Liberals, can you explain this?


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Liberals follow the instructions they’re told.

These idiots weren’t taught how to think for themselves or be leaders. They only know how to follow.
Liberals follow the instructions they’re told.

These idiots weren’t taught how to think for themselves or be leaders. They only know how to follow.
And they will truly follow anything their chosen leaders tell them. No matter how ridiculously counter one position is to the other.
Liberals follow the instructions they’re told.

These idiots weren’t taught how to think for themselves or be leaders. They only know how to follow.
And they will truly follow anything their chosen leaders tell them. No matter how ridiculously counter one position is to the other.
These are people who can’t think for themselves. It’s why they want politicians making decisions for them.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet?
I'm not a Liberal, but such behaviour is in Russia's interest. I don't know how you think a hat has anything to do with it, I suppose Trumpsters'll believe anything.
Anything is possible to a deranged person.
Liberalism is a mental illness. Hard to keep up with the outrage of the day.
Joking aside, I agree with that.

I’m sometimes called to help nursing with certain psych patients. On the rare occasion when politics does come up, the patient is always a democrat voter.
I’m not kidding about that.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet?
I'm not a Liberal, but such behaviour is in Russia's interest. I don't know how you think a hat has anything to do with it, I suppose Trumpsters'll believe anything.
Really? Pro America is in Russia’s best interest? Please explain this phenomenon.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

He’s an isolationist when it comes to economic issues but not when it comes to foreign policy .

End thread .
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

He’s an isolationist when it comes to economic issues but not when it comes to foreign policy .

End thread .
What? How is that possible?
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Mike, sometimes I have a hard time translating my thoughts into words, but here goes... simultaneously isolationist and also Russian puppet? Because if America does not interfere in Russian aggression, Russia can pull off a land grab equal to the Post-WWII assaults on its neighbors. If NATO breaks up, who holds Russia in check? Surely you are aware of the nervousness of the Baltic States and the concerns in Bosnia. So as Trump continues to be the puppet, as America continues to cave, Russia becomes bolder. Our friends no longer consider us trustworthy, our word is no longer a bond.

Did you see the clip of a Trump interview with Carlson when he said Montenegro is an aggressive country and could start WWIII? Tucker never asked him how a country of some 600K souls and is the size of Connecticut is going to take on a neighbor that has 11 time zones. Nor did he point out that NATO does NOT agree to support aggression, only attacks by others.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

He’s an isolationist when it comes to economic issues but not when it comes to foreign policy .

End thread .

His economic policies are not "isolationist." He just wants America to be treated fairly in the marketplace, which we have not been.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Mike, sometimes I have a hard time translating my thoughts into words, but here goes... simultaneously isolationist and also Russian puppet? Because if America does not interfere in Russian aggression, Russia can pull off a land grab equal to the Post-WWII assaults on its neighbors. If NATO breaks up, who holds Russia in check? Surely you are aware of the nervousness of the Baltic States and the concerns in Bosnia. So as Trump continues to be the puppet, as America continues to cave, Russia becomes bolder. Our friends no longer consider us trustworthy, our word is no longer a bond.

Did you see the clip of a Trump interview with Carlson when he said Montenegro is an aggressive country and could start WWIII? Tucker never asked him how a country of some 600K souls and is the size of Connecticut is going to take on a neighbor that has 11 time zones. Nor did he point out that NATO does NOT agree to support aggression, only attacks by others.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents.
You did fine. All good. So our goal is to interfere in Russia’s affairs. Ok then how does that square with being a puppet? We have the missile defense in Poland obie cancelled. We’re building up our military. We’re making NATO nations step up their defenses and we aren’t putting up with a bunch of crap from anyone. Doesn’t seem like a puppet move.

And why was Maltrenegro let in NATO? I’m not sure why anyone is in it these days. It doesn’t seem to be beneficial to us.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
I think how this can be squared is understand how Trump has praised these 6 strongmen. Trump admires those who have gained absolute power, along with a disdain for democratic governments with checks & balances.

But in Russia's case, its special because of how much interaction he's had with them, and all of those in his campaign. The MAGA hat probably pisses people off due to its association with bigotry, or that it means "Moscow Agent Governing America".
The fact is TDS is not a joke, it is a real mental illness. So hypocrisy and illogical thought processes exist in the minds of TDS victims.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.
Isn’t it more like telling your wife her credit card is cut off and if she wants more money she needs a job? I kinda look at these so called allies as gold diggers.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.
Isn’t it more like telling your wife her credit card is cut off and if she wants more money she needs a job? I kinda look at these so called allies as gold diggers.
lol. our long term allies? why so much confidence in our, new friends.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
I think how this can be squared is understand how Trump has praised these 6 strongmen. Trump admires those who have gained absolute power, along with a disdain for democratic governments with checks & balances.

But in Russia's case, its special because of how much interaction he's had with them, and all of those in his campaign. The MAGA hat probably pisses people off due to its association with bigotry, or that it means "Moscow Agent Governing America".
You’re an idiot.

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