Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

If done right a parade to honor our military would be long overdue. What i mean by done right is absolutely no politics involved.
---------------------------------- lefties , traitors , Coyotes will find something wrong no matter what TRUMP does so he should simply do as he likes and avoid nothing just to please lefties , traitors and Coyotes Rocko .
If done right a parade to honor our military would be long overdue. What i mean by done right is absolutely no politics involved.

Done right and done for a reason - reasons like celebrating victories, the end of conflicts, not politics. There are other ways to honor our military as well.

Show me in his speech where he talked about himself.
It was all praise for America and the sacrifices our military has made over the centuries .
And now that there’s a military parade the same liberals are screaming that’s what other countries do and we shouldn’t bring ourselves to their level. Personally, Im against that parade because I see it more as a Trump political pep rally, and I don’t like to use the military as a prop, but liberals don’t want it for the same reason and, they hate Trump, and they any type of celebration of this country or our military.

Wrong. I don't like it for those same reasons - the military is not a prop, and the 4th of July holiday and the military (and tax payer dollars) have no business being used as part of a political rally.

I didn’t say you don’t believe that. What I say is on top of that you don’t want it because you hate Trump and are against any form of patriotism and praise for our military.

Liberals are FOR patriotism and praise for the military. What they're against, is any SHOW OF FORCE, like a Third World banana republic.

STFU ya bimbo!!!!
It was your type spitting on veterans returning from Vietnam.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

You think anyone in their right mind gave a shit we went to war with an evil country like Iraq?
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

HELLO...liberals in this country.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.

You never truly experience another country until you lived there. I’ve traveled to a lot of countries and enjoyed myself every where I’ve been. It doesn’t mean jack until you’re a citizen.
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.

You never truly experience another country until you lived there. I’ve traveled to a lot of countries and enjoyed myself every where I’ve been. It doesn’t mean jack until you’re a citizen.
I've lived in a couple of countries. The only thing that made me come back was my family.
Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.
The internet definitely plays a part. Gone are the days when bullshit american propaganda can go unchallenged. The speed at which someone can call bullshit on said propaganda has sped up as well. I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.

You never truly experience another country until you lived there. I’ve traveled to a lot of countries and enjoyed myself every where I’ve been. It doesn’t mean jack until you’re a citizen.
I've lived in a couple of countries. The only thing that made me come back was my family.

Were you a citizen? Did you pay taxes? Go to school there or have employment?
Liberals always want America to be more like other countries....

I don't know about that...

From my experience, of living on other continents, most other countries and the people within, used to want to be like America! It was never us, wanting to be like them, it was them, wanting to be like us, and our country.

I think this began souring, when President Bush2 started the unprovoked war in Iraq under a guise... then our underbelly, began to be unpeeled... unveiled.

Then why do todays leftist indoctrinated college students say America is not the best country in the world?
Its probably because they have traveled...unlike you.
I think it is likely, the internet... it is and can be enlightening, but at the very same time, filled with a bunch of bunk.'s our fucked up universities teaching communism.
I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.
This is true in a narrow context...I left NYC/America in the spring of 79 [march] and the streets of NYC looked like a stressed out rat race to me that I was so looking forward to leaving and when I arrived in the southern Mediterranean to warm weather, people holding hands, reading books, getting drunk on lunch breaks that lasted as long as they like I was thinking, no wonder people like it here...but there wasn't much else, by the time september rolled around I was sick of it and when I got back to NYC it looked exactly the same but not by comparrison, It now seemed electric, vibrant and so full of life with so much to do that I still haven't done it now had comparative perspective.
I still think actually experiencing another country is more eye opening. The first thing you realize is that a lot of times its better than the US.
This is true in a narrow context...I left NYC/America in the spring of 79 [march] and the streets of NYC looked like a stressed out rat race to me that I was so looking forward to leaving and when I arrived in the southern Mediterranean to warm weather, people holding hands, reading books, getting drunk on lunch breaks that lasted as long as they like I was thinking, no wonder people like it here...but there wasn't much else, by the time september rolled around I was sick of it and when I got back to NYC it looked exactly the same but not by comparrison, It now seemed electric, vibrant and so full of life with so much to do that I still haven't done it now had comparative perspective.

Behavior like that should be reserved for retirement.
I could never live like that if I didnt feel like I earned it through hard work.
Liberals always want something other than what reality gives them. When they don’t get it, it’s someone else’s fault.

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