Liberals = Eisenhower-era Republicans?

Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?
Post it but very likely much of it is fine. He wasn't an Any Rand kid or a reactionary asshole like the Repubs of today.
The far left does not know what a true "liberal" is. It is just a key word that they hijacked and use to try and cover their true nature.
I could see a lot of common ground, yes. If I were old enough to vote in '52 and '56 I might consider it a toss-up. Eisenhower's worst flaw was giving any credence at all to the Dulles brothers.
And two posts from a far left drone that proves my comments!
Just on fiscal issues like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education. And guess what, we had the largest middle class in our history during this period. The rich paid their fair share of taxes and nothing bad HAPPENED!

The right in this country with their slash, cut and burn is just idiotic.
Maddow might want to read the 1952 and 1956 GOP platforms.

These were the Red Scare years, after all.
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Is this true?
Are today's liberals in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform?
Post it but very likely much of it is fine. He wasn't an Any Rand kid or a reactionary asshole like the Repubs of today.

- opened relations with fascist Spain under Franco
- created SEATO to contain the spread of Communism in Asia
- expanded the role of the CIA to directly interfere with foreign Communist governments thru covert action
- thru covert action by the CIA, overthrew the elected governments of Iran, Guatemala and Republic of The Congo
- increased US presence in SE Asia, supported the partition of Vietnam, and sent soldiers to support the RVN government
- expanded the US nuclear arsenal and expanded the role of nuclear weapons in defense - "nuclear weapons above all other means"
- adopted a "free enterprise economy should run itself" economic policy
- "Operation Wetback" - wholesale deportation illegal aliens from Latin America
- refused to take a public stand against Joe McCarthy
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Just for a start, you won't find many GOPers big on this:

"Civil Rights

We condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the Republic.

We deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the Party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office as a Majority Party for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises.

The Republican Party will not mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse minority groups for political purposes. All American citizens are entitled to full, impartial enforcement of Federal laws relating to their civil rights.

We believe that it is the primary responsibility of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions, and this power, reserved to the states, is essential to the maintenance of our Federal Republic. However, we believe that the Federal Government should take supplemental action within its constitutional jurisdiction to oppose discrimination against race, religion or national origin.

We will prove our good faith by:

Appointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government.

Federal action toward the elimination of lynching.

Federal action toward the elimination of poll taxes as a prerequisite to voting.

Appropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia.

Enacting Federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureaucracy.

We pledge not to infringe by censorship or gag-order the right of a free people to know what their Government is doing.

Equal Rights
We recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional Amendment providing equal rights for men and women.

We favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work regardless of sex."
Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

1952 GOP Platform:

We assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.

Gee, sounds just like the GOP of today.
Under Eisenhower, we had major investment in infrastructure and the middle class flourished.
Today's Right doesn't support either.
Our goal is a balanced budget, a reduced national debt, an economical administration and a cut in taxes.

It's nice to know Maddow supports tax cuts!
Yeah, ain't gonna happen today, not by the GOPers:

"To the Working Man:

The right to quit his job at any time.

The right to take part in legal union activities.

The right to remain in his union so long as he pays his dues.

The right to protection against unfair practices by either employer or union officials.

The right to political activity of his own choice and freedom to contribute thereto.

The right to a job without first joining a union.

The right to a secret ballot in any election concerned with his livelihood.

The right to protection from personal financial responsibility in damage cases against his union.

To the Labor Unions:
The right to establish "union shop" contracts by agreement with management.

The right to strike.

The right to free collective bargaining.

The right to protection from rival unions during the life of union contracts.

The right to assurance from employers that they will bargain only with certified unions as a protection against unfair labor practices.

We urge the adoption of such amendments to the Taft-Hartley Act as time and experience show to be desirable, and which further protect the rights of labor, management and the public.

We condemn the President's seizure of plants and industries to force the settlement of labor disputes by claims of inherent Constitutional powers."
An immediate study directed toward reallocation of fields of taxation between the Federal, State, and municipal governments so as to allow greater fiscal freedom to the States and municipalities, thus minimizing double taxation and enabling the various divisions of government to meet their obligations more efficiently.

It's nice to know Maddow supports returning power to the states!
Under Eisenhower, we had major investment in infrastructure and the middle class flourished.
Today's Right doesn't support either.

Far left propaganda not based on fact.

Then again another one that believes infrastructure is a federal responsibility..

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