Liberals Cry About Mass Incarceration; the Problem is Crime

Does this mean that violent crime is on the decline ?? Hey gotta keep the paychecks rolling in for the overblown justice system, so pot is on the plate or menu of the year now.. OK, so that's better than violent crime leading the stats. Pssst, a little secret, don't do drugs or drink and drive, and trouble will pass right on by every time.

Driving drunk is a crime, using drugs isn't. Adult Citizens should have the right to decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue. Smoke all the weed you want, snort all the coke you want, drink all the alcohol you want. Just don't hurt others.

Toddler ingests methamphetamine, parents charged in Jones County

$90 million worth of liquid meth found in fuel tank of semi-truck

Elkton man gets second heroin arrest this year

Can't play in the abstract.

The parents should have been arrested. They committed a crime. They were responsible. If you harm others, you should be held accountable. But the act of engaging in drug use, isn't a criminal act. It's an adult decision. It isn't a Government issue.

Check out this video. The Police State is here, and it's rapidly expanding. Sending a police officer to a home of a 5yr old little girl for possessing overdue library books? Crazy.

I'm good. Thanks. How many 5 year olds get nailed for possessing overdue library books?

Keep playing that police's cute.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?
Taxes; the right wing likes to whine about taxes; but, Government Costs.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples of right wing, fiscal irresponsibility, if y'all are going to Whine about Taxes.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?
Taxes; the right wing likes to whine about taxes; but, Government Costs.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples of right wing, fiscal irresponsibility, if y'all are going to Whine about Taxes.

Naw. It's some wingnut shit that has to stay in the abstract and relies on little stories that are out of the norm.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?
Taxes; the right wing likes to whine about taxes; but, Government Costs.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples of right wing, fiscal irresponsibility, if y'all are going to Whine about Taxes.

Naw. It's some wingnut shit that has to stay in the abstract and relies on little stories that are out of the norm.
Stop Whining about Taxes for Government, right wingers. Y'all Love Taxes, now.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?
Taxes; the right wing likes to whine about taxes; but, Government Costs.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples of right wing, fiscal irresponsibility, if y'all are going to Whine about Taxes.

Naw. It's some wingnut shit that has to stay in the abstract and relies on little stories that are out of the norm.
Stop Whining about Taxes for Government, right wingers. Y'all Love Taxes, now.

I'm a liberal, fucknut. And we are done here.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?
Taxes; the right wing likes to whine about taxes; but, Government Costs.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples of right wing, fiscal irresponsibility, if y'all are going to Whine about Taxes.

Naw. It's some wingnut shit that has to stay in the abstract and relies on little stories that are out of the norm.
Stop Whining about Taxes for Government, right wingers. Y'all Love Taxes, now.

I'm a liberal, fucknut. And we are done here.
We have a Second Amendment and should have, No Security problems in our free States.
Please provide evidence of the above.

According to the Bureau of Prisons, there are 207,847 people incarcerated in federal prisons. Roughly half (48.6 percent) are in for drug offenses. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are 1,358,875 people in state prisons. Of them, 16 percent have a drug crime as their most serious offense.
Releasing Drug Offenders Won’t End Mass Incarceration

You don't go to prison for smoking a blunt.

He didn't claim they did. He said "some sort of marijuana offense". Likely sale or possession with the intent to sell.

And I'm going to need to see evidence of that.

Then stop being lazy and go look for it. Your Google works just as well as mine does, probably better since I'm on a satellite.

Are you trying to deny that the U.S. over incarcerates?

No, based on my own experience in prison, it under-executes. If you love these "poor drug addicts" so much, invite them to your house to live there.
According to the Bureau of Prisons, there are 207,847 people incarcerated in federal prisons. Roughly half (48.6 percent) are in for drug offenses. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are 1,358,875 people in state prisons. Of them, 16 percent have a drug crime as their most serious offense.
Releasing Drug Offenders Won’t End Mass Incarceration

You don't go to prison for smoking a blunt.

He didn't claim they did. He said "some sort of marijuana offense". Likely sale or possession with the intent to sell.

And I'm going to need to see evidence of that.

Then stop being lazy and go look for it. Your Google works just as well as mine does, probably better since I'm on a satellite.

Are you trying to deny that the U.S. over incarcerates?

No, based on my own experience in prison, it under-executes. If you love these "poor drug addicts" so much, invite them to your house to live there.
The problem with Capitalism is that the poor can't always afford equal protection of the law.
There is always mass incarceration in Police States. Most Americans just don't realize they're now living in one. No other nation on earth imprisons more of its Citizens than the US does.

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