Liberals Are Lying...They Support Guns...They Need Guns...To Protect Themselves From Us


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Liberals need guns. They need them to protect themselves from the rest of us. The more power they grab, the more guns they'll need to keep us from throwing them out of power. When you're entire ideology is based on lies, eventually the people start to get wise....and eventually you have to go to greater and greater lengths to stop people from taking action to stop the abuses that always follow a government that lies to it's people.

October 27, 2015
People of the Lie: It's Not Just the Clintons
By Christopher Chantrill

It’s déjà vu all over again. A Clinton has lied in public and the Democrats have celebrated with a public show of approval. Remember when Al Gore led the cheers at the White House after Ol’ Bill lied to the American people? Now it’s the chaps at the DNC leading the cheers for Hillary Clinton’s tawdry lies about Benghazi.

There was a best-seller about lying, back in the day, and liberals loved it. It was People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck. The book was all about the skanky people -- and you knew who they were -- who lied their way through their shabby, mostly lower-middle-class lives. That was during the time that liberals had flopped onto their fainting couches in response to the lies of Richard Nixon, which were not to be endured! That was then. This is now, and with the intellectual bankruptcy of their ideas and their rule, liberals lie about everything. Because they have to.

But hey, we conservatives do it too. We conservatives demand that our politicians do something about ObamaCare and so the GOP candidates at election time promise to do so. And then they don’t.

It’s not just politics. Think about the absurdities that religion wants us to believe. Divine justice? All good people go to heaven? In your dreams. Of course, it’s not all happy talk. Classic Catholicism had Heaven but also a Hell and a Purgatory to teach a lesson to the folks in between. Calvinism had a Heaven for the Elect, but with Methodism just about everyone got to go to Heaven. Now we have lefties and progressives; their religion tells us we can have heaven right here on Earth if only we get rid of greedy bankers and racists, sexists, and microaggressors.

Here’s a thought. If the lefties have brought Heaven to Earth, doesn’t that suggest that they would have created a Hell on Earth too, just to make it fair for all the racists, sexists, homophobes of which we’ve heard tell? Only it seems that Hell on Earth is reserved for the left’s own workers, as in the late, great Soviet Union. Or their African Americans, as in Democratic cities like Detroit where the men don’t marry and the women don’t work? Or feminists, cowering from dastardly rape culture and microaggressions in their collegiate safe spaces?

Does that mean that lefties are lying about their Heaven on Earth, or their Hell on Earth, or both?

Of course, there can be no hell on earth like the hell of working for the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and wondering if your email to Herself was sufficiently groveling and sycophantic for the Heaven of getting an answer.

Tell me, what is the “tell” when Hillary Clinton lies? Is it the cackle, or the hacking cough?

America’s big problem is not the tawdry lies of the Clintons -- hey, Hillary, did you lie to your daughter and the president of Egypt or to the American people? -- but the lies that liberals have to tell themselves to keep believing in their government-is-good ruling-class ideology.

Hey liberals: “politics is violence,” and “government is force.” That’s Kevin Williamson in his excellent The End is Near and It’s Going to be Awesome. The lie that liberals tell themselves is that government is kindly librarians dispensing Social Security, Medicare, and common schools to the little people -- and now they demand to be allowed to save us from homophobes and climate change. But politics is violence, and government is force. Doesn’t matter if Lois Lerner is a kindly librarian; she is still backed up by activists with hate in their hearts and G-men with guns in their hands. Anyway, she’s no longer a tawdry bureaucrat responding to a king’s “who will rid me of these tea-partiers.” She’s now ascended to the Olympian heights of a world champion gold-medal skater.

Kevin Williamson continues in in his latest Sunday think piece.

[E]ffective states are deep but narrow: strong states that can do what needs doing but do so with the understanding that this includes a limited menu of items.​

That’s what liberals cannot admit and cannot endure. Because a state that was deep and narrow would have no need for liberals. Liberals can’t admit that their dream of “advocacy” is a fantasy of political violence. They can’t admit that government always comes down to men with guns.

Everybody lies, but somehow our liberal friends have got in deeper than the rest of us amateurs. They gave us the worst president ever. And now they want to nominate to the presidency a woman who is a cougher and a cackler and whose whole life is a lie.

Liberals just can’t admit that their dream is a lie, their leaders are tawdry fibbers, and they have become the People of the Lie.

Articles: People of the Lie: It's Not Just the Clintons
What better excuse to take our guns than electing a criminal illegitimately to the office of POTUS. The trick is doing it in the correct portions. If they stir up too much anger, they risk having it blow up in their faces. So they won't do it all at once. Just take our guns and make us think it's for our own good.

October 23, 2015
Arranging American Gun Confiscation
By Daren Jonescu

America's progressive chatter on guns has been shifting noticeably from the abstract language of "control" to the concrete language of "confiscation." Hillary Clinton is just the latest leading voice to serve notice that the forced disarmament of law-abiding Americans is not the dystopian fantasy of paranoids, but a matter of current policy discussion -- and action.

During an October 16 Town Hall in New Hampshire, a voter asked Hillary Clinton about Australia's national gun "buyback" program -- more accurately dubbed "confiscation" -- in which large numbers of firearms were outlawed, and owners compelled to surrender them (for financial compensation). Here is the question:

Recently, Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions, of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can’t, why can’t we?

And here, after meandering through international gun laws, and citing localized American buyback programs, was the conclusion of Clinton's response:

I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged.

So when asked, in effect, what would prevent a President Hillary Clinton from initiating a gun confiscation program similar to Australia's, she expressed sympathy with the idea, barring practical difficulties.

As the NRA's Chris Cox pointed out in a press release:

This validates what the NRA has said all along. The real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation. Hillary Clinton, echoing President Obama's recent remarks on the same issue, made that very clear.
Read more here....Articles: Arranging American Gun Confiscation
its just the white people they want to pull this stunt on. we all know that. have we noticed that the far left has never pushed to take away guns from everyone living in chicago and los angeles?
Liberals need guns. They need them to protect themselves from the rest of us. The more power they grab, the more guns they'll need to keep us from throwing them out of power. When you're entire ideology is based on lies, eventually the people start to get wise....and eventually you have to go to greater and greater lengths to stop people from taking action to stop the abuses that always follow a government that lies to it's people.

October 27, 2015
People of the Lie: It's Not Just the Clintons
By Christopher Chantrill

It’s déjà vu all over again. A Clinton has lied in public and the Democrats have celebrated with a public show of approval. Remember when Al Gore led the cheers at the White House after Ol’ Bill lied to the American people? Now it’s the chaps at the DNC leading the cheers for Hillary Clinton’s tawdry lies about Benghazi.

There was a best-seller about lying, back in the day, and liberals loved it. It was People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck. The book was all about the skanky people -- and you knew who they were -- who lied their way through their shabby, mostly lower-middle-class lives. That was during the time that liberals had flopped onto their fainting couches in response to the lies of Richard Nixon, which were not to be endured! That was then. This is now, and with the intellectual bankruptcy of their ideas and their rule, liberals lie about everything. Because they have to.

But hey, we conservatives do it too. We conservatives demand that our politicians do something about ObamaCare and so the GOP candidates at election time promise to do so. And then they don’t.

It’s not just politics. Think about the absurdities that religion wants us to believe. Divine justice? All good people go to heaven? In your dreams. Of course, it’s not all happy talk. Classic Catholicism had Heaven but also a Hell and a Purgatory to teach a lesson to the folks in between. Calvinism had a Heaven for the Elect, but with Methodism just about everyone got to go to Heaven. Now we have lefties and progressives; their religion tells us we can have heaven right here on Earth if only we get rid of greedy bankers and racists, sexists, and microaggressors.

Here’s a thought. If the lefties have brought Heaven to Earth, doesn’t that suggest that they would have created a Hell on Earth too, just to make it fair for all the racists, sexists, homophobes of which we’ve heard tell? Only it seems that Hell on Earth is reserved for the left’s own workers, as in the late, great Soviet Union. Or their African Americans, as in Democratic cities like Detroit where the men don’t marry and the women don’t work? Or feminists, cowering from dastardly rape culture and microaggressions in their collegiate safe spaces?

Does that mean that lefties are lying about their Heaven on Earth, or their Hell on Earth, or both?

Of course, there can be no hell on earth like the hell of working for the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and wondering if your email to Herself was sufficiently groveling and sycophantic for the Heaven of getting an answer.

Tell me, what is the “tell” when Hillary Clinton lies? Is it the cackle, or the hacking cough?

America’s big problem is not the tawdry lies of the Clintons -- hey, Hillary, did you lie to your daughter and the president of Egypt or to the American people? -- but the lies that liberals have to tell themselves to keep believing in their government-is-good ruling-class ideology.

Hey liberals: “politics is violence,” and “government is force.” That’s Kevin Williamson in his excellent The End is Near and It’s Going to be Awesome. The lie that liberals tell themselves is that government is kindly librarians dispensing Social Security, Medicare, and common schools to the little people -- and now they demand to be allowed to save us from homophobes and climate change. But politics is violence, and government is force. Doesn’t matter if Lois Lerner is a kindly librarian; she is still backed up by activists with hate in their hearts and G-men with guns in their hands. Anyway, she’s no longer a tawdry bureaucrat responding to a king’s “who will rid me of these tea-partiers.” She’s now ascended to the Olympian heights of a world champion gold-medal skater.

Kevin Williamson continues in in his latest Sunday think piece.

[E]ffective states are deep but narrow: strong states that can do what needs doing but do so with the understanding that this includes a limited menu of items.​
That’s what liberals cannot admit and cannot endure. Because a state that was deep and narrow would have no need for liberals. Liberals can’t admit that their dream of “advocacy” is a fantasy of political violence. They can’t admit that government always comes down to men with guns.

Everybody lies, but somehow our liberal friends have got in deeper than the rest of us amateurs. They gave us the worst president ever. And now they want to nominate to the presidency a woman who is a cougher and a cackler and whose whole life is a lie.

Liberals just can’t admit that their dream is a lie, their leaders are tawdry fibbers, and they have become the People of the Lie.

Articles: People of the Lie: It's Not Just the Clintons

They need more than guns. They need the spine to fight for what they believe in.

The American Left believes in nonsense, and on the whole, no one in the end will fight for nonsense.
I find it hilarious that Muddy, a guy who has a cushy government job on a military base, collects a fat military pension, and makes a lot of money on the side renting to Section 8 families, is out here complaining about "socialism".

I laugh at these too... I am an employer in the private sector making money and paying taxes to for an idiot who takes the money and tells me socialism is all wrong...

If he is so against it, QUIT.
Why can't you people get it right. What is described is the far left...not liberals.

I consider myself liberal in many regards. And I detest big government.

It is the miserable totalitarians of the far left that you are describing.

Look at the picture in the OP. This is why sensible gun control laws are needed. Too many people have a need to point guns at others to make themselves feel powerful.
Haven't need a weapon in over 20 years. When you're not a dick and are a nice guy who's nice to his neighbors and community, who's the gun you have for self-defense intended for?
Why can't you people get it right. What is described is the far left...not liberals.

I consider myself liberal in many regards. And I detest big government.

It is the miserable totalitarians of the far left that you are describing.


That is correct. They have no relation to the classic definition of liberal, which I am as well. They simply co-opted the word in the early 20th Century.

They seem to be moving en masse toward the use of "Progressive" now which, being the current blanket term for all things Communist, at least carries a modicum of correctness about it.
Liberals need guns. They need them to protect themselves from the rest of us. The more power they grab, the more guns they'll need to keep us from throwing them out of power. When you're entire ideology is based on lies, eventually the people start to get wise....and eventually you have to go to greater and greater lengths to stop people from taking action to stop the abuses that always follow a government that lies to it's people.

October 27, 2015
People of the Lie: It's Not Just the Clintons
By Christopher Chantrill

It’s déjà vu all over again. A Clinton has lied in public and the Democrats have celebrated with a public show of approval. Remember when Al Gore led the cheers at the White House after Ol’ Bill lied to the American people? Now it’s the chaps at the DNC leading the cheers for Hillary Clinton’s tawdry lies about Benghazi.

There was a best-seller about lying, back in the day, and liberals loved it. It was People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck. The book was all about the skanky people -- and you knew who they were -- who lied their way through their shabby, mostly lower-middle-class lives. That was during the time that liberals had flopped onto their fainting couches in response to the lies of Richard Nixon, which were not to be endured! That was then. This is now, and with the intellectual bankruptcy of their ideas and their rule, liberals lie about everything. Because they have to.

But hey, we conservatives do it too. We conservatives demand that our politicians do something about ObamaCare and so the GOP candidates at election time promise to do so. And then they don’t.

It’s not just politics. Think about the absurdities that religion wants us to believe. Divine justice? All good people go to heaven? In your dreams. Of course, it’s not all happy talk. Classic Catholicism had Heaven but also a Hell and a Purgatory to teach a lesson to the folks in between. Calvinism had a Heaven for the Elect, but with Methodism just about everyone got to go to Heaven. Now we have lefties and progressives; their religion tells us we can have heaven right here on Earth if only we get rid of greedy bankers and racists, sexists, and microaggressors.

Here’s a thought. If the lefties have brought Heaven to Earth, doesn’t that suggest that they would have created a Hell on Earth too, just to make it fair for all the racists, sexists, homophobes of which we’ve heard tell? Only it seems that Hell on Earth is reserved for the left’s own workers, as in the late, great Soviet Union. Or their African Americans, as in Democratic cities like Detroit where the men don’t marry and the women don’t work? Or feminists, cowering from dastardly rape culture and microaggressions in their collegiate safe spaces?

Does that mean that lefties are lying about their Heaven on Earth, or their Hell on Earth, or both?

Of course, there can be no hell on earth like the hell of working for the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and wondering if your email to Herself was sufficiently groveling and sycophantic for the Heaven of getting an answer.

Tell me, what is the “tell” when Hillary Clinton lies? Is it the cackle, or the hacking cough?

America’s big problem is not the tawdry lies of the Clintons -- hey, Hillary, did you lie to your daughter and the president of Egypt or to the American people? -- but the lies that liberals have to tell themselves to keep believing in their government-is-good ruling-class ideology.

Hey liberals: “politics is violence,” and “government is force.” That’s Kevin Williamson in his excellent The End is Near and It’s Going to be Awesome. The lie that liberals tell themselves is that government is kindly librarians dispensing Social Security, Medicare, and common schools to the little people -- and now they demand to be allowed to save us from homophobes and climate change. But politics is violence, and government is force. Doesn’t matter if Lois Lerner is a kindly librarian; she is still backed up by activists with hate in their hearts and G-men with guns in their hands. Anyway, she’s no longer a tawdry bureaucrat responding to a king’s “who will rid me of these tea-partiers.” She’s now ascended to the Olympian heights of a world champion gold-medal skater.

Kevin Williamson continues in in his latest Sunday think piece.

[E]ffective states are deep but narrow: strong states that can do what needs doing but do so with the understanding that this includes a limited menu of items.​
That’s what liberals cannot admit and cannot endure. Because a state that was deep and narrow would have no need for liberals. Liberals can’t admit that their dream of “advocacy” is a fantasy of political violence. They can’t admit that government always comes down to men with guns.

Everybody lies, but somehow our liberal friends have got in deeper than the rest of us amateurs. They gave us the worst president ever. And now they want to nominate to the presidency a woman who is a cougher and a cackler and whose whole life is a lie.

Liberals just can’t admit that their dream is a lie, their leaders are tawdry fibbers, and they have become the People of the Lie.

Articles: People of the Lie: It's Not Just the Clintons

How many Liberals, especially those in public office, have someone with a gun protecting them? If they claim gun free zones are safe, why don't they declare the area around wherever they are as a gun free zone and not use those with guns to protect them?
Haven't need a weapon in over 20 years. When you're not a dick and are a nice guy who's nice to his neighbors and community, who's the gun you have for self-defense intended for?

I have never needed a weapon in over 60 years. I hope I never do.

Victims are often described as "real nice guys".
Look at the picture in the OP. This is why sensible gun control laws are needed. Too many people have a need to point guns at others to make themselves feel powerful.

I bet you think what you support is sensible.

Too many dumbasses like you think that's why.
Haven't need a weapon in over 20 years. When you're not a dick and are a nice guy who's nice to his neighbors and community, who's the gun you have for self-defense intended for?

I've lived in my neighborhood for about 15 years. There have been incidents of cars being broken into, vandalism, and the like. Nothing on a regular basis but enough to remember. In most cases, those doing the crime were caught. NONE of them lived in the neighborhood.
Haven't need a weapon in over 20 years. When you're not a dick and are a nice guy who's nice to his neighbors and community, who's the gun you have for self-defense intended for?

I have never needed a weapon in over 60 years. I hope I never do.

Victims are often described as "real nice guys".

IsaacNewton thinks those of us who own guns go around randomly pointing them at people so we feel good about ourselves.
sensible gun control

there ain't no such animal, what is needed is people control, just perusing some of the so called "social media" sites for "nut jobs" will validate my advice. :up:
A better solution is punishment.
Raise your kids to respect authority.
Severe punishment is the key to a safe society.

Just ask anyone who lives in Singapore.
who's the gun you have for self-defense intended for?

you really can not be this stupid.., or are you?

the gun(s) i or you have are for the guy(s) who are NOT your neighbor, NOT the guy(s) in your neighborhood, they are for the criminal who wants to take your possessions and possibly your life and the life of those whom you love and care about.., is that clear enough for you?? :up:

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