care4' .
Not with the intent to be too offensive towards you, but that's just bat shat crazy Pismoe.... and very naive imo.
---------------------------- and that's YOUR opinion 'Care4' !!
So you think we shoudl be like russia and north korea?

Oh so now doing somethings like other countries is a bad thing, but in terms of socialism we can’t emulate other countries fast enough.

I'd rather be like socialist Sweden then like authoritarian Russia.

Explain how Sweden is truly "Socialist" and how it could implement ANY of it's grand "Socialist" schemes if it had to use that "free" money for self-defense, given that it has relied heavily on the strength of the US military. Like Pismoe said, so called "Socialist" nations have had a free ride and when the USA stops providing their "free" umbrella of protection, let's see how all those "free" programs go once they need to actually pay for their own defense from Russia or China. Good luck with that.

Besides, Sweden is actually based on a Capitalist system....with heavy "Socialistic" taxation.
it is a FREE market society. That is NOT Socialism.

Much of your posts are based on profound ignorance. Or willful deception.

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
but why should I care if 'tommie' and the 'queen' escape the clutches of the 'Russians' , Chinese or muslims . Course the western euros invite millions of 'muslims' and other 'third worlders' into western europe . Eastern euro though are building walls and fences to exclude muslims though so WHO is smarter Care4 ??
And now that there’s a military parade the same liberals are screaming that’s what other countries do and we shouldn’t bring ourselves to their level. Personally, Im against that parade because I see it more as a Trump political pep rally, and I don’t like to use the military as a prop, but liberals don’t want it for the same reason and, they hate Trump, and they any type of celebration of this country or our military.

You must not be very bright, the military is and always has been part and parcel of this nation. It was the military that gave us a nation to begin with and its the military that allows this nation to continue to survive as a nation. No military equates to no nation at all. Get a clue for pity sake. If I had my way, everyone would have to serve some time in the military in order to be a fully fledged citizen of this nation in order to earn their own freedom. Of course there would always be the option to get the hell out of it for those who choose not to participate and good riddance to them.

What does what you wrote have to do with the OP, genius?
Actually it seems the right wants America to be more like other countries:
- praising and elating authoritarian despots (Dutarte, Kim, Putin, the new Hungarian PM).
- self aggrandizing military parades (the US usually does those when it's celebrating a military victory)
- holding people in indefinite detention under third world conditions

keep it up.
Illegal aliens have no rights, as the way it should be.
Your ancestors left that shit hole that is Europe... For a reason.
I am for one grateful that they did because my ancestors were still playing around with sticks and dirt and worshipping dirt...
Europe is not a shithole....or at least it wasn’t when our ancestors left it.

It is being turned into a shithole by traitors and criminals.
Europe was a shithole when our ancestors left it. Why do you think they immigrated? Learn some history.
Wrong. I don't like it for those same reasons - the military is not a prop, and the 4th of July holiday and the military (and tax payer dollars) have no business being used as part of a political rally.

I didn’t say you don’t believe that. What I say is on top of that you don’t want it because you hate Trump and are against any form of patriotism and praise for our military.

How strange. Where did you come up with that Bull Crap?

Of course I despise Trump - his policies go against everything I stand for. I doubt you're a fan of Obama either.

Give me an example of patriotism or support for our military where liberals don’t complain.

Yes, I’m no fan of Obama, but I didn’t hate his policies because I hated him, I hated his policies because they were bad policies.

Which is exactly why I hate Trump's policies.

Patriotism and support for our military? Events marking Veteran's Day or Memorial Day come to mind. You always have some idiots who might complain but they are by far the minority. We, as a country typically come together for that. The right seems to think they have the copyright on patriotism, and that only they get to define it.
and the left doesn't do the same? they're busy today defining free speech and who can say it.

we've so badly NORMALIZED the EXTREME we are only left with having to make shit up to be mad about.
Of course they do.
Actually it seems the right wants America to be more like other countries:
- praising and elating authoritarian despots (Dutarte, Kim, Putin, the new Hungarian PM).
- self aggrandizing military parades (the US usually does those when it's celebrating a military victory)
- holding people in indefinite detention under third world conditions

keep it up.
Illegal aliens have no rights, as the way it should be.
Your ancestors left that shit hole that is Europe... For a reason.
I am for one grateful that they did because my ancestors were still playing around with sticks and dirt and worshipping dirt...
Europe is not a shithole....or at least it wasn’t when our ancestors left it.

It is being turned into a shithole by traitors and criminals.
Europe was a shithole when our ancestors left it. Why do you think they immigrated? Learn some history.
--------------------------------- Who cares , that was then and today is Now and we should protect the USA for existing Americans and our future Blood . After all WE built the USA as it is Coyote .
I didn’t say you don’t believe that. What I say is on top of that you don’t want it because you hate Trump and are against any form of patriotism and praise for our military.

How strange. Where did you come up with that Bull Crap?

Of course I despise Trump - his policies go against everything I stand for. I doubt you're a fan of Obama either.

Give me an example of patriotism or support for our military where liberals don’t complain.

Yes, I’m no fan of Obama, but I didn’t hate his policies because I hated him, I hated his policies because they were bad policies.

Which is exactly why I hate Trump's policies.

Patriotism and support for our military? Events marking Veteran's Day or Memorial Day come to mind. You always have some idiots who might complain but they are by far the minority. We, as a country typically come together for that. The right seems to think they have the copyright on patriotism, and that only they get to define it.
and the left doesn't do the same? they're busy today defining free speech and who can say it.

we've so badly NORMALIZED the EXTREME we are only left with having to make shit up to be mad about.
Of course they do.
Both sides seem more alike than different in how we do things just different in why we do them.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.
Oh, come on, Asclepias, we aren’t as bad as you want to make it out to be. Wrongs were eventually righted. And every country is not a work in progress, nor will they ever afford the same freedoms the US has.
Good to see you back.
How strange. Where did you come up with that Bull Crap?

Of course I despise Trump - his policies go against everything I stand for. I doubt you're a fan of Obama either.

Give me an example of patriotism or support for our military where liberals don’t complain.

Yes, I’m no fan of Obama, but I didn’t hate his policies because I hated him, I hated his policies because they were bad policies.

Which is exactly why I hate Trump's policies.

Patriotism and support for our military? Events marking Veteran's Day or Memorial Day come to mind. You always have some idiots who might complain but they are by far the minority. We, as a country typically come together for that. The right seems to think they have the copyright on patriotism, and that only they get to define it.
and the left doesn't do the same? they're busy today defining free speech and who can say it.

we've so badly NORMALIZED the EXTREME we are only left with having to make shit up to be mad about.
Of course they do.
Both sides seem more alike than different in how we do things just different in why we do them.

The problem is many on the left don't know what they do them, they are told why which in many cases is a lie.

Lie: We don't want a border wall because walls don't work, and these people will find a way into our country anyhow.

Truth: Walls have worked everyplace they are tried. Democrat politicians don't want the wall because it's something they can't reverse like they can with policies.

Lie: We want to make guns less available because we're concerned about gun deaths in this country.

Truth: We want to take incremental steps to eventually stop most Americans from owning guns. If Americans can't own guns, then we can create more victims in our country, and that means the need for more government.

Lie: We need immigrants because they will do the jobs Americans will not do. We need these people so our population does not stall and decrease.

Truth: Democrats want to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. By doing so, it would insure that we become a single-party country for eternity. All other groups outside of whites vote a majority Democrat, and that's why whites need to be eliminated as the majority.
Actually it seems the right wants America to be more like other countries:
- praising and elating authoritarian despots (Dutarte, Kim, Putin, the new Hungarian PM).
- self aggrandizing military parades (the US usually does those when it's celebrating a military victory)
- holding people in indefinite detention under third world conditions

keep it up.
Illegal aliens have no rights, as the way it should be.
Your ancestors left that shit hole that is Europe... For a reason.
I am for one grateful that they did because my ancestors were still playing around with sticks and dirt and worshipping dirt...
Europe is not a shithole....or at least it wasn’t when our ancestors left it.

It is being turned into a shithole by traitors and criminals.
Europe was a shithole when our ancestors left it. Why do you think they immigrated? Learn some history.
--------------------------------- Who cares , that was then and today is Now and we should protect the USA for existing Americans and our future Blood . After all WE built the USA as it is Coyote .

I doubt *you* built anything. Most of us enjoy the fruits of our birthright forgetting that those who BUILT it came from other lands.
Give me an example of patriotism or support for our military where liberals don’t complain.

Yes, I’m no fan of Obama, but I didn’t hate his policies because I hated him, I hated his policies because they were bad policies.

Which is exactly why I hate Trump's policies.

Patriotism and support for our military? Events marking Veteran's Day or Memorial Day come to mind. You always have some idiots who might complain but they are by far the minority. We, as a country typically come together for that. The right seems to think they have the copyright on patriotism, and that only they get to define it.
and the left doesn't do the same? they're busy today defining free speech and who can say it.

we've so badly NORMALIZED the EXTREME we are only left with having to make shit up to be mad about.
Of course they do.
Both sides seem more alike than different in how we do things just different in why we do them.

The problem is many on the left don't know what they do them, they are told why which in many cases is a lie.

Lie: We don't want a border wall because walls don't work, and these people will find a way into our country anyhow.

Truth: Walls have worked everyplace they are tried. Democrat politicians don't want the wall because it's something they can't reverse like they can with policies.

Lie: We want to make guns less available because we're concerned about gun deaths in this country.

Truth: We want to take incremental steps to eventually stop most Americans from owning guns. If Americans can't own guns, then we can create more victims in our country, and that means the need for more government.

Lie: We need immigrants because they will do the jobs Americans will not do. We need these people so our population does not stall and decrease.

Truth: Democrats want to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. By doing so, it would insure that we become a single-party country for eternity. All other groups outside of whites vote a majority Democrat, and that's why whites need to be eliminated as the majority.

You've got your truth and lies mixed up.
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.

You never truly experience another country until you lived there. I’ve traveled to a lot of countries and enjoyed myself every where I’ve been. It doesn’t mean jack until you’re a citizen.
I've lived in a couple of countries. The only thing that made me come back was my family.

Were you a citizen? Did you pay taxes? Go to school there or have employment?
Only in one of them. (citizenship) Why do you ask?
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.

So why are you not living in another country? Seems illogical.
I already explained that. Cant you read?
Actually it seems the right wants America to be more like other countries:
- praising and elating authoritarian despots (Dutarte, Kim, Putin, the new Hungarian PM).
- self aggrandizing military parades (the US usually does those when it's celebrating a military victory)
- holding people in indefinite detention under third world conditions

keep it up.
You okay?

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