Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…


An opinion piece, ‘what if, Starr was right’; which speculates...

Which also brought forward a compelling allegation from Juanita Broaddrick that the president had raped her.

... except Juanita Broaddrick swore under oath that Clinton had not raped her...

During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

So the question was, who did Clinton rape? And you couldn’t find anyone. Thanks for confirming what everyone else with a functioning brain already knew.

I quoted the house organ for Liberalism, Inc.....the NYSlimes.

Your post is simply one more example of the fact that the least intelligent are Liberal acolytes....many of keep up with the alterations in the propaganda.

We have learned from the Times and from your post...

a. The Left now admits what we on the Right always said about Bill 'the rapist' Clinton


b. you are a low-life moron.

Any questions?
Liar, you did not quote The NY Times... you quoted an opinion piece on The NY Times. So that’s not an opinion of “the left” as you falsely claim.

So yeah, here’s a question for ya... do you ever stop lying?

I certainly hit a nerve, using the NYTimes to pull the rug out from under all of your rapist-defenders.

Certainly you haven't other than in your own delusions since you are so transparent as to be trying to change the topic from the OP- which is another GOP lie about the Democratic Party- to an attempt to divert attention from your hero Roy Moore.

I answered the previous post.

And, answered correctly.
You never stop lying, do ya, politicalHack? In a thread based on the lie that the KKK was Democrats marching at the 1924 DNC at Madison Square Garden, you’re the one who diverted to Bill Clinton, who has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, here...

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

You don’t possess an ounce of personal responsibility, do you?

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.
He switched parties because Democrats wouldn’t elect him.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.


Throughout his formative years, when he learned to be a violent racist.....he was a Democrat.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.


Throughout his formative years, when he learned to be a violent racist.....he was a Democrat.
And he couldn't get elected until he ran as a Republican because Democrats wouldn't support his racism.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.


Throughout his formative years, when he learned to be a violent racist.....he was a Democrat.

Yup. For the same reason Ray Nagin was a "Democrat" when he ran for Mayor of New Orleans, and for the same reason Frank Rizzo was a "Democrat" when he ran for Mayor of Philadelphia --- because in those times and places, you either ran as a Democrat, or you lost to one. When the great shift happened Duke, like Thurmond, like Buddy Roemer, like Trent Lott, like Richard Shelby, like Jesse Helms, like Rick Perry, etc etc, turned into Republicans for exactly the same reason. All of them were the same people before and after any label you simpletons want to hang on them as if it's some kind of causal force.

It isn't. It's simply the means to an end and that's all it is. Hell the Sheriff in my local burg did exactly the same thing. He's still exactly the same guy.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

It's stupefying how many wags are so dense that they either don't know, or are willing to go onto the internets to pretend they don't know --- that a political party is not some kind of ideological fount, but simply a machine to get to the goal of elections, and that machine will drive on any road it needs to to get to that goal.

If that were not the case it would be impossible for anybody to change their own party affiliation just as it would be impossible for a baseball player free agent to sign with a new team. It's the same thing.

Hell, Arlen Specter was a Democrat, then he was a Republican, then he was a Democrat again, all based on what he thought would work at the time. And yet Arlen Specter (D), Arlen Specter (R) and Arlen Specter (D) are all the same person.

Hard to understand why they cling to their Composition Fallacies after being humiliated on them.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.
He switched parties because Democrats wouldn’t elect him.

Duke by just being in Democrat party until 1988 speaks for itself.

By the way, the "party switch" happened two decades earlier.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.

And you think that parties just "switched". Right.

Very few people did switched, one of them Thurmond. Who else?

You lefties keep talking about racists leaving Democrat party to join Republican party, but when asked for names, you come up short, every singe time.

Give me four more names that can support the leftist argument of parties switching sides.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.


Throughout his formative years, when he learned to be a violent racist.....he was a Democrat.

So were you a Democrat then too? Just trying to figure out when you learned to be a violent racist.

Wow, look at all those white conservatives. Glad they became Republicans.

Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

I see you're bit confused. Although learning history from Comedy Central can be fun, it's not really backed with facts. You should switch to history books.

By the way, national socialism (Nazism) and nationalism are not the same same thing. On the other side, national socialism is socialism. Unlike communists that were aiming for socialism/communism on international level (think global), national socialists were doing it on national level.
Name five who did so.

I'll help you with first one, you fill the blanks. Can you?

1. Strom Thurmond
The only one that matters:

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

By the way, national socialism (Nazism) and nationalism are not the same same thing. On the other side, national socialism is socialism. l.

LOL- National Socialism was very specifically a Nationalist movement.

On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
And you think that parties just "switched". Right.

Nope, wrong. The parties didn't switch --- the membership (in the white South) did.

That's because in the white South for 99 years it was unthinkable to be a Republican. That was the "Party of Lincoln", the President who had defeated and humiliated it. So it was tradition that if you were a white Southerner and ran for office, you either ran as a Democrat, or you lost to one. The contest was in the primary election, Democrat against Democrat --- because whoever won that was a shoo-in to beat whoever the Republican sacrificial lamb was. And yet the whole time these Southern archconservative Democrats were wailing about "Northern Liberals" --- see George Wallace for a ready example.

In other words it was an emotional/traditional attachment, and not an ideological one. The ideology was in fact at odds. Any time there was a political campaign debate, it was over "this Democrat" versus "that Democrat". Whoever the Republican was, was little more than a trivia question.

My grandfather told the anecdote of counting votes in southern Mississippi in the 1940 election:

"Wilkie -- aw shoot, we gotta throw out the ballot. Some damn fool voted twice!"

That's based on the reality.

Bottom line is this -- if you were a white Southerner who was also a right-wing racist, and had a political party, it was Democrat, while on the other hand if you were a white Southerner who was a Liberal non-racist you were a Democrat. See the difference? If you do, essplain it.

Very few people did switched, one of them Thurmond. Who else?

I just gave you several names. And according to Lush Rimjob, here's another one: Roy Moore.

Limblob didn't seem to cite any sources but it's plausible.

Again, a political party is a practical choice --- what will work. Max Scherzer is an outstanding pitcher but it's not because he pitched for the Detroit Tigers and it's not because he pitches for the Washington Gnats. He's the same pitcher either way, and what uniform he puts on has no influence on that. Frank Rizzo and George Wallace and Lester Maddox and David Duke weren't Democrats because they had a shred of belief in Liberalism. They were Democrats because that's how you got elected.

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

By the way, national socialism (Nazism) and nationalism are not the same same thing. On the other side, national socialism is socialism. l.

LOL- National Socialism was very specifically a Nationalist movement.

On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.

Matter of fact the actual Socialists --- who the brownshirts were created to intimidate --- were the first Nazi "guests" at Dachau.

He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

By the way, national socialism (Nazism) and nationalism are not the same same thing. On the other side, national socialism is socialism. l.

LOL- National Socialism was very specifically a Nationalist movement.

On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), more commonly known as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. - Origins in the German Worker's Party.

When you point out the lies of the lib/progs of this board, it will end up with them denying that it happened.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Liberals are the stupidest people in the universe..
He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

By the way, national socialism (Nazism) and nationalism are not the same same thing. On the other side, national socialism is socialism. l.

LOL- National Socialism was very specifically a Nationalist movement.

On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), more commonly known as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. - Origins in the German Worker's Party.

When you point out the lies of the lib/progs of this board, it will end up with them denying that it happened.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Liberals are the stupidest people in the universe..
Nah, no one is dumber than an abject imbecile who claims Bill Clinton flew to pedophile island 26 times according to flight logs — and then posts s link to an article which states flight logs indicate ZERO trips to pedophile island.

Wonder why?


The picture was taken during the 1924 Democratic Convention.


It was also known as “Klanbake.”

In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform.

Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

who says liberals aren't liking it, psychotroll?
everyone knows that the kkk used to be part of the dem party in the south. that's part of our history.

it's also part of our history that since the civil rights act passed, they all belong to you.

that's why the orange sociopath defended them.

but I still don't understand why you losers keep talking about 50 years ago when you own the kkk and the white supremacists today.

now be a good hack and run along
He was Democrat until 1988, way way after "party switch" happened.

Try again.

You actually think the party shift of the South happened at 12:43 on a Tuesday the 11th of July in 19xx?

Time doesn't work that way. When Thurmond jumped in the fall of 1964, he was doing what had been for 99 years unthinkable in the South. That took time to crack; tradition runs deep -- some were more bold than others. Thurmond had the temerity to do it because his base was so strong --- he had already won his Senate seat as a write-in after the state Democratic Party had dumped him off the ballot, so he knew party affiliation was, in his position, irrelevant. First and so far only person ever elected to the Senate as a write-in.

In other words he was so entrenched that he could do the unthinkable as a protest parting shot against LBJ's CRA that he couldn't stop that summer. LBJ had mused that the CRA would cost his party the Solid South, and Thurmond was taking steps to make that happen.

Hell, Zell Miller and Billy Graham are still Democrats to this day. It's part of a deep tradition and the South is nothing if not traditional.
Conservatism and nazism share the same core belief that their ideology is a panacea which should prevail above all others. In their respective [and diseased] minds, their ideology can do no wrong when practiced in its purist form.

By the way, national socialism (Nazism) and nationalism are not the same same thing. On the other side, national socialism is socialism. l.

LOL- National Socialism was very specifically a Nationalist movement.

On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
On the other hand- the Nazi's were not socialists.
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), more commonly known as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. - Origins in the German Worker's Party.

When you point out the lies of the lib/progs of this board, it will end up with them denying that it happened.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Liberals are the stupidest people in the universe..

no that would be sub literate uneducated uninformed trumptards.

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