Liberals Believe In Science Not God

So what does science say about homosexuality?


Recent research has found that homosexual behavior in animals may be much more common than previously thought. Although Darwin’s theory of natural selection predicts an evolutionary disadvantage for animals that fail to pass along their traits through reproduction with the opposite sex, the validity of this part of his theory has been questioned with the discoveries of homosexual behavior in more than 10% of prevailing species throughout the world.

Currently, homosexual behavior has been documented in over 450 different animal species worldwide.

Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality?
Just because homosexuality exists does not mean it's natural
So what does science say about homosexuality?
as long as they are overall "Good people" who cares? you want to believe, then go do it. if someone chooses not to, their right.

the fucking judging is amazing.
Homosexuality is about as natural as suicide
Did somebody invent it in a lab then?

Pretty sure it happens in the lab a lot...


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