Liberals , do you want the US to ban guns..

So a man buying guns is compensating and/or buying "manhood". But a woman buying a gun is fear manifesting itself? lol

Good to know.

insecure (ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə)

— adj
1. anxious or afraid; not confident or certain
2. not adequately protected

Genius, I wouldn't bring a knife or gun to a fist fight. I love the sound of breaking bones. That's the way the world should operate. We'd have fewer people running off at the mouth because simply shooting someone would be considered unfair. Shooting people is something you generally can't take back if you end up on the wrong side of history.

If you "love the sound of breaking bones", jumping off a cliff, as someone records the event, would give you pleasure, should you survive.
Actually, I would be happy if we could just keep guns out of the hands of crazies
"A well regulated Militia"

Of course this baby is great for knocking gnats off a donkeys ass at 200 yards :lol:


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No one has ever proposed banning all guns.

"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal." - Janet Reno, Atty General for Bill Clinton, Dec. 1993

"If I could've gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America turn 'em all in -- I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here." - then-Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), 1995

That takes care of that lie.

A coward like George Zimmerman would have stayed in his car like the police advised him if he wasn't packing his manhood. It emboldened him to chase Trayvon Martin.

And had a fist fight broken out, maybe some bones would have been broken and some bruises would have been issued, but no one would have died.

I'm sort of divided about what happened between Zimmerman and Martin. On one hand, I would not want to be stalked by someone with a gun if I was out in public but on the other hand, I don't like the idea that organized crime can basically buy off police in a given area and give free reign to criminals, which may also have been the case with Trayvon Martin; we'll never be able to know because he was killed instead of apprehended and questioned/tried before judgement.

The important thing about the right to BEAR arms is the 'bearing' part. If crime-organizers can rest assured that a burglary, robbery, drug deal, etc. can be planned without losing their minions, they may plan such crimes more liberally leading to an increase in crime.

People against the right to have guns, death penalty, etc. seem to assume that all crime is perpetrated individually. Even though I'm against the use of violence in principle, I realize that crime bosses use violence to push their minions into committing crimes so it is unlikely that reasoning with the people committing the crimes is going to dissuade them when they have someone else pushing them with threat of violence or other material penalties (loss of drug or sex privileges) to ignore reason and perpetrate crimes anyway.

It is unfortunate that the threat of violence is the only effective deterrent to crime in some cases but until we have succeeded in achieving a totally democratic republic where people voluntarily self-govern and accede to reason, what other option is there?
No one has ever proposed banning all guns.

"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal." - Janet Reno, Atty General for Bill Clinton, Dec. 1993

"If I could've gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America turn 'em all in -- I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here." - then-Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), 1995

That takes care of that lie.


I was waiting for a fear filled sniveling pea brain to serve up phony quotes, false conclusions of statements and the right's fear filled 'slippery slope'

Reno never said that, and Feinstein was ONLY talking about assault weapons.

Did Janet Reno Really Call For 'The Prohibition of Firearms' In 1993? | The Daily Banter

GunCite - Gun Control: Bogus gun control quotes

Dianne Feinstein

Discussing why the 1994 act only prohibited the manufacture or import of "assault weapons", instead of the possession and sale of them, Feinstein said on CBS-TV's 60 Minutes, February 5, 1995, "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here."

What Assault Weapons Ban? - 60 Minutes Videos - CBS News
Typical liberal will still allow you to have a musket. As a former reenactor, and purveyor of valuable civil war treasures, I have to say the last thing a liberal wants is 57 cal 3 ring mini ball in the leg. Better ban them all.

ooooh that might leave a mark..., after the stinging goes away there could also be a little limp in their gait. :lmao: ...... :lmao:
A coward like George Zimmerman would have stayed in his car like the police advised him if he wasn't packing his manhood. It emboldened him to chase Trayvon Martin.

And had a fist fight broken out, maybe some bones would have been broken and some bruises would have been issued, but no one would have died.

I'm sort of divided about what happened between Zimmerman and Martin. On one hand, I would not want to be stalked by someone with a gun if I was out in public blut on the other hand, I don't like the idea that organized crime can basically buy off police in a given area and give free reign to criminals, which may also have been the case with Trayvon Martin; we'll never be able to know because he was killed instead of apprehended and questioned/tried before judgement.

The important thing about the right to BEAR arms is the 'bearing' part. If crime-organizers can rest assured that a burglary, robbery, drug deal, etc. can be planned without losing their minions, they may plan such crimes more liberally leading to an increase in crime.

People against the right to have guns, death penalty, etc. seem to assume that all crime is perpetrated individually. Even though I'm against the use of violence in principle, I realize that crime bosses use violence to push their minions into committing crimes so it is unlikely that reasoning with the people committing the crimes is going to dissuade them when they have someone else pushing them with threat of violence or other material penalties (loss of drug or sex privileges) to ignore reason and perpetrate crimes anyway.

It is unfortunate that the threat of violence is the only effective deterrent to crime in some cases but until we have succeeded in achieving a totally democratic republic where people voluntarily self-govern and accede to reason, what other option is there?

What? May have been what?
What? May have been what?
Idk, I didn't follow the case in the media that closely. I assume that it is at least a possibility that someone like George Zimmerman could decide to take on the responsibility of policing the area for drug trafficking because local police aren't doing enough. Presumably in some localities, police are friends with drug distributors or otherwise avoid adequately intervening in illegal drug distribution.

In that case, someone like Zimmerman could be out policing the area for drugs or other crime and not necessarily doing it for the sake of terrorizing black youth simply for walking around at night. Because Trayvon Martin can't be tried because he is dead, we have to assume he was an innocent kid just walking around at night but from Zimmerman's perspective he could have seemed suspicious of some crime and not just being the 'wrong' age/color/gender/style, as many people would assume.

Some people would say that no one has the right to police an area if they aren't employed by an official police force but theoretically the right to bear arms supports the right of people to perform certain policing activities - but if that's the case, I think they should also take responsibility for respecting suspects' freedoms and constitutional rights. There's a fine line between reasonable cause for suspicion and interfering with someone's freedom because of how they look or dress.

In any case, I think the right to bear arms legitimately serves as a deterrent for people considering entering a private building unauthorized but when it becomes a deterrent to people freely traversing public (and unmarked private) outdoor areas, it is interfering with another fundamental freedom.

It's one thing to take a walk at night with the assumption you could be apprehended, questioned, etc. and something else to take a walk at night with the assumption someone could try to bully/intimidate you and then shoot you for standing up to their bullying.
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My comments in bold.

Big deal. They are not Presidents, Senators or Congressmen.

Summary: President Obama's Gun-Control Proposals

  • Requires background checks for all gun sales and strengthens the background check system. This would include removing barriers under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act so that states may more freely share information about mental health issues involving potential gun purchasers.

don't really have an issue with this. Don't want those mentally ill to have access to weapons anyway. However, due process must be followed. You don't lose Constitutional rights just willy nilly. It has to be transparent & through a court of law.

  • Provides states with monetary incentives—$20 million in fiscal year FY 2013 and a proposed $50 million in FY 2014—to share information so that records on criminal history and people prohibited from gun ownership due to mental health reasons are more available.


  • Bans military-style assault weapons and limits magazines to a capacity of 10 rounds.

No. There is no evidence that this is effective. The look of a weapon has no bearing. A .22 can kill just as well as an AR-15. This is a fool's errand & feel good measure with no effect.

  • Provides additional tools to law enforcement. The plan proposes a crackdown on gun trafficking by asking Congress to pass legislation that closes “loopholes” in gun trafficking laws and establishes strict penalties for “straw purchasers” who pass a background check and then pass guns on to prohibited people.

No issue here. People who do this should be held accountable.

  • Urges Congress to pass the administration’s $4 billion proposal to keep 15,000 state and local police officers on the street to help deter gun crime.

more cops is fine by me.

  • Maximizes efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime. The president calls upon the attorney general to work with U.S. attorneys across the country to determine gaps occurring in this area and where supplemental resources are appropriate.

if we are talking about actually enforcing the numerous & onerous gun laws on the books, then fine. But this needs to be fleshed out more to actually mean something.

  • Provides training for “active shooter” situations to 14,000 law enforcement, first responders and school officials.

training is fine. Make sure it includes weapons training.

  • Directs the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a statement to health care providers that they are not prohibited by federal law from reporting threats of violence to the proper authorities.

  • Launches a national gun safety campaign to encourage responsible gun ownership and authorizes the Consumer Product Safety Commission to examine issues relating to gun safety locks.

The NRA has a great program in place to do this & more importantly, is part of the organization's mission. In other words, this is one of the original missions of the NRA. Teach better marksmanship & gun safety. They should be the logical choice to lead. And for the gun grabbers, I recommend you check out their programs before knee-jerking as expected. Gun safety & appreciation should be taught in grade schools as part of the 2nd Amendment freedoms we enjoy. Not sure what issues are out there relating to gun safety locks.

  • Helps schools invest in safety. The president’s plan calls for more school resource officers and counselors in all schools through the Community Oriented Policing Services hiring program. The plan also calls for the federal government to assist schools in developing emergency management plans.

And training for teachers to include firearms training. This training could be done by local law enforcement, local NRA chapters, or even local Guard/Reserve units. We have fire extinguishers in every building for a fire. Having an emergency gun stash to deal with school shootings might be enough to deter these whackos from ever attempting it again.
  • Improves mental health awareness through enhanced teacher training and referrals for treatment. The plan calls for the training of 5,000 additional mental health professionals nationwide. The plan also calls for coverage of mental health treatment under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.

Summary: President Obama Gun Proposals

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