Liberals are Neo-Tribalists


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Articles: Carry on Cutting, says Brandeis

for those of you who don't know... Ms Ali is an outspoken critic of Islam which treats women as second class citizens....arranging marriages, beating them, banning them driving, forcing the head gear, cutting their clitoris, etc....Brandeis bowed to pressure by CAIR and thus refused to give Ms. Ali their honorary degree that she deserved....obviously liberal Brandeis University prefers political correctness over free speech....

so how does that make liberals neo-tribalists....?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali asks the question liberals don't want us to ask. How can we best help the tribal people of the world become citizens? From her point of view we are going about it all wrong.

There are many good men and women in the West who try to resettle refugees... and strive to eliminate discrimination. They lobby governments to exempt minorities from the standards of behavior of Western societies they fight to help minorities preserve their cultures, and they excuse their religion from critical scrutiny. These people mean well, I have no doubt. But I believe that... their efforts to assist Muslims and other minorities are futile because, by postponing or at best prolonging the process of their transition to modernity – by creating the illusion that they can hold on to tribal norms and at the same time become a successful citizen -- the proponents of multiculturalism lock subsequent generations born in the West into a no-man's-land of moral values.

You can see why the lefties and jihadis at Brandeis didn't want Ayaann Hirsi Ali on campus. The very idea of dignifying such an opinion!

The liberal discomfort with Ayaan Hirsi Ali is in the very idea of the “transition to modernity,” from “tribal norms” to “citizen.” The whole program of the left from Marx to Zinn is to make a scandal of the transition, to question its necessity, to keep people in their tribal silos and away from universal citizenship.

And the whole war to keep people in tribal, racial, sexual silos is called the fight against racism and sexism!

The Muslim jihadis are frank tribalists. They want to keep the old patriarchal traditions where the man of the house makes all the rules and women are nothing but a potential stain on his honor.

The modern left is a movement of tribal nostalgia: neo-tribalists. They want people divided up in little tribes, each burning with carefully nurtured resentments as in old days, and each tribe led by a reliable lefty from Harvard or Yale – or in special cases, Brandeis.

The tribesman is a person of the collective self; there is no identity outside the tribe. But the citizen is an individual, a person of the responsible self. It is up to the citizen to create an identity, as an individual, on her own.

Liberals tell the tribesmen: you vote for us and will take care of you. Conservatives know that this attitude is the natural instinct of the modern ruling class. There must be victims, there must be helplessness, or there is no need for government and its force, and no need for liberals.

The world has already suffered two great rebellions against the new post-tribal order, in Nazism and its neo-tribalism of race and in Bolshevism with its neo-tribalism of class. Both times, after endless shilly-shallying and craven appeasement, we eventually rose to the challenge and defeated the neo-tribalist reaction.

No doubt in the end we will meet the jihadist challenge. But we probably cannot start until our current ruling class is utterly discredited and disgraced.
If you want to get a thread going, you need to start it out with a MASSIVE fucking lie.

That's how our dimocrap scum pals do it.

You start a thread with the truth in it? Good luck.

In fact, I'm surprised it hasn't been moved yet.

dimcorap scum can start a thread comparing us to terrorists and it stays.

You start a thread with the truth in it and they'll attack it and they'll attack you until they get their girl to move it.

The way the rules in here are enforced is bullshit. One way for dimocrap scum, one for Patriots.
liberalism is tribalism....the lefties here don't even realize how backward they are....

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