Liberals, can you explain this?

How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.
Isn’t it more like telling your wife her credit card is cut off and if she wants more money she needs a job? I kinda look at these so called allies as gold diggers.
lol. our long term allies? why so much confidence in our, new friends.
What new friends? Our old ones are causing us problems. Maybe we should deal with them first.
you are not making any sense. how does what you claim, reflect the political course, Your guy is taking?
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.

And who did we ditch?
our long term allies.
It's expensive having to bribe someone to be your ally.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.

And who did we ditch?
our long term allies.
It's expensive having to bribe someone to be your ally.
you know you are literally, incredible when you plead so specially, in a vacuum like that.

you know, Your guy is being investigated, for just that, with "our new friends".
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.

And who did we ditch?
our long term allies.
It's expensive having to bribe someone to be your ally.
you know you are literally, incredible when you plead so specially, in a vacuum like that.

you know, Your guy is being investigated, for just that, with "our new friends".
I wish I worked for a government agency and could draw that type of overtime.
Imagine being able to order lunch and dinner on the tax payers dime.
Not to mention being able to send your 10K suits to the cleaners.
It's obvious you have no idea what's going on in the world outside of what's on DailyKOS.
And please let me know why the DNC's Cyber Security is so pathetic.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.

And who did we ditch?
our long term allies.

Again, who? Can you name these allies?
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
Mike, sometimes I have a hard time translating my thoughts into words, but here goes... simultaneously isolationist and also Russian puppet? Because if America does not interfere in Russian aggression, Russia can pull off a land grab equal to the Post-WWII assaults on its neighbors. If NATO breaks up, who holds Russia in check? Surely you are aware of the nervousness of the Baltic States and the concerns in Bosnia. So as Trump continues to be the puppet, as America continues to cave, Russia becomes bolder. Our friends no longer consider us trustworthy, our word is no longer a bond.

Did you see the clip of a Trump interview with Carlson when he said Montenegro is an aggressive country and could start WWIII? Tucker never asked him how a country of some 600K souls and is the size of Connecticut is going to take on a neighbor that has 11 time zones. Nor did he point out that NATO does NOT agree to support aggression, only attacks by others.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents.
You did fine. All good. So our goal is to interfere in Russia’s affairs. Ok then how does that square with being a puppet? We have the missile defense in Poland obie cancelled. We’re building up our military. We’re making NATO nations step up their defenses and we aren’t putting up with a bunch of crap from anyone. Doesn’t seem like a puppet move.

And why was Maltrenegro let in NATO? I’m not sure why anyone is in it these days. It doesn’t seem to be beneficial to us.
I didn't say it well if you think I meant we have a goal to interfere in Russia's affairs. I meant the opposite, to NOT interfere as Russia takes advantage of the weakness of its neighbors. The NATO nations had already agreed to step up their contributions (by 2020 I think), and our President has snubbed and insulted them individually and collectively. As for Montenegro, it's a tiny place so naturally they want a big brother. Actually I referenced the Fox interview that mentioned it because in it, Trump has already stated that they are 'aggressive' and therefore implies that if any military activity takes place against them, it will be their own fault. Reminds me of how Germany had to repel Polish 'aggression' in September 1, 1939 as the Polish army gathered at the border on horseback, with swords, against the greatest and most mechanized army of the day forcing Germany to defended itself against said Polish aggression.
So if we don’t help anyone from Russian aggression what’s the point of NATO?
My point exactly! And if there is no NATO, Russian aggression is a given. So if America breaks with NATO, weakening its ability to act as a curb, Trump is handing Russia a free hand.
The premise of this thread is moronic.

You have to actually believe that Trump cares about American jobs to buy some of this drivel. Did he care when his cheap clothing line was made in China? No.
Likewise with illegal immigration. Did he care when his wife got an "Einstein visa" reserved for exceptionally talented folks? No. Did he care when he hired illegals at his club. No.

He's not an isolationist. He's a showman. He cares about one thing and one thing only; getting notice--good or bad. He prefers the bad because it starts the snowball of his being able to take shots at someone who supposedly treated him unfairly. You say something nice about him and he has nowhere to go. So he acts like an ass.

His administration isn't about jobs or improving America or anything remotely close to it. It's about sticking it to people to appease his base; the same guys who think the WWE is real. Trade? Don't make me laugh. He cares about upsetting our allies because it makes people like the OP drool. America has the largest centralization of wealth in the history of the universe. If we are being taken advantage of, there are over 200 nations on earth that would take our impoverished place any day over their own when it comes to economic advantages.

As for being Putin's puppet, puppet may be too strong a word. He's more or less bought and paid for by the Russians. Clearly his campaign had very deep ties to Russia. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that at this point is simply not paying attention. Clearly, as we saw this past week, he dare not strongly criticize Russia. Seldom does the world witness a US President grovel the way Trump has in going out of his way to be friendly with a nation that is clearly an adversary.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

He’s an isolationist when it comes to economic issues but not when it comes to foreign policy .

End thread .
then why are his economic policies now dealing directly with foreign trade and shaping policy?

/end stupid statements.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?

He’s an isolationist when it comes to economic issues but not when it comes to foreign policy .

End thread .
then why are his economic policies now dealing directly with foreign trade and shaping policy?

/end stupid statements.

Like what polices ? Tariffs ?
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.
I’m thinking you don’t know what a rocket or surgery is. You just posted a hack job.
Nope, in posted the truth. Too bad you aren't smart enough to see it.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.


tell that to these scum...(Comey included)

Really? Were they sucking him off in public like tRump was?
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
Oh I don't think there's anything "unwitting" about it my friend.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet?
I'm not a Liberal, but such behaviour is in Russia's interest. I don't know how you think a hat has anything to do with it, I suppose Trumpsters'll believe anything.
Really? Pro America is in Russia’s best interest? Please explain this phenomenon.

You assume that isolationism is "pro America" ,but it is not. Isolationism weakens this country and strengthens the ones that fill the void left by us.

There is no better way to remove much of our influence in the world that through isolationism.
Ditching our longer term allies, is a form of isolationism.

And who did we ditch?
our long term allies.
It's expensive having to bribe someone to be your ally.
you know you are literally, incredible when you plead so specially, in a vacuum like that.

you know, Your guy is being investigated, for just that, with "our new friends".
I wish I worked for a government agency and could draw that type of overtime.
Imagine being able to order lunch and dinner on the tax payers dime.
Not to mention being able to send your 10K suits to the cleaners.
It's obvious you have no idea what's going on in the world outside of what's on DailyKOS.
And please let me know why the DNC's Cyber Security is so pathetic.
nothing but diversion? what security agreement did Your guy make, "behind our backs"?
How is Trump simultaneously an isolationist nationalist and also a Russian puppet? I can’t really figure this one out. If a MAGA hat pisses you off because it’s isolationist and America isn’t that special how can you square that with he’s really a Putin puppet?
That's easy, he's an isolationist/nationalist because putin told him to be. It's Putin's plan to weaken Western alliances and trade agreements making it more difficult to prevent Russian aggression.

It's not rocket surgery dude.

In order for Putin to expand Russian influence and power, NATO needs to be weakened, the EU needs to be undermined, and the West must be divided by internal conflict.

And Trump has been instrumental in helping Putin achieve this goal by pursuing a nationalist, isolationist agenda:

Trump’s attacks and criticism of NATO have weakened the alliance; Trump’s needless, reckless trade war with the EU has alienated traditional American allies; and Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric hostile to immigration into Europe and in support of divisive issues such as Brexit and the rise of rightwing neo-fascist political movements have facilitated turmoil and conflict among Western European nations – exactly what Putin wants.

As an isolationist America withdraws form the world stage, Putin is waiting in the wings to take America’s place, rendering Trump an unwitting puppet of Russia.
While China builds artificial islands within 200 miles of every nation within reach and claims those nations are now part of China.
But we love China because of slave wages.
?what? China is not claiming other nations. They are stretching their claims in the ocean though. We need to out a stop to that.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS.

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