Liberals, choose Hillary's Opponent!

Who do you most want to see Hillary run against in the General Election

  • Trump

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Bush

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Rubio

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Cristie

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
This poll/question is for Liberals/Democrats. Who do you most want to see Hillary run against in 2016 for whatever reason. Maybe it's Trump because you want to see the GOP beaten to a pulp (figuratively speaking) on Election Night. Maybe it's Bush or Rubio because you want to see smart, reasoned debate on the subject.

And before anyone makes the comment, not all the candidates are listed. I didn't include the ones that don't even have a modicum of a chance.

I prefer Trump myself...but just because I'd like to see Karl Rove's face on E-Nite when Texas goes for Hillary. :lol:
Oh is so cute to watch these far left drones actually believe they get a choice in their nominations..

And since no true liberals exist on this board, it kind of silly to ask such things!
I wouldn't be so keen to run against Trump, if I were the Democrats.

Yes, we all assure ourselves America would never elect a Reality TV Show Clown as president.

Just like we assured ourselves Californians wouldn't elect a bad action star as governor.

Or Minnesotans wouldn't elect a Professional Wrestler as Governor.

The reality is, America has too many dumb people who don't understand the difference between Keynesian and Supply Side, but they love them some celebrities.

Or as they said to Howard Beale "You're on Television, Dummy!"
I wouldn't be so keen to run against Trump, if I were the Democrats.

Yes, we all assure ourselves America would never elect a Reality TV Show Clown as president.

Just like we assured ourselves Californians wouldn't elect a bad action star as governor.

Or Minnesotans wouldn't elect a Professional Wrestler as Governor.

The reality is, America has too many dumb people who don't understand the difference between Keynesian and Supply Side, but they love them some celebrities.

Or as they said to Howard Beale "You're on Television, Dummy!"
Reagan and Ventura weren't campaigning on hatred of entire segments of the U.S. population :thup:
Unlike Liberals I choose to honor the Op and not vote..............

Would the Liberals do the same on threads from the other side...........Not so much.
The polls are showing that the people are much wiser to the bullshit D.C. has been feeding us for decades.
Trump is calling these people on their shit, and stirring the pot
I hope to see him win the nomination, and debate Hillary.
Hillary has much more experience, but Trump is hitting on what people are really angry about.
I wouldn't be so keen to run against Trump, if I were the Democrats.

Yes, we all assure ourselves America would never elect a Reality TV Show Clown as president.

Just like we assured ourselves Californians wouldn't elect a bad action star as governor.

Or Minnesotans wouldn't elect a Professional Wrestler as Governor.

The reality is, America has too many dumb people who don't understand the difference between Keynesian and Supply Side, but they love them some celebrities.

Or as they said to Howard Beale "You're on Television, Dummy!"

If Ronald Reagan was elected twice and President Obama was elected twice and George W. Bush then you are correct the American Public can be very dumb when it come to voting...
This poll/question is for Liberals/Democrats. Who do you most want to see Hillary run against in 2016 for whatever reason. Maybe it's Trump because you want to see the GOP beaten to a pulp (figuratively speaking) on Election Night. Maybe it's Bush or Rubio because you want to see smart, reasoned debate on the subject.

And before anyone makes the comment, not all the candidates are listed. I didn't include the ones that don't even have a modicum of a chance.

I prefer Trump myself...but just because I'd like to see Karl Rove's face on E-Nite when Texas goes for Hillary. :lol:

Of course you listed candidates without a modicum of a chance. You listed five of them. Six if you count Other.
Oh is so cute to watch these far left drones actually believe they get a choice in their nominations..

Where in my OP is that point made? Oh, it wasn't. Were the voices droning in your head again? There is medication for that, you know.

Oh, and I can have a choice in "your" nominations...I live in CA...I can totally vote for Trump in the primary and plan on it if he's not already the nominee by then. :lol:
Oh is so cute to watch these far left drones actually believe they get a choice in their nominations..

Where in my OP is that point made? Oh, it wasn't. Were the voices droning in your head again? There is medication for that, you know.

Oh, and I can have a choice in "your" nominations...I live in CA...I can totally vote for Trump in the primary and plan on it if he's not already the nominee by then. :lol:

Just pointing out (with sarcasm) that you far left drones do not get a choice for your nominations..

Which is a fact and it is undisputed..
Unlike Liberals I choose to honor the Op and not vote..............

Would the Liberals do the same on threads from the other side...........Not so much.
Thanks you can get back to your porn now

Why did you rate my post funny? Aren't you sick of the platforms each party has crammed up our +)(*&* ...same old shit.

Do we just vote for the party, and not the person? I seriously have concerns about Hillary, but I liked Bill.
60% of the country disapproves of him

Only Rubio or Bush are capable of winning swing states
I wouldn't be so keen to run against Trump, if I were the Democrats.

Yes, we all assure ourselves America would never elect a Reality TV Show Clown as president.

Just like we assured ourselves Californians wouldn't elect a bad action star as governor.

Or Minnesotans wouldn't elect a Professional Wrestler as Governor.

The reality is, America has too many dumb people who don't understand the difference between Keynesian and Supply Side, but they love them some celebrities.

Or as they said to Howard Beale "You're on Television, Dummy!"
Well Joey, electing establishment pols hasn't resulted in anything commendable. Why not try something different rather than continue the insanity.
Unlike Liberals I choose to honor the Op and not vote..............

Would the Liberals do the same on threads from the other side...........Not so much.
Thanks you can get back to your porn now

Why did you rate my post funny? Aren't you sick of the platforms each party has crammed up our +)(*&* ...same old shit.

Do we just vote for the party, and not the person? I seriously have concerns about Hillary, but I liked Bill.
I have serious concerns about the GOP's candidates. I like Kasich, and I might be able to stomach Rubio, but the rest are either insane, religious zealots, xenophobes or all of the above.

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